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#44721 Aevrum



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Posted 18 July 2017 - 09:08 AM

Basically to be manipulative is to deceive someone to do something. In this case, Sakura is trying to manipulate Naruto with his feelings toward her to not go after Sasuke, by lying that she feels the same and doesn't care about Sasuke anymore. It's not Kishi manipulating the reader here, just Sakura to Naruto, and Naruto's reply is essentially, that love doesn't work like that, and she's being dishonest, and he also wants to save Sasuke for his own reasons.

Then we actually agree on everything. The scene with Sai as it is, IS not manipulative, but what the characters later do is. It sounded totally different in your last posts.

Your next part is partially right, and what I was saying: Sakura is understanding the promise is painful to Naruto, or so she thinks its the promise, anyway, as I've said remove the promise and the pain would be the same. But she wants to go after Sasuke to save him, she loves him, but she resorts to trying to kill him, because she believes the only way to save Sasuke is for him to die from what she saw.
The Poisoned Kunai was for Sasuke, actually, if I recall. It's unknown when it was prepared. I'll have to go reread and verify that though.

You are right, but not completely. The pain would not be the same. That's what you don't understand fully and Sakura didn't fully during the situation.

She thought that it would make it a little bit easier for him to give up, if there is no third party involved anymore. That it would at least remove one burden and regret from him, even if he doesn't come back. But she should have known that Naruto doesn't work that way. Even if he didn't care about Sasuke even a little bit, he would still have immense trouble to simply leave there and go or even to believe her. Just imagine the scene again with Naruto not caring about Sasuke and tell me how he would react.

The promise he gave her makes it actually easier (in a deterministic way) for him to chase after Sasuke, but Sakura shows us that she doesn't understand a bit how he feels in that situation.

She thinks she knows better than him, and that the only real solution to everything would be to kill Sasuke.
This is again actually a little bit independent from the motive before and makes us ask, if Sasuke is really still redeemable.
Yes, as I said, the poison was for Sasuke. She never fully believed herself, that Naruto will believe her.

Yes, that's unfortunately a SS situation like you elaborated.
[That said, I remember the flashback scenes we were shown as she tried to kill Sasuke - man, was that cringeworthy, she didn't even have real situations to think back at.^^
I still can't believe that Kishi chose such a romance route/motive in the end. It's so utterly ridiculous and idiotic.
Plus contrary to popular belief love is actually never really fully irrational and never permanent, if there isn't something to fuel it. But I digressed ... ]

3: That's what I'm saying: No, he wouldn't have gone home, based on what he illustrated, but he certainly had a choice.

You don't understand what I'm trying to say. The choice changed in such a way, that there is no real choice left in the first place. Sakura doesn't know about what he was told, it was not a confrontation on even grounds anymore.

#44722 Shashank95



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Posted 18 July 2017 - 09:47 AM

I can't believe that we're actually debating the credibility of NS on a site like this. FML!


And Analyzer, The Brandon Sanderson quote that I posted fits perfectly well for NH and SS.

Kishi made Sakura reject Naruto in the most retarded way possible and make Naruto believe that he should love Hinata more. He also stated that if Sakura were to move on from Sasuke, it would make her a terrible woman.

"If you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you'll end up miserable."


Naruto wanted Sakura, he gave up on her and convinced himself that he wanted Hinata more. Isn't he miserable?

Sakura convinced herself that Sasuke was something that he was not, Isn't she miserable?

Good day.


Edited by Shashank95, 18 July 2017 - 09:51 AM.


#44723 Charger76


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Posted 18 July 2017 - 11:47 AM

Lol that flashback scene was rediculous

#44724 Aevrum



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Posted 19 July 2017 - 11:38 AM

This is the NS Debate thread. So...yes?

Oh boy... I think you don't want to understand sometimes, what the other person is saying...

I don't think there was much credibility doubting - at least never from me. It was rather a discussion on a few scenes from the viewpoint of what 'canon'/"The Last" 'established' in the end, as much as I don't like it.

Ignoring the poor choice of word "retarded', Naruto did not give up on Sakura, he never pursued her.

How do you define pursuing? Saying "I love you" everytime you see the other person? Or asking on a date? Tell me, how should Naruto have pursued her in the end, if he would have?
Let's ask it in another way: How exactly for example did Hinata pursue Naruto?

More importantly: Do you need to actively pursue something, to give up on it?

You are using wrong causality all the time; I sincerely thought you were objective, but in the last posts, you twisted things just too many times.

Naruto didn't convince himself he wanted Hinata more, the Genjutsu made him understand both his own and Hinata's emotions. Finally, with understanding, he could move forward with love, I.E., he falls into the love he already had. If you watch the Last, you can understand that it is literally, a device that shows the past on things.
When Sakura talks to Naruto about Hinata, Naruto is heartbroken that Hinata went with Toneri. Heartbroken. So let's say the scene is changed and she convinces that Naruto should go with her instead. Now it works as per the quote! But Sakura doesn't have feelings for Naruto, nor would do something like that. She pushes him to get back up by assuring him that Hinata cares for him. That's what happens in the scene. If you haven't watched it, you should before commenting anything further on something you haven't viewed.
I already explained the move on part, but essentially it's talking about the difference between genuine love and shallow love, and how moving on from Sasuke to Naruto would be shallow, based on the circumstances.  I already highlighted these circumstances, feel free to read back and catch up on that. 

I think you still don't understand one thing and are bringing it unnecessarily up every. single. time.:

Everyone understands what they are TRYING to tell us in the movie.

But what is so problematic, is the fact that it is simply really bad, not believable and insulting.

I don't really want to answer to every single terrible point. But let's take a look at a few examples:

"He falls into the love he already has":
Not to mention that it is silly that he didn't understand Hinata's love during the Manga chapters, that whole sudden 'realizing' thing is such a cheap story device. He sees past scenes (that are mostly new and made up extra for this case, because there was not enough), but there is NOTHING that could shed positive romantic emotions from his perspective and he suddenly realizes that he loves her. It's so stupid really, love doesn't work that way.

"He is heartbroken":
Not to mention that he totally randomly confesses hours after he realized his 'true love that was always there' (a little interpretation from my side: with confused emotions and slightly 'forced' to do it so fast), he is acting like a love-sick puppy afterwards and loses the motivation to fight. Naruto.

