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Chapters 699 And 700 The End

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#11681 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:04 AM

Can't find your left socks?

I don't have any matching socks, lets put it this way; Sometimes I have to wear striped on one foot, polka dots on the other :argh:



Yes, it just seems like a streak of meanness on the part of Kishimoto to draw the toughest, fiercest, neo-sannin kunoichi and designated heroine of the series in the epilogue wearing an apron and do-rag and dusting the house. Why? I mean, just...why? 


It's like finding out Hermione is a secretary in a low end accounting office somewhere, reduced to answering the phone and filing someone else's papers all day.


Ino and some of the others shown going to (or at least being aware of) the Hokage's meeting, right? And what's Sakura doing? Dusting. She's not even an active part of the village she helped rebuild and protect. She's not doing the things she most wanted as a kunoichi or medic, she's not by Naruto's side as a teammate helping him out, and she's no longer following in Tsunade's footsteps as a disciple.


Like I said, it almost seems like moment of hatred on Kishimoto's part to sabotage Sakura's hopes and dreams the way he has.




Right! I get that maybe TenTen was used to illustrate that there wasn't much need for weapons now that the fighting was done. But really, that could have been shown through Naruto's diplomacy skills or through the old Hokage's sitting around reminiscing. Or shown through the ninja academy being turned into a different kind of academy.


Instead TenTen is robbed of her identity and goals and made to be a shopkeeper, instead of running a dojo or demonstrating with the Sage's weapons, something I would think would bring her a great deal of fame after the war.


So many different choices could have been made. Like I said earlier, this is like an April Fool's prank that just won't stop. I have to wonder if Kishimoto was just so tired of his own work that he decided to throw the whole thing up in the air and leave no one truly satisfied. Except Hinata, of course.

A part of me, a tiny, tiny persistent part of me just feels that this ending is to f**cked up to be real and at any moment the true chapter will be released, and then it gets squashed by depressing reality. This truly is the trolliest of endings I have ever witnessed. 

Ninja's are no longer necessary in a world of "peace" if Ninja's simply perpetuate the cycle of hate they must be eradicated, and yet they continue to presumably, do ninja business which causes strife in the world and therefore perpetuates HATE. So everything about that war was completely pointless besides getting rid of the people who wanted everyone dead. If Ninja still have jobs then the world must not be all that peaceful...

On the other hand, important Ninja's like Sakura are shown doing nothing productive besides eradicating dust bunnies.

Again, it makes no sense. 


Just read this chapter. For me personally, this was just as disappointing as the harry potter ending, so I will treat them the same way.



Epilogue? what Epilogue!? 

OMG, I would pay to have someone photoshop Kishi's face on the grinch! LOL

I would, but my gif-fuu is sorely lacking. :umm:

Edited by Tsuki Hoshino, 17 November 2014 - 04:07 AM.

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#11682 Tiller



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:08 AM

So no one knows what I'm talking about? lol


#11683 Aizen-Sama


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:23 AM

So no one knows what I'm talking about? lol

Yes the Naruto vs Sasuke ova that SHOULD have been the ending. Where Naruto fails to save Sasuke and wakes up to touch Sakura's crying face. <3
I'm on my phone right now so I cant link it. Just type it in youtube and it should come up.

#11684 Konohakitten


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:27 AM

This is still how I feel about Naruto's design.



Naruto could have been smokin hot, instead he looks like he got a bad hair cut ;/


Kishimoto not only kittened up on the pairings but also on the general plot.
Sasuke should've died or at least imprisoned for life or exiled. He did not pay for his crimes which not only craps on the laws of the shinobi world but also sends a bad moral message to kids.
No one got what they deserved (well..except for Hinata-sama).


I couldn't agree with you more. The way the golden child, Sasuke, was treated was such a pile of crap. It's like hey you can go through life being a complete douche to everyone you come into contact with. Oh and the murder of people is a ok because in the end all will be forgiven, and as a bonus you can restore you clan. Don't worry about raising the child either, the incubator we gave you will do all the work for you.


Saw this on tumblr:

"you know what is abusive?

Good kittening lord.


