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#141 redragon88


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 09:34 PM


And yet, some NaruHina fans are already making crazy assumptions... it's ridiculous.


I guess that's why some fans hate it when anything related to Hinata (no matter how insignificant it is) is brought up. They already know that when they go to other forums that they'll see a barrage of ridiculous theories and crazy believes.


From my side I know better than to go to those type of site since they'll only give me a headache, but I guess other people just can't help themselves to going there.


If you read Naruto in a neutral manner (as one should) it's easy to see that the byakugan mention was only done to explain where it came from, along with the sharingan, and to elevate Kaguya's importance as the origin of jutsus.


The problem with people that read the chapter with bias is that they see Hagoromo's explanation completely backwards. Instead of seeing it as "Wow Kaguya had the bykugan, she really was the beginning of it all" they read it as "Wow the byakugan came from Kaguya, that mean that eye technique is very relevant".


You see the difference? The emphasis is supposed to be given to Kaguya, not the byakugan, but since people just love to read things as it is most convenient to them they'll twist the phrase and make it sound as if the byakugan will be the key to end the war or something.

Edited by redragon88, 02 April 2014 - 09:37 PM.

#142 James S Cassidy

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 09:50 PM

Wait....if Hinata is claimed to be the reincarnation of Kaguya....and Naruto is the reincarnation of Asura...who is Kaguya's grandson....

Then does that mean NH fans support incest between grandmother and grandson? Ewww....

Edited by James S Cassidy, 02 April 2014 - 09:52 PM.

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#143 Nate River

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 09:55 PM

Nate, you mentioned something about Hagoromo and getting the message wrong by other people.
-Well, there is a similar thing that happens in the real world a lot. Religion. Now I hate to go into this kind of topic, but really this reminds me of religion so much in a certain aspect. It's just Jesus coming back and telling all the Christians: "What are you doing? This isn't what I had in mind at all." It's this idea that a person creates a faith or a religion to bring people together, not separate them, but it is not the person starting the religion that is the problem. It is the people that follow who decide that they are better because they believe their faith is more sound or their faith is the true version.

I didn't say Hagoromo got the message wrong. Creating something and watching it turn into a weapon despite what its inventor intended happens. As to my atomic bomb scenario, it's possible someone does something like split atom without any idea or intention that it be used as a bomb. That's understandable. Then there is creating the weapon itself and expressing shock it was used that way. That's either idiocy or denial.

Because Kishimoto never explains Ninshuu, I can't tell you which it's supposed to be. But since Kaguya apparently abused it, how shocking is it to watch happen with the generation that comes right after it. He came into the power after already knowing it could be abused. His own mother did it. That is why I lean toward option 2.

Either way, Hagoromo gets offended when Naruto says Ninjutsu, so it's something related, but that is different. What that difference is, well, who knows because he never tells us what it is. Just what is was supposed to do, an idea that cannot even be evaluated because it's never defined as anything other than a super-vague concept.

It's different because he says it is and nothing else.

Except Karin has one thing Sasuke doesn't...conviction. How many times has Sasuke "changed his mind" or was easily "distracted" from his goal that he claimed would "never be wavered?" This guy makes up more excuses than Hamlet. Hell, Hamlet at LEAST finally did it in the end. Sasuke just changes his mind too much too easily all because "my brother showed up." Itachi tells him he wanted him to live a good life in Konoha and not have to face revenge hoping to take all the hatred into himself. Not only does this plan mess up, but Sasuke seems to listen to Itachi, yet doesn't listen to him at the same time. "I am doing this all for Itachi and want revenge for him," but doesn't itachi not want revenge and actually loved Konoha? So, you should love Konoha too and know that Danzo was the real reason why this stuff happened or how about the fact that the Uchiha were staging a mutiny and was going to burn down Konoha anyway?