I know that they wanted to add a little 'drama' into the 'love story', but it doesn't help to make everything believable.

The scene with Sakura:
The way how she is pushing him back up is just disgusting. She is purposely using the fake confession scene to 'wake him up'.

Then that whole 'shallowness' and 'eternal love' motive. Because it would also work the other way with Naruto's love for Sakura, they first have to reduce it to a 'not real' love, out of rivalry (which simply doesn't and can't work out with what we read and saw in the manga), for them to make it a 'shallow' love, so that it is justified for him to move on. (At this point we still don't understand what makes Hinata's or Sakura's love 'real' and 'special', we just have to accept it)

And then they begin with that whole 'not changing blablabla' talk.
It makes me want to puke. Not to mention that it is silly, the shallowness and selfishness Hinata and Sakura showcased during the whole series can never justify the usage of that motive. It makes no sense.

Honestly, the whole movie feels like Naruto being pushed from one 'love lesson' to the next with him being an idiot and the women somehow being absolute love experts.

It is just ridiculous.

Naruto is not miserable, there is this thing called plot that ultimately strengthens things by the end and people are better off for it. Same for SS.

He is miserable. As is Sakura. But it's not about romance in the first place, they 'love' their partners in the canon world. It's about how they are acting, what they are doing and what is happening. The life choices they made led them to situations they didn't imagine like that - it doesn't matter if someone thinks that it could be different with other partners.

We honestly don't know how it will unfold yet. But what you said will most probably be the case. But then think again: They are the canon pairings, they HAVE to be shown in at least a bit of positive light.
The thing is: Kishi KNOWS about the negative things in both pairings, the missing 'development' (as we like to call it) and the troubled chemistry and he is ACTIVELY using it, like in Gaiden or Boruto the movie.

#44725 Aevrum



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Posted 19 July 2017 - 04:29 PM

Hinata shows a solid example, really, making a gift from the heart to give along with a speech that declares her intentions, the desire to start a romantic relationship.

Do you think that this is pursuing?
Granted, she is too shy in front of Naruto to do much more, but even the movie is telling us with the whole fangirl and his mothers' scarf thing: A gift is simply not enough, it means nothing as it is.
And Hinata 'offers' him nothing more on an emotional level (beside flashbacks), during the whole movie.

Her 'speech' has similar problems.
Firstly, it is involuntarily triggered and secondly, brings Naruto no new message he wouldn't have got during the Pain arc.
I'll get back later to this.

Naruto does not do this, any examples are shown comically, so we can't take his attempts seriously. The closest is "How can I?", but it's not an attempt to pursue,nor an intent that he will pursue after Sasuke is saved. Also Sakura's request to go with Sasuke at 699 is another sort of example, which is why she is blushy and nervous, and people say "She's regressed!" when in actuality, she's making a serious romantic question here, which, seems to have that cultural response, whether I like that exact portrayal or not. 

Yes, there is this 'dating', 'pervert', .. . running-gag.
But it doesn't change the actions' intentions, nor the pretext, nor the fact that all the other scenes are emotionally powerful ones.
Think back to Hinata. Her love was completely a running gag of blushing and fainting, except of after the chuunin exams (which even had no 'romantic' pretext) and her throwing her life in danger two times. But that's it.
She also never pursued something - only at the end, where the pairings were set, she promised herself to stand beside him.

I think you don't combine everything with the fact how the story progressed and what happened, what even made the comical scenes get less and vanish.
It has a reason why he never gets to pursue and tell her: Everything that was happening with Akatsuki, Madara and so on. Literally everything that happened between him and Sakura, and Sakura and Sasuke.
He would have confessed more seriously, if there would have been a fitting situation after everything was cleared.
But we all know what happened afterwards.
Kishi chose his love to be unrequited - do you think he could have pursued her in this situation with what was happening and happened? Telling her after the fake confession scene and what happened during and after the war?
Naruto is not blind, nor is he an idiot. If it is important, he WILL shut his mouth.

I never talked about Sakura, but:
The thing is how she acts. The critic stems mostly from the fact, that the SS love is not believable and that she again doesn't care about any other person, not even Sasuke.

But I shouldn't talk. If I would have had to make the SS scene in this situation, I would have done it the exact same way. It's just the motive of SS, as stupid as it is for me personally.

Minor Aside, just for fun, I feel like Naruto should confess in hypothetical NS situation. It would dispel the notions that its just a joke/not a serious affection in that sort of employ from Naruto's side.

It's complicated. It would be dependent on the course you take.
Plus I still can't understand that 'not serious' thing. Did anyone honestly think that before the movie came out?
There are so many NS scenes that always showed us, that it is quite 'serious'.
Starting from chapter 3, over the gaara fight, hospital scene and promise, to the talk with Sai, the fake confession scene and the war. There is simply no other really logical interpretation.

It's believable that Naruto doesn't understand romantic love, from not having parents or a serious mentor in that aspect. He is damaged in a sense, though not so much as Sasuke. It's the best employed idea the Team had, particularly with the timetable they were forced to work with (2 years later). I also don't think Naruto really had time to process it immediately after, then chain of events kept flowing. In an American interpretation, Naruto would have answered earlier, I will say, and this may be an entirely cultural difference of story-telling, considering the audience and genre as well. Could they have done a better reasoning? Maybe, but honestly, with what Kishimoto gave them to work with from his conservatism, I'm hard pressed to find a working reason that you can execute better. 

Again, that he doesn't understand romantic love is not believable. You don't simply 'learn' love. Every person has a different view of love, a bit dependent on education, but that's all.
He bonded instantly with Sasuke, before making any friends, why can he show sympathy and understanding here so easily?
In the first mission he understands Haku's love like no one else - it is not romantic love, but still love. The whole story afterwards is partly about the importance of any kind of bonds and how well Naruto understands that.
In every situation confronted with romantic love between two other persons, he understands it. You can say it was a crush, but he loved Sakura.
We have not a single reason to doubt his understanding of romantic love.

Of course you can execute it better - just pick up from after the war and slowy build up on what's already there - without throwing it out of the window to start new and making him a romantic retard.

It's not hours, by the way, days certainly pass. I also don't think the speed of it is unnatural, if he is falling in unrealized love, it's a sort of catch up of lost time, you could say. 

It was an exaggeration from my part and I understand the motive they used, but again, I think it's ridiculous. How he seemingly 'falls' in love and the timing.

