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#641 James S Cassidy

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Posted 16 February 2019 - 03:50 PM

Apparently they found the source of where it all started. Again, "some investigation" when the internet can find things out faster than supposedly "trained professionals" can.


/\ Really though, this is about business. Money is most definitely the largest factor here. If Vic was their one-and-only, their can-do-no-wrong megastar, then chances are they'd stand by him. They don't want to lose their cash cow.

Well, I wonder what the business is going to do with all the fans and people that are no longer going to buy the stuff after having Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi literally bring Animegate to Funimation's business. Are they going to get rid of them too? (I wonder what cons going to do when they ban their fanbases and threaten to arrest anyone wearing a #Istandwithvic shirt.) A lot of people are not going to buy any more from Funimation and if there is an anime they own, they are going to either pirate it or watch the sub only. Not just for firing Vic, but it has been shown that Funimation's Jamie Marchi has been changing lines in anime to suit her SJW agenda. Example what she changed in an anime called Dragon Maiden. (I think that is the name.) Who knows what other things they have done that we don't see and they are letting them get away with this because "they make a few bucks."

No, of course they won't. Because people will say that firing the women for causing problems and sending harassment talking about cutting off Vic's head and balls would be sexist. Funimation said on their own twitter that they do not tolerate online behavior and harassment of any kind, but continue to support Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi despite them doing EXACTLY that.

So convenient isn't it?
If a person asks Monica a question about inconsistencies....she calls that harassment, but when Jamie slanders Vic and literally says "I want his head cut off and his balls chopped off" this is is NOT harassment. Have I gone mad? All these women do is keep slandering Vic NONSTOP and yet, Vic is the bad guy?

God, this world is just downright crazy. Twitter profiles are being banned JUST for standing up for Vic due to Jamie being friends with a person on a twitter staff. They are silencing free speech all because "Mah feelings." This is so stupid. When did Americans become so weak? And everyone wonders why the entire world is laughing at us. It is not Trump....it is this kind of behavior. Even Japan thinks this is stupid when the SJWs tried to go after them for Rising of the Shield Hero

Kathy Griffith posts a picture of her holding Trump's bloodied head....nothing. (Imagine if Liam Neeson held Obama's head in his hands.)
Monica and Jamie talk death threats against Vic....nothing.
A person posts "I disagree. I need to see more proof than hearsay"......banned while others are asking for jail times.

How can any person say this is right? How can ANY sane person stand there, see any of this, and say "Yeah, the guy who disagreed should totally be banned for harassment."

It is AMAZING how Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and so many SJWs talk about Free Speech and how vital a right it is, but as soon as someone says they disagree with anything they say...all of a sudden it is not free speech anymore...it is hate speech and to them hate speech needs to be put in jail. It is only free speech when they deem it "proper free speech."

Meanwhile, a person is actually filing sexual assault on Monica Rial and she is still employed. She is still hired by Funimation. Again, what a coincidence that Vic is fired on the spot with no investigation, but when Monica is accused of it they do nothing. "Oh we have to do a vast investigation." It is so convenient to treat men like garbage and when confronted say "Feminism is about equality." They won't give the man due process, but they give the women due process.

So, the fans are doing the investigation for them and...low and behold...they have evidence that is proving this all might be fake and espionage to get Vic's jobs. Especially when Monica is shown to be deleting twitter posts of her sending Vic kissy face emoji's and not stop deleting of posts all across the board, but then tell US that they are not obligated to share evidence with us while burning what evidence there is.

This is why these people are called "Sheep" or "NPCs." They have one leader and the rest follow. No proof, but they follow any way over the motto of narcissistic virtue that is "Believe the victim." (but only when they classify them a victim. If a man gets raped by a women...it is not longer about believing the victim because they say men can't be victims.) "How can I wake up and be a professional victim today?" I see this happen way too many times.

Side note here: You notice how they said that Vic was accused of about 3-4 things: Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, Sexual Assault, and slandering transgenders. Notice how three out of four of these accusations they stopped going after when the other 3 did not stick.

Between the deleting of twitter posts, VAs using their connections to get people banned and supposedly "reporting them to the national guard," having connections with ANN who are proven to fabricating reports, and so many more things...how is this not suspicious? Like, really how do some people not see some of this as suspicious?

Animegate was only a matter of time. Especially when Gamergate and Comicgate occurred.

I just wonder....with Sean Schemmel and Christ A. Sabat supporting Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi (Who by the way are patting them on the head for being "good boys")....how long before they are thrown under the bus too? Oh wait, they are not as popular as Vic and they probably bow down to her. So she will keep them there for now...until they no longer become useful and then she will discard them like used tissue paper.


You know, people have said they are even bigger scumbags too and they all made recordings of making fun of Vic calling him a pedophile for going after 12 year old boys. So they have a vendetta against him I guess because of his popularity. Another suspicious aspect of it all. It was like they were looking for the opportunity to get him fired.


