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#9581 Nar123


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:27 PM

Before coming up with Minato as the 4th Hokage, Minato’s spot on the Hokage Monument was actually taken by a dog [nb: you read that right, a dog]. He explains that at the time he actually wanted to try out that a ‘ninken’ (ninja dog) like those owned by the Inuzuka had been the Hokage at one point. But his editor told him he was thinking off on a tangent again, so instead of that just make him the main character’s dad instead.



Oh my god, Minato was a dog???


Basically what happened:


Editor: Kishi stop doing this crazy kitten!!


KIshi: Yes sir


Editor: * Sigh* Did you take your medication today?


Kishi: No sir

Edited by Nar123, 12 March 2015 - 07:28 PM.



                                                                         :eager:  Persona 5 hype     :eager:

#9582 AHK


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:38 PM

Lol it's still amusing how that interview, specifically Sakura's popularity, shows that he has no idea what the kitten he's talking about. He says he wanted Hinata as heroine and with Naruto because she was more popular, yet Sakura was more popular than Hinata always. What an idiot. Literally had he been in touch with his fanbase, the ending never would have come to this. What a miserable excuse for a human.


"I am the One-Eyed King."



#9583 RyohkiFan


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:48 PM

Kobayashi Interview with Kishimoto: Extensive Summary


If you recall back to when I posted that summary of The Last: Naruto the Movie, you saw that it was translated by a person on tumblr named Utapurinsesu. After reading through the summary, I created a tumblr account so I could get in touch with this person and ask him some questions that we all had. Well, we stayed in contact all this time, and we've been talking about a bunch of things. One of the more interesting ones is a almost (he has 10 minutes left to summarize that he will do at another time) complete summary of the interview Kishimoto did with Kobayashi (here is a link to the interview). While I'm sure you read a few bits about this from other sources (this is the same interview that said Neji died to make NaruHina happen, and that Kishimoto originally wanted to have Naruto and Sasuke holding hands instead of losing their arms), Utapurinsesu went into a lot more detail, and revealed some interesting facts. I thought it was pretty cool, so I figured I'll post what he said for you to see. Just so you know, I'm posting exactly what he wrote from our conversations, so if some things don't make sense, ask me for any context. Alright, here's the full summary:

8.18 8:43 about Kagebunshin
Ki Kagebunshin Ko I actually wanted to ask you about that afterwards Ki Oh sorry [laughs] Ko But Ill ask now. We get the impression that you kinda dug your own grave with that one [drawing Naruto with so many bunshin from the start] Ki Yeah I think so Ko Because you went and did right from chapter 1 Ki Yeah Ko So you had to balance his power from the start Ki Thats right. He [Naruto] quickly got stronger, didnt he. When he improved, his number of bunshin increased too. I just thought Ive really done it now!