The Manga really tells the difference of SS/NS/NH, granted SS's love starts shallow, indisputably, along with NS's. NS has this growing bond mind, but it is ultimately, frustratingly to us, even, friendship, as tackled in the late 400s. Sakura's love for Sasuke, which is the important part here, as they aren't a couple at this time, is true in the sense she loves him and his flaws, and even when he hurts her with his actions, she still loves him. This frustarted some of us in 693 and 699, that enduring love, but that's what is being discussed here. Hinata's is similiar, a love for all of a being, flaws and all.

I know what you mean and I never claimed something different. But let's take a better look:
There are two important differences between NS/NH/SS:

1. How the loving person acts:
Sakura is extremely pushy and non-considerate. Although she has a small inkling, she doesn't want to understand Sasuke and doesn't really accept his flaws. She simply tolerates them, because she 'loves' him, and would even do the most irrational things to be with him.

Naruto at first is similarly pushy. But pretty fast develops into something where he takes consideration for her feelings. He understands her, admires her physical and emotional strength and becomes selfless.

Hinata is pretty shy and needs encouragement or a special occasion.
She admires him, understands his determination and flaws and is selfless (except for later parts). Naruto is her role model.

2. How the beloved person acts:
Sasuke doesn't care. He of course knows that she has a crush on him, but that's all. He gets to respect her as a Teammate, but everything that ever 'happens' between the two is solely in Sakura's imagination. Somehow he is reciprocating after the war.

Sakura has before the time skip only eyes for Sasuke and ignores Naruto. But she comes to respect Naruto and believe in him. After the time skip for a long time everything is pretty vague and they bond even more. Sadly, there is never a next step and at some point everything is going down the drain.

Naruto thinks at first that she is weird, but then she becomes a friend and comrade. Near the end he is confronted several times with her love. He realizes who always loved him.

There is a pattern here, which makes SS so completely unlikeable in the opinion of many. There are pretty alarming differences compared to NH and NS (, and especially to NS).

Another important difference is how Sakura started to love Sasuke. It is totally shallow for the most popular kid only after she came out of her shell thanks to Ino, which also triggers the giving up of that friendship. It really can't start worse. But the important thing here is, that we never got any indication that this type of shallow, obsessed love changed into something real, which it is used as later.

But before I digress any more I stop, I think I don't have to elaborate why NS works so much better than NH or SS.

It's this difference in love that doesn't create a "move on" during the talk, but an understanding that there was really no NS, as bewildering as that may be. It's not what we want, but it is a working execution. I won't touch Sakura's selfishness here, agree to disagree here, but Hinata's? She chose her sister over immediately having Naruto to try to stop Toneri ? I just don't see the selfishness here.

Again, I understand that they want to eradicate NS. The problem just is: It makes no sense at all regarding what has happened (The reasoning even doesn't work - why should he have 'loved' Sakura because of his rivalry with Sasuke? Utterly, completely stupid.) and even if you accept that, it makes look Naruto like an idiot and kitten. Just think back at the fake confession scene.
Therefore it is not really a working execution.

I was not necessarily referring to the movie, but: Why did she held that speech to Naruto in that situation?
She is selfish and wants to get things out of her system, not thinking about how it will trouble Naruto.
Of course she will go to save her sister, anything else would be really..., Wow.

But it's in this situation not really Hinata's fault, just stupid generic love movie plot forcing the characters together fast.

Finally, the negative things in the pairings, are more so a negative aspect of the family, about the sacrifices made due to each father's situation.Even with an NS end mind, there would be similiar in the author's hands. I don't think however, to any extent is Naruto or Sakura miserable with that difficulty, it's difficult we can say, but it's not depressing them. 

I don't said it's depressing them, but they clearly have troubles. Troubles that in this way wouldn't have been there with a NS ending.

You are right, they would have probably included similar things with a NS ending.
But the fact is that NS would have had much less attack surface to establish such things. It would generally be a less problematic relationship, they would have had to probably include an outside influence to trigger similar drama.

I'm defending NH/SS way more than I want to. Maybe Next I'll put out differences that could have been done to make NS work really well. I actually honestly think an American that handled Naruto would have gone with NS very likely, or possibly NH and never even promoted NS from the start. I don't know, I just -think- that's how our culture would have taken the story, and maybe that's part of the frustration? Not a 100% behind it, just a thought. 

I am not American and grew up with Central Asian culture. I would say it is pretty much the middle thing between Japanese and Western culture in terms of romance.

And I can tell you that probably no one with a similar cultural mindset would have taken the current route with the setup we had.
It would either be NS or NS or NS or , much less probably, a bittersweet route with a clearly crushed Naruto who later accepts Hinata and finds happiness slowly with her. In that case Sakura would probably suffer, if the author is sadistic^^

But I don't think it is a solely cultural thing. There are certain topics and motives that are universally likeable or unlikeable.

Edited by Aevrum, 19 July 2017 - 04:33 PM.

#44726 catsi563



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Posted 19 July 2017 - 07:10 PM

Except Sasiles beating himself over failing to save her in the Chunin arc was clearly jealousy over Narutos rapid growth and his appareant sluggish growth. Itachi had told him live a hateful life etc he was and thought it would make him strong but the evidence was beating him over the head that this was clearly wrong thus his cognitive dissonance.


Hinata gets glorified in the Anime to an absurd degree when her position in the manga is considered. Karin gets more substantive and deeper time then she does and has more panel time to boot.


Hinata as a character in the Manga is quite frankly utterly irrelelvant to the story. She could be dropkicked from the manga faster then anything and the story wouldnt skip a beat in the process.

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#44727 Aevrum



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Posted 19 July 2017 - 07:33 PM

Hinata's declaration of feelings, or her desire to declare them, versus the Pain Arc's confession are very different.
The Pain Arc's confession wasn't about pursuing a romantic relationship. Naruto asked why she was doing this, and Hinata tells him. It's not a "I want to be with you romantically".
Her Declaration in the last is specifically: I want to be with you. We can't really say what would have happened if she got to say it to him.

That's my fault here. I wrote that I will get back to this but forgot.
You see, as she was practicing her confession the second time, she thought that he has a girlfriend. She was AGAIN going to do it, only to get it out of her system, like with Pain. She wasn't going to ask him 'to be romantically with her' anymore. Just again, because somehow her love to Naruto is the most important thing in the life and has to be told him a second time.