Vic is accused of sexual assault

"Believe the fans when they say the truth"


Monica is accused of sexual assault, Sean and Chris are said to be huge jackasses and full of themselves, Neil Kaplen is under suspicion of sexual assault too, and Jamie Marchi is shown to be a nasty person rewriting anime to push her agenda.

"You just can't believe everything you hear. There is no proof."

Ironically, Chris Ayres, Frieza's VA, supports Vic.

More fun facts:
Monica Rial is against the objectifying of women and yet she has a habit of playing oversexualized anime girls such as Rias from High School DxD and Anna Nishikinomiya from Shimoneta who..."puts her love nectar in cookies for a guy to eat" (Use your imagination) and even tries to commit rape against the MC. Funny how that works.

SJWs attacked Dragonball Super for being "sexist." I don't see Monica or anyone else saying anything against these type of things.


I am just saying that people seem to forgot their priorities when money is involved. People seem to love to sell their soul to make a profit which to me proves that there really is no cause they support unless they can gain from it. These aren't heroes for justice, they are just people who are greedy and wanting to take down Vic Mignogna who is a huge deal in the anime community.

I am can not wait for all the karma to come right back to all of them and it will happen if not already. People not buying funimation merchandise is only the tip of the iceberg.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 16 February 2019 - 04:23 PM.

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#642 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 17 February 2019 - 07:50 AM

I wouldn't paint all SJW individuals and groups with the same brush as the people in this situation. Most of them do earnestly try to work for equality like equal pay for equal work and the likes.

Unfortunately, as is the case with any sort of people or groups trying to push for social change, the much louder minority love to co-opt the cause and message to forward their own extreme agenda thus hurting the cause and message itself. They claim to be working towards the same thing, only to constantly show otherwise - that they're merely feminazis trying to completely reverse everything rather than equalize it, where women (preferably themselves) are the ones in charge and men are subservient to them and not even for anything semi-sympathetic (badly abused or something) but just because of simple greed, spitefulness, and so on. And the convenient thing for them is that even if the hate pours in against them, they know it won't be against themselves specifically, but against the SJW cause itself so they can still keep pushing their extreme agenda at no real consequence.

But otherwise, yeah, seeing all that's been found out in this situation...yeah...definitely BS what's been going on and more people really need to step up and condemn the hypocrites going after Vic. As I said before, all the opponents have had so far is here-say and nasty rhetoric, not actual evidence, so they're clearly banking on people reacting emotionally rather than rationally and using carefully chosen words, actions, and edited videos to trigger such responses. Sexual assault and rape are very terrible things and those who are proven to have committed such crimes should indeed be punished harshly, but it's inexcusable for other people to use such things just to push an extreme agenda without any regard to the individuals actually involved. I mean, do most people even know WHO the alleged victim(s) are at this point? Have the ones going after Vic mentioned them even once? I mean, I don't know who specifically they are, but I also haven't heard any other names mentioned by the opponents, much less explain how what they're doing is supposed to help them or how it supports them and whatnot.

It's seems to now be a much more personal thing between them and Vic rather than the allegations anymore (which were quickly proven false with even one of the girls involved saying nothing happened IIRC) and the ones going after Vic are just using those initial allegations as an excuse to hurt him.


#643 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 17 February 2019 - 11:05 PM

Okay, something as someone who lives in Britan I wanted to ask all of you as many of you may have heard what is going on right now for us should we leave the EU? 

#644 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 18 February 2019 - 07:46 AM

I can't really say realistically one way or the other since I'm completely ignorant on all the finer details, but if I had to choose while ignorant, I'd say "no" right now until a real plan can get hammered out and agreed upon, especially since leaving without a plan would have negative consequences on others (like Ireland), not just Britain itself. It also doesn't help that, IIRC, Russia has been found to have its fingerprints on Brexit too as well as a lot of people having voted on it without really knowing or understanding the details. Couple that with Teresa May apparently not allowing another vote on it and it sounds a little off...


#645 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 18 February 2019 - 09:31 PM

I can't really say realistically one way or the other since I'm completely ignorant on all the finer details, but if I had to choose while ignorant, I'd say "no" right now until a real plan can get hammered out and agreed upon, especially since leaving without a plan would have negative consequences on others (like Ireland), not just Britain itself. It also doesn't help that, IIRC, Russia has been found to have its fingerprints on Brexit too as well as a lot of people having voted on it without really knowing or understanding the details. Couple that with Teresa May apparently not allowing another vote on it and it sounds a little off...

True sadly we may not have the time my mum looked up that a treaty was signed without the public knowing and that by 2021 we would lose our army to the EU and our monarchy which what makes Britan well Britan, and the thing is so few people know about it because the higher-ups are keeping it from the people.

#646 totherpage95



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Posted 19 February 2019 - 01:17 AM

either way climate change will make things worse in ten years

#647 James S Cassidy

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Posted 19 February 2019 - 09:33 PM

I wouldn't paint all SJW individuals and groups with the same brush as the people in this situation. Most of them do earnestly try to work for equality like equal pay for equal work and the likes.

