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The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

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#52621 Derock


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 12:18 AM

Hello everyone! 


Wow, it's been a long time since I was here, although I read the forums from time to time. I'm basically new haha. So I'm sorry to intrude on this close knit, intricate circle. I hope you'll accept me!


For me, the anatomy of NaruHina or NaruSaku is quite close and the fans of both are rather similar. Let's take a look at this, and how their lives and the lives of the characters in Naruto showcase reflect upon their choices of OTP and other miscellania. 


Naruto is the main character, and as such, readers and viewers will see things from his point of view almost all the time. His experiences as a relatively lonely child, one viewed upon with disgust and disinterest, matches many of those who read the manga growing up. I personally remember picking up the first volume a few weeks after it was first being sold in my country back in the early 2000's, whilst I was hiding from some unruly classmates, to give a personal example. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was the case for the majority of us. Thus, we associate well with Naruto who also had to face similar issues of social acceptance, avoiding derision and dissatisfaction with our status quo. We too desired to be the Hokages of our own reality, and finally earn a modicum of respect after years of nonchalance. 


Along with that came the desire to be liked. And here, we see the primary buliding block of the NaruHina fan. Hinata already had a crush on Naruto. As unsatisfied individuals, NaruHina fans viewed this as a magical concept, and were immediately attracted to it, perhaps viewing it as something they desire, something we all desired, to have some love us or cherish us. 


Along with that came the desire to be loved with the person that we loved in return. To have our love acquiesced is one of the warmest things a human being can experience, and this is what the NaruSaku fan is built on. THIS IS NOT THE MAIN REASON I SUPPORT NARUSAKU, no not at all indeed, there are plenty of reasons to do so, mostly the fact that it has the greatest amout of actual development in the series, and the fact that it makes sense for Naruto, an individual who does not give up to be paired with the person who he did not give up on. But it is the foundational block for the NaruSaku fan. We all have intense desires to be with the one we love and to have the love returned is, I think, the greatest treasure someone can possess.


Anyway, that's just my two cents on that issue.


One thing I utterly despise is how people hate or bash or understate Sakura and her contribution or overstate Hinata's contribution in order to downplay Sakura.  


NaruHina fans will consistently state how powerful Hinata is/was, without ever giving any evidence showing that fact other than a few fights, in which she doesn't seem to perform that well. At the same time, they castigate Sakura, for the simple reason that she isn't shown to be as powerful or as meaningful in some cases as Naruto or Sasuke. But what they fail to mention, is that Sakura came from a civilian family, and had to train basically on her own or with academy instructors, whilst Hinata was given first hand Shinboi training at the hands of one of the heads of the most famous clans not just in Konoha, but in the world as well. And to top it off, she possess a Dojutsu, a visual kekkai Genkai in the byakugan, granting her 359 degrees of vision and the ability to see through solid objects, something the hidden cloud were willing to go to war over.


Sakura, did not possess those advantages, yet in her own right became one of the most powerful Kunoichi ever, and one of, if not the greatest medical ninja ever, and was undoubtedly one of the most influential shinobi of her time.


Yes, she was trained by Tsunade. But that only came towards the end of part 1, whilst Hinata had been trained privately her whole life. 


Let's view the battle with Pein. Whilst Hinata diving in to "save" Naruto was admirable, in the Manga it played the role of motivating Naruto to re-engage with Nagato, thus Hinata took on the role Naruto usually played, which was to re-ignite the fires in Shinobi in which the desire to keep going had perished. And in the Manga, it was short. The anime stretched it to a full quarter of an episode, and exaggerated her impact greatly. NaruHina fans look upon this with great fondness, because it was Hinata's confession of course, but at the same time, they look at sakura with disgust, because she did not do this, preferring to sit back and let Naruto fight.


But Sakura was not in the position to do so, because she was busy rescuing and reviving the villagers and the Shinobi who had been injured in Pein's annihilation of the Hidden Leaf. 


It disgusts me when NaruHina fans, or indeed anyone, says Sakura was useless here. As if being essentially single handedly responsible for saving the lives of countless Shonbi/Civlians isn't admirable, or isn't exactly what Naruto wanted her to do. 


I'd also like to add that when it comes to risking your life to save someone, Naruto did that with Sakura plenty of times, like when he battled an insane Gaara to save both her and Sasuke. And when he ran after her and took a giant shuriken for her when she went after Sasuke on her own. Or how about when he saved her from Sasuke's Raikiri by lifting her up princess style or how about etc....