Conviction or lack there-of is just a character trait. It doesn't make him a good or bad character. The weakness in his characterization isn't that it lack conviction, it's that Kishimoto constantly protects him from the consequences of his decisions and refuses to have anyone else even pretend to hold him accountable. If that were part of the message or point, then okay, but it's not. It's meant to shield him so as no to complicate other aspects of the story. It's an incredible cop-out.

It's that Kishimoto wants to have it both ways in expose the problems of revenge and hate, but being totally unwilling to let the character who expresses them live with consequences of letting those drive him. Kishimoto wants the darkness, but not the consequences because they complicates the end game and message he wants to send.

A character with conviction can still be a literary train wreck. Karin is exhibit A. It's her conviction that makes her so offensive. It's created via ret-con and allowed to continue to exist without explanation. It's that conviction that's treated like a joke despite what she was put through.


What's even worse is the whole "Uchiha love too much" crap excuse Tobirama gives just to explain why Sasuke straddles a line. You're right, responsibility and accountability get thrown out the window when it comes to Sasuke because supposedly all his "evil deeds" is merely just an STD in his genetics.

Oh, that explanation given to deflect damage from the Uchiha image is horrible. But again, unlike the attempted murder of Karin, the whole thing is treated seriously. It's crap, but at least it's handled in a tone that is reasonable. Karin's behavior is equally crap, but it's treated as stand up material. Running back into his arms was distressing, but being satsified with a meager apology and then turning it comedy was inexcusable. What Sasuke did to her was awful, but you wouldn't know it from what Kishimoto has written since then.

People cracking joke's about Sasuke stabbing her and leaving her to die when she needs him most...At least Sasuke is taken seriously.

Because of their respective roles, Sasuke's problem does more damage, but Karin's treatment is far, far worse. Sasuke's damaged, Karin's completely ruined.

#144 luffyq1


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:17 PM

Conviction or lack there-of is just a character trait. It doesn't make him a good or bad character. The weakness in his characterization isn't that it lack conviction, it's that Kishimoto constantly protects him from the consequences of his decisions and refuses to have anyone else even pretend to hold him accountable. If that were part of the message or point, then okay, but it's not. It's meant to shield him so as no to complicate other aspects of the story. It's an incredible cop-out.

It's that Kishimoto wants to have it both ways in expose the problems of revenge and hate, but being totally unwilling to let the character who expresses them live with consequences of letting those drive him. Kishimoto wants the darkness, but not the consequences because they complicates the end game and message he wants to send.

A character with conviction can still be a literary train wreck. Karin is exhibit A. It's her conviction that makes her so offensive. It's created via ret-con and allowed to continue to exist without explanation. It's that conviction that's treated like a joke despite what she was put through.


Oh, that explanation given to deflect damage from the Uchiha image is horrible. But again, unlike the attempted murder of Karin, the whole thing is treated seriously. It's crap, but at least it's handled in a tone that is reasonable. Karin's behavior is equally crap, but it's treated as stand up material. Running back into his arms was distressing, but being satsified with a meager apology and then turning it comedy was inexcusable. What Sasuke did to her was awful, but you wouldn't know it from what Kishimoto has written since then.

People cracking joke's about Sasuke stabbing her and leaving her to die when she needs him most...At least Sasuke is taken seriously.

Because of their respective roles, Sasuke's problem does more damage, but Karin's treatment is far, far worse. Sasuke's damaged, Karin's completely ruined.


Edited by luffyq1, 02 April 2014 - 10:17 PM.


#145 James S Cassidy

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:22 PM

I didn't say Hagoromo got the message wrong. Creating something and watching it turn into a weapon despite what its inventor intended happens. As to my atomic bomb scenario, it's possible someone does something like split atom without any idea or intention that it be used as a bomb. That's understandable. Then there is creating the weapon itself and expressing shock it was used that way. That's either idiocy or denial.

