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Naruto 646

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#381 Psychox



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    And NaruSaku of course ^^

    I apply my heart to no wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing of the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief; and he who increased knowledge, increased sorrow.

    Nobis non domine non nobis.

    Laa shay'a waqui'n moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine.

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:19 PM

*sigh* You know, I don't accept this argument anymore. I hate when people use it too because it is just you using some form of excuse to say "Well, this is different." What does it have to do with it? Alot, because so many people bring forth that Guren Laggann is "so well written," but I could argue for that series the same argument you are using for this series. That's the connection.

Speaking of which, how many times did people compare Dragonball Z or other manga to this one? Because while the stories may change, the writing practices stay the same. You don't have rules for one and not have the same rules for the other unless you have a good reason to do so such as making a character with accents or making up words so people can get a clear idea of what the character may sound like. Stuff like that.

What the common factor is is a character becoming a god. Like any TV trope that many series encompass and writing practices, I could compare how each character, both Obito/So6P and Simon became gods, but unlike the Obito/Sage who have a real reason for having power, Simon does not or rather has a weaker reasoning behind him. Also, Obito/Sage are fairly weak compared to Simon's power who is pretty much omnipotent and can change reality of the universe to whatever he wants. I don't think Obito/Sage had that much power.

The sage got his power from his mother who got the power from eating some forbidden fruit from what is known as the "God Tree." Now many manga, like Dragonball, xXxholic, One Piece, and a few, have played the concept of having these "trees of power" bearing fruit which give normal humans powers or granting something else that is powerful.

Simon for Gurren Lagann however becomes god because...."He willed himself to." Literally, that is all that is. He willed himself to be god cause he can somehow tap into spiritual energy in the universe. How is this not bad writing in itself, but this chapter in Naruto is? How about how Haruhi is considered god yet there is no real explanation on why she is this "Reality creator/bender?"


How about Shinji Ikari in Evangelion? He became God for the moment. His was explained using the Eva's as a catalyst. Is this any different to this? I don't think so. It has about the same amount of explanation to me. So why does Haruhi, Simon, Shinji, and all these other God beings in anime get this pass with just as much or not even any explanation on "why?"

I'm sorry, I have seen worst explanations in other series that have been accepted.




This is a double standard though. I have to accept that Gurren Lagann can break the rules and I can't judge it because "it has it's own rules," but many here can judge Naruto like it is trying to destroy a major religion in the real world or something? As you said "Naruto operates in a different set of rules" which means that the set rules are what they are in the Naruto universe. You're telling me I have to accept the way Gurren Lagann behaves, but shouldn't the Naruto fans be the same way and just accept the rules that is in the Naruto universe?

This is a double standard. Once again people hand wave ideas away because they want something one way and when proven wrong by other methods say "Well, it follows it's own rules, so it doesn't count." That is what I like to call "cheating" and is practically a stupid argument to use. At least I don't accept that kind of argument, because then I could say the same to all the Naruto nay-sayers. "Well, tough, that is how the rules are. Deal with it." Which is practically what you are saying.


I might as well just say "Kishi can do whatever he wants and you have to accept it." End of debate. At least we get an explanation on why stuff happens the way it does and not just some stupid thing like "because he wanted it to be."


I am really sorry to some people, but if I can be brutally honest some of you are just complaining just to complain. I have seen worse explanations in other manga and when brought up you can hand wave say "It is not the same thing." The double standards I have seen when it comes to this manga alone truly baffle me to the point of insanity.

"We want more Sakura." Okay, but they can never tell me what they want her to do.
"We want this person to get a power-up." The character gets a power-up and then complain that it is either too OP or not enough explanation.
"We want more main characters to die." Kishi kills off Neji and then I hear complaining that that is not what they meant. They want some character who has no purpose to die, but wants their death to make a huge impact on the story or something....I don't even know anymore.
"We want a good villain that for once doesn't fall to talk no jutsu so easily." We get Obito who has been really awesome as a villain and people complain that "he is too whiny, why does it have to be about Rin? Obito is too OP. He should stay dead for once."


