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The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

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#49241 KClaws_2


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 10:23 PM

Sounds like they're desperately TRYING to get others to like her.

#49242 winter-serenade


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 10:47 PM

I can't feel bad for Hinata anymore. In the end, she truly got what she wanted. She's now the "heroine" of the story instead of mean old Sakura. She holds the wonderous title as the very first "heroine" to have less than 1% panel time in a manga. She got married to her dream boy, granted there were some unorthodox ways of getting him to fall in love with her despite loving his teammate for so long (i.e an illusion), but Hinata will accept those means, I'm sure. Everybody loves her huge breasts and/or submissive attitude. What more could she want? What more could she gain?

#49243 Kagomaru


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    NaruSaku (Naruto x Sakura)
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    Akizuka (Akira x Shizuka)
    Asaden (Denji x Asa)

Posted 20 June 2018 - 11:23 PM

Sounds like they're desperately TRYING to get others to like her.

I think it's worse than that because they're trying to get people to pity her, which is definitely a lowering of the goal post from like (or in their case, worship). After all, you don't have to like a character to pity or sympathize with them. This is them conceding, whether unwittingly or not, that Hinata is not the infallible goddess that they hyped her up to be in their colorful imaginations, and because the Boruto manga is highlighting that quite explicitly, they've changed the argument from "Why Hinata is awesome and the best female protagonist ever" to "She's such a pitiful creature and we should feel bad for her". Anything that keeps fans within the orbit of their fap material. :roll:

Edited by Kagomaru, 20 June 2018 - 11:32 PM.

Light and Shadow are the only static creations of this universe. 

#49244 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:16 AM

Saw this on my facebook feed.

And All I can say to that  is:

25 worst things? TO HER?.........................

So I am going to reiterate:
Naruto Uzumaki: His parents are killed, his godfather is killed, he best friend is awol, the girl he really loves doesn't want him, his gets his arm blown off, misses his won Hokage correnation because his brats can't behave, and he is forced to have kids with a girl he never cared about because he gets guilttripped into being with her...BUT HINATA IS THE POOR ONE?

Sasuke gets his whol e family and clan murdered, brainwashed by everyone, gets HIS arm blown off, and loses his boyfriend to a big boobed no brain bimbo, but POOR POOR HINATA.

Gaara's mother dies in child birth, his father abuses him and sees him as a weapon, people threatened to kill him ad he was shunned, but POOR POOR HINATA.

This is why I HATE the American Naruto fanbase. Oh and by the way, the comments in this are not much better. Like they all say "She had it so rough and she is the best anime character of all time." I wish I was kidding. The only comment that is even negative is "Well, the only bad thing for Hinata is she hit puberty too hard and now she has major back problems."

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the American Narut fanbase. No where else is this "girl" this popular or anything else...and yet, she is praised literally as a goddess. And I thought the religion of Haruhi Suzamiya was bad. This is far worse.

This is why I hate her and this is why I am always so angry with this character. When I keep seeing garbage like this...It is truly official. NH really is nothing more than a pity-*quack.*

Yes. more or less.

I kittening knew it, and I always knew her fans were kittened in the head thinking she is the best anime character of all time. I mean really, kittening really? Give me a kittening break she is nothing, and I mean that she is nothing there are many better anime characters than Mrs kittening Hinata Hyuuga who does not even give a kitten about her own family.


Sounds like they're desperately TRYING to get others to like her.

Don't they always man, don't they always?

#49245 lknmjh


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:32 AM

Unfortunately they always do. And its usually up to level headed people like us to point out the hypocrisies, even though the pro-enders would rather tell us to kitten off.

#49246 Phantom_999


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:40 AM

Read the list.
1) To make it so there were 20 bulletpoints, they broke up all the ways her homelife sucked that easily could have been summed up together.
2) They try to bring up her experiencing pain during the invasion arc... where the entire village was under attack. A lot of people suffered but it's all about Hinata. Neji and Asuma's deaths too.
3) Her sucking at being a ninja. The entire cast went through the system, saw it's horrors but with Hinata suffering outweighs all them? kitten.
4) Multiple points of her not being able to be with Naruto, either due to shyness or him leaving to train/save the world.
It's like this person doesn't even know what hardship actually is, or how pathetic Hinata looks if these are your arguments. Other characters had kitten home lives, and hell Hinata's a kitten parent herself. The entire cast had to deal with being ninja, and if it's so hard for Hinata why doesn't she take issue with Naruto continuing the system? Oh right, she retired at Chunin level to play homemaker while ignoring her son's issues. If it's so hard for Hinata to be without Naruto, her cocaine, why doesn't she train so she can stand next to him (like Sakura) rather than wait at home worrying about him. Oh right, she doesn't. She runs off into battle and gets her ass kicked, even if her children could be left as orphans.
Hinata-fans like this are a complete joke.