I've come to terms that the behavior of some of these fans is due to their age. The Naruto fandom is mostly made up of people in the mid teens to mid 20's. Which would also explain their depiction of love, and what it means in their eyes. A good amount of these people have never even been in love or been in a relationship, yet they deem themselves as experts on the matter. I saw a post on tumblr from an NH fan who said that Hinata and Naruto do have better chemistry then NS because Hinata calms Naruto down, like Kushina did to Minato, and Naruto gives Hinata confidence.


I'm sorry but for starters that's not chemistry. How does Naruto's behavior when he's around Hinata all of a sudden become a parallel to MK, I swear I'm tired of ppl claiming that Minato is like Hinata and vice versa. Minato was never played off to be shy or quite. He was just a calm laid back kind of person and his wife's strong personality is what dominated their relationship. So saying that NH is MK is bull. Also chemistry is the ability to be yourself with your partner, you don' hide any aspects of yourself, you let them see all of you for who you are. Hinata's shy behavior doesn't mesh with Naruto's out going loud personality, and opposites attract can't be placed here for the simple fact that Hinata barely even knows Naruto to begin with.


Naruto never changed for Sakura, he was always himself. To say that his "calm" behavior with Hinata should point out that he is changing for her, and that can't necessarily mean a good thing. Some might say that Naruto is showing his love for her by doing this, but that's far from the truth. He has to hide his true self from her to make her feel comfortable, and that's not chemistry. Honestly who can see Hinata keeping a straight face if Naruto walks around the house naked, or who can see her being ok his morning wood, oh and the classic can you bring me some toilet paper because we ran out babe, I'm sorry but if you really think Hinata can do that then you really do have delusional tendencies. I mean really?! This girl who can't even say his name without fainting is his match, yeah no, excuse me while I hop a bus to nope-land. Every person who has even tried to argue with me about this whole thing is shut down when I bring up the topic about RL relationships. All of them have none and I tell them that their "apparent" opinion on chemistry and relationships looks like squat compared to the 16 YEARS that I have under my belt.



What's going to be worse is if the movies starts with an SS wedding or romance, and then the rest of the movie is Naruto licking his wounds, getting over his 'crush' then finding his 'true love' with Hinata. 


If it goes down that way, and I'm really afraid it's going to, then the whole movie is going to be one long put-down of Sakura, the ultimate backhanded insult. Yes, Sakura will finally get her Sasuke, but she will be the one who broke Naruto's heart while Hinata is the one who repairs it. So even though on the surface it looks like she has finally achieved her goal, she really be a negative or secondary character by driving the main character into the arms of another truer love.


The manga chapters were bad enough — she's regressed in her development to accept Sasuke, and she's shown as a housewife which was not one of her goals — but the movie could slide Sakura back yet another notch by making her Naruto's only heartbreak.


I'm not expecting the worst.... But I think at this point I'm don't expect them to do right by Sakura. I think in twisting Hinata into some kind of main heroine, their going to force Sakura to be a plot device for the NH romance. 


Can I hate a movie that hasn't already come out? Cause I really think I do.


My heart aches when I read this because I'm afraid this is going to be the case when it comes to The Last. Chapters 699 and 700 hit NS hard but this movie is going to be the final nail in the coffin. However I still have hope that Naruto fans, those that care not for the shipping, will see how far fetched this movie will be. Sakura ripping Naruto's heart out and having Hinata pick up the pieces just isn't going to feel right. Everything about it will scream OOC and while there will be those that like it it will indeed stick out as a sore thumb when its compared to the rest of the movies.

Edited by Konohakitten, 17 November 2014 - 04:40 AM.



#11685 Tiller



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:35 AM

Yes the Naruto vs Sasuke ova that SHOULD have been the ending. Where Naruto fails to save Sasuke and wakes up to touch Sakura's crying face. <3
I'm on my phone right now so I cant link it. Just type it in youtube and it should come up.


Wait... by fail to save Sasuke do you mean the kitten straight up dies? I need to find this story...


#11686 Aizen-Sama


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:53 AM

Wait... by fail to save Sasuke do you mean the a**hole straight up dies? I need to find this story...