Because Kishimoto never explains Ninshuu, I can't tell you which it's supposed to be. But since Kaguya apparently abused it, how shocking is it to watch happen with the generation that comes right after it. He came into the power after already knowing it could be abused. His own mother did it. That is why I lean toward option 2.

Either way, Hagoromo gets offended when Naruto says Ninjutsu, so it's something related, but that is different. What that difference is, well, who knows because he never tells us what it is. Just what is was supposed to do, an idea that cannot even be evaluated because it's never defined as anything other than a super-vague concept.

It's different because he says it is and nothing else.

Okay, well my point still stands. It's not a weapon, it's a tool. Same as religion. It's a tool to help guide you through life. It is the person using it to cause damage to others is what makes it a weapon. It's like saying "Guns kill people." Well, they actually don't. As stupid as people make the claim how it is, the concept is true. It's not the tool that determines it's use, but the person who uses. The person behind the trigger is the problem and that is the problem here. It's not Ninshuu or ninjutsu that is the problem, it's the people constantly being at war with each other. It is human nature.

Ninshuu is actually explained very clearly. It is supposed to be a means to connect everyone on a spiritual level so that we can understand each other and thus people will never fight. If you understand why someone does something, then how can you fight? Especially since the other person may have had good reason to do so. If a person does a bad thing, but in reality you know they are doing it for a right reason or they regret everything that they do, how can you hate that person? That's the concept anyway. If you think that concept is a terrible one, then you see why it failed. People didn't want to believe in such a things and rather believed in themselves. The simple reason of thinking the concept sucks is the reason why it didn't work. Ironic, isn't it?

Kaguya wanted to control people while Hagoromo wanted to connect people.


Conviction or lack there-of is just a character trait. It doesn't make him a good or bad character. The weakness in his characterization isn't that it lack conviction, it's that Kishimoto constantly protects him from the consequences of his decisions and refuses to have anyone else even pretend to hold him accountable. If that were part of the message or point, then okay, but it's not. It's meant to shield him so as no to complicate other aspects of the story. It's an incredible cop-out.

It's that Kishimoto wants to have it both ways in expose the problems of revenge and hate, but being totally unwilling to let the character who expresses them live with consequences of letting those drive him. Kishimoto wants the darkness, but not the consequences because they complicates the end game and message he wants to send.

A character with conviction can still be a literary train wreck. Karin is exhibit A. It's her conviction that makes her so offensive. It's created via ret-con and allowed to continue to exist without explanation. It's that conviction that's treated like a joke despite what she was put through


Than I guess we have to disagree on this one because of all the mistakes you point out for Karin, Sasuke is much worse. Like I said, Sasuke's "ideals" have been retconned 4 times in this manga.

First he wants to kill Itachi and noone else. After Itachi dies and he learns the truth about it, he wants revenge against Konoha.
When he has a chance to destroy Konoha easily, he decides to follow Itachi for some stupid reason to ask him a question. When he gets the answer and the truth again, he once again stalls in his own resolve. He then goes to Konoha with Orochimaru so he can talk to the first 4 Hokage and hears a story about how Madara wanted his own way. So what does he do? Now Sasuke changes his mind and wants to become Hokage. Are you kidding me?

Karin wanted to love Sasuke and that's all she ever wanted. Good, it's her own resolve. You criticize her for it, but at least it was her own. Sasuke just copies and pastes everyone else's "goals" simply in the name of "the plot." You want to talk about Karin's love for Sasuke being a "plot purpose," and yet here is Sasuke's character who is nothing, BUT plot purpose. He is literally the plot mover and serves no other purpose than that. The only original thought Sasuke had was his revenge against Itachi.

Sasuke is asspulled, ret-conned, and plot armored into invulnerability. Which I think makes him far worse especially considering he is pretty much half of this story.

So tell me again how Sasuke escaped a massive explosion at point blank range in matter of nanoseconds? Or how Sasuke's electric abilities affect Earth nature?