Ok, so now from the actual Q&A session, Ill just summarize what was said because its far too long Here is the first half and Ill do the second half another time.
Q1: Ive always wondered where you began to come up with the concept of Naruto as a story and thought that thats what yooud write about.
A: Apparently he started out wanting to write a story about an old guy who owns a ramen shop and a young boy comes by, or something uninteresting like that. Other things also got mixed in with that like a story which was supposed to be really spectacular and it was about straightening up their lives and other emotive plots He showed that to his publishers but they told him the story is way too far from what they want, and Kobayashi agrees that it doesnt have any elements befitting a weekly Shounen Jump series. He started to research other shounen series (especially Akira Toriyama, who he was a big fan of). In the end the name Naruto came from this failed story attempt, as well as the obvious influences that made it into the actual series. Then he made a story not about ninjas but about youkai (demons), where the main character was a fox who shape-shifted into a human. This story changed again so he made the fox demon into a human and redrew the whole thing, and submitted that version
He wanted to do something different to other artists who had written about ninjas, so made Naruto blond, more like a foreigner than a ninja. He also decided to make ninjas more about helping/ protecting rather than dying and also less about staying hidden. After trying this out, he was then asked by kids Is that really a ninja? and he thought Uh oh. Ive gone off on a tangent again! But he decided he wanted to stick with it anyway and his publishers also said its fine only being this far off the mark [about what a ninja is].
Q2: Do you remember how you came about the catchphrase dattebayo?
[This answer was kinda hard for me to understand coz the logic in his answer kinda jumps around a bit. This is what I THINK he meant] A: He decided to make a catchphrase that sounded silly that an old person etc would come out with. He also thought something that sounded like a speech impediment would be good, so decided to go with dattebayo.
Q3: Did you have to think hard about [the setting/ creation of] narutos classmates?
A: Kishimoto didnt actually originally intend for that kind of setting. Originally he intended to focus on various missions that Naruto went on, meeting 4-man cells from other villages. The teachers of the 4-man cell would be Kakashis rival. But after discussing this with his editor, he was told there wouldnt be time for such a slow-paced development, so he needed to come bring all these characters and villages out at once. Youre going to make a tournament. Kishimoto said he cant do it and if he did itd kill him [not literally], but he was told to do it even if it kills him. That is how the Chuunin exams arc came about. That was what he was forced to do. But even now he wish he could do his original idea about focusing on missions.
So he found it really difficult coming up with so many new characters and their designs in one go with no material to go on. So he asked for some designs from his editor to help, who saw a really weird looking keychain (?) and made drawings based on that, and thats where Gai and Lees etc designs came from.
Kobayashi says that listening to what he said earlier about Kakashis rival, it sounds like he was originally planning for team Gai to be from another village when introducing them here [since they werent introduced with the other rookies/ teachers]. Kishimoto says that was originally the case, but they decided it was better for Kakashi to have a rival from inside the village so they went with this instead and introduced Team Gai as being from Konoha.
Kishimoto also says that the series picked up popularity thanks to the tournament aspect to find out whod win, and even Kishimoto himself started to enjoy writing this part. But his editorial team told him to introduce a villain called Orochimaru in there that would stop the tournament from being finished instead. Kishimoto was disappointed since he was really getting into it, and had already put out the idea that he wanted Shikamaru to win. But before being told to put in the plot development of the tournament being destroyed, Kishimoto does admit that he was worrying about how to write Shikamarus fights for the rest of the tournament and make him the winner, since Shikamaru has an IQ of 200 and he [Kishimoto] doesnt have a very high one, so he didnt know how to pull it off.
Q4: Why did you decide to introduce a strong enemy like Zabuza right at the beginning of the series?
A: Kishimoto says that he wanted to do this right off the bat to show off Kakashis strength as an example of what an experienced ninja can do in the Narutoverse. This would set some cornerstones down in the manga straight away and make it easier for the audience to put things into perspective. Kobayashi points out that there were many things introduced in this arc that played huge roles right until the end of the series (kekkei genkai, sharingan etc), but Kishimoto just said he was bluffing with these things in the beginning [nb: in other words he just made them up without any thought on how to use them in the future]. At the time he was just making these things up for the excitement and suspense, but didnt pick up on what to do with some of these threads long-term until later. Basically he was making it up as he went. Even with Sasukes backstory, at the time of the Wave Arc, all that had been thought out was that Sasuke had an elder brother who had done something bad, and that was it. Kishimoto admits the planning was very hazy at this point. However, at the point where Itachi is actually introduced, Kishimoto had decided to secretly make him a good guy, but the reason he did something bad was because of circumstances. Kishimoto also says that although he introduced the Sharingan as being able to copy moves, the premise on what the Sharingan could do changed drastically over the course of the storyline.
