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#824830 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 18 May 2015 - 04:38 AM

To me Naruto and Sakura can't be happy without one another.

That's what the manga told me all along.

Naruto is with Hinata because it's his duty. Neji told him to do so...

And Sakura is with Sasuke because she doesn't want to be a terrible woman toward Hinata.
It's all for Hinata's sake... meanwhile, Naruto and Sakura are utterly suffering.
For Hinata's sake Naruto never confessed his love to Sakura and he lied to his father.
He also made his mother's advice a lost/vain advice.

For Hinata's sake Sakura never really realised her true feelings for Naruto, and now she's stuck with Sasuke (correction : she's not even with him. Sasuke doesn't need to be here to make her suffer), suffering.
If Naruto and Sakura would be true to themselves right now in the manga, they would be like they are in those fanarts.


#824775 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 18 May 2015 - 03:51 AM

Why why


With those fanarts I really get the feelings that japanese fans are deeply hurt and that they were really into Naruto's feelings for Sakura, just like us...
It's really hurtful to read.
The real Naruto is here... not giving up.
Reading this I can't help but thinking Naruto came to Hinata because Sakura was with Sasuke...  ugh... I can't help but thinking he's still suffering deep inside and not saying anything...


#824758 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 18 May 2015 - 03:38 AM

So… since that one gave me a lot of feels too, I tried and translated it from japanese directly.
Original one in japanese is right here : http://www.pixiv.net...ust_id=50163624
If I made a translation mistake, please, feel free to let me know.
Fanart from : http://www.pixiv.net....php?id=1691878





#824729 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 18 May 2015 - 02:49 AM




I got the feels just with the pictures... that's why I wanted to translate it so much...

Japanese fans are really really hurt... I can get it with all those fanarts... the feels oh my god...


#824679 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 18 May 2015 - 01:17 AM

I translated that fanart comic from spanish

Tell me if I wrote something wrong =)



#822893 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 15 May 2015 - 11:33 AM

Well, I was thinking… and if all this ending, the Last and the Gaiden crap was a hidden message from Kishi to his family? :headscratch:


I mean if Narusaku, Sasukarin and Nejihina had been the final couples, husband and wife would be guiding the respective family together. :yes:


Now, does Kishi guide his family with his wife?

I doubt it. He is too busy with work. And, maybe, his wife complained about it. :roll:


SP and SJ editors and assistants (Hinata fanboys) take the opportunity to show to Kishi who is Hinata the true GOOD woman and the true GOOD wife from this point of view. She is dedicated to Naruto, she endures his absence for work, she wait for him without complaint, with a smile. :plots:

Sakura is dragged in this mess and she is turned into her pavid old self for Sasuke.


Naruto and Sasuke accept such women’s devotion and, appreciative of their love, pay back never cheating on them (while remaining dispassionate, absent and too busy with other things).

But it's okay. Because they don’t cheat. :mellow:


The GOOD WIVES are happy with this, remain silent, trust their husbands and… Continue to wait. :zaru:


This is the message (and Bakuman appears to confirm this).


What you think about this, guys? :headscratch:


I think you're right. There is that thing in Japan... marriage is considered like a "contract", or an "enterprise".

Japanese consider marriage like an enterprise, and the two parties must keep their role to get it to work.
It's a view I respect, because our model is not that perfect either and women's condition in our society is not really that good either.

IMO it's not something to be ashamed about to be a housewife.

But what I don't like about it, it's that women are often the ones with the more of pressure in that marriage system.

In Japanese traditional family model, the woman is doing what you said. Keeping the house, preparing lunches... in Japan, women are awake very early to prepare the breakfast and the bentos for the family. Some of them wake up at 4.

It's how it works. Women often quit their job when they marry and they're becoming housewives. And the husband is working outside, trying to be strong and get money for the family. This is the traditional model. I guess Kishimoto is living like that with his wife...


Husbands are getting back home very late at night because of the long distances in train. Because of the pressure at work, most of them are having breakdown and they get drunk all the time. Sometime they just can't go back home because they missed the last train, so they go to sleep in those small cabin hostels.

Actually, I was pretty surprised to see girls saying that Hinata is the Hyuga heiress in that Kiba gaiden. I mean really ? We never saw her doing that. I thought she was 'only' and housewife. How could she manage to lead the Hyuga clan while doing all of her housework ? Also, she's not a leader type at all.

