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Member Since 15 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2015 05:26 PM

Second Cover

Posted By Ausakura on 06 March 2014 - 05:51 PM

Second Cover
On Deviantart.com
Here is pictured the growth of the characters in the Doujin.
Menma, from an gentle and talented child to an rebelious and bad teenager.
Sakura, from an serious child full of hate to an opened heart person who doesn't lie to herself.
Sasuke from an spoiled boy to an playboy.
Sasuke is the only one who haven't changed or matured very much...
I think this is the most cliché outcome when someone try to imagine how it would be the Road to Ninja universe...

Page 04

Posted By Ausakura on 28 February 2014 - 04:25 AM

Page 04
On Deviantart.com
Colored as a present by a friend of mine, Cris.
There I already had some ideas ready.
Menma's appearance (black hair and dark personality) would be no more than just Sakura's premonition of what is about to come, but she doesn't realize it. In the past, Sakura used to be more rude to look stronger to others, but in the inside, she's a clumsy girl with an head full of air. After watching Road To Sakura, I came to this conclusion. And after Road to Charasuke, I had to re-write things about Menma, because I wanted to be the most faithful to the original story as I could be. Menma's true personality would be something like Minato's. Gentle and kind. Sasuke and Kakashi are just alike they are in the movie, this I left untouched.

In the background there's the masked beasts... Well, it was just to illustrate.

Another Week!!??

Posted By Ausakura on 14 February 2014 - 12:05 PM in Another Week!!??