1) Her home life sucks? The worst that she has is that she is treated distainfully by an emotionally abusive father that is disappointed in her and honestly she does not improve the situation with her escapism by WISHING she could be like her living vicarious doll "N-Naruto-kun!!!!" And also "big whoop", so you have parents that constantly hurt your feelings, A LOT of kids go through that, and not all of them live in a cushy mansion and are treated like nobility. Isn't that why Shikamaru argued for Nardo to marry Hinata in the movie? to use her family's power, wealth and influence to be Hokage? So she may have a hard time with her father but her home life FAR FROM sucks and is unstable :zaru:
2) she suffered? SHE SUFFERED!? DURING PAIN'S INVASION!? I recalled that she didn't give two effs about anything else as long Naruto was alive so he could drill his "p" into her "v" later :pimp:  She didn't give ANY thoughts about the village. She WAS NOT defending anyone or fighting off anything during the invasion, but when her "man candy" is threatened to be taken away from her She suddenly becomes "suicidally courageous"!? :lmao:  THAT IS FEELING SORROW FOR HER VILLAGE? :facepalm:
3) Yeah, she SUCKS at being a ninja, what's their point? She does not do anything for any person's sake, not even for her self. but when she get's her "N-Naruto-kun-gasms" THEN she starts fighting back, and who besides her is responsible for that? Give other characters credit, they at least are willing to get stronger and do it for reasons other than "making their crush blush" :th_yeah: And speaking of which, you don't see ANY OTHER CHARACTER with this mentality being praised for it to the extent Hinata Hyuga gets
4) AND? Now here is the double standards here. Hinata has always liked Naruto so she is entitled to him, But Naruto always liked Sakura but is not entitiled to her because she is an "abusive kitten", and Sakura is entitled to Sasuke because she always liked him, ignoring that logic applies to ALL of his fan girls then. And entitlement aside, Who is Naruto's best friend that always cheers him up, supports his dream, TALKS TO HIM and always makes him feel at home? Who is he always comfortable to be around? Here is a hint, It is not Sasuke. It's not even Hinata. *Gasp* It is Sakura, the so-called abusive kitten!!!! :omfg:  Clearly they ignore all of Sakura's more tender moments and development with Naruto because Hinata Hyuga-ojou-megami-sama deserves Naruto :blink: When she does not even make any attempts to even start a friendship with him

Edited by Phantom_999, 17 August 2018 - 08:14 PM.


#49247 ultranx



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Posted 21 June 2018 - 05:55 AM

Unfortunately they always do. And its usually up to level headed people like us to point out the hypocrisies, even though the pro-enders would rather tell us to kitten off.

or pose as an ns fan on this site to troll then make a fake petition to demonize us and then make a petition to put us in a mental hospital, seriously I don't know what is wrong with those pro enders. I mean seriously you're gonna try to put people in a mental hospital just because they don't worship hinata or your poorly written ending? that's messed up.

Edited by ultranx, 21 June 2018 - 05:58 AM.


#49248 KClaws_2


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 07:23 AM

Wait, there was a petition to commit NS fans!?

Now they really have no right complain about that false boycott. At least we leave them alone to speak their peace on their territory; they try to shut us up at every opportunity. 


This reminds me of a time I argued with a pro-ender over the ending in the comment section of one of Revanant Wings' videos. He wanted me to STFU. I told him to try to repeal the First Amendment first, wishing him good luck with that. He told me to GTFO, I reminded him he was on an anti-ending video and if anything HE should leave. Then he said he didn't appreciate me posting a video and spreading lies, and at that point I lost it. I said "I didn't make the video, dumbass! Look a the username below! It says REVANANT WINGS!" 

I know that wasn't a cool thing for me to do, but there comes a point where when someone refuses to be civil that all bets are off. If anything else, he stopped commenting after that.


Seriously, this reminds me of a clip of Skeletor from the original He-man ( I can't find the clip by itself, but you can look it up in "30 times Skeletor was the Master of the Insult):


My feelings on the Naruto fandom in a nutshell.