Kobayashi comments that the concept of focusing on eyeballs in a Shounen manga is unique, and Kishimoto laughs and agrees. Kishimoto explains that theres a really old story called Take of the Gallant Jiraiya that often comes up in Kabuki and the like, where the main character Jiraiya actually has the Sharingan. Kishimoto decided to take the concept of the Sharingan from this story and create the Uchiha clan to give the Sharingan to. And because Kakashi also has a Sharingan despite not being an Uchiha, he wanted this to be a mystery that kept readers interested as to how he got it.
Kobayashi comments that this mystery isnt explained until Kakashi Gaiden much, much further down the line, but even so, you can see the group picture of Kakashi, Obito, Rin and Minato early on in the series [Kobayashi is showing a page from chapter 16]. Kishimoto says that may be so, but even by chapter 16 he had already decided this storyline, about Obito being an Uchiha, and that Minato was Narutos dad (but doesnt confirm if hed decided Minatos name by then). Speaking of Minato, even though his identity was confirmed by this point, to begin with Kishimoto hadnt thought of creating a fourth Hokage or him being Narutos dad. Kishimoto knew that he would have to introduce what had happened to his dad somewhere in the story, but didnt know how to do it. Before coming up with Minato as the 4th Hokage, Minatos spot on the Hokage Monument was actually taken by a dog [nb: you read that right, a dog]. He explains that at the time he actually wanted to try out that a ninken (ninja dog) like those owned by the Inuzuka had been the Hokage at one point. But his editor told him he was thinking off on a tangent again, so instead of that just make him the main characters dad instead.
[until 21.35]
On the popularity of characters - Kobayashi asks if Kishimoto had any idea how popular he thought Kakashi would be, as he became the most popular character, to which Kishimoto replies that he had no idea how he became so popular. Kobayashi says hes missing the point and they both laugh, and suggests that maybe the reason is because Kakashi is cool.
Kobayashi then says that Jiraiya was also popular, to which Kishimoto agrees. Kobayashi suggests that its because hes always acting pervy and has Icha Icha etc. Kishimoto goes on to say that the characters he actually having the intention to become popular actually flopped. This is the case of Sai, who wasnt well received at all. Kimimaro was also the same. Kimimaro was actually popular at first, but as soon as he was shown to pull out his spinal cord his popularity disappeared. Kobayashi suggests that maybe its because it grossed the fans out, especially female fans.
On Sakuras popularity & character - Kobayashi then asks about Sakura. Kishimoto says he tried to write her more realistically [than other characters], and tried to show a girls real self/ feelings [through inner Sakura]. He thought she would appeal to female fans, but was surprised when she actually became hated. Kobayashi asks if there was a lot of Sakura hate, and Kishimoto says there was, and even young girls told him they hate her. Kishimoto said that he continued on regretting Sakuras character. Kobayashi apologizes for bringing up the painful memories as Kishimoto apologizes for tailing off (lol).
Kobayashi said that his team were discussing in a meeting why Sakuras family was never written. He says that they eventually appeared in a movie, but not in the manga. Even when all the parents are shown along with their children during the war, and even random relatives are shown, Sakuras parents arent seen. He says that they came across like a civilian family and kind of made Sakura seem on the side-lines. He asks Kishimoto why this is, and Kishimoto replies that, honestly speaking, Sakura was that unpopular that even if he expanded on her (nb. He tails off in what hes saying). Kobayashi reiterates Kishimotos statement, and Kishimoto tells him thats right, to which Kobayashi laughs.
Kobayashi asks if it was too late to drop her, and Kishimoto says that he just had to persevere with her, and thought about how to raise her popularity. In the 4th volume, a cover page shows her with Katsuyu, so this was the direction he tried to work in. In later volumes, he tries to draw her more beautifully. On the cover page of Vol 66, he drew Sasuke and Naruto quickly, but with Sakura he took a long time to draw her beautifully and was using source materials as guides. But he says that in the end no one really took notice (it had no effect), and Hinatas popularity just kept going up on its own.
Kishimoto explains that Hinata, like Sakura, never really did anything but her popularity just kept going up and up, so part way through the story he started to wonder whether he should make her the main heroine instead, or at least gradually write her into the direction of the heroine.
They then go on to talking about Part II/ Shippuden.
On Shippudens/ Part IIs plot - Kobayashi starts off asking about whether there was framework put in place for the direction of Shippudens story. Kishimoto replies that because Naruto and his group were so weak as genin in the first part, so he wanted to make them stronger in the second part. This is especially because he introduced the Akatsiki, who are all Jonin level, so he had to make the main cast stronger too. He also used the timeskip as a chance to change their clothes, since he didnt like the swirl on the arm of Narutos jacket, and also his thick collar in Part 1 got in the way of his face in action scenes. So he drew a small collar and dropped the swirl. He also added the headband with the long tails at the back so they would stand out and flutter during action scenes.
On Akatsuki - Kobayashi then goes on to say that when the Akatsuki were first introduced [when they were as shadows during their meetings] it was really exciting. Kobayashi says his favorite pair were Hidan and Kakuzu, to which Kishimoto agrees, saying Hidan was his favorite overall. Kobayashi says that they gave off a real sense of danger and malice. He also says that the concept of them both being immortal, albeit for different reasons, was really interesting. Kishimoto said he was worried at first about how he was depicting Hidan, who stabbed himself then said it felt good. Kobayashi says that its also the case of the damage he inflicted on Asuma.