NaruHina fans view the Chuunin exam fight between Hinata and Neji as an important event in their lexicon, because Naruto stood up for Hinata and because the fight exhibited the incredible powers of the Byakugan. Whilst viewing the Sakura fight with Ino with contempt and disgust, because it was a draw and didn't appear to showcase much Shinobi skill.


But again, both Hinata and Neji possessed the Byakugan, an exclusive Hyuuga-only technique which granted them extraordinary abilities. Sakura and Ino...did not possess this. 


Whilst Sakura and Ino's fight was not as intricate as Hinata and Neji's, it was a perfect example of character development. Sakura decided that her decision to enagage in the life of a shinobi was more than just to get closer with Sasuke, she decided to engage with Ino, a foe who possessed the ability to enter her mind and force her to submit. She decided to gain strength and to move forward and to make herself worthy of wearing the headband of a ninja of the hidden leaf. That's why she put it on with much pride during the fight and in other subsquent fights she was in.


We see this same attitude earlier on, when confronted with Zaku and the Sound ninja, and that even if the rumours of Sasuke liking girls with long hair were true, it didn't matter, because she would need to cut her hair to win that fight in order to, oh you know, single handedly defend Sasuke and Rock Lee from three separate shinobi of unknown skill. Not bad for a "useless" person right?


She manages to scrape a draw, when pretty much all the odds were against her. Meanwhile, Hinata's highlights include.....getting curbstomped by Neji.


Remember at this point, Sakura does not possess any abilities that make her stand out from her classmates and compatriots, who possess kekkai genkais like Sasuke, Neji and Hinata, tailed beats like Naruto, and their own Clan techniques like Kiba with his animal techniques and Akamaru partnerships, Shino with his insect controls, Ino with her mindstalking, Shikamaru with his shadow walking, Chouji with his expansion jutsus, Lee with his gates and taijutsu, and Tenten and her weapons.


And as for Naruto promising to avenge Hinata's defeat, that was moreso because Neji beat her up way more than he needed to, humiliating her and seriously hurting her in the process whilst insulting her throughout the whole fight.


And Naruto was cheering for Sakura wholeheartedly during her entire fight. Something NaruHina fans forget to mention.


Oh, yeah, one thing that made me despise Kishimoto was that he admitted having Neji killed off so that Naruto and hinata would get closer. Forgetting how ridiculous that idea is, the fact that he had to have someone killed in order to make NaruHina happen, hilarious as it is, is disturbing. Imagine being in a relationship because your cousin died to save your life, it doesn't even make sense. And to top it off, that wasn't apparently enough, because they had to retcon an entire movie in order to make it remotely plausible. So Neji's death was essentially for naught. 


Excellent post and welcome to the boards!  :D


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#52622 Narut0Uzumak1


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 10:16 PM

Well said. :D


Thank you!



Excellent post and welcome to the boards!  :D


Haha, thank you! I'm glad to be here!

#52623 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 06 December 2020 - 01:40 AM

Thank you!

Haha, thank you! I'm glad to be here!

Trust me when I say we are a chill group here.

#52624 Luna



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Posted 08 December 2020 - 12:01 PM

I have been reading a lot of comments on reddit and youtube, seeing a lot of hate for Sakura. It doesn't really bother me but I have seen people hate her for four main reasons most of the time. (They hate her for other petty things but this are what I saw the most.)


1. She is not strong compared to Sasuke and Naruto.

2. She didn't accept Naruto feelings. (I even say someone said on twitter that the "promise" kittened up Naruto mentally. LOL)

3. She insulted Naruto about his parents as kids.

4. Punching Naruto


Going to address this shortly:


1. This just unrealistic and they prop her up to impossible standards and then want to hate on her, and for what? A civilian girl was placed in a team with monsters and regulated to support thanks to the author. That is NO reason to hate her.


2. The promise that was made wasn't one-sided, and Naruto said it wasn't about the promise anymore. What I didn't like was how Sai and Shikamaru blamed Sakura for what happened. I have seen a lot of people saying the same thing. While Ino was getting comforted by all of the other rookes, Sai and Shikmaru was blaming her for something that wasn't really her fault while her own sensei was in coma and nobody comforted her. This is what lead to her false confession and trying to kills Sasuke. Her actions are a result of Sai and Shikamaru.

That is why they both and Kishimoto can choke. I


3.Sakura was a naïve and ignorant kid and people hold that against her for the entire serious. What she said was harsh but what Naruto did was even worse. Transforming into another person in order to trick a girl into kissing you is sexual harassments. Plain and Simple. I don't see anyone blaming Naruto for that at all. This is why I consider a lot of Naruto fans to be dumb as rocks since they cant use critical thinking skills.