Unfortunately, as is the case with any sort of people or groups trying to push for social change, the much louder minority love to co-opt the cause and message to forward their own extreme agenda thus hurting the cause and message itself. They claim to be working towards the same thing, only to constantly show otherwise - that they're merely feminazis trying to completely reverse everything rather than equalize it, where women (preferably themselves) are the ones in charge and men are subservient to them and not even for anything semi-sympathetic (badly abused or something) but just because of simple greed, spitefulness, and so on. And the convenient thing for them is that even if the hate pours in against them, they know it won't be against themselves specifically, but against the SJW cause itself so they can still keep pushing their extreme agenda at no real consequence.

Okay. Honestly, this is very tiresome when people want to draw fine lines in the sand and then call the rest "broad strokes." So I am going to say that "yes, all SJWs can be painted with the same brush." To me, the SJWs are the radical side of what we would call the "liberal agenda." A view point of taking it all the the extreme. If they don't take it to the extreme and actually are fighting the real things that matter without inciting hate of the reverse, then they are liberals or libertarians. They would not be SJWs. And if anything you can tell when an SJW really is an SJW when, if you even disagree with them, they call you an Alt-right and a Nazi. Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and a few others are definitely SJWs because take everything to the extreme. They literally paint you as an alt-right nazi just because you don't agree or believe then or have proof that they may be wrong.

Again, if they are not radical in their beliefs, then to me they are NOT an SJW. I have no problems with Liberals as I am a libertarian. I am in the middle, but I do have problems with SJWs who think everything has to be their way and anyone who doesn't like it is a Nazi.

I am not painting with board strokes. I am painting with a fine brush.

Difference between an SJW and a liberal/Libertarian
SJWs think they are right even when proven wrong. Liberals will at least admit "you have a point" when in discussion and can agree to disagree or even agree with the other side.
SJWs will paint anyone in broad strokes as Nazis even if the other side is a libertarian. Liberals understand differences in the spectrum.
SJWs are third wave feminist. Liberals are Second Wave Feminist. Which these two are VERY much different. Melanie Phillips is a good example.

So please know when I am am talking SJWs I am referring to the radical side of the left spectrum. The side that things everything is racist, everything is sexist, and everyone is bad except for them. These people get trigger simply because their blanket falls off them while they are sleeping and yes some are that radical.

No, they are not all SJWs as you said, but people that follow NPC logic and such are downright horrible people. If I really wanted to paint with a broad stroke I would more likely say "All democrats are scum. They think everyone, but them are evil." Now THAT would be broad viewing. No, I am being very specific when I mention these people.

Think of it like this
SJW/Communist --- Liberal --- Moderate/Libertarian --- Conservative --- Alt-right/Nazi

With that being said, I am all support for equality and dealing with bad people. I am happy that real victims of rape can come out and get the justice they deserve, but what once was a good idea turned into a witch hunt and radical deformation of society. We have laws put in for a reason and they need to be followed regardless of who or what you are.

Things like "the wage gap" are weird because they have been proven so many times by many specialist of both men and women and yet they still believe the wage gap exists. It is fighting a ghost basically. Ironically, this is the same argument people have for climate change. One side says climate change doesn't exist while the other says they have experts saying they are wrong. The same type of argument, but neither side will commit despite expert intake.


But otherwise, yeah, seeing all that's been found out in this situation...yeah...definitely BS what's been going on and more people really need to step up and condemn the hypocrites going after Vic. As I said before, all the opponents have had so far is here-say and nasty rhetoric, not actual evidence, so they're clearly banking on people reacting emotionally rather than rationally and using carefully chosen words, actions, and edited videos to trigger such responses. Sexual assault and rape are very terrible things and those who are proven to have committed such crimes should indeed be punished harshly, but it's inexcusable for other people to use such things just to push an extreme agenda without any regard to the individuals actually involved. I mean, do most people even know WHO the alleged victim(s) are at this point? Have the ones going after Vic mentioned them even once? I mean, I don't know who specifically they are, but I also haven't heard any other names mentioned by the opponents, much less explain how what they're doing is supposed to help them or how it supports them and whatnot.

It's seems to now be a much more personal thing between them and Vic rather than the allegations anymore (which were quickly proven false with even one of the girls involved saying nothing happened IIRC) and the ones going after Vic are just using those initial allegations as an excuse to hurt him.


Many of the stories of accusations start with things like "My friends once said..." or "A friend of a friend said he did this..." It is not good enough for stories. These are not first hand experiences. They also talk about Vic being a diva, but what does that have to do with anything? Monica, Jamie, Sean, and Chris Sabat are just as bad of divas according to many people working with them. Tons and tons of people in Hollywood, Voice actors, Sports players, and many others who are famous are absolute divas. It is kind of in the MO.

 Very few are not divas, but as well since when did famous people lose their human card? We are all human. We all have bad days.