On censorship scenes - Kobayashi then brings up the scene where Shikamaru is smoking Asumas cigarette, saying that it gave off the feeling of a boy becoming an adult. Kishimoto said he didnt think theyd be able to show this in the anime. Kobayashi admits he was worried when this first came out. Kishimoto said that he thought hed be told he cant show a minor smoking [in the manga], since manga regulations are very strict. He had a meeting with his editor about whether he should change it or not, and in the end his editor told him to not worry about it and just try and go through with it anyway. If the people above wanted to edit it they would. Kobayashi brings up a scene where Hidans head is lopped off, and Kishimoto comments that the editing department told him to add black bars at the side for censoring. Kobayashi asks if Hidan is still buried underground, and Kishimoto says he is. Kishimoto wondered whether to put him in the war, but in the end he didnt want to have even more characters to draw, so he didnt.
Kobayashi then brings up the scene where Shikamaru is smoking again and he starts crying and flicks the cigarette away, Kobayashi comments that for a shounen series this was an incredibly serious scene. Kobayashi asks if he likes this kind of stuff, and Kishimoto says that surprisingly he does like these kinds of movies etc. He cant out too much of this kind of thing into a shounen series, but he put in a little bit of something he finds interesting.
Kobayashi then asks about Akatsuki, saying theyre not just a normal organization, and they dont really know much about each other. (nb: this next line Im not sure about) Kishimoto says that in real life there are such professional organizations where a group of individuals come together, so he wanted to draw a parallel to that. And he drew Pain to be the leader bringing together these individuals.
On camera & layout techniques in the manga - Kobayashi asks if the scene where Pain first appears looking down on the world was difficult, because the background was very complex. Kishimoto says it was very difficult, and at first he had to carefully pencil everything out. Kishimoto says that he also drew the detailed background in the scene where Naruto is looking down over Konoha when he first comes back. Kishimoto said he had to draw it to make the whole image come together properly. Kobayashi notices a sign in Pains scene that reads hankerchief and asks about it, and Kishimoto says its a homage to [another series called] Bobobo-Bobobobo. Kobayashi comments that its amazing considering he only had one week to do this for the deadline. Kishimoto says that image took him 3 days to do.
Kobayashi then brings up about other unique shots, like the shot of Deidara sitting on Gaaras body (which has a fish-eye lens effect). Kishimoto says he loves that kind of shot and was inspired by the work Akira. He says he like how it adds depth to the world using that lens method. Kobayashi shows the cover page of chapter 106 commenting that it looks like the kind of shot found in pervy AV [Adult Video= softporn] films. Kishimoto states that hes never researched that kind of thing.
Kobayashi then shows the scene where Naruto punches Haku, which is showing the same punch but at three different angle. Kishimoto comments that this is a technique often used in films known as double action. He says that in Jackie Chans movies for example, it is used to emphasis the strength of the punch. Kishimoto says he wanted to use that effect in his manga. Kobayashi says he has a question about why the faces arent shown when Naruto hits someone, and if that was intentional. Kishimoto replies that it is cooler that way, because rather than the focus being on the face, the focus of attention is on the bodys [recoil] and its more expressive that way. He says that in important scenes he plans it so to not draw theyre faces.
Kobayashi then asks about another layout technique he uses, where in Naruto/ Sasuke fights the Naruto and Sasuke panels are connected on the left and right page, and the development of action progresses from the top of the page to the bottom. Kishimoto says that this is a manga technique that he thought to use that is easy to follow, as both are connected it doesnt matter where you are looking you can easily follow what both sides are doing at the same time. He says that he designed it to be quick and simple to skim over and not to emphasis looking at the details, since youre reading both pages at the same time.
Kobayashi shows an example of a complicated double-page layout. Kishomoto says that the panels are messed up and random to express the confusion of the fight, and the reader also doesnt know where to look. Also, because it makes you look around the page quickly, it adds a sense of speed to the battle as well. Kobayashi understands that this was a deliberate technique, because at the time he wondered if it was OK for Kishimoto to have submitted this for publication.
On the War arc Moving on, Kobayashi comments that the war arc must have been very difficult. Kishimoto says it was, and that in the Pain fight, Pain comments about Naruto not having experienced war. This part set the story towards the war arc, so Naruto could come up with his final answer after having experienced war for himself. Kishimoto explains that this conversation in the Pain arc meant that he couldnt back down from steering the story towards a war arc. Kobayashi says that everyone popped up during the war arc, and Kishimoto said that he wanted to use that as a way to wrap things up from the entire series so far.
He says he did an unimportant old man fight between Mifune and Hanzo, which was unusual for a shounen manga. He said he was told off [by his editor?] and told to drop the old man fight already. Kobayashi says that actually, that fight was his [Kobayashis shows] directors favorite fight. Kishimoto thanks him. Kobyashi shows one part of that fight scene and comments how they are thinking back in the past as they are fighting. Kishimoto said he originally wanted to do a seppuku (ritual suicide) scene, but then he started to think itd be a bit harsh to do that considering hes an old man, so he started to go off the idea. Kobayashi asks about Mifunes popularity with a shounen audience and Kishimoto replies that he wasnt popular one bit. Kobayashi laughs and says that he thinks Mifune is cool, and that its interesting that samurai have developed to be on par with ninjas in a ninja world. Kishimoto says that if they didnt develop, then Kobayashi comments that they wouldnt be samurai if they didnt persist, and Kishimoto agrees. Kobayashi says that its a cool scene, but asks how it went down with a shounen audience. Kishimoto says that the opinion was will this old man fight finish soon? The main characters not even in it.