Despite all of this though, I can see Sakura gaining in popularity in recent years so that is good I guess.


#52625 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 12:35 PM

I already consider her to be on their level to be honest. Kishi didn't really show too much of her, but I consider her to be up there most definitely. Nobody should be getting upset with her about that, it isn't her fault that Kishi didn't show her full capabilities. Because he's too much of a pussy to write what he wants to write, rather than listen to what fans say.

I mean, 693 did prove it to be otherwise. 693 proved that Naruto was talking out of his ass. Yeah, he wanted to bring Sasuke back because he considered them to be brothers( :sick: :sick: :sick: ) but 693 proved that it was mostly about him keeping his promise to her. Since that was his last words to Kakashi before leaving to go and fight Sasuke. And I personally wouldn't consider it to be them blaming her rather than them making her aware of the pain Naruto was going through. Which made her realize how far Naruto would actually go for her and the depth of his feelings for her. That's why she startedd to remember how he smiled at her so painfully and she realized why he made the promise in the first place. I would personally say that it started to jar some of those feelings that was building towards Naruto out of her. Which we all know was supposed to be more driving force to build NS up. Then it caused her to confess to him(which I think was real, but she still didn't understand her feelings yet.) to relieve Naruto of his promise, but Naruto knew that she wasn't truly ready to give up on bringing Sasuke back yet. The fact that she was willing to do that should be evidence enough about where her heart was going. She wasn't aware of the pain Naruto was going through when he made that promise as a result of him loving her. She wasn't aware that of his love for her, while Sai was. And when Sai saw what he went through to keep that promise, including getting his ass whooped without fighting back, then he decided to help Naruto out. To blame her isn't right, because Naruto WANTED to do it, because he wanted to see her happy, that's why he didn't say a word and he kept his pain and feelings inside. That's my opinion on that. How I look at it, the intent of the entire thing was to make her aware of how much Naruto loves her, so she could then realize it and begin to come to terms with her own feelings for Naruto, which she was.

I'm a Naruto(the character) fan, lol. And as for the other one. He didn't technically do it with the intention of stealing a kiss. He went with the intention of seeing how she felt about him. So, he could build on that and work on it to get her to look his way. Her wanting to kiss him was a result of Naruto making her heart melt by complimenting her and then actually staying to listen to her talk, something Sasuke would never do. I personally think that if he does want to confess, he has to do it in his own body. But, I can understand why he did it. Him doing that allowed him to finally realize the meaning of his feelings to her, and it allowed them to build to a such a deep level to point of being selfless. Plus, she wouldn't give him the time of day at that time if he was himself. But, I personally don't think he should accept the kiss as Sasuke when she was moving in to kiss him, because he would have accepted it if he didn't have to go to the restroom. He needs to get her to kiss him when he's himself. Which Naruto was finally going to get in the end from her anyways. :D

Edited by Illnevergiveup3, 08 December 2020 - 02:13 PM.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

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#52626 Derock


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 03:44 PM


3.Sakura was a naïve and ignorant kid and people hold that against her for the entire serious. What she said was harsh but what Naruto did was even worse. Transforming into another person in order to trick a girl into kissing you is sexual harassments. Plain and Simple. I don't see anyone blaming Naruto for that at all. This is why I consider a lot of Naruto fans to be dumb as rocks since they cant use critical thinking skills.


That's not how it goes. Naruto's intention to disguise as Sasuke was to have Sakura see the bad qualities/personality of him (Sasuke). The bench scene happened because Sakura was still in "lovey-dovey" mode with Sasuke without realizing he wasn't interested in her, not to mention Naruto asked her what she knew about him (Naruto).  Naruto's initial intention was NOT to do anything sexual. He had to act like Sasuke before he blew his cover (well, blame it on the stomach ache of drinking expired milk). 