Some even say like "Well, one has 1 person saying something vs 1000 people saying something," but this happens almost every time someone is accused of such things. Same thing happened with Bill Cosby and and Michael Jackson where one person complains and then more come out of the woodwork with "hindsight mentalities."

Like, can you prove what you felt at the time was actually being uncomfortable or is the hive mind brainwashing you to only believe you were uncomfortable when in reality you weren't. How can you distinguish actual events from brainwashing hindsight? What is stop Vic saying "You know, in hindsight, many of those girls were sexually abusing me by wanting to grab my butt or want a hug. They wanted an excuse to touch my body." This is a huge issue.


Hindsight can't be used as a conviction.

It like talking about slave owners of the past vs regular people now. Today it is frowned upon and considered bad and in hindsight it was bad back then too, but when it was actually happening it was normal. It was legal and it was socially acceptable. Just because a white person's great great great great great great great great grandfather was a slave owner does not mean the heir's now are racist today especially if that heir doesn't agree with the slavery. That is just down right stupid logic and if that is the case, then we ALL should be held accountable for the sins of our ancestors.

A girl hugs Vic Mignogna 10 years ago and thought nothing of it. Today, she is told that she was supposed to be uncomfortable and that he was sexually assaulting her despite being okay with it for 10 years and never thought that way about it until someone convinced them it was bad. THAT is some stupid ass logic.

They are basically saying "just because you don't feel like a victim doesn't mean you aren't a victim."

If that is the case, everyone is a victim and everyone is bad guy in hindsight. So if everyone is a bad guy, then no one is a bad guy.


Edited by James S Cassidy, 19 February 2019 - 09:42 PM.

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#648 James S Cassidy

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Posted 21 February 2019 - 02:16 PM

Sorry to make a another post, but I want to keep this organized.

This is exactly what I am talking about. This kind of stupid illogical brain dead argumentative where they think that because you do something and stand up for what you believe that you are some how against Social Justice. It is always an agenda to them. No matter what it is, no matter what you do "YOU'RE A BIGOT!" Unless you do what THEY tell you to do, "you're a bigot."


To these people. Supporting Vic Mignogna and thinking he is innocent is now....ANTI-LQBT. Are you kidding me? Donating money to help him with legal bills and Vic says any money not used will go to a charity for Domestic Abuse and help centers...AND THIS IS ANTI-LGBT according to Pridemore and a few others.



How? How is this anti-LGBT? These people want to complain about EVERYTHING.
You eat Count Chocula cereal in the morning? "YOU'RE A RACIST."
You put on a blue colored shirt to go to work in? "YOU'RE SEXIST AND ANTI-WOMEN."
You look in the mirror and brush your hair to the right? "YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIC."

You listen to a radio station that plays a Maroon 5 song on your way to work? "YOU'RE A BIGOT."

Just.....this is what pisses me off. This kind of super radical knee jerk reaction where to them EVERYTHING is offensive. EVERYTHING is bad until they say it is not, but then it go back to being bad because some random person on twitter doesn't like how a single word in a song is all of a sudden hurtful to their feelings.

How weak are these people? They are so weak that going outside in the daylight is considered you being a bigot. "You rather go out in the day instead of at night? Man, what a bigot and anti-women since the moon represents femininity and the Sun is masculine and represents men. So if you go out during the day, you are a bigot and anti-women."

In other news, it was reported that Jason Reitman has said that Ghostbusters 2020 is "giving it back to the fans." Jason Reitman wants to make a movie that the GB fans can enjoy and what they really wanted. Apparently, THIS is Anti-woman or Anti-feminist. Apparently you are sexist against women if you support this movie. Disregard all the females out there who want to see Ghostbusters 2020. "You are no longer part of the sisterhood. You betrayed your sex." This is just total insanity.

Where the hell to these people get the to nerve to say stuff like this?


Meanwhile. Alita Battle Angel is being slammed for supposedly "body shaming" and such because people, normal people, decided they wanted to see this movie than Captain Marvel which is currently losing money because people are sick and tired of the sexist rhetoric against men and being called "bigoted" because you don't like what they have to say.

Again, they for-goed to see one female superhero to see another female superhero instead....AND THIS IS SEXIST AGAINST WOMEN?


What the hell are people smoking? Why the hell is this even a discussion?



When is this stuff going to end?

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#649 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 21 February 2019 - 10:10 PM

Yeah, while there were some people who went as far as to say Ghostbusters 2016 was bad solely because it was a female cast, most who didn't like it just didn't think it was a good movie period, but they still point out things they thought were good about it (largely some of the visuals, and how much more action and movement there was in the climactic ghost battle compared to the first film), but nope, they're just as bad, misogynist, etc. as those others. Nostalgia Critic even mocked how ridiculous each "faction" of the Ghostbusters fandom have been in response to it.