Kobayashi says he likes the war arc, and that he liked the 2nd Mizukage, who tells everyone his own weaknesses. Kishimoto says that even though hes an old man as well, he was actually fairly popular. Kishimoto said he thought itd be interesting to have that character actually give away how to defeat himself and to demend it be done quickly. Kobayashi asks whether doing the Edo Tensei was difficult, and Kishimoto says yes. He says that from the Pain arc onwards, Naruto just defeats the enemy without intent to kill and settles things verbally. Doing it this way is more shounen-like so he felt he had to go down this direction. But he felt this kind of killed the mood, so from there he introduced the zetsu clones (and Edo Tensei) to have someone to beat. Kobayashi asks about the characters that didnt come back as Edo Tensei, like Jiraiya, Konan and Hidan. Kishimoto said he didnt want Jiraiya to come back, because he couldnt possibly write it in a good way. Jiraiyas death was a big part of Narutos development and brought him closer to understanding Sasukes feelings, so bringing Jiraiya back would undo that. The Edo Tensei was mostly a way to draw Madara out into the story.
They go on to talk about Madaras appearance, and that its the real him rather than just the Rinne Tensei. Kishimoto says it kind of ended up complicated about reviving him with Rinne Tensei or with Edo Tensei and the difference between the two.
On Sakuras Love Letter scene - Kobayashi laughingly brings up the unusual scene where Sakura gets a love letter [during the war]. Kishimoto explains that the reason for that was to give the anime team a lead for a [filler] story, because if they just kept doing the war arc at the pace they were going at then they would catch up with the manga. Kobayashi says this Love letter incident is an unbelievable occurrence, and Kishimoto admits that he didnt know what to write, he just had to put something. Kobayashi finds this hilarious and asks so your answer was a love letter, then?
On Nejis death - Kobayashi comments that there were many casualties during the war, but he was surprised about Neji, and asks Kishimoto why he was chosen. Kishimoto explains that because he decided to make Hinata into the lead heroine a while back, he used Nejis death as a way to bring her and Naruto together. He goes on to explain that although there is the scene where she stands up to Pain, he wanted to create an opening for Naruto to consciously realize that she is by his side and thank her for that, so he used Nejis death to do this. Kishimoto says that in this way Neji sort of took on the role of cupid for the two of them. He then explains that it was at this time when Kishimoto came up with the name of Bolt for their son, which has a similar meaning to Neji (screw), as a homage to the late uncle who brought his parents together. Kishimoto says that if there is a manga about Bolt (nb: it wasnt confirmed by this point), he wants to include scenes focusing on Neji. Kobayashi asks if its ok to mention something like this [project], and Kishimoto says that this is only hypothetical.
On the final battle between Naruto & Sasuke - Kobayashi says the war arc was great, and then goes on to asking about the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke. Kishimoto said that because Sasuke was introduced as a rival character in the beginning, he also wanted the manga to end with Sasuke and Naruto fighting as rivals. Kobayashi comments that this conclusive battle has been a long time coming, and that it has been a long time since Sasuke first left the village. Kishimoto agrees and says that after writing his leaving arc, he was a bit frustrated because he didnt know what to do with him anymore. But he said he could also understand Sasukes actions after leaving the village in some ways, and Kobayashi agrees. Kishimoto said he wanted the audience to understand Sasukes point of view, and wrote the story so he could push this idea. Kishimoto also explains that there were times when his editor told him he hasnt properly captured Sasukes facial expression to show his character, and sometimes had to redraw him many times. He said that both he and Sakura were always a pain to draw. Kakashi was also difficult to draw facial expressions for since his face is covered. Kobayashi comments that designing these characters this way is Kishimotos form of self-hatred, and they laugh.
About the final battle, Kishimoto says he didnt want them to use ninjutsu. He said he wanted it to end in a boys fist fight, despite it not being in the usual spirit of Jump (and they bothered him about it). He then goes on to talk about when they both lose their arms (which is their dominant arm), relates back to a flashback in the beginning of the manga where they cross each others fingers, but now they cant do that. So he used the Madara and Hashirama statues, who represented Indra and Asura, to hold hands instead, with Naruto and Sasuke on top. Kishimoto said hes always wanted to draw this scene, even since Part I.
On ending the manga - Kobayashi flicks through that chapter and comments that one of the daimyo looks like himself. Also in another panel there is a picture of one of Kishimotos cats in the background. Kobayashi then asks about the Jolly Roger mark on the Hokage Monument in chapter 700. Kishimoto says that it is a tribute to his fellow-managaka, Eiichiro Oda, who wrote One Piece. In the back of the Jump volume, there are some messages from his fellow managakas, and Odas says that they are rivals. Kishimoto says he feels the same way. He also says he was surprised, because he never heard theyd do that [publishing messages from all the authors to him], and its the first time something like that has been done. Kobayashi says that its a sign that he is a great mangaka who has created an amazing piece of work, and Kishimoto thanks him.
[Until 49.20]