As it is with The Last, the Naruto confession scene is taking placing in the middle of his 'learning trip' of love.
But Hinata didn't even get to tell him (as you already said), doesn't get to pursue him as you said and wanted. Naruto is doing everything, although he shouldn't really in his situation by your logic, with only seeing a dream.
They are twisting their positions and making him suddenly fall in love through memories to make him the active pursuing part. Not much he didn't already knew beside one extra scene, but somehow now he understands her love now (probably only thanks to Sakura calling him an idiot two times *rollseyes*).

It's funny you mention Haku, as Haku says: You said you wanted to become the best Ninja in your village and have everyone acknowledge you. Now, if someone who acknowledged you from the bottom of your heart appeared, wouldnt that someone become the most important person to you? Which could certainly be a foreshadow of Hinata, who does this the soonest after this speech is used.

Actually no, Sasuke would be that person. And the first female would be Sakura.

I digress, but Naruto can understand -other's- feelings, but not his own. He's a bit oblivious to romantic love, or so the Last suggests, and it works good enough. This point gets beat up a lot, but ultimately even if it doesn't satisfy your want for a reason, I think you have to appropriately weigh in they were forced to wait two years and work with the hand Kishimoto insisted. 

As I said several other times. He knows his own feelings. How can someone not understand the own feelings? Even if he didn't understand, he would show it, we would have to see it. Both is not the case, so he didn't love Hinata till The Last or at least till the war arc.

He is a bit oblivious to affection from outside coming to HIM. That's where his 'damage' is, if you want to call it that way. He underestimated a bit for example how important he was for Iruka, that's established pretty early in the series.
He has a bit of a tunnel vision, but it gets better later.
But, and that's important, if he get's the feelings slapped in his face like with Hinata with Pain and during the war, he has no problem understanding them. Again, example Iruka chapter 2, shielding him from the Shuriken.

The time seriously doesn't justify the problems the movie has. I mean, honestly every Naruto movie was bad in its characterization, but this is supposed to be Canon, the conclusion.
It simply mustn't have such flaws.
And the romance plus characterization is not the only part it fails. The most prominent example would probably be the shadow clones.
I don't want a perfect thing. I just want it to have no holes and unbelievable action and characterization. That couldn't have been THAT hard really.

Your 1 and 2 are interesting. 
Naruto: I don't think Naruto is really that pushy, all things considered. There's comical instances of his attempts in their first introduction, but after that, he's really not pushy, just honestly wants her acknowledgement, or counter argument, to beat Sasuke. 
Sakura: When Sakura sees Sasuke after the Pain Arc, it's actually her meeting with Naruto that helps her set her up for a bit of more understanding with Sasuke. Here, in this moment, she sees Sasuke is so dark, and contemplates killing him to save him from himself. She loves all of him, mind, flaws and all, thus 693 later, and wishes she could ease his burden. It's the angst of it, not a fan, but its fascinating. I think there is indication it develops away from a crush to this love, but it could be more clear. 
Hinata in general isn't a selfish character, I think the selfish line is mis-construed by some to undersell the moment. The line she says in chapter 437 about being selfish has more for her to acting on her own will, about becoming like Naruto in a sense, not afraid to fail and not giving up, not afraid to die because she loves Naruto, but more important, she has become who she wanted to be. This is arguably the biggest NH moment. Hinata didn't need to be pushed by someone to do this. The Ointment, The Proud Failure Speech, even her moment in 615 aren't really encouraged by someone else, more her own ambition. 
2: Sasuke actually does show he cares, at least in Part one. He saves her in the Forest during the Chuunin Exams, beats himself for not being the one to save her during the Gaara Arc, etc, and he says Thank you to her during her confession. He does in part 2, a little bit, too but more importantly, in 699, I just think we need a bit between the skips in 699 for it to be fleshed out, but its there, if maybe not there enough, subjectively anyway.
Sakura: Sakura actually begins to acknowledge Naruto in part one, though I don't want to badger on "ignored in part one" line. It takes a while to flesh out, and even longer for her to start really believing in him, which I think is finalized in the 500s/600s. 
Your Naruto Growth seems fine.

Naruto: As I said, that pushy thing clears up pretty fast. That 'beating' Sasuke thing from The Last is,... Well, I know you get it, but I will still repeat it again: There is no sense in pursuing Sakura to beat Sasuke in that moment (He should have rather pursued Ino). And he seeks her acknowledgment also before the teams.

Sakura: She already thought there, that Sasuke should possibly be killed. It's when she sees Sasuke, that she finally 'understands' that he is lost and should be killed immediately.

I don't think that it is angsty, it is rather suspenseful.

That's the thing. She thinks she loves him with all his flaws. But her actions are telling a different story. She is constantly tampering with things she knows nothing about and always thinks she knows better. There are rare thoughts of her, where we are shown that she actually knows better than what she shows us, but she doesn't care. Her love seems to be more important. She alone has to be the one to relieve him from his pain by killing him. She alone has to be the one stopping him from leaving Konoha. Her love has to stop him from fighting Naruto and establishing his plan. She and her love have to take the burden from him on his journey.
Really, nowhere, never ever ever, have I had to read such a catastrophic 'love story' and later even endure it to be turned into something 'positive' and 'true love'.
Nothing that happened during the course of 700 chapters shows us turning it into genuine love, quite contrary even.

As I said, Hinata IS selfless. There are two points where she breaks out of this tough, and unfortunately these are important NH scenes: The scene in The Last from above, and this one.
With the Pain arc confession, the selfishness lies in the fact that she knows that she is going to die, but still confesses. She knows that Naruto will be devestated, but that is not as important to her as satisfying her inner wish of confessing.

Sasuke: As I said, he gets to care for her as a teammate. Nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing else is happening till the end, but the story 'forces' him to reciprocate her feelings. It solely builds up on the assumption that 'he was impressed by her and started to love her, but didn' t show'.
Again, one of the worst elements to wrap a story up, and neither subjectively nor objectively enough.

Sakura: That 'ignoring' thing was meant romantically and not generally. I personally think that she has fully acknowledged him as a person at the end of part 1/beginning of part 2. There isn't really anything changing in part 2 in that regard, they 'only' become closer.