People are privileged to their opinion, but I really question whether some fans really know what you want at times. They set standards way too high, they can't decide what they want, and even when they get what they are after it is not what they really wanted.

What really gets bad though is when someone comes along and uses a counter argument that makes a lot of sense and these people downright just hand wave it and get really defensive over it. Really? So in essence, you can never be proven wrong because you don't want to be proven wrong and just as they have a choice not to listen to reason, I have a choice to not take what some say as serious.

I was predicted this was going to happen in several podcasts already and it does not surprise me. I knew this was going to happen and I talked about it especially in the last two. So, I am happy I was right.

So I ask again, what exactly do people want to see happen? I want to ask how would you write this manga and do you really think it is better than how Kishi has written it. Now keep in mind, I want to say that it will be judge to the same fair extent.






Bolded: Man , that contains so much win. ^_^

Majority of fans wanted Sakura to die .. just saying .. :argh:


#382 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:26 PM

At this rate, they should just pull an Assassin Creed. The grandson of Naruto is digging further to see where the mystery lies and perhaps gain the chakra fruit again just to restart the life of ninja in his time zone. Yeah, that game is confusing...

#383 nia1994



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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:27 PM

This was quite the intriguing chapter, one thing i like about kishis writing is how he uses old japanese fokelore into the story. I cant help but wonder if there might be a small connection with this new revelation with chakra and cherry blossoms and sakura. Its probbably nothing tho

#384 Psychox



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    And NaruSaku of course ^^

    I apply my heart to no wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing of the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief; and he who increased knowledge, increased sorrow.

    Nobis non domine non nobis.

    Laa shay'a waqui'n moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine.

    Nulla e reale, tutto e lecito .

    Das ist Wilde Verwegen Jagd .

Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:33 PM

At this rate, they should just pull an Assassin Creed. The grandson of Naruto is digging further to see where the mystery lies and perhaps gain the chakra fruit again just to restart the life of ninja in his time zone. Yeah, that game is confusing...

Nah, it was interesting till revelations after that.. just .. The main plot moves SO SLOW they even killed my SHIP ,DAMN! :D

Conor was useless, i mean what's the point of continuing the same thing 5 times now? B-but learning about Juno man that was thrilling :P. The third AC game was filler to me..

I wonder if the plot will move at least by an inch when black flag comes out .. I want to see if Eve or her future counterpart comes by and what will Juno do? I cant wait .. :D

Edited by Psychox, 11 September 2013 - 08:35 PM.


#385 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:39 PM

Nah, it was interesting till revelations after that.. just .. The main plot moves SO SLOW they even killed my SHIP ,DAMN! :D

Conor was useless, i mean what's the point of continuing the same thing 5 times now? B-but learning about Juno man that was thrilling :P. The third AC game was filler to me..

I wonder if the plot will move at least by an inch when black flag comes out .. I want to see if Eve or her future counterpart comes by and what will Juno do? I cant wait .. :D

Funny, I like ac3 past story more than current time because of that ending. God...Connor wasn't that interesting, but I did like his ending in the game especially the revenge part. Feels like you can't never run your problem. Other than that, well I hope something good come out of it.

#386 sushi.


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:43 PM

James, I don't have time to read your entire post due to homework, but I'll write something brief.


I want Sakura to contribute to the plot. I want her to make a difference. Sure, a majority of the alliance would be dead if it weren't for her. It still makes no difference to the plot. The only reason I am not complaining is because of the foreshadowing, I really think she will play a role soon.


About Obito; He hasn't directly fallen for the TnJ as of yet, but he is still affected by Naruto's words. Naruto's words irritates him, which makes him try to provoke Naruto..it became a bad circle of too much talking. I'm happy it stopped now, but it was bad even if you think Obito is "awesome".


And the way you compare Naruto to other shows or characters. Chances are people don't like the characters you listed either, and I don't even know of half of them. Two bads does not make one good.