This video interview was translated so if anyone interested. This entire interview speaks volume of kishi's writing skills/planning. To make it worse in terms of pairings he never intended for anyone to end up together he originality wanted the audience to feel sympathetic for the unrequited love and thats it. He really screwed up.  :ermm:  

The Neji and Sakura part had me sighing and laughing, the ending where he says he created an amazing piece of work...I just can't handle stupidness..



Joui Four


#9584 rocci


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:07 PM

Lol it's still amusing how that interview, specifically Sakura's popularity, shows that he has no idea what the kitten he's talking about. He says he wanted Hinata as heroine and with Naruto because she was more popular, yet Sakura was more popular than Hinata always. What an idiot. Literally had he been in touch with his fanbase, the ending never would have come to this. What a miserable excuse for a human.

Hinata is more popular, because she's side character unlike sakura and Hinata is do nothing but still popular. While sakura do something and still getting hate :/

#9585 Metalhead87


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:15 PM

The Neji and Sakura part had me sighing and laughing, the ending where he says he created an amazing piece of work...I just can't handle stupidness..


I think the only amazing piece of work in that interview is Kishimoto himself. How can the guy be so...clueless?


It's obviously bollocks, because he never made Hinata into the heroine. Heroine isn't a position that can be swapped at a whim, allowing another character to take the previous one's place. Heroine is a title earned through the story by the action that a character takes. Hinata did nothing to earn that title, and it shows by how fragile the support beams for the series now stand with her in that position. All it would take is a slight push, and the entire thing will collapse in on itself, and there has been plenty of evidence to suggest that the process has already begun. The opportunity for her to legitimately take on the role passed her by years ago, and it's far too late to build her up to be one now.