Your next part is a bit incorrect.
Firstly, the Hinata Fainting/Running is flanderized by Studio Perriot. She faints just once in the Manga, when we are re-introduced to the teams, before we meet Sai. Some of the "Hinata problems" definitely come from them, ironic as we often (incorrectly and subjectively) blame them for glorifying her, she's as oft flanderized. As for comical scenes vanishing, there aren't really any serious NS Scenes after the Fake Confession, really. There's a few later, but they're Red Herrings, particularly the Girlfriend comment from Naruto. 

I never said there were many of these Hinata scenes. But it's really nearly everything we see from HER till late points of the story. That's her place in the story for her for a long long time: The classical girl that loves the underdog.

That's what I said. The scenes are becoming less and the nature of them is greatly different. They are either melancholic and sad, or too comical. And that has a reason. Because Sakura did what she did.

The rest is well, not everyone likes the sort of love story the Last is fair, and the last bit is hypothetical, because Naruto inherently wouldn't be Naruto without Kishimoto, and we can't really predict how anyone would make the ending, only guess. So fair, I suppose. 

It will sound funny, but I actually do not not like the love elements.
Only as a normal viewer and reader, and of course as a NS fan, there are things that are greatly upsetting. I never imagined it to end like this. With this not-fleshed-out movie, that made me sometimes doubt my own viewing comprehension.

I actually think that's what IS so frustrating.
We don't know exactly, but we actually HAVE a pretty big impression of how Kishimoto could and would have established NS.
He built the foundation, we know the motives he showed us with the pairing, their dynamic, their chemistry, their development. What makes us like it.

He said he decided finally on the final pairings somewhere around the Pain Arc. So we even have a pretty good idea of what and where to look at.

Edited by Aevrum, 19 July 2017 - 07:51 PM.

#44728 Catra


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 07:58 PM



decided to share this on another thread because i love this look SO much. he looks so more responsible, mature and heroic than tired, obito hair style, dead bead dad, lying, manipulative, failed, do nothing pointless hokage we got.

#44729 Aevrum



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Posted 19 July 2017 - 08:38 PM

Good points Aevrum. There's not much else I want to add, but I appreciate your point of view and fair-headed discussion. Thanks for your input. 

Also appreciated. It was a refreshing discussion and even made me find words for things that always bugged me, but couldn't quite put a finger on till now. ;)
Plus it reminded me again, why NS is working/would work so much better in nearly every single aspect, than what we got.

Edited by Aevrum, 19 July 2017 - 08:40 PM.

#44730 catsi563



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Posted 19 July 2017 - 09:32 PM

would defend -any- supporting character from the comment of irrelevant, because it's objectively false, such comments show ignorance of understanding of what supporting characters are in stories.


But if you remove Hinata from the story, you are going to have huge holes to fill in. They could be written to have Sakura do them, thus establishing her much stronger as a love interest if you wanted to do a hypothetical re-write of Naruto with NS, but the moments would ultimately have to be entirely different, because at the point in the Chuunin Exams, Sakura is beginning to start to acknowledge Naruto, openly cheering at the upcoming fight and believing in him, which is a great change from before. But Hinata already acknowledges in him, and reveals her source of admiration is the fact that Naruto isn't perfect, that he falls, and fails, but keeps trying anyway. This is the scene before the fight with Neji. A fight with Neji mind, enhanced with the blood oath Naruto took, as well as the Hyuuga connection.


Quite frankly hinata has zero relevance to the story and any part she shows up in could be done with any of a multitude of different characters to the same or better emotional effect.


In specific to what you mention Sakura is already acknowledging him and thus hinatas acknowledgement of him is rendered irrelevant Sakura has already show she is willing to forgo her dream and Sacrifice Sasukes by default in the prior written exam.


As to neji the fight with Neji is about under dogs period it ahs little if anything to do with the Hyuuga clan as a whole and only as a peripheral plot point at that. Hinatas role in this could have been easily replaced with Rock Lee as he is the ultimate underdog in this regard and Nejis systematic deconstruction of lees goals and abilities work ethic would have just as powerful an effect on Naruto as his beatdown of hinata, and lees constant getting back up would be just as if not more beleiveable in the long run.




And this is just the Chuunin exam's. Who would save Naruto when he was pinned down with Pain? The whole point of this moment was having someone who loved him "die" (Or close to the point), I.E.,'s Pain's example of love to hate, which brings about Naruto's fury. Sakura could have taken her place, with build up. But it's too early for Sakura to confess anything here, we haven't got the Danzo arc yet which adds much needed elements, and re-arranging the two arcs doesn't really work. So you'd have to have another character do this instead and well... there isn't quite a fit. You're doing a substantiave re-write of things entirely. 


Save Naruto from Pein, Iruka, (Father figure and first bond), Konohomaru (Student and little brother figure), and last but not least Sakura herself. Determiend not to get left behind determined to stand by narutos side and even more so throwing caution to the winds because her feelings for Naruto override her self judgment.


All three are characters with established development WITH Naruto that consists of more then just a few faltering words or his name being repeated endlessly. And all three being injured would have a profound and painful effect on him especially if ti were Sakura finally acknowledging some feelings for Naruto at the time. the woman he was in love with enough to make a lifetime promise to, as opposed to somone who too that point was still "" A dark shy weird girl"".




This isn't even touching the war-arc. Or Hinata's small panels, which aren't there for no reason. They're tiny building blocks often, or an insight into something. Supporting Characters in general are not irrelevant, they're important key sources of revelation, unmasking personality aspects, motivation, back story (Hinata does all three of these to Naruto), 


There isnt a single part of any appearance she makes that couldn't be done by another.


Proud loser speech? Sakura, Sarutobi, Iruka, Lee. all fo whom have more connection to him at the time and just as much reason to give the same speech


Seeing Orochimarus DNA in kabuto? Neji or insert generic Hyuuga #5 in there Hinatas entire purpose int he hunt for itahci arc was as a pair of byakugan eyes.


her touching of narutos cheek after Nejis death: Sakura done and done


And these all but lay out her EVERY moment with Naruto in the ENTIRETY of the story.



would defend -any- supporting character from the comment of irrelevant, because it's objectively false, such comments show ignorance of understanding of what supporting characters are in stories.


Take Sasuke away from Sakura and you still have multiple plot elements and points that Sakura could use to grow from up to and including her relationship with Naruto.