It's the same with Sakura. We never saw her in that children's hospital. We just supposed she's doing so. But the image we get from her is 'only' housework. Kishi must be really into that traditional model.


IMO that traditional model was good in the past.

But in our modern societies, there is too much pressure. So it's too much for one man only to work, and it's too much for one woman only to care alone for the house and all the lunches, taking care of the children, and to be alone most of the time.
Naruto seems to be evolving in a modern society now. They have laptops so...it must be hard for everyone, just like for modern japanese that still living with that traditional model.


It's just... Naruto was a manga about ninjas, and Sakura for exemple is not the type to be a housewife at all.

I still think Kishimoto doesn't know anymore how to make Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Hinata interact.

Since chapter 700, not even one of them is interacting with the others. Sasuke is away, alone. Sakura is alone with her daughter. Naruto is at work. We only saw Hinata in Boruto's thoughts.

There is only that Kiba Gaiden, where we saw Naruto and Hinata walking together, but not saying anything to each other.

All that gives me the impression that Kishi doesn't know how to get all this to work. I think he doesn't know what Naruto and Hinata could do together. Naruto walking with her is so weird... Naruto was always with the pink haired one. LOL so... walking together like that with a girl is romantic right ? LOL
That's what we're supposed to understand. But Naruto and Sakura were ALWAYS like that. ALWAYS.

I expected Naruto and sakura to get everything to work TOGETHER. Dealing with the children, dealing with the hospital, and with Hokage things. But Kishi put Shikamaru as a counsellor. I mean, it's a good thing. But I always pictured Naruto asking advice from Sakura. I always pictured some humorous moments between Naruto and Sakura and the children. Everything is so broken... since that time when Kishi just put Naruto beside Hinata at Neji's funeral, everything is so kittening broken.


/// What is this I wrote 'f u c k i n g' and suddenly there is 'kittening' replacing it. LOL

#822862 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 15 May 2015 - 10:53 AM

About Hinata's hair... IMO it was an idea of SP, because at the end of the movie (The Last) Hinata is in the couch knitting with her hair short like that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kishimoto never drew her with that hair cut until now in Naruto Gaiden.

IMO he FORGOT that Hinata was supposed to have that hair cut. LOL

Because if you look at 700's chapter, Hinata has her hair long. And she has her hair long on the weird family picture too. And also in that retcon of Uzumaki family. She has her hair long too.

So I guess he just forgot, and then he remembered, or someone said it to him. LOL



#821845 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 13 May 2015 - 11:20 PM

Although I forgot most of TL interview, which Kishi stated that his favorite part was the scene of separation (NS parting scene in the cave). And his interview was like somewhat pro-NS as he was like explaining their feelings reached each other and Naruto not to give up (something like that). Most importantly, you'll noticed in all his interviews Kishi never said that Sakura never loved Naruto. His interviews points out that Sakura must remain loyal to her first love, is the reason why you hear bunch of BS excuses from his mouth like Sakura will be a terrible woman if she moves on from Sasuke lol. So that means, Naruto is her second love interest and you know why Kishi is doing his best to keep them apart from each other. If nardo ever visits an unconscious Sakura, that is going to be taken as a romantic (despite being a friend to friend visit like old times) plot because of all the discarded build up from the previous manga and that my friend will make NH and SS look more pathetic.


I'm sure Sakura is in love with Naruto since long ago. It was clear. You just don't write in databooks that "Sakura still doesn't know her feelings about Naruto" if it's not for something to happen in the future. LOL
Sakura and Naruto were supposed to end together, and during the process, someone told Kishimoto that sentence he said about Sakura, that she would be a terrible women toward Hinata. It's not about Sasuke. It's all, again, about Hinata. Poor small fragile precious hime Hinata... =/ (I just understood something at the moment : WHY KISHI MADE SAKURA AWARE OF HINATA'S FEELINGS FOR NARUTO - This is it. This is for her not to step in and let Hinata have Naruto. So it's a drama in the end. Sakura loves Naruto but she let Hinata have him ... also she always felt unworthy of Naruto....)


#821707 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 13 May 2015 - 06:22 PM

I think there's a possibility for NH to be presented in a bad light. It might not get ruined like SS, but the dynamic will still be bad.


Kishimoto himself never seemed to care for Hinata at all, it was just those around him, who liked her. So, now that they had their wet dream come true in the Last and suffered backlash for it, they need to tuck their tails between their legs and allow Kishi to put Hinata back in her place, which is being a side character.