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#52627 Phantom_999


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 12:17 AM

I have been reading a lot of comments on reddit and youtube, seeing a lot of hate for Sakura. It doesn't really bother me but I have seen people hate her for four main reasons most of the time. (They hate her for other petty things but this are what I saw the most.)
1. She is not strong compared to Sasuke and Naruto.
2. She didn't accept Naruto feelings. (I even say someone said on twitter that the "promise" kittened up Naruto mentally. LOL)
3. She insulted Naruto about his parents as kids.
4. Punching Naruto
Going to address this shortly:
1. This just unrealistic and they prop her up to impossible standards and then want to hate on her, and for what? A civilian girl was placed in a team with monsters and regulated to support thanks to the author. That is NO reason to hate her.
2. The promise that was made wasn't one-sided, and Naruto said it wasn't about the promise anymore. What I didn't like was how Sai and Shikamaru blamed Sakura for what happened. I have seen a lot of people saying the same thing. While Ino was getting comforted by all of the other rookes, Sai and Shikmaru was blaming her for something that wasn't really her fault while her own sensei was in coma and nobody comforted her. This is what lead to her false confession and trying to kills Sasuke. Her actions are a result of Sai and Shikamaru.
That is why they both and Kishimoto can choke. I
3.Sakura was a naïve and ignorant kid and people hold that against her for the entire serious. What she said was harsh but what Naruto did was even worse. Transforming into another person in order to trick a girl into kissing you is sexual harassments. Plain and Simple. I don't see anyone blaming Naruto for that at all. This is why I consider a lot of Naruto fans to be dumb as rocks since they cant use critical thinking skills.
Despite all of this though, I can see Sakura gaining in popularity in recent years so that is good I guess.

Once again I must laugh at this hypocrisy and double standards here. Okay, enough chatter. Let's get to punching holes in these loony arguments. AGAIN
1. Sakura is not strong compared to Naruto and Sasuke- SO? neither was the rest of their group and that was the point. Naruto was the main character and Sasuke was the rival to Naruto,so naturally shonen writing dictates they're the strongest of their group, and by the end they are the strongest ninjas on the "good side". So are you gonna complain how Shikamaru, Neji etc. etc. are not strong compared to Naruto and Sasuke too? Another point is that Sakura started with nothing and worked her way to where she was now. She had no special ninja abilities to speak of or clan techniques to call her own. And ultimately, she has the same powerset as Tsunade who mentored her so go ahead and tell me Tsunade is "weak" too then. WELL? ARE YOU GONNA? :wot: 
2. She didn't accept Naruto's feelings- Except when she confessed to Naruto you all called her a liar. So which is it? You either hate Sakura for never accepting Naruto's feelings, or you hate Sakura for lying about her feelings for Naruto, because you can't have it both ways. Why? you are all the ones dismissing that Sakura EVER felt anything for Naruto in the first place. She offers to feed him ramen when he couldn't use his right hand for chopsticks? Platonic concern. She hugs him in front of all of the village? Platonic concern. Don't tell me that Sakura has never accepted Naruto's feelings EVER then outright reject any gesture she does with romantic undertones to them as she is only being a "nice sister figure". It is a complete fallacy, because you are not accepting your truths that you are spewing out one way or the other. You say Sakura never accepted Naruto's feelings and therefore she is a terrible person, but you DON'T WANT TO SEE HER accepting Naruto's feelings either because Naruto must reserve his *D* for HINATA ONLY!!!!! :zaru: Also, Naruto had no obligation to make that promise in the first place, so don't go acting like Sakura forced that on him.
3. She insulted Naruto about his parents as kids- Unless it was a filler episode that I have never watched during the 4th world war arc or after, I don't recall that. Or are you talking about her "orphan shaming" Naruto? Because if you are, I don't see any of you blaming and hating on the prime offender of that; Naruto's mutual yaoi boy toy and so-called "best friend", Sasuke Uchiha. Remember how Sasuke told Naruto TWICE he will never he will never understand the pain of losing family because he never had one? This happened, DESPITE him being the one to chew Sakura out for her comment in the moment in question? No comment on that double standard?¯\_(ツ)_/¯ MOVING ON. 
4. She punches Naruto- Okay, answer me one thing here. Why is her abuse of Naruto SUCH A PROBLEM if she is SO MUCH "weaker" than Naruto, as you've all stated on the first point? Can you tell me that? Or even better, Can you tell me how Hinata and Himawari are not abusive to Naruto? I remember Hinata threw Naruto out of the house once, after they married and Himawari knocked Naruto, her father, out cold by hitting his chakra points with her gentle fist. Can you tell me what the difference is there? If abuse is abuse, doesn't that apply to EVERYONE that abuses Naruto? Doesn't that extend to emotional and social abuse too? I don't see Hinata, Himawari or any other random named villager on your hate list and you gleefully wishing Naruto killed them all in a deranged sociopathic breakdown because by your arguments, the WHOLE VILLAGE DESERVES IT. Not to mention, Naruto's first "abuser" technically would not even be Sakura then, It would be Iruka, going by your logic. Got anything to say to that? And if you want to say Iruka was merely disciplining Naruto, then what makes Sakura any different?