#387 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:47 PM

*sigh* You know, I don't accept this argument anymore. I hate when people use it too because it is just you using some form of excuse to say "Well, this is different." What does it have to do with it? Alot, because so many people bring forth that Guren Laggann is "so well written," but I could argue for that series the same argument you are using for this series. That's the connection.

Speaking of which, how many times did people compare Dragonball Z or other manga to this one? Because while the stories may change, the writing practices stay the same. You don't have rules for one and not have the same rules for the other unless you have a good reason to do so such as making a character with accents or making up words so people can get a clear idea of what the character may sound like. Stuff like that.

What the common factor is is a character becoming a god. Like any TV trope that many series encompass and writing practices, I could compare how each character, both Obito/So6P and Simon became gods, but unlike the Obito/Sage who have a real reason for having power, Simon does not or rather has a weaker reasoning behind him. Also, Obito/Sage are fairly weak compared to Simon's power who is pretty much omnipotent and can change reality of the universe to whatever he wants. I don't think Obito/Sage had that much power.

The sage got his power from his mother who got the power from eating some forbidden fruit from what is known as the "God Tree." Now many manga, like Dragonball, xXxholic, One Piece, and a few, have played the concept of having these "trees of power" bearing fruit which give normal humans powers or granting something else that is powerful.

Simon for Gurren Lagann however becomes god because...."He willed himself to." Literally, that is all that is. He willed himself to be god cause he can somehow tap into spiritual energy in the universe. How is this not bad writing in itself, but this chapter in Naruto is? How about how Haruhi is considered god yet there is no real explanation on why she is this "Reality creator/bender?"


How about Shinji Ikari in Evangelion? He became God for the moment. His was explained using the Eva's as a catalyst. Is this any different to this? I don't think so. It has about the same amount of explanation to me. So why does Haruhi, Simon, Shinji, and all these other God beings in anime get this pass with just as much or not even any explanation on "why?"

I'm sorry, I have seen worst explanations in other series that have been accepted.




This is a double standard though. I have to accept that Gurren Lagann can break the rules and I can't judge it because "it has it's own rules," but many here can judge Naruto like it is trying to destroy a major religion in the real world or something? As you said "Naruto operates in a different set of rules" which means that the set rules are what they are in the Naruto universe. You're telling me I have to accept the way Gurren Lagann behaves, but shouldn't the Naruto fans be the same way and just accept the rules that is in the Naruto universe?

This is a double standard. Once again people hand wave ideas away because they want something one way and when proven wrong by other methods say "Well, it follows it's own rules, so it doesn't count." That is what I like to call "cheating" and is practically a stupid argument to use. At least I don't accept that kind of argument, because then I could say the same to all the Naruto nay-sayers. "Well, tough, that is how the rules are. Deal with it." Which is practically what you are saying.


I might as well just say "Kishi can do whatever he wants and you have to accept it." End of debate. At least we get an explanation on why stuff happens the way it does and not just some stupid thing like "because he wanted it to be."


I am really sorry to some people, but if I can be brutally honest some of you are just complaining just to complain. I have seen worse explanations in other manga and when brought up you can hand wave say "It is not the same thing." The double standards I have seen when it comes to this manga alone truly baffle me to the point of insanity.

"We want more Sakura." Okay, but they can never tell me what they want her to do.
"We want this person to get a power-up." The character gets a power-up and then complain that it is either too OP or not enough explanation.
"We want more main characters to die." Kishi kills off Neji and then I hear complaining that that is not what they meant. They want some character who has no purpose to die, but wants their death to make a huge impact on the story or something....I don't even know anymore.
"We want a good villain that for once doesn't fall to talk no jutsu so easily." We get Obito who has been really awesome as a villain and people complain that "he is too whiny, why does it have to be about Rin? Obito is too OP. He should stay dead for once."


People are privileged to their opinion, but I really question whether some fans really know what you want at times. They set standards way too high, they can't decide what they want, and even when they get what they are after it is not what they really wanted.