#49249 Kasimir38



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Posted 21 June 2018 - 09:45 AM

Agree with aggressive NH fans. Every Naruto youtube video ever has them. I once commented something about NS and there were haters calling me stupid and liar and hypocrite. I never answered them though.

It's just like those SJW. Hinata is a nice girl and they think it's very appropriate to bash the brawn out of everyone who thinks 's differently. You can lose your mind by engaging into something that includes protecting something you like, something weak or bullied from a "threat" you just made up. Whenever an NH fan comments on something it just sound's like those rage posts feminists make.

The thing is - it is unjustified. The circumstances don't really call for these reactions.

NaruSaku video: *exists*


NaruSaku fanart: *exists*


NaruSaku fans: *exist*

NaruHina fans: <They have NO right to exist! :cuss: :wallbash: 



It's not worth talking with people of that kind. Sadly, 90 % of the NH fanbase is like that lmao.

I used to like NH, but I started hating it because of them.

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- The artificial intelligence programme allows EKton to see your browsing history without judging. (Read bottom)  - It also analyzed post - data and came to the conclusion that NaruSaku is the most logical ship. Full report: NArUSA&%KU.;;;yDAta[Analysis];L=100%EKtonEKtonEKton

By shipping NaruHina you agree to our Terms and Conditions. These include being judged by EKton.

#49250 RulesofNature


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:41 PM

I've never hung around Naruto fan circles until coming here, but everyone I know who used to like Naruto hates Hinata. Well, there is this one buddy at work who has a Naruto wallet but I'm not going to ask what he thinks. But like I said elsewhere, just because Hinata was popular with the online fanbase doesn't mean she was popular with those who are more casual.


Just making your day a little brighter.

#49251 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 21 June 2018 - 08:21 PM

I've never hung around Naruto fan circles until coming here, but everyone I know who used to like Naruto hates Hinata. Well, there is this one buddy at work who has a Naruto wallet but I'm not going to ask what he thinks. But like I said elsewhere, just because Hinata was popular with the online fanbase doesn't mean she was popular with those who are more casual.

I was in Middle school when Naruto when Naruto was at peak popularity (when toonami was still on prime time,) and in High school during it decline (I was out of school long before the ending though.) Most of the boys watched it for the action since their was a drought of good shows when Naruto was popular (one of the big reason for its popularity in the states in the first place) that barely cared about any of the girls though...I think they liked Ino Anko and Tsunade. Most didn't care for Sakura though they really didn't give an opinion of her, and people pitied hinata more then anything else. The girls watched it for the boys most girl I knew that liked Naruto had a crush on Gaara as well as his voice actor. My sister played any game Liam O'Brien for years. Other that Sasuke & Kakashi were also popular, then Neji, Shikamaru, Iruka, and then Naruto. Didn't realize people like Kiba until I learn he had fans among dog lovers, and Choji most people seem more offended he not love for some fat acceptance thing then anything else online.


Like I said a while back Hinata was only really loved by either people that liked her big chest and thought she be an easy lay to get, or fanatic who made of the worst type of nerds


Sounds like they're desperately TRYING to get others to like her.

I think it's worse than that because they're trying to get people to pity her, which is definitely a lowering of the goal post from like (or in their case, worship). After all, you don't have to like a character to pity or sympathize with them. This is them conceding, whether unwittingly or not, that Hinata is not the infallible goddess that they hyped her up to be in their colorful imaginations, and because the Boruto manga is highlighting that quite explicitly, they've changed the argument from "Why Hinata is awesome and the best female protagonist ever" to "She's such a pitiful creature and we should feel bad for her". Anything that keeps fans within the orbit of their fap material. :roll:

It is both. Remember one of the tenants of the followers of the Goddess Hinata is that; she cannot be hated. If they can't make you love her for the very being of perfection they are she is, they will make you understand that she is the most tortured being that has ever been imagined; "so, how can you hated such a tortured being, only a truly awful person could do that, don't you understand how much she has suffered?"

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 22 June 2018 - 12:50 AM.

#49252 DrK


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 10:04 PM

It's like the lesson that the actual story hammers in over and over. Learn to see underneath the underneath. If you can't do that then Sakura looks bad and Hinata might even look good.

#49253 ultranx



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Posted 21 June 2018 - 11:16 PM

Wait, there was a petition to commit NS fans!?

Now they really have no right complain about that false boycott. At least we leave them alone to speak their peace on their territory; they try to shut us up at every opportunity. 