Take Naruto away from Hinata and you have a flat character as blank as a piece of Paper. Her entire character is wrapped around Naruto and the concept of Naruto. Remove that she doesn't even have a single plot point of her own to stand on.

Objectively false? its provably true by virtue of having a pair of eyes


To add in Hinata at best is a classic Shonen style shy wallflower whose entire purpose is to have a side crush on the main character usually one of admiration nd occasionally real love before heroically sacrificing herself for the cause after a confession.


Bleach and Code Geass both did this character better by orders of magnitude

Edited by catsi563, 19 July 2017 - 09:35 PM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#44731 catsi563



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Posted 20 July 2017 - 12:12 AM

Do you believe all supporting characters are irrelevant? Because they aren't. So the question is, do you see Hinata as a non-supporting character? Because that has to be your argument, else your argument doesn't work.


No only Hinata is irrelevant by being rendered such by the Manga itself.  Even Ten Ten actually found more relevance as a character to the over all plot at one point. Hinata at BEST is a minor league background character with little more development then the ability to say Narutos Name repeatedly. Take away Naruto and she has the emotional development of a teaspoon. 


Sakura cares for Naruto in part one, but there is a big difference between her and Hinata at this stage: Sakura believes Naruto's dream impossible. She is trying to save him from losing his genin rank. (And arguably her own and Sasuke's).




​Sakura is plainly shown to care for Narutos dream and speaks directly about not wanting to see it crushed thus her decision, youre the one now applying a flsee narrative to her by making her decision a selfish one when it clearly was not. Hinata in fact shows no care at all for Narutos dream and in part 1 never mentions it at all.


By your logic, I could make -any- character irrelevant, though even in your example, it doesn't work and is ineffective. You're basically saying: "I can swap this character to provide the backstory that this character originally provided.". But it wouldn't be the same story, nor would work. I.E., Neji -resents- Hinata, talks her down, because of the main and branch families. Rock Lee and Neji wouldn't have this depth of hatred, though Neji might talk him down, it loses the depth, and the thing is, Lee -wants- to fight Neji. Hinata on the other hand, is terrified.


And thus the point is missed entirely. Lee has just as much if not more relevance to neji due to the battle between Neji and Naruto being about underdogs. The branch family drama that Neji resented Hinata for was literally shoved aside and swept under the plot rug by The underdog subplot. The fight became about ALL underdogs not just hinata. She was at that point at best peripheral to the Underdog subplot which drove the rest of the fight. Hell the Blood oath alone is never even mentioned save by Naruto showing his first to Neji and that just as easily been anyones blood Lees, as mentioned. hell take the blood oath out and you still have the underdog fight which became the thrust of the battle. Narutos points his fist at Neji and says try to knock me down jackoff, but you still wont beat me.


The Difference is youre not a loser -Naruto to Neji.


For the Pain Arc, Sakura doesn't work because her feelings weren't built up like that at this point, you're doing a considerable re-write to do this.  If we're doing an overhaul here, there's relevance involved. Iruka doesn't even -feature- in the Pain Arc around this time, and Konohamaru had his little moment, and had no build up to step in.


Sakura works just fine because her feelings were established better then Hinatas had been, at BEST and we strain credibility here Hinata can be described as crushing on Naruto.  This is optimistic and requires looking sideways at the Manga to do so. Even if we give this benefit of the doubt the scene ends up being about Hinata in its entirety and she becomes a plot device instead of a character. Once again remove Naruto from the equation and hinata sits uselessly on the sidelines doing  nothing and being irrelevant to the story.


Remove Sasuke from the equation and Sakura still has a vested interest in narutos safety regardless of her feelings. So yes Sakura and her feelings are ENTIRELY relevant to that moment. As would be Narutos reaction to the girl he A: is a friends and teammates with, that HE has a confirmed crush on, and C: has just leapt into defend him against a singularly terrifying foe.



Iruka has a better emotional link as described above and so does Konohomaru who both are better linked via Narutos familial bonds then Hinata who again has not held or been shown to be more then at BEST a friend. one he has at best interacted with three times before this moment and only one by way of an actual back and forth conversation.


For the Proud Failure Speech, Sakura doesn't work because she doesn't yet fully acknowledge Naruto, she cheers on him, but she doesn't see him for who he is deep down. This is the same as the others, it'd be odd for Sarutobi to pick sides, Lee is Neji's Team-mate, and Iruka is already set up in this Arc to let Naruto go and not meddle, through his talks with Kakashi. This doesn't even touch on the fact that this is the person that Naruto took the blood oath for. This scene is built up from the prior battle scene. So let's assume we pick Lee, sole working option here. He lacks the background connection, and wasn't Naruto's classmate. See how much the effect is weakened? In this scene, you have a fellow Hyuuga, a blood oath, the person defeated by Neji, a weakling, Neji later connects the two both as failures even, and someone who knows, actually knows and fully acknowledges Naruto. You can't set this up the same without an overhaul, and if we're doing an overhaul, we have to admit there's relevance.



First off that's again false Sakura by the Chunin exams had fully acknowledged Naruto at the minimum as a teammate and friend worthy of her respect and friendship. She may not see him fully  but neither did Hinata so that argument holds no water either way. Both saw how Naruto didn't give up  how he pushed back against impossible odds and kept fighting which was the POINT of the proud failure speech.

​Lee himself a proud failure was inspired by GAI to be so and would certainly be able to point out this to Naruto from his own perspective, I keep failing but I never give up I get back up and keep pushing because that's what I am and I think you are too. You have a fellow hard worker whose never quit attitude is a mirror of Narutos and who wants to beat a much stronger teammate to prove himself. All releveant and in fact more relevant then hinata who also is not Narutos teammate and hasn't got clue one about his struggles beyond people choosing to ignore him


The scene remains just as relevant without Hinata as there are multiple characters with deeper social and emotional connections to Naruto who have had longer and much more thorough dialog with him, and who could deliver the same speech or variation of it with just as much emotional oomph as she did.




Your final argument also doesn't work. Here's the thing, Take Naruto away from -anyone, and you have no story. Supporting characters -support- the main character. That is why they are called supporting characters. If Naruto wasn't in the Chuunin Exams, Hinata would have given up, I.E., her plot point was with Neji, and Naruto shifts what would have been a giving up to a moment of a character gaining personal strength. This is why taking Sasuke away from the story, doesn't have the same impact, much of part one would retain its theme of acknowledgement, and much of the story could still hold together, though there would be a few holes. This is because the story is about Naruto, not Sasuke. I.E., your comparison would have to be taking away the Protagonist, not another supporting character. Main, but still a supporting character to Naruto, the protagonist.