Please check out my DeviantArt page! http://infamatt.deviantart.com/ I appreciate it  :happy:

#9586 luffyq1


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:20 PM


I think the only amazing piece of work in that interview is Kishimoto himself. How can the guy be so...clueless?


It's obviously bollocks, because he never made Hinata into the heroine. Heroine isn't a position that can be swapped at a whim, allowing another character to take the previous one's place. Heroine is a title earned through the story by the action that a character takes. Hinata did nothing to earn that title, and it shows by how fragile the support beams for the series now stand with her in that position. All it would take is a slight push, and the entire thing will collapse in on itself, and there has been plenty of evidence to suggest that the process has already begun. The opportunity for her to legitimately take on the role passed her by years ago, and it's far too late to build her up to be one now.

if being hokage is nothing more than having the right connections, then i expect it to be no different from the heroine title. hinata simply has the power and the right connections to be deemed the heroine of the series.


#9587 AHK


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:26 PM

Hinata is more popular, because she's side character unlike sakura and Hinata is do nothing but still popular. While sakura do something and still getting hate :/

Just because she's a side character that is popular doesn't mean that she's more popular than Sakura. Sakura was always more popular.


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:26 PM

if being hokage is nothing more than having the right connections, then i expect it to be no different from the heroine title. hinata simply has the power and the right connections to be deemed the heroine of the series.


It's like that saying: It's not what you know, it's who you know.

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:27 PM

What I miss? I got back from exam and I passed!!! Woohoo!!!

#9590 trang95


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:29 PM

What I miss? I got back from exam and I passed!!! Woohoo!!!

I have no idea what exam you took, but, congratulations ^^ :goodjob:

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#9591 Drivenbyflame



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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:29 PM

I havent entered here for some days so there's a lot of pages to read, so I dont know if this has been posted.


Anyways, I will post this interview in case of it hasnt been posted here yet. In it, Kishi spreads more BS about the pairings.


Mostly sure you have already commented it, so I will leave it in Spoiler, the original image + a spanish translation. (If you need something in english I can try to translate it)


Sorry if it is repeated!





Spanish translation by LadyTenTen @ Mediavida forums.


¿El equipo Taka va a aparecer en el nuevo proyecto del manga? 

Definitivamente. Lo he estado planeando y aparecerán junto a Orochimaru. Después de todo tuvieron un papel importante en la vida de Sasuke y éste los eligió porque le recordaban al equipo 7 original.
Juugo es Kakashi, Suigetsu es Naruto and Karin es Sakura. Han crecido hasta ser una familia como lo fue el quipo 7 aunque ahora su ubicación es un misterio ya que en el capítulo 699 estaban a millas de distancia de Konoha y Sasuke.

El 4º databook decía que no hay forma de que Karin se separe de Sasuke, pero no está con él en los últimos capítulos del manga ¿se ha rendido ya?

(Se ríe) Honestamente, ni lo había pensado. Es dificil explicar como podría olvidarse de Sasuke, creo que nunca será capaz de hacerlo, y además ella no iba a dejarle escapar en la idea original.
Cuando pretendía terminar el manga con romance, Sasuke se casaba con Karin y no con Sakura. A lo largo de la segunda parte del manga procuré que ella fuese un miembro del clan Uzumaki para que su amor simbolizara el fin del odio entre el clan Uchiha y Senju, evitando que se pudiera repetir el ciclo en la siguiente reencarnación

Tristemente, Karin no consiguió ser un personaje tan popular como Sakura o Hinata así que el final de la historia tuvo que cambiar.

Hay rumores de que la hija de Sasuke y Sakura se parece tanto a Karin porque realmente es su hija, ¿qué tienes que decir a eso?

Entré en conflicto conmigo mismo cuando me di cuenta de que Karin no iba a acabar con Sasuke. Las cosas se volvieron duras y no sabía como llevar los capítulos, ya que es infinitamente más fácil imaginar una historia de amor entre Sasuke y Karin que con Sakura.

Sakura es una mujer demasiado... emocional... y no es fácil imaginarla en un momento romántico/íntimo con Sasuke.
Por eso mismo planeé que Sakura acabara con Naruto. Él siempre la entendió pero, de nuevo, por motivos de popularidad entre los fans me vi forzado a hacer que se volviese a enamorar de Sasuke.