This reminds me of a time I argued with a pro-ender over the ending in the comment section of one of Revanant Wings' videos. He wanted me to STFU. I told him to try to repeal the First Amendment first, wishing him good luck with that. He told me to GTFO, I reminded him he was on an anti-ending video and if anything HE should leave. Then he said he didn't appreciate me posting a video and spreading lies, and at that point I lost it. I said "I didn't make the video, dumbass! Look a the username below! It says REVANANT WINGS!" 

I know that wasn't a cool thing for me to do, but there comes a point where when someone refuses to be civil that all bets are off. If anything else, he stopped commenting after that.


Seriously, this reminds me of a clip of Skeletor from the original He-man ( I can't find the clip by itself, but you can look it up in "30 times Skeletor was the Master of the Insult):


My feelings on the Naruto fandom in a nutshell.

yup, here it is too https://www.ipetitio...ental-institute what happened is there was an nh troll posing as an ns fan on this site, he got exposed and banned then made a fake petition of us supposedly wanting naruto banned from the US because of the ending, then after that they and all the pro enders made the mental hospital petition and made us out to be the worst part of the fanbase.


#49254 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 22 June 2018 - 12:50 AM

It's like the lesson that the actual story hammers in over and over. Learn to see underneath the underneath. If you can't do that then Sakura looks bad and Hinata might even look good.


No kidding.And let's face it, man, the hardcore pro-ending fans don't wanna see what's the truth, they just wanna bash and protect HInata without thinking of how their actions ruined the series.

#49255 RulesofNature


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Posted 22 June 2018 - 06:20 PM

It's like the lesson that the actual story hammers in over and over. Learn to see underneath the underneath. If you can't do that then Sakura looks bad and Hinata might even look good.


Based on my experiences, anime fans are really bad at seeing that. They take things at face-value or only seeing things how they want to be seen. Naruto just got hit by it worse than most due to it's longevity.


Just making your day a little brighter.

#49256 Kasimir38



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Posted 23 June 2018 - 04:17 PM

I was in Middle school when Naruto when Naruto was at peak popularity (when toonami was still on prime time,) and in High school during it decline (I was out of school long before the ending though.) Most of the boys watched it for the action since their was a drought of good shows when Naruto was popular (one of the big reason for its popularity in the states in the first place) that barely cared about any of the girls though...I think they liked Ino Anko and Tsunade. Most didn't care for Sakura though they really didn't give an opinion of her, and people pitied hinata more then anything else. The girls watched it for the boys most girl I knew that liked Naruto had a crush on Gaara as well as his voice actor. My sister played any game Liam O'Brien for years. Other that Sasuke & Kakashi were also popular, then Neji, Shikamaru, Iruka, and then Naruto. Didn't realize people like Kiba until I learn he had fans among dog lovers, and Choji most people seem more offended he not love for some fat acceptance thing then anything else online.


Like I said a while back Hinata was only really loved by either people that liked her big chest and thought she be an easy lay to get, or fanatic who made of the worst type of nerds

It is both. Remember one of the tenants of the followers of the Goddess Hinata is that; she cannot be hated. If they can't make you love her for the very being of perfection they are she is, they will make you understand that she is the most tortured being that has ever been imagined; "so, how can you hated such a tortured being, only a truly awful person could do that, don't you understand how much she has suffered?"


Pretty popular amongst the girls were also Akatsuki team members. If I had to choose between Kakashi and Sasuke, I'd say Kakashi, though I don't really know why he is so popular. (KakaSaku?? Why does it exist?  :hm:  )

But! - Hinata was also pretty popular, at least from what I witnessed. Many girls love Hinata, idk why???? And boys obviously liked her because she was the only girl with those proportions.  :hm:


When I was still part of the fandom (Around 2008 - 2012) there were a dozen of SasuSaku shippers. I know that because I read all the fanfiction lmao. :th_yeah: :hm:   I don't remember when, but when I finished Naruto and started with Shippuuden, it was just airing. I was just, like, 150 episodes behind. I immediately started shipping NaruSaku at the beginning of Shippuuden, though, dropped the series around the time Akatsuki was defeated, but still read it and with Hinata's love confession, I was like: Nah. I don't like where this is going. :down:


So please tell me, what was going on? Lol. There is so much hatred against us? Whenever I tell some Naruto fan that I prefer NS, they are like: Just shut up we don't need that here you guys ruined the show - and I'm like what? YOU ruined the show :ohmy:

This Text was constructed automatically by EKton, the personal WEB - Robot.