Also, like I said, I guess this makes Hinata even worse since her love for Naruto is absolute bull and has made her severely weak over years. Again, she fell flat on her face. I am not saying Karin is justifiable or that she isn't a bad character. I am just saying she isn't the worse and that there are other characters take her problem and crank it to 11.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 02 April 2014 - 10:32 PM.

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#146 Inferno180


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:44 PM

Wait....if Hinata is claimed to be the reincarnation of Kaguya....and Naruto is the reincarnation of Asura...who is Kaguya's grandson....

Then does that mean NH fans support incest between grandmother and grandson? Ewww....


Funny how the joke of Sakura giving Naruto CPR was a necrophiliac one some argued...


but what do you expect? fans take this too far...


Despite how unlikely there being a relation or reincarnation event between Hinata and Kagyua, its just all theory I mean isn't it enough that Hagomoro said Madara is doing the same exact stuff as his mother, so isnt Madara more like Kaguya?

Edited by Inferno180, 02 April 2014 - 10:56 PM.

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#147 Nostradamus


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:55 PM

Wait....if Hinata is claimed to be the reincarnation of Kaguya....and Naruto is the reincarnation of Asura...who is Kaguya's grandson....

Then does that mean NH fans support incest between grandmother and grandson? Ewww....

Hey as long as NH is canon, that's fine with me man. :D

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#148 Inferno180


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:18 PM

Hey as long as NH NS is canon, that's fine with me man. :D



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#149 TrueSacrifice



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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:24 PM

I liked the chapter. It was a good partial explanation for where the dojutsu came from and the true nature of Kaguya and Madara. It was obvious that Madara was a reincarnation of Indra but it wasn't explained yet how Sasuke and him could exist at the same time. Now it's been explained that Indra already moved on to Sasuke and that Madara is now made up of Juubi chakra. Admittedly I am still confused a bit by all this though. Are the edo tensei incarnations inhabited by the transmigrant's chakra as well, like a vestigial amount? Or is the soul not related to chakra at all? Anyways finding out Kaguya had the byakugan was not surprising to me as I had already suspected it. The fact that she also possessed the sharingan but not the rinnegan is surprising. Just what is the origin of the rinnegan? Hagoromo makes it sound like it's specific to him but as others have pointed out could it have actually derived from the god tree and didn't manifest itself until Kaguya had a child? Another interesting observation is that Hagoromo appears to have red hair. Is he the progenitor of the Uzumaki clan as well as the Senju and Uchiha?


All that stuff aside Kishimoto is making the ending crystal clear right now. Naruto and Sasuke will have to make peace with each other or the turmoil will never end. The thing I'm most worried about is that Kishimoto will gloss over their conflict and just have them team up without a good resolution to make the story end quicker. This is a small concern however as he's already made Sasuke troubled by Naruto and what he stands for and hasn't shown that change yet. I highly doubt he will just come to terms with Naruto at the drop of a hat. As for what he said to the sage who knows? I imagine it went something along the lines of wanting there to be peace and fairness in the world. Hagoromo probably still senses the darkness in his heart but gives him the gift anyway as he believes that Naruto will ultimately prevail in ending the cycle of conflict between them and that Sasuke will be instrumental in saving the world with Naruto. I'm fairly certain that there will be one last grand fight between them before they reconcile.


Honestly I'm not all that perturbed that Sasuke seems to have equal billing with Naruto in importance here. The story is still told with Naruto as the focus and seeing things from his point of view. His is the more heartwarming tale while that of Sasuke is of the cold loner. Both characters are influential but Naruto is the one who's influence is most emphasized in the story. Sasuke exists to make Naruto look better and his progress more meaningful not the other way around. At the same time Kishimoto has developed their relationship into that of brothers divided and that's why their bond is as strong as it is and why it is so important for Naruto to help Sasuke find salvation. It's not about Naruto ultimately besting Sasuke in combat or prowess it's about winning the battle for his heart.