What really gets bad though is when someone comes along and uses a counter argument that makes a lot of sense and these people downright just hand wave it and get really defensive over it. Really? So in essence, you can never be proven wrong because you don't want to be proven wrong and just as they have a choice not to listen to reason, I have a choice to not take what some say as serious.

I was predicted this was going to happen in several podcasts already and it does not surprise me. I knew this was going to happen and I talked about it especially in the last two. So, I am happy I was right.

So I ask again, what exactly do people want to see happen? I want to ask how would you write this manga and do you really think it is better than how Kishi has written it. Now keep in mind, I want to say that it will be judge to the same fair extent.






Well at this point Naruto has become one of those Unpleasable Fanbases.

#388 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:49 PM

Naruto is huge so you will get over criticism posts from many. Not a bad thing, just something to expect. The only thing that's bad in my opinion is to hate on it because it's cool to do it.

#389 六道仙人


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:51 PM

I have a question- I apologize if this has been addressed already.


In MangaPanda's translation, the Sage of Six Paths' name is Hagoromo Ootsutsuki, while in MangaStream's translation his name is Bagoromo Ootsutsuki.


Does anyone know which it is?


Hagoromo is the right one.


"I'm the Basketball genius, Hanamichi Sakuragi"


#390 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:56 PM

Theres probably a technique that is used to divide the bijuu once the juubi is somehow maintained. Although I dubno whats gonna happen to the bijju if/when they are released since they're jinjurikis are dead...unless there are new jinjurikis for each one which is highly unlikely. I expect them to just somehow completely destroy the juubi or just sealimg it away in a special type of container.

I like how theres alot of japanese culture being involved lately in the chapters and the legend....the kaguya and the legendary bad guy....kinda reminds me of okami...since in okami theres this girl named kaguya and she even has these ears...
(In okami and naruto there are alot of things originating from the japanese culture like sakura the wood spirit and how she brings life amaterasu, the nine tails etc)

They said it was izanagi.


#391 Psychox



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    And NaruSaku of course ^^

    I apply my heart to no wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing of the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief; and he who increased knowledge, increased sorrow.

    Nobis non domine non nobis.

    Laa shay'a waqui'n moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine.

    Nulla e reale, tutto e lecito .

    Das ist Wilde Verwegen Jagd .

Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:56 PM

Funny, I like ac3 past story more than current time because of that ending. God...Connor wasn't that interesting, but I did like his ending in the game especially the revenge part. Feels like you can't never run your problem. Other than that, well I hope something good come out of it.

Well, Ezio's past and  revenge was just as tragic , but at the end he chose not to kill Rodrigo , that however brought him problems from his son, Chesare . Something like Naruto did with Nagato. The current time had an interesting plot twist under the coliseum Juno's plan, i didn't expect Lucy to be a double agent .. my ship sank and hard .. :cry: . Now , we had Desmond die he was the main character.. that kind of a plot twist i never anticipated .. I wonder who will be his successor , maybe his dad ? 

Since a giant shield protected the earth and Juno is now free to do as she please i wonder how it will turn out? But please no more animus-es ..


#392 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:57 PM

Naruto is huge so you will get over criticism posts from many. Not a bad thing, just something to expect. The only thing that's bad in my opinion is to hate on it because it's cool to do it.

Yeah the bigger the fanbase the more likely you are to have haters.

#393 Dkey


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:58 PM

*sigh* You know, I don't accept this argument anymore. I hate when people use it too because it is just you using some form of excuse to say "Well, this is different." What does it have to do with it? Alot, because so many people bring forth that Guren Laggann is "so well written," but I could argue for that series the same argument you are using for this series. That's the connection.

Speaking of which, how many times did people compare Dragonball Z or other manga to this one? Because while the stories may change, the writing practices stay the same. You don't have rules for one and not have the same rules for the other unless you have a good reason to do so such as making a character with accents or making up words so people can get a clear idea of what the character may sound like. Stuff like that.