So youre argument is my argument just taking a 6 way corner pull to get to it , thanks ill take the win on that point. Because it reemphasizes my original point remove Naruto as a motivation and Hinata has ZERO point to the story. She has no other plot elements no other, story moments nothing she can call her own.

​Sakura I can list ,multiple points without either Naruto or Sasuke that leave her a well rounded character capable of advancing her own story with little effort or modification needed.


HInata has NOTHING outside of Naruto period.



Thus, Your statement about a supporting character is objectively false, because by definition, supporting characters are relevant. If your argument is that Hinata is not a supporting character, that's different. But that's -also- objectively false. Theoretically, complete subjective statement here, could be wrong, but I believe such a statement as X Character is irrelevant, is born from dislike, rather than actual analysis. That's fine.


Whatever the mangakas intent the simple fact is that for a well rounded character in a story to be relevant they need depth, depth of personality, depth of character. HInata has none of these things. Take Naruto away as a prime motivation she becomes formless and irrelevant to the story worse then she already is.


I can remove Hinata from the story and the plot doesn't skip a beat in the slightest.


remove Sakura and any number of plot holes opens up, Christ It would require more work for an author to remove Ino from the story then Hinata.




 but I believe such a statement as X Character is irrelevant, is born from dislike, rather than actual analysis. That's fine.



Youd be wrong entirely because I have no feelings of dislike at all for Hinata. shes entirely irrelevant to the plot and not worth any form of hate. I despise such character attacks because they waste time quite frankly.


Simply put if Hinata had any actual depth aside form Naruto which she doesn't I might actually consider the characters story potential.


She doesn't So I don't.

Edited by catsi563, 20 July 2017 - 12:14 AM.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#44732 LuckyChi7


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 04:50 AM

So it's time that month again.. You Know Spider-Man Renew Your Vows latest issue #9  damn that's crazy lol 



Anyway do guys remember how the so called love interests were handled, and how forced they were  first let's take a look at Sakura, and I know this gonna be painful, but  Mother daughter moment between Sakura and Sarada:


















Wow that's just utterly sad and pathetic, and granted amongst the new generation I actually like Sarada, but as far as her portrayal in the Boruto manga is considered yeah I think I've expressed my rage about multiple times at this point.  Getting back on topic though, People try to defend this about Sarada and Sakura's mother relationship, but I'm sorry getting annoyed is one thing, but destroying your own house, and then treating it as a comedic moment is just really disgusting to see. 




Now again same issue, look at MJ and Annie: 





I find this to be not only, but also kinda amusing to see too I mean that's pretty realistic between a parent and a child especialy between Annie Parker and MJ Parker.   Oh did I forget to mention Peter being considered for MJ in that very page. I don't think you see that Sasuke no you don't.  





Next is comparison 2  showcasing Sakura's moment as a character and how she handles the situation you all know 693 :

















Oh Sakura all the support I gave you back then completely wasted just wish I saw it sooner... He tried to Kill 3 Times!!   more importantly this should've been a tramautizing experience for her. I'm sorry that's not how the real world works okay.. Especially if "The love of your life tried to take your life on multiple ocassions" and manipulated you via illusion.. There is no way you can easily say yeah everything's all good I can have Sasuke-Kun all to myself ugh...  It's so painful... Get dat out a my sight   :msmack:   ---> Well Deserved ! 





Now then getting to something better than that disgusting sight, let's take a look at this again from the same issue, this just proves how great MJ is as a character and how healthy her relationship with Peter is: 






















That's What you call character growth and a proper chemistry between two characters especially if they are married and are raising a daughter. 





#44733 Shashank95



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Posted 20 July 2017 - 06:29 AM

This Analyzer is clearly hell-bent on shoving NH and SS down our throat and prove NS never existed in the first place. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now.


#44734 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 10:03 AM

So it's time that month again.. You Know Spider-Man Renew Your Vows latest issue #9  damn that's crazy lol 
Anyway do guys remember how the so called love interests were handled, and how forced they were  first let's take a look at Sakura, and I know this gonna be painful, but  Mother daughter moment between Sakura and Sarada:
Wow that's just utterly sad and pathetic, and granted amongst the new generation I actually like Sarada, but as far as her portrayal in the Boruto manga is considered yeah I think I've expressed my rage about multiple times at this point.  Getting back on topic though, People try to defend this about Sarada and Sakura's mother relationship, but I'm sorry getting annoyed is one thing, but destroying your own house, and then treating it as a comedic moment is just really disgusting to see. 
Now again same issue, look at MJ and Annie: 
I find this to be not only, but also kinda amusing to see too I mean that's pretty realistic between a parent and a child especialy between Annie Parker and MJ Parker.   Oh did I forget to mention Peter being considered for MJ in that very page. I don't think you see that Sasuke no you don't.  
Next is comparison 2  showcasing Sakura's moment as a character and how she handles the situation you all know 693 :
Oh Sakura all the support I gave you back then completely wasted just wish I saw it sooner... He tried to Kill 3 Times!!   more importantly this should've been a tramautizing experience for her. I'm sorry that's not how the real world works okay.. Especially if "The love of your life tried to take your life on multiple ocassions" and manipulated you via illusion.. There is no way you can easily say yeah everything's all good I can have Sasuke-Kun all to myself ugh...  It's so painful... Get dat out a my sight   :msmack:   ---> Well Deserved ! 
Now then getting to something better than that disgusting sight, let's take a look at this again from the same issue, this just proves how great MJ is as a character and how healthy her relationship with Peter is: 
That's What you call character growth and a proper chemistry between two characters especially if they are married and are raising a daughter.

Cool and it shows how kitten ss is. I was wondering why mj had a black suit on and though was it the venom suit and I was right in that second comparison when she was fighting Peter. So if sasuke tried his little kill Sakura thing again would she still say she loves him or if he pulled a shou tucker on Sarada would Sakura still love him?

#44735 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 10:03 AM

This Analyzer is clearly hell-bent on shoving NH and SS down our throat and prove NS never existed in the first place. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now.

He's failing cause we're not stupid enough to fall for and his heads up his own ass so far.