Also Naruto being a child of destiny and prophecy and whatnot doesn't really bother me either. Does it erase the pain he suffered or the progress he made as a ninja because he was predestined to be magnificent? He didn't become that way by sitting on his butt and doing nothing. He worked hard for what he has achieved. It doesn't really matter that he had genetic advantages over many other ninjas he also had incredible disadvantages and it took his indomitable will to overcome them. Even if his whole life he's just been unwittingly following a script mandated by destiny he has still done the things he has done, changed the people he has changed, lived the life he has lived.


Unfortunately we still have to wait a little longer for an NS scene and while it may leave a sour taste in some fans' mouths I'm thinking that Kishimoto is going to handle Naruto and Sasuke's awakening as he did their "deaths." Naruto and Sasuke will wake up to Sakura and Karin respectively in a paralleled manner. I've come to this notion because of the way Naruto and Sasuke were drawn in the "revival" panels. While it would take away the impact of an individual Naruto and Sakura scene I will take what we get.

#150 rocci


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:28 PM

Ninshu is an advance Internet. It's connect us.

Naruto and sasuke fight purpose is to find harmony a.k.a yin-yang.
It's all about it or neo vs smith.

#151 harry4e


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:41 PM

Lets not forget Karins love for Sasuke stems from him saving her life when she was sure she would have died during the Chunin exams....from all the people loyal to Sasuke it could be argued the two people who have most faith in him is Naruto who was saved by Sasuke during the fight with Haku and Karin who owes him her life. She can also sense his chakra, which might go towards explaining why she is so loyal to him. And she did try to hate him, we saw it when she escaped prison but all it took was a sorry from Sasuke, and a half hearted one at that and she crumbled she even admits it herself she can't help it.


Don't get me wrong, I think it's a cop out and Karin should be hating Sasuke right now, but then again so should Naruto and Sakura he stuck a chidori in Narutos chest twice during their battle in the Valley and tried to stab Sakura...as much as I dislike Sasuke related chapters maybe it would have been a good idea to show what Sasuke told the Sage, it's his resolve that changes more often than most people change their underwear, He's going to kill his brother, he's going to kill his best friend, he's going to do things his own way, not let Itachi dictate his life, He's going to kill everyone in Konoha, he's going to save Konoha, he's going to be Hokage. He has no unique ideals of his own, I bet Indra is regretting being reborn as him, As Madara he had a goal and he stuck to it, as Sasuke it changes weekly.


With Naruto we understand his conviction, his motivation, it may waver every so often but on the whole it's rock solid...Sasukes is all over the place, he changes his mind as as often as he gets a free upgrade, so it becomes difficult to believe he'll stick to his convictions and not change his mind again. Then again we are all speculating, and what he told the Sage was something completely different and cause conflict between Sasuke and Naruto again, we only saw the last part of the conversation with Sasuke, we are just assuming he said the same thing as Naruto, and now he's also the child of prophesy destined to save the world....he could have decided that he'd stand above them all and protect their way of life...or he'd find a way to restore the tentails to it's tree form and give back the chakra people stole from it...we really have no idea. The Sage said it at the end 'they'll be the ones that decide what to do' so it might be the same or it might be different, Kishi probably left out Sasuke's meeting for a reason.


#152 Nate River

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:42 PM

Okay, well my point still stands. It's not a weapon, it's a tool. Same as religion. It's a tool to help guide you through life. It is the person using it to cause damage to others is what makes it a weapon. It's like saying "Guns kill people." Well, they actually don't. As stupid as people make the claim how it is, the concept is true. It's not the tool that determines it's use, but the person who uses. The person behind the trigger is the problem and that is the problem here. It's not Ninshuu or ninjutsu that is the problem, it's the people constantly being at war with each other. It is human nature.