The negative criticism I've heard about Alita sound like they're from people who, aside from the nutjobs and their rhetoric, have barely seen any anime, if any at all; judging it completely by Western culture and standards. Other reviews by people who have watched anime for a long time, including the Alita series itself, have almost nothing but praise for it, going as far as to say it's the first good Hollywood anime adaptation and that the biggest shame was it being released now, during the movie "dead period", hence why people are trying to get more people out there to see it to convey the message that that is what anime fans are looking for and to keep doing it like that.

Though based on the trailers, I don't really see where the extreme hate for Captain Marvel is coming from. I mean, it's not like the scenes were all about showing her beating up men. She's the first female standalone lead in the MCU - 11 years now - while the rest were male leads. People complaining about how strong she is supposed to be even though that's how the comics of her were since she first appeared in 1968. The only criticism I saw that made any real sense is that Brie Larson hasn't been shown to be the best at emoting (facially or vocally) and thus could end up being much more difficult to connect with compared to previous MCU standalone characters and that could be what drags the entire movie down as a result. Otherwise, I haven't seen any big problems and am looking forward to seeing it. I don't doubt that the character will play an important role, but when it comes to each Avengers movie, it's never just one character so high above all.

I can only guess that people have convinced themselves that she is somehow going to save everything single-handed and make everyone else insignificant, but then why bother with making Avengers: Endgame a separate movie with clear focus on other characters? Considering how the MCU had defied expectations numerous times before (Captain America: Civil War being one of the biggest ones, I think; leading up to it, countless people being very skeptical about it because of "too many characters" and not perfectly following the Avengers comic book version), I'm actually surprised at people seeming to just forget about how they had done so.


#650 James S Cassidy

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Posted 22 February 2019 - 01:09 AM

Yeah, while there were some people who went as far as to say Ghostbusters 2016 was bad solely because it was a female cast, most who didn't like it just didn't think it was a good movie period, but they still point out things they thought were good about it (largely some of the visuals, and how much more action and movement there was in the climactic ghost battle compared to the first film), but nope, they're just as bad, misogynist, etc. as those others. Nostalgia Critic even mocked how ridiculous each "faction" of the Ghostbusters fandom have been in response to it.

Some didn't like the GB 2016 because it wasn't the film that they wanted. Like, a good part of the fandom wanted a GB3 and Dan was trying to push for it to be greenlite since 1993. The fact that they kept hold it off and then greenlite a new GB movie after Harold Ramis died really pushed a few buttons.

The "Answer the Call" sequels can still be made if they want to. It's just how funny this has all played out seeing how mad some of the GB 2016 fandom behaves.

"You still always have YOUR version." They would say, but now they are mad when they are now making this one.
"This is not ruining your version" but then people like Leslie Jones think this is neglecting their version like GB 2016 was the first in the series. She even said things like "Oh, you are just going to reboot OUR movie and screw us huh?"
The series started with all men...what is this mentality thinking that the GB 2016 is the original and that this one is the reboot?

I'm sorry, but it seems like she is being unreasonably salty because her movie sucked and everyone didn't like it like she wanted it to be. Well, when you start calling your audience sexist for not liking your movie....it causes issues. Which leads me to the next issue...


Though based on the trailers, I don't really see where the extreme hate for Captain Marvel is coming from. I mean, it's not like the scenes were all about showing her beating up men. She's the first female standalone lead in the MCU - 11 years now - while the rest were male leads. People complaining about how strong she is supposed to be even though that's how the comics of her were since she first appeared in 1968. The only criticism I saw that made any real sense is that Brie Larson hasn't been shown to be the best at emoting (facially or vocally) and thus could end up being much more difficult to connect with compared to previous MCU standalone characters and that could be what drags the entire movie down as a result. Otherwise, I haven't seen any big problems and am looking forward to seeing it. I don't doubt that the character will play an important role, but when it comes to each Avengers movie, it's never just one character so high above all.

I can only guess that people have convinced themselves that she is somehow going to save everything single-handed and make everyone else insignificant, but then why bother with making Avengers: Endgame a separate movie with clear focus on other characters? Considering how the MCU had defied expectations numerous times before (Captain America: Civil War being one of the biggest ones, I think; leading up to it, countless people being very skeptical about it because of "too many characters" and not perfectly following the Avengers comic book version), I'm actually surprised at people seeming to just forget about how they had done so.



I don't think it has anything to do with the movie itself, but more like how Brie Larson has been running her mouth. Basically, she has been saying some really bad things that makes people rethink her intention. Like how she doesn't want White men watching this movie or doesn't want predominately white men watching the movie

She says it is not about hating white people or men, but rather "what is the demographic?"

Things is, what I don't think Brie realizes, is that the demographic of this movie is for comic book fans. It is not for black people. Not for white people. It's not for men or women, it is meant for fans of the comic books.


Thing is, Brie, how is this a movie for women of color when it is a white superhero? That makes no sense. This is why it is coming off so bad. She is trying to make a political stance on a movie about a comic book character. People don't want that. People are trying to escape the problems of politics, not have the movie try to push an agenda on you while watching. This is what Paul Fieg said might be a reason why GB2016 might have failed.