#44736 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 01:53 PM


Just noticed, why the gender assumption of he? I've got flowers in my avatar, you know.


The MJ comic is cute, I like it, but it's also not a good side-by-side comparison for SS. Notably by the way, MJ and Spiderman break apart in the current Universe, at least from what I've read. Maybe he'll fix it later, but right now they aren't a unit.


But on the side-by-side comparison...you have two couples from very two different backgrounds situations. First off, some panels are used when they aren't even together. 693 doesn't work as a "See the love", because they aren't in a relationship. They're more akin to enemies here, though Sakura loves Sasuke so much she wants to save him. Sasuke knocks her out so she doesn't get in his way. I.E., at this point, Sasuke is a villain. You'd have to work with later SS to get a fair comparison.


And later SS is just a different situation. You have a father who was a war-criminal, pretty much, making amends and unable to be a father. He's also well, seriously damaged, and would struggle being a good father with the situation, and this compounds it. I think if he stayed home and raised Sarada, a lot of that damage would heal, but he's on his redemption mission, he can't, he's too damaged to see that he should try harder perhaps, so you get the SS you see, and Gaiden, which addresses this, and gives it a neat bow-tied ending to make it better and have SS Grow. I don't like SS Mind, for that angstyness it has, and others don't as well, but your comparison isn't a good portrayal, not to mention one couple is still going, and MJ and Parker aren't. 


you're a female? I'm suddenly feeling bad for all the things I've said to you. But my points still stands.


I wish I could have the powers of Superman so I could save protect the world under God's will.

Always have the spirit and the guts to never ever give up no matter what.

#44737 Shashank95



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Posted 20 July 2017 - 03:23 PM


Just noticed, why the gender assumption of he? I've got flowers in my avatar, you know.


The MJ comic is cute, I like it, but it's also not a good side-by-side comparison for SS. Notably by the way, MJ and Spiderman break apart in the current Universe, at least from what I've read. Maybe he'll fix it later, but right now they aren't a unit.


But on the side-by-side comparison...you have two couples from very two different backgrounds situations. First off, some panels are used when they aren't even together. 693 doesn't work as a "See the love", because they aren't in a relationship. They're more akin to enemies here, though Sakura loves Sasuke so much she wants to save him. Sasuke knocks her out so she doesn't get in his way. I.E., at this point, Sasuke is a villain. You'd have to work with later SS to get a fair comparison.


And later SS is just a different situation. You have a father who was a war-criminal, pretty much, making amends and unable to be a father. He's also well, seriously damaged, and would struggle being a good father with the situation, and this compounds it. I think if he stayed home and raised Sarada, a lot of that damage would heal, but he's on his redemption mission, he can't, he's too damaged to see that he should try harder perhaps, so you get the SS you see, and Gaiden, which addresses this, and gives it a neat bow-tied ending to make it better and have SS Grow. I don't like SS Mind, for that angstyness it has, and others don't as well, but your comparison isn't a good portrayal, not to mention one couple is still going, and MJ and Parker aren't. 



As for the highlighted points.

1. Sasuke should have been executed for his crimes.

2. He's not making amends for anything.

3. He barely cares about his family.

4. He's left them on their own for a decade or so.

5. MJ and Peter Parker are one of the most loved couples in Comic book history, SS aren't.

6. You need blind fangirlism and retarded logic of "If Sakura moved on from Sasuke, she would be a bad woman" to justify SS, Peter and MJ don't need such BS.
7. People are as pissed about SS happening and the Peter/MJ marriage erasure. Just go and look up how well Renew your vows is doing for that fact

If you still wish to "prove" SS is a healthy relationship, here's my advice and I don't care if I get a warning or even banned, please get some counseling..


#44738 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 03:38 PM

Just noticed, why the gender assumption of he? I've got flowers in my avatar, you know.
The MJ comic is cute, I like it, but it's also not a good side-by-side comparison for SS. Notably by the way, MJ and Spiderman break apart in the current Universe, at least from what I've read. Maybe he'll fix it later, but right now they aren't a unit.
But on the side-by-side comparison...you have two couples from very two different backgrounds situations. First off, some panels are used when they aren't even together. 693 doesn't work as a "See the love", because they aren't in a relationship. They're more akin to enemies here, though Sakura loves Sasuke so much she wants to save him. Sasuke knocks her out so she doesn't get in his way. I.E., at this point, Sasuke is a villain. You'd have to work with later SS to get a fair comparison.
And later SS is just a different situation. You have a father who was a war-criminal, pretty much, making amends and unable to be a father. He's also well, seriously damaged, and would struggle being a good father with the situation, and this compounds it. I think if he stayed home and raised Sarada, a lot of that damage would heal, but he's on his redemption mission, he can't, he's too damaged to see that he should try harder perhaps, so you get the SS you see, and Gaiden, which addresses this, and gives it a neat bow-tied ending to make it better and have SS Grow. I don't like SS Mind, for that angstyness it has, and others don't as well, but your comparison isn't a good portrayal, not to mention one couple is still going, and MJ and Parker aren't.

Sorry if I offended you by assuming your gender. But I'm not taking back anything else I said that doesn't involve your gender somewhat. Also don't ever compare Peter and MJ to sasuke and Sakura. Peter and mj don't suck.

Edited by VanitasDS76491, 20 July 2017 - 03:42 PM.

#44739 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 03:41 PM

As for the highlighted points.
1. Sasuke should have been executed for his crimes.
2. He's not making amends for anything.
3. He barely cares about his family.
4. He's left them on their own for a decade or so.
5. MJ and Peter Parker are one of the most loved couples in Comic book history, SS aren't.
6. You need blind fangirlism and retarded logic of "If Sakura moved on from Sasuke, she would be a bad woman" to justify SS, Peter and MJ don't need such BS.
7. People are as pissed about SS happening and the Peter/MJ marriage erasure. Just go and look up how well Renew your vows is doing for that fact

If you still wish to "prove" SS is a healthy relationship, here's my advice and I don't care if I get a warning or even banned, please get some counseling..

Exactly sasuke should have gotten all you said and is never there for his family.
Peter and MJ are great together like superman and Lois and Bruce and selena, even Peter and Gwen are great too bad Peter wind up killing Gwen by mistake.

#44740 Catra


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 07:01 PM

to be fair she did say on the gender status "not telling" so y'all have nothing to feel bad for

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