Sadly no... Sasuke just walks away again with a creepy baby's scream going on in his head. Lol.
The animators portrayed a more realistic ending and Sasuke's mental/emotional afflictions better than Kishimoto did

#11687 Tiller



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:12 AM

Sadly no... Sasuke just walks away again with a creepy baby's scream going on in his head. Lol.
The animators portrayed a more realistic ending and Sasuke's mental/emotional afflictions better than Kishimoto did

Well I can't find the damn thing. Just a bunch of em dressed like school kids. :-(


#11688 MangaReader


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:39 AM

Short hair is all the rage for men in Naruto apparently lol


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#11689 FrenchMyToast



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:43 AM

So has anyone explained why Kankuro looks like he's developed a meth addiction? He looks terrible. 


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#11690 MangaReader


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:54 AM

So has anyone explained why Kankuro looks like he's developed a meth addiction? He looks terrible. 

It's to signify what Kishi was on the last two chapters lol


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#11691 Aizen-Sama


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:02 AM

So has anyone explained why Kankuro looks like he's developed a meth addiction? He looks terrible. 

Even Kankuro knows how horrible the ending is and is trying to ease his pain. Poor Kankuro. :(

#11692 trang95


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:04 AM

Even Kankuro knows how horrible the ending is and is trying to ease his pain. Poor Kankuro. :(

hopefully, he's not gonna bother appearing in The Last. why else we haven't seen a design of him so far?

Edited by trang95, 17 November 2014 - 06:04 AM.

G . I . N . T . A . M .A


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#11693 Ether


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:08 AM

hopefully, he's not gonna bother appearing in The Last. why else we haven't seen a design of him so far?

In that case, characters who were ignored in the manga will be ignored in the movie as well since I saw no designs for them. "Filling in the blanks" my ass.

#11694 Aizen-Sama


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:22 AM

I can't replace Hinata as the heroine in my head. I just cant... I'm too loyal to Sakura.
Part of me wants to rebel just to p*ss off the haters.

#11695 trang95


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:25 AM

In that case, characters who were ignored in the manga will be ignored in the movie as well since I saw no designs for them. "Filling in the blanks" my ass.

That was just a joke -.-

Pretty sure Team Taka will come back even though we haven gotten any designs so far. 

G . I . N . T . A . M .A


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#11696 Aizen-Sama


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:28 AM

Who GAF who appears in the movie? I ain't watching that piece of kitten.
(only to see Kakashi as Hokage xD)

#11697 Ether


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:30 AM

That was just a joke -.-

Pretty sure Team Taka will come back even though we haven gotten any designs so far. 

Nah, I actually believe we've seen all the designs for the movie. Even Bolt and Himawari were leaked.


It's safe to assume those characters won't appear at all.

#11698 Tiller



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:31 AM

I can't replace Hinata as the heroine in my head. I just cant... I'm too loyal to Sakura.
Part of me wants to rebel just to p*ss off the haters.

You don't have to accept Hinata. Just laugh at her that's what I do. Honestly life goes on a lot easier if you just accept that the ending was bs that doesn't matter. Enjoy the good things about the story not this crap.


And btw I'm still trying to find the damn ova if anyone has any ideas what it's called. Sakura looks down crying at Naruto, I guess Sasuke hears a baby cry? All I find is them dressed like school kids.

Edited by Tiller, 17 November 2014 - 06:32 AM.


#11699 trang95


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:34 AM

Nah, I actually believe we've seen all the designs for the movie. Even Bolt and Himawari were leaked.


It's safe to assume those characters won't appear at all.

If Kishi does not explain what happened with Team Taka, I swear I'make sure to appear in that movie to drag them in front of the screen.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:36 AM

I don't have any matching socks, lets put it this way; Sometimes I have to wear striped on one foot, polka dots on the other :argh:


A part of me, a tiny, tiny persistent part of me just feels that this ending is to f**cked up to be real and at any moment the true chapter will be released, and then it gets squashed by depressing reality. This truly is the trolliest of endings I have ever witnessed. 

Ninja's are no longer necessary in a world of "peace" if Ninja's simply perpetuate the cycle of hate they must be eradicated, and yet they continue to presumably, do ninja business which causes strife in the world and therefore perpetuates HATE. So everything about that war was completely pointless besides getting rid of the people who wanted everyone dead. If Ninja still have jobs then the world must not be all that peaceful...

On the other hand, important Ninja's like Sakura are shown doing nothing productive besides eradicating dust bunnies.

Again, it makes no sense. 


Epilogue? what Epilogue!? 

I would, but my gif-fuu is sorely lacking. :umm:

How sad, you have to walk around not matched. Must be horrible  :sad:

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