What the common factor is is a character becoming a god. Like any TV trope that many series encompass and writing practices, I could compare how each character, both Obito/So6P and Simon became gods, but unlike the Obito/Sage who have a real reason for having power, Simon does not or rather has a weaker reasoning behind him. Also, Obito/Sage are fairly weak compared to Simon's power who is pretty much omnipotent and can change reality of the universe to whatever he wants. I don't think Obito/Sage had that much power.

The sage got his power from his mother who got the power from eating some forbidden fruit from what is known as the "God Tree." Now many manga, like Dragonball, xXxholic, One Piece, and a few, have played the concept of having these "trees of power" bearing fruit which give normal humans powers or granting something else that is powerful.

Simon for Gurren Lagann however becomes god because...."He willed himself to." Literally, that is all that is. He willed himself to be god cause he can somehow tap into spiritual energy in the universe. How is this not bad writing in itself, but this chapter in Naruto is? How about how Haruhi is considered god yet there is no real explanation on why she is this "Reality creator/bender?"


How about Shinji Ikari in Evangelion? He became God for the moment. His was explained using the Eva's as a catalyst. Is this any different to this? I don't think so. It has about the same amount of explanation to me. So why does Haruhi, Simon, Shinji, and all these other God beings in anime get this pass with just as much or not even any explanation on "why?"

I'm sorry, I have seen worst explanations in other series that have been accepted.




This is a double standard though. I have to accept that Gurren Lagann can break the rules and I can't judge it because "it has it's own rules," but many here can judge Naruto like it is trying to destroy a major religion in the real world or something? As you said "Naruto operates in a different set of rules" which means that the set rules are what they are in the Naruto universe. You're telling me I have to accept the way Gurren Lagann behaves, but shouldn't the Naruto fans be the same way and just accept the rules that is in the Naruto universe?

This is a double standard. Once again people hand wave ideas away because they want something one way and when proven wrong by other methods say "Well, it follows it's own rules, so it doesn't count." That is what I like to call "cheating" and is practically a stupid argument to use. At least I don't accept that kind of argument, because then I could say the same to all the Naruto nay-sayers. "Well, tough, that is how the rules are. Deal with it." Which is practically what you are saying.


I might as well just say "Kishi can do whatever he wants and you have to accept it." End of debate. At least we get an explanation on why stuff happens the way it does and not just some stupid thing like "because he wanted it to be."


I am really sorry to some people, but if I can be brutally honest some of you are just complaining just to complain. I have seen worse explanations in other manga and when brought up you can hand wave say "It is not the same thing." The double standards I have seen when it comes to this manga alone truly baffle me to the point of insanity.

"We want more Sakura." Okay, but they can never tell me what they want her to do.
"We want this person to get a power-up." The character gets a power-up and then complain that it is either too OP or not enough explanation.
"We want more main characters to die." Kishi kills off Neji and then I hear complaining that that is not what they meant. They want some character who has no purpose to die, but wants their death to make a huge impact on the story or something....I don't even know anymore.
"We want a good villain that for once doesn't fall to talk no jutsu so easily." We get Obito who has been really awesome as a villain and people complain that "he is too whiny, why does it have to be about Rin? Obito is too OP. He should stay dead for once."


People are privileged to their opinion, but I really question whether some fans really know what you want at times. They set standards way too high, they can't decide what they want, and even when they get what they are after it is not what they really wanted.

What really gets bad though is when someone comes along and uses a counter argument that makes a lot of sense and these people downright just hand wave it and get really defensive over it. Really? So in essence, you can never be proven wrong because you don't want to be proven wrong and just as they have a choice not to listen to reason, I have a choice to not take what some say as serious.

I was predicted this was going to happen in several podcasts already and it does not surprise me. I knew this was going to happen and I talked about it especially in the last two. So, I am happy I was right.

So I ask again, what exactly do people want to see happen? I want to ask how would you write this manga and do you really think it is better than how Kishi has written it. Now keep in mind, I want to say that it will be judge to the same fair extent.






This is the issue of the fandom. Kishi writes what he considers interesting or what he thinks makes sense but fans may like it or not.