It's the wrong premise from the wrong person. I get what she might have wanted to do, but she did it in such a wrong way and it may have costed at least $100 million in sales.


I am honestly going to say that with so much SJW propaganda and people on edge whenever people bring this up...it is a sensitive. People are tired of being called bigots and misogynist all because they didn't like something as much as they wanted them to. With that being said, with the word play Brie Larson use, she should have know that what she was saying would get her in trouble. Sometimes it is better to say nothing than to have your words misconstrued. It's a big problem as of late and it is a dangerous thing. Now you can't even say certain words or you can be labeled and have your career ended.

I think Brie should have had a better tactic and because of her word play, people went into watching the trailer thinking it was going to be misandrist and anti-white. Like I said, people are tired now of the knee jerk reactions and ironically it is causing...knee jerk reactions. It is a domino effect.

In this instance, I do believe people have jumped the gun on this one, but all things considering and the kind of of social politics we live in now....I am not surprised it happened.

Supposedly, people didn't like the trailer either. I don't know. I am not too much into this one, but this all I know.

I guess watch this.
MechaRandom42 has always be my best source to go for Sci-fi movies and such.

Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. I just know that calling someone sexist against women because they they wanted to see one female superhero over another female superhero is a very stupid argument and that's my issue.

You can't call someone sexist against women for like one female character over another.

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#651 James S Cassidy

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Posted 27 February 2019 - 07:34 AM

Marzgurl lies again about Vic Mignogna and is caught.

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#652 Ryriena


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  • Interests:Anime/Manga, history, unexplained mysteries, linguistics, geology, astrology, astro physics, chemistry, astronomy, sport cars, and racing cars, monster trucks, quantum mechanics and particle physics

    Anime/Manga - Gaming

    NaruSaku, Ash x Misty, (Pokyshiping) Ichigo x Rukia, Kiba/Hinata, Ichigo x Orihime, Uryū x Orihime, Cullen x Amell, Alastair x Warden, Cullen x Female Inqustior Ed x Winnry, Spike x May Valatine, Kaiden Alekno x Female Shepard, Garus x Female Shepard, Joker x Female Shepard, Angg x Katara, Zuko x Katara, Mako x Kora ( Avatar the last air bender - Legend of Kora) I don't see the ending of Kora as canon since its more of a fan service ending, since the canon pairing is not a properly developed paring.

    VLD pairing: Plance, Shiro x Adam, Hunk x Shay, Kallura
    anti Allurance

    The Dragon Prince: Cullum x Rayla

    TV pairings
    Angel x Buffy, Buffy x Spike, Angel x Cordila Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Booth x Bones (bones)
    Tony x Ziva David, Abby x Timothy McGee, Timothy x Delia (NCIS)
    Dean x Castiel, Sam x Gabriel, Sam x Elaine, Dean x Jo (Supernatural)

    Comics parings: Supes x Lois Lang, Peter Parker x Mary Jay Waston, Captian x Black Widow, Hawke Eye x Black Widow, Jean Grey x Cyclops, Jean x Wolverine, Rouge x Gambit, Batman x Slilena Kyle, Bruce x Black Widow

    Movies pairings: Jurassic Park series (Owen x Claire, Malcome x Sarah) Han x Leia, Luke x Maria Jade, Finn x Rey, FinnPoe (Star Wars)

    Dislikes Supes x Wonder Woman, as it's basically turns a feminist icon in to a baby maker, NaruHinata, Sasuke x Sakura abusive relationship ahoy.

Posted 27 February 2019 - 11:48 AM

Marzgurl lies again about Vic Mignogna and is caught.

I just saw this in my youtube in box and if I was her lawyer I would smash her phone and take away her acess to twitter. My god how stupid are these people they are litterly giving him ammo at this point.
Them Duke boys never meant no harm.--------> my childhood.
Freedom of speech is no laughing matter, since it does take one person to stand up for the right too speak out.

#653 James S Cassidy

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Posted 27 February 2019 - 02:33 PM

I just saw this in my youtube in box and if I was her lawyer I would smash her phone and take away her acess to twitter. My god how stupid are these people they are litterly giving him ammo at this point.

I am really surprised Vic hasn't just won yet. They have lied so much about so many things like how are we supposed to take anything else they have done at credible? You can easily make a case that they are all lying. They all say the same story, it all has the same plot holes, and there is plenty of videos showcasing Vic saying people call him a pervert for acting out a scene from an anime he is in and the girls CONSENTING him to do it.

Like, common sense people. This man is NOT a rapist or a sexual assaulter. He is just a VA who is very popular with the ladies. Sure, 15 years ago he may have done some shady things, but being a rapist is NOT one of them.

I want to see how clean all these people's records are. I want to see how many times they get drunk and done something stupid...We should totally blown judgement out of proportions from watching them make the tiny mistakes.