I think the NH relationship will be presented as it always has, Hinata ignoring everything, but Naruto, while the male himself only focuses on Sasuke. Kishimoto might not think it bad, because it's the usual way things work with NH, but this time, because there are kids involved, it would make Hinata look like a terrible mom and Naruto a terrible husband and parent.


Besides, if Kishi was able to make his favorite character and main character look awful, then the side character he never bothered to develop would not go untouched, by his writing.


He already shown that he doesn't really feel for NaruHina with that Kiba gaiden.

Seriously, making a third person say " oh my god this is the Hyuga heiress with naruto, they are totally suited to be with each other " like LOL

He's totally telling us to like it. " Please people, be convinced, they look good together, they are suited for each other oh my god... I'm trying to convince myself too " LOL


It's pitiful really. It's a shame and it's sad.

He doesn't know at all how to make them look like they are suited for each other, because they are not. Naruto and Sakura were suited for each other in his head. LOL

#821382 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Otaru on 12 May 2015 - 11:21 PM


Stupid NH...  Why is Naruto like 5 heads taller than Hinata?  WEIRD.  And I hate their clone kids.  It's like Hinata & Naruto literally became brother and sister.


Yeah and Naruto looks like he's presenting Hinata to us.

He's like "hey this is my wife she's good right ? right ? =( like her now ! "

#821350 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 12 May 2015 - 09:37 PM

You know what I would like to see ?

I want Kishi to show Naruto and Sakura interact.

Because I'm sure as hell that he's not capable of killing their chemistry, and I'm sure as hell it will be prominent and that it will be outshining everything (NaruHina **ahem**).

When they are together everything is so natural and evidence is shining.

#819446 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 08 May 2015 - 09:46 PM

What? What interview as that? It's the first I've heard of it.


No it's only my opinion. I wrote 'IMO'.



No I think the third part was planned, the original reveal made it sound like it would be a next generation manga, the movie announcement came later. If this is how Kishi and his editors think the hate will end then they are gravely mistaken, the only fanbase that has so far gone unscathed is Hinata's fans and that's because like in the original Kishi has done what he has always done, leave her out of the actual manga, her fanbase has the most active imagination on the planet as they have created a super hero that could destroy all other manga heroes with her eyes. Dispite the fact she never won a single one on one fight with a worthy opponant.


I personally think Kishi planned to end the manga his own way, then the new editior came along and pushed for the war, and the next gen arc etc. The guy is doormat, you can tell from the interviews that he is not good under pressure, and I think the new editor pushed him to a point where he cracked....Wouldn't even be surprised if SWJ, had assigned him the new editor for that purpose.


The bold part : So true

#819059 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Otaru on 08 May 2015 - 12:54 AM

The other day I saw Jiraiya's novel in my store.

and then I had a thought. Again.
Naruto manga was always about NaruSaku.


Obito and Rin

Jiraiya and Tsunade

Yahiko and Konan


Jiraiya's novel




Honestly a 4 year child could see through it. It's just so transparent. Kishimoto was always transparent. He was forced to write otherwise that's all. 


It's just as clear as that. And they can try whatever to prove otherwise, it will only work on those that wished for NaruSaku to not happen. It's like a dream for them. The author is giving them some proof to put in our faces lol. But we still don't believe it and they are getting angry about it.


All this is such a waste.

#814660 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 01 May 2015 - 09:27 PM

I miss Naruto so much.

It's a good chance this guy exists...  he's giving me the chills I actually lack so much without the real Naruto...



#814516 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 01 May 2015 - 04:44 PM

I never NEVER NEVER expected Naruto's son to have this kind of behaviour with his father.

Boruto is not Konohamaru. I really don't get why Kishimoto is insuflating Konohamaru's personnality into him.

And Naruto was never supposed to be locked in office. It's not like him to send a clone for his son.

I always pictured Naruto as a different Hokage. With peace, there is no need for still teaching ninja techniques.

I always pictured Naruto to re-create ninshuu and pass it to everyone. People would be never ninjas again.

I always pictured Naruto doing his work surrounded by the love of his life, Sakura, and their children. Happy and smiling like he always were.

Naruto's children were supposed to respect him. I know it's natural for children to look a little down on their parents, but I always thought, while reading Naruto, that his children would be dorks with him, playing around in Konoha...

I really can't bear all this crap... it's so sad... all this is too phony. It's only to create some 'drama' in order to milk everything... but by doing this, they are darkening everything.