Edited by Phantom_999, 25 January 2021 - 05:40 PM.


#52628 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 12:27 AM

........... Once again I must laugh at this hypocrisy and double standards here. Oka,y enough chatter let's get to punching holes in these loony arguments. AGAIN
1. Sakura is not strong compared to Naruto and Sasuke- SO? neither was the rest of their group and that was the point. Naruto was the main character and Sasuke was the rival to Naruto,so naturally shonen writing dictates they're the strongest of their group, and by the end they are the strongest ninjas on the "good side". So are you gonna complain how Shikamaru, Neji etc. etc. are not strong compared to Naruto and Sasuke too? Another point is that Sakura stated with nothing and worked her way to where she was now. She had no special ninja abilities to speak of or clan techniques to call her own. And ultimately, she has the same powerset as Tsunade who mentored her so go ahead and tell me Tsunade is "weak" too then. WELL? ARE YOU GONNA? :wot: 
2. She didn't accept Naruto's feelings- Except when she confessed to Naruto you all called her a liar. so which is it? You hate Sakura for never accepting Naruto's feelings, or you hate Sakura for lying about her feelings for Naruto, because you can't have it both ways. Why? Because you are the ones dismissing that Sakura EVER felt anything for Naruto in the first place. She feeds him ramen when he loses the use of his right hand? Platonic concern. She hugs him in front of the village. Platonic concern. Don't tell me that Sakura has never accepted Naruto's feelings EVER then dismiss any gesture she does with romantic undertones to them as she is only being a "nice sister". It is a complete fallacy, Because you are not accepting your truths that you are spewing out one way or the other. You say Sakura never accepted Naruto's feelings and therefore she is a terrible person, but you DON'T WANT TO SEE  HER accepting Naruto's feelings either because Naruto must reserve his D* for HINATA ONLY!!!!! :zaru: Also, Naruto had no obligation to make that promise in the first place, so don't go acting like Sakura forced that on him.
3. She insulted Naruto about his parents as kids- Unless it was a filler that I have never watched I don't recall that. Or are you talking about her "orphan shaming" Naruto? Because if you are, I don't see any of you hypocrites blaming and hating on the prime offender of that; Naruto's yaoi boy toy lover and so-called "best friend", Sasuke Uchiha. Remember how Sasuke told Naruto he will never he will never understand the pain of losing family because he never had one? No comment on that? MOVING ON. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


4. She punches Naruto- Okay, tell me one thing here. why is her abuse of Naruto SUCH A PROBLEM if she is SO MUCH "weaker" than Naruto? Can you tell me that? Or even better, Can you tell me how Hinata and Himawari are not abusive to Naruto? I remember Hinata threw Naruto out of the house once and Himawari knocked Naruto, her father, out cold by hitting his chakra points with her gentle fist. Can you tell me what the difference is there? If abuse is abuse, doesn't that apply to EVERYONE that abuses Naruto? Doesn't that extend to emotional and social abuse too? I don't see Hinata, Himawari or any other random named villager on you hate list and gleefully wishing Naruto killed them all in a deranged sociopathic breakdown because by your arguments, the WHOLE VILLAGE DESERVES IT. Not to mention, Naruto's first "abuser" technically would not even be Sakura then, It would be Iruka. Got anything to say to that? And if you want to say Iruka was merely disciplining Naruto, than what Makes Sakura different?


I had to bold the whole damn post. 




I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

Always have the spirit and the guts to never ever give up no matter what.

#52629 Luna



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Posted 09 December 2020 - 01:29 AM

Yikes, I thought reddit was a place where if you didn't have evidence you'd get kicked to the curb. What a mess. Guess nowhere is safe (save for this forum).
I'm surprised people aren't out here blaming Sakura for Naruto's status as the host of a beast. Or for anything else that barely has to do with her. These weirdos never come with evidence to back up their claims. They are quick to blame Sakura and bash her for God knows what. This fandom is full of dumbasses who, in addition to refusing to view a Japanese series through the lens of Japanese culture, are sexist and weird ass weebs/Otaku's. Hate to see it. I feel bad for saying that but what can you do...no more ignoring these types of people when they're popping up more and more frequently.
Also, even Sai admitting his faults in the situation wasn't enough for them to stop bashing Sakura...for a situation that she was obviously emotionally pressured/manipulated(unintentionally) into. I love Sai, but he was extremely out of line in those chapters. He even admitted it! The mistake he made was basing his harsh, blunt words on the limited information he had (that Naruto loved Sakura, and that he made a promise to her, that he couldn't tell her how he felt because of it) and concluded that it was burdening him, she causes him pain and acted like a curse. Extremely harsh on Sai's end, especially when he didn't know the full details. Like you said, Naruto made those decisions of his own free will, he didn't have to promise jack sh**. He also had his own reasons as to why he wanted to save Sasuke. People obviously are dumb af and can't comprehend basic facts due to their bias clouding their vision.
If there's anything I'm missing please correct me. It's been a while ahaha.