Ninshuu is actually explained very clearly. It is supposed to be a means to connect everyone on a spiritual level so that we can understand each other and thus people will never fight. If you understand why someone does something, then how can you fight? Especially since the other person may have had good reason to do so. If a person does a bad thing, but in reality you know they are doing it for a right reason or they regret everything that they do, how can you hate that person? That's the concept anyway. If you think that concept is a terrible one, then you see why it failed. People didn't want to believe in such a things and rather believed in themselves. The simple reason of thinking the concept sucks is the reason why it didn't work. Ironic, isn't it?

Kaguya wanted to control people while Hagoromo wanted to connect people.

Jutsu and Chakra: We have been given an explanation of what they are and have seen over and over what they do. Saying that it harms people, connects people, or gives them bad gas, tells us only what they can do. You can't evaluate anything if you given a stated purpose in a total void. Kishimoto defined it the way he has with jutsu, then we could look at it and see his point. We can see and watch and say, yeah, it does that or why he the Sage says it was created to harm based on what he showed us. True or not, I can look at and see, yeah, maybe he has a point. Devoid of all that context, it's just an empty meaningless statement that I simply be asked to assume is true.

Saying Ninshuu connects people without explaining what it is or how it does this telss me diddly poo. It's an aspiration, not an explanation. In other words, a gross violation of show don't tell.


Than I guess we have to disagree on this one because of all the mistakes you point out for Karin, Sasuke is much worse. Like I said, Sasuke's "ideals" have been retconned 4 times in this manga.

To me, a ret-con is going back through events that have already happen to explain a current event that has no explanation and doing so despite that fact what is being explained did not occur during the original version of the events. I.e. He had to rewrite previous chapters to explain away a current problem. In other words, we saw the exams. No karin and no bear. Part 2 comes around and, about that Karin and bear that you didn't see when I first went through, by the way, that happened despite what you may have read earlier.

That hasn't happen for Sasuke. The prior events talked about when he does that were not actively "lived through" by the audience. He doesn't have to edit the past to make room for it.

First he wants to kill Itachi and noone else. After Itachi dies and he learns the truth about it, he wants revenge against Konoha.
When he has a chance to destroy Konoha easily, he decides to follow Itachi for some stupid reason to ask him a question. When he gets the answer and the truth again, he once again stalls in his own resolve. He then goes to Konoha with Orochimaru so he can talk to the first 4 Hokage and hears a story about how Madara wanted his own way. So what does he do? Now Sasuke changes his mind and wants to become Hokage. Are you kidding me?

I think Sasuke goal has always been the same: Penance for lost loved ones. What keeps changing is his understanding of events, so who owes that penance constantly shifts as he hears why things are the way they are. There are all sorts of major issues with the execution (i.e. lack of responsibility/accountability, Itachi delivering a message instead of Naruto, forming Team Seven), but the basic track of his character shifts aren't off base and not what makes his characterization weak. It's the execution that blows, not the fact that he keeps changing targets. I get that.

Karin wanted to love Sasuke and that's all she ever wanted. Good, it's her own resolve. You criticize her for it, but at least it was her own. Sasuke just copies and pastes everyone else's "goals" simply in the name of "the plot." You want to talk about Karin's love for Sasuke being a "plot purpose," and yet here is Sasuke's character who is nothing, BUT plot purpose. He is literally the plot mover and serves no other purpose than that. The only original thought Sasuke had was his revenge against Itachi.

It is just for plot purposes, but that's not the precise reason it sucks. I could live with it if Kishimoto treated it as tragic (because that is what is). Such devotion in the face of such asks exists. I see it all the time in domestic abuse cases. I'd be torn apart if I just sat her and made cracks about hilarious it all was and I'd deserve it. And yet, that's what Kishi did.

I've seen lots of posts about what a strong, independent person Karin is. When I look at the manga I wonder I was asleep for that part of the story because I sure don't see it.