Problem with the not liking is that usually people will address their dislike online, call it stupid or whatever. Some arguments might be valid but most rants I consider them therapeutic, those rants make no sense but it makes the fan feel a bit better.

What I dislike about this opinions is that they are so absolute. Apparently one chapter can break someone's enjoyment of a 600+ chapter series, and I don't get why. At least give it a chance to see where it's going.


Nah, it was interesting till revelations after that.. just .. The main plot moves SO SLOW they even killed my SHIP ,DAMN! :D

Conor was useless, i mean what's the point of continuing the same thing 5 times now? B-but learning about Juno man that was thrilling :P. The third AC game was filler to me..

I wonder if the plot will move at least by an inch when black flag comes out .. I want to see if Eve or her future counterpart comes by and what will Juno do? I cant wait .. :D


Tell more about it. Thou as gameplay it was helluve fun it felt that one of the expansion games of AC2 offered more in terms of story then AC3. But to be fair they were introducing a new character and had to build it and then continue the story but at one point it felt like the story derailed heavily. Who knows probably it's because of their desire to milk some more the fans with new games.


James, I don't have time to read your entire post due to homework, but I'll write something brief.


I want Sakura to contribute to the plot. I want her to make a difference. Sure, a majority of the alliance would be dead if it weren't for her. It still makes no difference to the plot. The only reason I am not complaining is because of the foreshadowing, I really think she will play a role soon.


About Obito; He hasn't directly fallen for the TnJ as of yet, but he is still affected by Naruto's words. Naruto's words irritates him, which makes him try to provoke Naruto..it became a bad circle of too much talking. I'm happy it stopped now, but it was bad even if you think Obito is "awesome".


And the way you compare Naruto to other shows or characters. Chances are people don't like the characters you listed either, and I don't even know of half of them. Two bads does not make one good.


You would want that but the Sakura fans will dislike it. But that is allready established and everyone is waiting for it. As for story elements that aren't so scrutinized in the fandom some reactions are odd.

I one consider that the manga would be at least 3 times more enjoyable if you don't go into the fandom.

#394 Psychox



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    I apply my heart to no wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing of the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief; and he who increased knowledge, increased sorrow.

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    Nulla e reale, tutto e lecito .

    Das ist Wilde Verwegen Jagd .

Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:06 PM

Tell more about it. Thou as gameplay it was helluve fun it felt that one of the expansion games of AC2 offered more in terms of story then AC3. But to be fair they were introducing a new character and had to build it and then continue the story but at one point it felt like the story derailed heavily. Who knows probably it's because of their desire to milk some more the fans with new games.

Cool , another AC fan ! :P :D :) HM, the thing i like about it is the plot twists , they didn't intend to kill Lucy but they did it anyway , Desmond had to open the 6th sense in order to gain knowledge, but that part became irrelevant since, ya know he's dead.. Why did they erase him from the story? I thought he was the main protagonist destined to save mankind ,well, yeah , Minerva told him that , but he chose freedom instead of recycling . I am waiting to see Eva's successors, maybe a woman will save the world. :P

But it seems we'll get another filler :/

Can we go somewhere theorizing i am up for it :D


#395 Nate River

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:16 PM

It doesn't really break the story of Naruto and it made it more in depth. Like learning the truth of myths and finding that very interesting. Reminds me of those moments of learning that all the Disney cartoons in reality are based off stories that have darker tones to them and don't really have happy endings.

There is a world of difference between adding background and adding depth. This added background, but was otherwise as deep as a kiddie pool.

As to your previous post, it's not a double standard. It's about context, execution, and internal consistency. People can't fling aroung lightning and fire in real life. Everyone knows it, but readers accept that Sasuke can do both.. What I ask for is that a writer live by their own rules. In DBZ, Toriyama said you can use you chi to fly. In Naruto, you can't do the same with your charka. So if I see Vegeta take flight, meh. People flew in the precusor series. If Naruto flaps his arms and takes off, I'm going to complain because Kishimoto has never bothered to establish that as something charka can do, and not even the best have accomplished it.