This post is it


#52630 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 09 December 2020 - 01:53 AM

I have been reading a lot of comments on reddit and youtube, seeing a lot of hate for Sakura. It doesn't really bother me but I have seen people hate her for four main reasons most of the time. (They hate her for other petty things but this are what I saw the most.)


1. She is not strong compared to Sasuke and Naruto.

2. She didn't accept Naruto feelings. (I even say someone said on twitter that the "promise" kittened up Naruto mentally. LOL)

3. She insulted Naruto about his parents as kids.

4. Punching Naruto


Going to address this shortly:


1. This just unrealistic and they prop her up to impossible standards and then want to hate on her, and for what? A civilian girl was placed in a team with monsters and regulated to support thanks to the author. That is NO reason to hate her.


2. The promise that was made wasn't one-sided, and Naruto said it wasn't about the promise anymore. What I didn't like was how Sai and Shikamaru blamed Sakura for what happened. I have seen a lot of people saying the same thing. While Ino was getting comforted by all of the other rookes, Sai and Shikmaru was blaming her for something that wasn't really her fault while her own sensei was in coma and nobody comforted her. This is what lead to her false confession and trying to kills Sasuke. Her actions are a result of Sai and Shikamaru.

That is why they both and Kishimoto can choke. I


3.Sakura was a naïve and ignorant kid and people hold that against her for the entire serious. What she said was harsh but what Naruto did was even worse. Transforming into another person in order to trick a girl into kissing you is sexual harassments. Plain and Simple. I don't see anyone blaming Naruto for that at all. This is why I consider a lot of Naruto fans to be dumb as rocks since they cant use critical thinking skills.



Despite all of this though, I can see Sakura gaining in popularity in recent years so that is good I guess.

1. Blame Kishimoto, not the character. He was too obsessed with rivalry dynamic that he forgot he technically had three main character who powersets needed to balance out. Also, he was somewhat old fashion in his thinking that the heroine was mainly suppose to stand in the sidelines and think "oh main character-kun" instead of the changing time of the girls will fight too. He kind of fought that norm a bit but didn't have the balls to go all in till it had long since become mainstream.


2. They're not wrong that it did mess Naruto up, but when she was straight told that was the case by Sai. She immediately wept when she realizes that was happening, and wanted to make amends by either dating Naruto or killing Sasuke herself; so Naruto no longer had to bear the burden. She actually did have some feeling for Naruto even very early on whenever he did something cool, then he would do something to ruin the moment, and became just Naruto again in her eyes. 


3. Didn't Sasuke immediately chew her out for that? Then she sat on that bench and went, "wow, I'm the ass, I should try being nicer to Naruto." And then any negative comment about him growing up never happened again and she pretty much became his handler/parental figure/mother trying to help him learn manner and punish him when he was being rude.


4. Tsudere moments, and too punish him when he was being rude.


Well, the thing is that the grass is always greener. She may not have seen that impressive when they had fantasy Heroine Hinata built up in their minds, but when that became a reality that wasn't impressive. Sakura doesn't look at bad and seems to be a decent mother.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 09 December 2020 - 01:55 AM.

#52631 James S Cassidy

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Posted 09 December 2020 - 08:20 AM

...Are they that uninformed & illiterate that they can't even read the credit on the title page?

I think you already know the answer to that question;

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#52632 Narut0Uzumak1


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 08:58 PM

Trust me when I say we are a chill group here.


Yep! You guys are amazing!



1. She is not strong compared to Sasuke and Naruto.

2. She didn't accept Naruto feelings. (I even say someone said on twitter that the "promise" kittened up Naruto mentally. LOL)

3. She insulted Naruto about his parents as kids.

4. Punching Naruto


These seem to be the primary reasons yes. Hatred for Sakura seems to stem from hatred of rejection of a character (Naruto) who they have formed a bond with.