Also, like I said, I guess this makes Hinata even worse since her love for Naruto is absolute bull and has made her severely weak over years. Again, she fell flat on her face. I am not saying Karin is justifiable or that she isn't a bad character. I am just saying she isn't the worse and that there are other characters take her problem and crank it to 11.

Yeah, agree to disagree. To me, there is nothing close to as bad as turning her tragedy into comedy fodder and pretend that Sasuke hadn't left her for dead. Even if it wasn't for plot purposes, It'd still be an indefensible travesty.

#153 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:45 PM

So wait, James, you're saying all doujutsus came from the fruit.

#154 Nate River

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:48 PM


Heh. The gif you posted applauding what I wrote got liked, but what I wrote didn't.

#155 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:59 PM

I got to admit, this is a rare moment where we are talking about the whole moment and make a strong argument. Heck, didn't think I would see that LAP from James and Redragon. I missed this. I feel like I should go back here more often again. I'm only playing games to finish it and clean it.

#156 Namaenash



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Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:23 AM

Chapter was ok I guess. Good overall until Sasuke shows up. Not that I mind, but if Kishi deliberately write a character that he wants his reader to hate, then he's doing a good job. You always have that one person that does nothing, het get the credits and praises.

As much as I want an NS moment to happen, I think the chance is pretty slim. Next chapter will probably focusing on Naruto rushing back to save Gai. Better set my expectation low, who knows Kishi will give us another pleasant surprise like 631 or 663.

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"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

#157 JG111580



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Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:40 AM

The fact that so many people detest Sauske so much is proof that Kishi has accomplished his goal with the character. The whole point of all of the events of this manga are to have everyone, including the reader, believe that he is not worth saving, similar to the way that he wrote fangirl Sakura in part 1. Even Kakashi and Sakura fell victim to this mindset. Naruto is the only one who will not waiver.That's why he's the hero, child of prophecy and the main character. He will find a way to save Sauske. He will bring peace and help people to understand one another because he will stay the course and never give up. While they may team up to defeat Madara, it won't last. Sauske is Indra's reincarnation, which means that he will naturally crave power and awaken his newly aquired senju cells just as Madara did (maybe with the help of Oorochimaru whispering in his ear). With Sauske awakening the true Rinegan, Naruto will once again be the underdog, as is suited to his character and the story. Naruto will have Asura's powers, not the 6 paths. He will have the help of Bjuus and the alliance. I think what I like about this is that once Sauske reaches this pinnacle of his powers, he will have to choose his own path and not get led around like a dog on a leash. I think that's Naruto's chance for victory. That or another miraculous powerup due to additional unkown lineage (no thanks). The Sage appeared to both, because both were in dire straights. Both could have a profound impact on the future of the world. Both carry the spirits of his sons. But Sauske got a different talk than Naruto and perhaps the the combination of all of the words spent trying to redeem him may finally take hold and force him to make the right choice. His own choice. That's the way I see it anyway. As long as Naruto is the one standing in the end, I'll be happy.


I really don't care about the Byakugan thing unless it ties in to the Sage's brother.


I think that there has to be a scene between Obito and Naruto before Obito dies. More proof of a successful TNJ and closure for Obito's character. If this happens, Sakura will be right there with them. I believe this would be a good time for a "not having regrets" line. Even if it would confuse Sakura, Naruto would get it because he saw Rin in Obito's thoughts. With what just happened with the Sage, that's about the only valuable thing that Obito can pass on to Naruto before he passes. Or, the comment might be directed at Sakura. Either way works for me. If it is glossed over, it will be a major missed opportunity for development of all three characters.

#158 rocci


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 01:29 AM

I believe we will get a training arc after this fight.
Naruto will train for uzumaki fuuin jutsu.

#159 awesome sauce dude

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:02 AM

I feel like next weeks chapter is going to be half focused on Guy and the battle with madara, and half focused on the recovery of both sasuke and naruto

#160 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:10 AM


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