- The artificial intelligence programme allows EKton to see your browsing history without judging. (Read bottom)  - It also analyzed post - data and came to the conclusion that NaruSaku is the most logical ship. Full report: NArUSA&%KU.;;;yDAta[Analysis];L=100%EKtonEKtonEKton

By shipping NaruHina you agree to our Terms and Conditions. These include being judged by EKton.

#49257 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 23 June 2018 - 04:26 PM

Happy 27th Anniversary, Sonic.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

Always have the spirit and the guts to never ever give up no matter what.

#49258 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 23 June 2018 - 06:40 PM


Pretty popular amongst the girls were also Akatsuki team members. If I had to choose between Kakashi and Sasuke, I'd say Kakashi, though I don't really know why he is so popular. (KakaSaku?? Why does it exist?  :hm:  )

But! - Hinata was also pretty popular, at least from what I witnessed. Many girls love Hinata, idk why???? And boys obviously liked her because she was the only girl with those proportions.  :hm:


When I was still part of the fandom (Around 2008 - 2012) there were a dozen of SasuSaku shippers. I know that because I read all the fanfiction lmao. :th_yeah: :hm:   I don't remember when, but when I finished Naruto and started with Shippuuden, it was just airing. I was just, like, 150 episodes behind. I immediately started shipping NaruSaku at the beginning of Shippuuden, though, dropped the series around the time Akatsuki was defeated, but still read it and with Hinata's love confession, I was like: Nah. I don't like where this is going. :down:


So please tell me, what was going on? Lol. There is so much hatred against us? Whenever I tell some Naruto fan that I prefer NS, they are like: Just shut up we don't need that here you guys ruined the show - and I'm like what? YOU ruined the show :ohmy:

Sorry I forgot about them its been years and sometimes unless I am reminded of something I tend to forget a few details here and there. Where I went to school most people stopped watching after toonami was taken off the air, but yes Itachi and the others were popular to those that still watch the anime after it was taken off the air. But again Hinata, I didn't see it more then sympathizing her as the underdog that should get Naruto because she is shy among girls. But they cared more about the boys then Hinata. Also it not like I asked them stuff about this more that this is what I observed. KakaIru was also of course popular (along with SNS) but do you really think I was asking girls my age if they fantasizes about two guys having none stop sex? It was more a lot of girls had picture of Gaara in their folders and notebook then asking them. Hell raven from ten titans was also popular among a lot of girls as well.


Most people didn't like Sakura as much as Hinata but again they preferred not to think of her, most probably would have just shrug their shoulders if NS happened. If the manga went as intended they probably would have been complaining more about NejiXHinata as they would have saw it as incest, unless they the type of people that took away from game of thrones that incest was fine.


Based on my experiences, anime fans are really bad at seeing that. They take things at face-value or only seeing things how they want to be seen. Naruto just got hit by it worse than most due to it's longevity.

And it being very main stream. A lot of people that watched Naruto thought it was generic action shlock/a place to get character to act in their sexual fantasies, and a common meme (?) in US was that Naruto's morals varied from stupid, don't make sense, hypocritical, contradictory, and so on. Anime fans tended to see Naruto was bland and generic compared to other anime due to it being main stream, and tended to not bother put any thought into what Naruto was about when they could be watching other better anime. Though like you said, it's not like that give those "better animes'" stories much thought either. 

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 27 June 2018 - 02:10 AM.

#49259 KClaws_2


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Posted 23 June 2018 - 08:42 PM




So please tell me, what was going on? Lol. There is so much hatred against us? Whenever I tell some Naruto fan that I prefer NS, they are like: Just shut up we don't need that here you guys ruined the show - and I'm like what? YOU ruined the show :ohmy:

Wait, how did WE ruin the series? Kishi gave US the middle finger, he gave THEM the prize! Where's the logic in that!? 


The only thing I can think of is that we participated in the pairing wars, Kishi kept misleading fans right and left and could not convincingly develop the endgame. Which to be fair, IS a valid point to be upset about, but at Kishi himself, not us. If NH was SOOO popular, he could have easily went with it clear as day after the confession. The fact he was so gung-ho about throwing the story in different directions tells me at best it's 50/50.

#49260 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 23 June 2018 - 11:21 PM

Happy 27th Anniversary, Sonic.

Happy 40th anniversary Michael Myers and 30th robocop.

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