1. This, like all the rest, is a genuinely stupid reason to hate her. From a canonical point of view, Sasuke and Naruto are re-inarnation of literal deities in that world. Whilst Sakura, is not. Sasuke and Naruto come from famed clans, and in Sasuke's case, was given first hand training of some of the most powerful an infamous tenchiques in the Ninja world. Naruto for his part, enjoys some of the largest chakra reserves in the world, as well as being a literal super weapon, by virtue of the fact that he is the jinchurikki of the 9 tailed fox. Sasuke also got specialised training from Kakashi. As well as the most famous kekkai genkai in the Ninja world, in the Sharingan. Sakura has none of those. In fact, she's literally the child of random ninjas from civilian clans. This gives her less of an advantage than even her classmates, who each had something to go for, because they were all from clans with special techniques or specalised training. Hinata had the Byakugan, one of the most famed and sought after bloodlines. Kumo were willing to risk going to war for it. 


No one ever considers that the growth Sakura endured is phenomenal, considering her situation and how much of an advantage everyone else had.


2. Everyone else has spoken quite well about this already. It's a weird claim to make, seeing as Naruto didn't accept Hinata's feelings, even after her attempted suicide agaisnt Pein.


3. Yeah, yeah she did. She was also 12 years old at the time. And Naruto was an annoying brat who was ostracised by the village to the point where he had no friends. It's obvious that Sakura was not careful in her words with Naruto, because she didn't know much about him. She became like most 12 year old girls, focused on only a few things and easily driven by peer pressure. She later apologised and cleaned up her act. You know? Character development.


4. This is the most bizarre one. Because if you read the manga, it's max 3 times in 700 chapters that Sakura actually punches Naruto. It's the anime that exaggerates this issue, by making it an episodic thing, because the anime producers generally disliked her character and wanted to make her as disliked as possible.

But weirdly enough, no one says anything when Kushina punches Minato, or Naruto as she did in the manga. No one says anything when Tsunade sends Jiraiya through a wall. People ooed and awwwed when Himawari knocked him out. You see, because those are ahem.."Love taps". 


But when Sakura smacks naruto in the head? That's abuse. It's a ridiculous standard for something that is a trope in anime and Manga. It's a genuine phenomenon to see an aggressive female main character smack some sense into an immature male main character. From Nami with Luffy in One piece, to Ichigo and Rukia in Bleach, Ezra from Fairy Tail, Medals from Medaka Box, heck in Nisekoi, the male saves the female from drowning and dying and she responds by punching him in the face. It's a trope that's so common most accept it right away because we know it's common and used for comedic effect.


But somehow, when Sakura does it, it becomes something outside the weird world of anime, where things take a more moral turn. 


But you wanna know why NaruHina fans don't really care about this and are using it as a stick to beat Sakura with? Check out how the other Hinata acted in Road to Ninja, from abuse to what can basically be summed up as attempted rape of Naruto when he is transported there. NaruHina fans found that "funny". You should read the comments on the videos which show these clips on youtube. "That's my Hinata! Go get him girl!" Really? That's your Hinata?

#52633 Narut0Uzumak1


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 09:02 PM

Yikes, I thought reddit was a place where if you didn't have evidence you'd get kicked to the curb. What a mess. Guess nowhere is safe (save for this forum).

Trust me, Reddit is NOT a safe space. It's just another NaruHina hive, where if you even disagree with the all high excellent queen of the Universe Hinata, you'll be downvoted to hell. No matter how concise your arguments are. 


Nowadays, it's as bad as Narutofourms. Well, almost as bad haha. 

#52634 Kagomaru


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 10:00 PM

Trust me, Reddit is NOT a safe space. It's just another NaruHina hive, where if you even disagree with the all high excellent queen of the Universe Hinata, you'll be downvoted to hell. No matter how concise your arguments are. 


Nowadays, it's as bad as Narutofourms. Well, almost as bad haha. 

In general, Reddit has never been an open and inclusive place for anyone.  It's a little better than Gamefaqs, Resetera, Narutoforums, but that's an unflattering standard to live by. And yeah, they have a thing against Tsunderes.  They tried to pull that crap in the Black Clover with Noelle over Mimosa with Asta, or in the Fire Force forums with Tamaki vs Iris over Shinra, but it doesn't stick.

Light and Shadow are the only static creations of this universe. 

#52635 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 10:43 PM

In general, Reddit has never been an open and inclusive place for anyone.  It's a little better than Gamefaqs, Resetera, Narutoforums, but that's an unflattering standard to live by. And yeah, they have a thing against Tsunderes.  They tried to pull that crap in the Black Clover with Noelle over Mimosa with Asta, or in the Fire Force forums with Tamaki vs Iris over Shinra, but it doesn't stick.