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#654 Ryriena


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  • Interests:Anime/Manga, history, unexplained mysteries, linguistics, geology, astrology, astro physics, chemistry, astronomy, sport cars, and racing cars, monster trucks, quantum mechanics and particle physics

    Anime/Manga - Gaming

    NaruSaku, Ash x Misty, (Pokyshiping) Ichigo x Rukia, Kiba/Hinata, Ichigo x Orihime, Uryū x Orihime, Cullen x Amell, Alastair x Warden, Cullen x Female Inqustior Ed x Winnry, Spike x May Valatine, Kaiden Alekno x Female Shepard, Garus x Female Shepard, Joker x Female Shepard, Angg x Katara, Zuko x Katara, Mako x Kora ( Avatar the last air bender - Legend of Kora) I don't see the ending of Kora as canon since its more of a fan service ending, since the canon pairing is not a properly developed paring.

    VLD pairing: Plance, Shiro x Adam, Hunk x Shay, Kallura
    anti Allurance

    The Dragon Prince: Cullum x Rayla

    TV pairings
    Angel x Buffy, Buffy x Spike, Angel x Cordila Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Booth x Bones (bones)
    Tony x Ziva David, Abby x Timothy McGee, Timothy x Delia (NCIS)
    Dean x Castiel, Sam x Gabriel, Sam x Elaine, Dean x Jo (Supernatural)

    Comics parings: Supes x Lois Lang, Peter Parker x Mary Jay Waston, Captian x Black Widow, Hawke Eye x Black Widow, Jean Grey x Cyclops, Jean x Wolverine, Rouge x Gambit, Batman x Slilena Kyle, Bruce x Black Widow

    Movies pairings: Jurassic Park series (Owen x Claire, Malcome x Sarah) Han x Leia, Luke x Maria Jade, Finn x Rey, FinnPoe (Star Wars)

    Dislikes Supes x Wonder Woman, as it's basically turns a feminist icon in to a baby maker, NaruHinata, Sasuke x Sakura abusive relationship ahoy.

Posted 27 February 2019 - 04:35 PM

I am really surprised Vic hasn't just won yet. They have lied so much about so many things like how are we supposed to take anything else they have done at credible? You can easily make a case that they are all lying. They all say the same story, it all has the same plot holes, and there is plenty of videos showcasing Vic saying people call him a pervert for acting out a scene from an anime he is in and the girls CONSENTING him to do it.

Like, common sense people. This man is NOT a rapist or a sexual assaulter. He is just a VA who is very popular with the ladies. Sure, 15 years ago he may have done some shady things, but being a rapist is NOT one of them.

I want to see how clean all these people's records are. I want to see how many times they get drunk and done something stupid...We should totally blown judgement out of proportions from watching them make the tiny mistakes.

I mean seriously they are making things very difficult for me to believe them at this point with all the evidence in favor of Vic being innocent of things he's being accused of at the end of the day. They just add on to reasons why I shouldn't just trust only their word. I was also trying to stay neutral on the subject and everyday they are pushing me to the I stand with Vic side with how they are acting.

Edited by Ryriena, 27 February 2019 - 04:36 PM.

Them Duke boys never meant no harm.--------> my childhood.
Freedom of speech is no laughing matter, since it does take one person to stand up for the right too speak out.

#655 James S Cassidy

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Posted 27 February 2019 - 05:01 PM

I mean seriously they are making things very difficult for me to believe them at this point with all the evidence in favor of Vic being innocent of things he's being accused of at the end of the day. They just add on to reasons why I shouldn't just trust only their word. I was also trying to stay neutral on the subject and everyday they are pushing me to the I stand with Vic side with how they are acting.

I hear you. Every time Marzgurl, Jamie Marchi, Ron Toye, or any of the VAs open their mouths against Vic or the fans they keep digging one more shovel full.

I honestly believe, after looking at all the testimonies and evidence, what happened was Vic and one of the female VAs got drunk one night 15 years ago. Probably after a stressful work load and they started to be romantic with each other. They kissed and made out, but both admitting that it was wrong and stopped. No forced rape or anything forced sexual assault of any kind. They kept quiet about it and Vic wanted to be friendly to show that he wasn't a bad person and just wanted to make peace with the other person. Did he basically cheat on his GF at the time? Yes, but from reports it seemed like the relationship was rocky. A human being can seek out loving attention because we all want it. Am I excusing Vic for what he did? No. I still think it was stupid what he did and he should have known better, but this doesn't make him a rapist or sexual offender of any kind.

But I think about what Monica Rial said and about her "flirting with boyfriend" who wasn't there at the convention at the time. It was just her and Vic there. I think she made a story up to take the blame off her. She doesn't want to be seen like the bad guy, so she makes up the story that Vic forced himself on her.

If we are to take everyone's testimony as proof, then Vic's testimony has to be taken as facts as well the kickvic side loves saying that "Nobody lies about this." Well, then Vic is telling the truth too right? I really think it was a moment of passion that was taken out of context. Vic is a good man and he has loved his fans dearly and wants to make them happy. To show his appreciation. He makes mistakes, but I think have blown actual innocent moments and taken them out of context.