The use of a "God" concept to me is not inherently a good or bad concept. Neither is the fruit tree. Whether I like it will depend on what the author does with it. You sound like you as asking people to love it or hate it absolutely. I'm sure ere are probably some that do, but it's easy to explain liking it in one context and hating it another. I have specific themes I almost always hate, but mostly, it's what the author does with the material.

As for cheating in arguments. You do it all the time by being so generic. Some people say, they say...

Nobody can figure out who the hell our talking about and it's real hard to tell if your complaints have merit when I have no idea who "they" are and what "they" say outside of your characterization of what "they" say.

"We want more Sakura." Okay, but they can never tell me what they want her to do.
"We want this person to get a power-up." The character gets a power-up and then complain that it is either too OP or not enough explanation.
"We want more main characters to die." Kishi kills off Neji and then I hear complaining that that is not what they meant. They want some character who has no purpose to die, but wants their death to make a huge impact on the story or something....I don't even know anymore.
"We want a good villain that for once doesn't fall to talk no jutsu so easily." We get Obito who has been really awesome as a villain and people complain that "he is too whiny, why does it have to be about Rin? Obito is too OP. He should stay dead for once."

Almost none of this is inconsistent. For example, just because I want Sakura to have a power-up doesn't mean I want her to turn around and suddenly fart dark matter. It'd be a power-up, but and incredibly stupid one. I personally specified why I wanted heros to die, but just because I want that doesn't mean I'm going to accept the crappy execution that came from Neji's. I don't come into this saying well I want someone to die, but I don't give a rip how. Of course, I care how.

People just don't say that want X, but suddenly forget to give a kitten about how it happens. Execution matters.

I can't say if Obito falls to talk no jutsu so easily because up until now Naruto has used only the D ranked version.

#396 Strangelove


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:17 PM

Off topic 6 days until September 17th, you won't see much of me on that one day, where all the stars are aligned and bring forth to us Grand Theft Auto 5.



On topic: So basically has it been 1000 years since the Rikudo sennin sealed the Juubi inside the moon? Does that mean the Juubi is bound to give out another fruit? Also for a tree of life...it looks ugly. You know I would had expected branches and leafs...nope just a stick with a flower on top.


Wouldn't destroying the tree of life basically destroy all life on the world...thus making it a no no.


If Naruto eats the fruit of God, will he use the extra power to revive the dead members of the alliance? Thus making dead without any consequence...you know like DBZ?

Edited by Strangelove, 11 September 2013 - 09:18 PM.


#397 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:19 PM

You would want that but the Sakura fans will dislike it. But that is allready established and everyone is waiting for it. As for story elements that aren't so scrutinized in the fandom some reactions are odd.

I one consider that the manga would be at least 3 times more enjoyable if you don't go into the fandom.


I must admit every time I see what a fandom is like I don't enjoy it's series as much I used to, though I still remain faithful to it. One good thing about going into the Naruto fandom for me was when I looked at Chatte's threads about Sakura and I understood her character a lot better.

Edited by BlueStarSaber, 11 September 2013 - 09:21 PM.

#398 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:32 PM

A full opinion of mine won't happen until this arc ends.

#399 Slextrem



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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:47 PM

I must admit every time I see what a fandom is like I don't enjoy it's series as much I used to, though I still remain faithful to it. One good thing about going into the Naruto fandom for me was when I looked at Chatte's threads about Sakura and I understood her character a lot better.


Sometimes I feel like it's best to just read the chapter, take it for what it is, and ignore what the rest of the fandom has to say about it. Everyone has their complaints. No sense in ruffling anyone's feathers, or having your feather's ruffled either, for that matter.

#400 Dkey


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:48 PM

A full opinion of mine won't happen until this arc ends.


smart decision imo. Unfortunately this reveal of what exactly the Juubi is may be addressed in the next volume or it may not. And unfortunately the depth that Nate was talking about will be bashed by other fans that want the story to continue.

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