Siempre me gustó el diseño de Karin y de ahí el parecido con el nuevo personaje. Era dificil mantenerla al margen al final.

¿Cómo describirías la relación entre Sasuke y Karin?

Profunda. Es más, durante el tiempo que pasaron juntos, Sasuke llegó a querer a Karin. Esto se vio cuando Sasuke despertó un nuevo poder que le permitió salvarla, en el combate contra Killer Bee. Cuando un Uchiha se enamora, este sentimiento supera al odio y hace que sus poderes visuales cambien. Es mayor el deseo de salvar a esa persona que destruir.

Incluso ahora que están separados, Sasuke se preocupa de Karin de la misma forma que lo hace por Sakura. Las dos están en la misma escala para él. Karin es como la voz del fandom (se rie)




How can I use spoilers? :(

Edited by Drivenbyflame, 12 March 2015 - 08:33 PM.

#9592 Metalhead87


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:30 PM

What I miss? I got back from exam and I passed!!! Woohoo!!!



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#9593 ichigo500


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:30 PM


This video interview was translated so if anyone interested. This entire interview speaks volume of kishi's writing skills/planning. To make it worse in terms of pairings he never intended for anyone to end up together he originality wanted the audience to feel sympathetic for the unrequited love and thats it. He really screwed up.  :ermm:  



Ohh so now, we know for sure that he wasn't going to make NS canon.... why introducing romance in your manga when it's not to use it later... Why make Naruto fall in love for Sakura and etc.... 

Wow, I'm really... confused right now. He really did plan to make NH canon two years ago...even before the CPR scene...it's unbelievable...this man is ...a schizophrenic guy...And why make NS moments when, since he apparently give so much importance to popularity and all, you know that the main heroine is hated by the fans ?

I just don't know what to think about all this anymore... This guy is just stupid when we all thought that he was a genius back then. And now, we all know that his story wasn't even his own idea. I understand that editors sometimes help the mangakas...but, here, it wasn't, at 40%,  even his own work !

I'm really done with this manga.

He disgusts me. I can't believe I wasted 10 years of my life supporting his work, and believing in him.. I wanna cry ! I feel betrayed ! 


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:35 PM

I havent entered here for some days so there's a lot of pages to read, so I dont know if this has been posted.


Anyways, I will post this interview in case of it hasnt been posted here yet. In it, Kishi spreads more BS about the pairings.


Mostly sure you have already commented it, so I will leave it in Spoiler, the original image + a spanish translation. (If you need something in english I can try to translate it)


Sorry if it is repeated!



How can I use spoilers? :(

that's fake.


#9595 ichigo500


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:35 PM

I havent entered here for some days so there's a lot of pages to read, so I dont know if this has been posted.


Anyways, I will post this interview in case of it hasnt been posted here yet. In it, Kishi spreads more BS about the pairings.


Mostly sure you have already commented it, so I will leave it in Spoiler, the original image + a spanish translation. (If you need something in english I can try to translate it)


Sorry if it is repeated!



Is it legit ? 

And please, can someone translate this. I can understand just a part of it 


:love: Kiss Kiss Fall in love  :love: 


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#9596 Drivenbyflame



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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:39 PM

that's fake.

Has it been confirmed? I'm not sure about that. The source said that she found it at Tumblr and was waiting to confirm if it is fake or not.

#9597 RyohkiFan


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:39 PM

Is it legit ? 
And please, can someone translate this. I can understand just a part of it 

Its fake



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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:40 PM

Well it doesn't really matter to me anymore if this was Kishimoto's plan for the story all this time. He is an idiot for allowing this to happen to his story and his characters to begin with and hopefully Naruto is THE LAST of his success as a mangaka.

Edited by RedFaction, 12 March 2015 - 08:40 PM.


#9599 AHK


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:44 PM

The way that the manga was going is proof enough to me that it wasn't planned, no matter what he says. I have zero faith in anything he says.


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#9600 Drivenbyflame



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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:44 PM

Oh, if it's fake sorry, I didnt check it  :sweatdrop:  :sweatdrop:

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