Marzgurl proves this by showing how she took several moments from videos, rewrote them to the way she wanted them to sound, and then was caught lying. Even by the people in the videos themselves. This poor man lost everything because of these lying people who didn't want to take responsibility for their own actions and failures.

How far is too far?

It has become scary to me a man in this new regime of victim culture and third wave feminism. They say it is about equality, but all they are doing is pushing misandrist ideas and throw innocent men in prisons. Then they wonder why men don't want to be with them. They wonder why men don't want to be married anymore when at any moment they could be charge for sexual assault just by breathing next to a female. Meanwhile, a female actually rapes a man...and they do nothing. She gets nothing.

I am all for equality and I am all for everyone having a fair chance, but this? This is not fair. This is anything, but equality.


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#656 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 28 February 2019 - 10:20 PM

And you can tell they KNOW how BS it is since, immediately after it was made known that Vic had retained legal council, you suddenly have many of the same people that were bashing him now suddenly trying to beg for a "truce" and pleading for "calm" and other kinds of hypocrisy because they know that under the scrutiny of the law, their stories don't hold up, they have no evidence to support their baseless allegations, and if anything, they have only provided evidence for Vic's legal council that could lead to charges against those who started all of this, including false reports, slander, and other things.


#657 totherpage95



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Posted 02 March 2019 - 06:30 PM

i think this is true the most that you can do is run for office yourself. if you watch the video of Dianne Feinstein telling kids and the people who voted for her that she knows better than them and they should run for office you really see how much money has hijacked the political system

#658 James S Cassidy

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Posted 05 March 2019 - 04:19 PM

An update on the Vic Mignogna case. They have found the so called "hair pulling incident." It wasn't presented by the accusers either, but found by Istandwithvic fans who dug into the interweb to find it.

This "incident" happened at Ikkicon in 2007 with Wendy Powell (The VA of Ency in FMA.) As shown, the "incident" was merely for fun and Vic wasn't pulling that hard or saying creepy stuff. He was again playfully acting out a scene that Wendy wanted to do. As the pictures show "It was all in good fun."

So again, one more lie. One more moment taken out of context.

Ty Beard, Vic's lawyer, has said that not only is he on Vic's counsel, but Todd Haberkorn's as well.

I want to stress again. I want REAL victims to get justice. I want real rapist to be castrated and or jailed for their heinous crime, but I also want people who lie about being a victim to also receive punishment. You just can't ruin a man's life out of malicious jealousy and fame. You are giving real victims a bad name and every lie that is being told, every moment you try to push an agenda of believe the victims regardless of evidence, you are hurting the real victims out there. Real victims who only want their life back.

I know, I wish every real victim can receive the justice they deserve, but justice is blind and we need to go by facts. There is a reason why law and justice system was in place. The Salem Witch Trials of 1642 is proof enough why "believing the victim regardless of facts" is a dangerous game. Does anyone really believe that ruining innocent people's lives is a "small price to pay?"

Justice and equality for women is good and I totally support it. Like I said, I am a from advocate for it, but when people take things too far...when innocent start to become casualties and collateral damage becomes severe....then what cause are you really fighting for? All equality comes with responsibility. They want to teach men about rape and not to do it, but how about we also teach women not to lie? This is a very dangerous game. People's live are being ruined and lost over a lie and rumors. If people do not see this as a real tragedy, then maybe there is no hope for humanity. 



i think this is true the most that you can do is run for office yourself. if you watch the video of Dianne Feinstein telling kids and the people who voted for her that she knows better than them and they should run for office you really see how much money has hijacked the political system

Personally speaking, I don't think CNN has a right to judge anyone for lying as they themselves have lied on many occasions in the last few years alone. Heck, they made up the whole Trump Russia collusion and admitted they did it for ratings.

It is hard to trust news media anymore because it is not longer about telling the truth, but rather who can get the story out fast enough. When you get good at printing BS, then that is all you are going to print.

Whether something is real or fake. Truth or lies. News media should be responsible for telling the people the truth and giving the proper facts. You can say beliefs if you want, but notify that until further proof can be presented...that's all they are.

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#659 sushi.


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Posted 05 March 2019 - 09:41 PM

And here Sanders is showing that despite everything, he's still american :))

spoiler cus big pic


#660 James S Cassidy

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Posted 11 March 2019 - 06:23 PM

You know, I really want to say this:

I never thought that I would live in a world where:
Where attempt to murder someone, hitting them, calling them useless is considered romantic gestures,
but Hugging, kissing, and actual care for people is considered sexual assault and abuse.

Where giving someone special treatment because someone feels that a group is too inept and stupid to fend for themselves is considered "social acceptance,"
but treating someone truly equal and expecting them to handle the same responsibilities is considered racist, sexist, and -phobic.

Where giving to a fake charity that embezzles money is considered righteous,
but giving to a real charity is considered homophobic.

Just....have I gone completely mad?


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