Quora is close behind. But, I be on there piecing all of that garbage up. They love to talk about how Sakura-Chan doesnt love Naruto and all that kitten. But as Phantom mentioned, when she confessed to Naruto, they refused to accept it as well. All of their moments completely gets ignored, but the 3 moments(if you can call them that, since they are one sided) that NH had, it overshadows the hundreds that NS has. Narutos feelings for Sakura-Chan cant be buried, they stick out like a shark fin in open water. Her feelings cant be buried either. And its funny how you could count on one hand how much times she has actually hit him, but it would take you a classroom of hands to count how much times another Tsundere from another Manga hits the one they love. But I guess only Sakura-Chan takes a hit for hitting they one she loves. Is it really because she hits him? Or is it truly because Naruto loves her and not Hinata and they try to find every excuse to get her out of the picture?

Edited by Illnevergiveup3, 09 December 2020 - 10:43 PM.


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#52636 Chatte


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Posted 10 December 2020 - 09:55 AM

I don't know how you guys just have the energy to even address those abominations of arguments. I've grown so tired of them that I barely address them anymore.


I mean don't get me wrong, I love Sakura and NaruSaku, but I've just grown tired of having to repeat the same things over and over and over again to some people who aren't even able to comprehend simple logic.


Plus, they don't argue to actually understand the facets and complexities of certain characters/situations. They do it to win. And for someone who is bent on winning, logic goes down the drain.


But kudos to you though!


I've grown so tired of it that I barely address it, even on my Tumblr asks,lol. I'm usually really short in my answers. I rarely go meta.


Unless it's on my blog, lol. But that there has a different purpose. :D


Still rambling about Naruto/NaruSaku stuff on


#52637 LuckyChi7


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Posted 10 December 2020 - 03:13 PM

I don't know how you guys just have the energy to even address those abominations of arguments. I've grown so tired of them that I barely address them anymore.


I mean don't get me wrong, I love Sakura and NaruSaku, but I've just grown tired of having to repeat the same things over and over and over again to some people who aren't even able to comprehend simple logic.


Plus, they don't argue to actually understand the facets and complexities of certain characters/situations. They do it to win. And for someone who is bent on winning, logic goes down the drain.


But kudos to you though!


I've grown so tired of it that I barely address it, even on my Tumblr asks,lol. I'm usually really short in my answers. I rarely go meta.


Unless it's on my blog, lol. But that there has a different purpose. :D



I totally agree with you 100%



At first, when the ending and for most of 2015 & perhaps up until 2017 I too had the same drive to address the points that other people have made, but after that I was kinda like ughh I'm starting to get real sick of these arguments from the NaruHina/SS fanbase on justifying the ending. Honestly, at this point  I'm like okay sure live in your own little fantasy world where all this 699/700 and post ending makes sense cause it's kinda dumb .





#52638 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 11 December 2020 - 02:07 AM

On the topic of Sakura hitting Naruto is abusive...


Name me a girl who doesn't hit her boyfriend when he does something stupid. My girlfriend hits and slaps me around whenever I scare her, pull pranks on her, or beat the snot out of her in video games XD. I've come to realize I need to sit a minimum of ten feet away from her when playing Super Mario Party. 

#52639 ree



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Posted 11 December 2020 - 03:00 PM

On the topic of Sakura hitting Naruto is abusive...
Name me a girl who doesn't hit her boyfriend when he does something stupid. My girlfriend hits and slaps me around whenever I scare her, pull pranks on her, or beat the snot out of her in video games XD. I've come to realize I need to sit a minimum of ten feet away from her when playing Super Mario Party. 

Sakura hitting Naruto is a God damn joke, chichi hits Goku too, Winry hits Eduard too. I really hate my generation, they are just a bunch of crystal people who think they're always right when don't understand anything about life.

#52640 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 11 December 2020 - 03:53 PM

Sakura hitting Naruto is a God damn joke, chichi hits Goku too, Winry hits Eduard too. I really hate my generation, they are just a bunch of crystal people who think they're always right when don't understand anything about life.

Sakura-Chan, Chi-Chi, Winry, they all do it out of love. Because they care. My fiancee kicks my ass all the time or she at least scolds me non-stop when I do something stupid or I say something stupid, but at the end of the day, it's out of love. And like Naruto, Goku, and Ed, I love the fiestiness behind it, the fact that I know she cares. If she isn't hitting you or at least scolding you when you do something stupid, but she is instead encouraging you and acting like she doesn't have a problem with it,  then you need to re-evaluate how she truly feels about you in my opinion.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

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