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The Doctor forever

Member Since 22 Jul 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2020 08:38 PM

#948982 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by The Doctor forever on 16 September 2017 - 12:50 AM

Well I found this guys on what someone else thinks on Boruto.



#948953 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 15 September 2017 - 08:29 PM

I have a question,  why do you still watch boruto? I mean it's the worse piece of cr*ap, Naruto has turned into a depress man, sakura has turned into a joke, kakashi is like he's dead, the whole cast has turned into cr*ap, they are trying to sell to us a stupid compensation, Do you like sn ? so We'll give you the Sasuke's daughter and Naruto's son, Do you like NS? you can have it too, that about shipping. About the history, I prefer the arc war than the whole Boruto's story, I mean we have the same rare organization, a lot of filler, a cast that seem like they are just the copy of their parents it's like Mierdot It's saying to us take bouruto, it's more Naruto and it's not   just to make you happy, 'cuz we are just trying to make more money from you, as Kishimoto dont even care about you, you can see it, he made a stupid final and we gonna make it worst and with a  stupid movie in wich we don't even tried to read the manga you bought so you keep can kissing our as**


ps: Analyzer, I just don't care what have to say so don't reply... and go out and find some boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever but stop to be a pain in the as**, you have what you wanted, a NH final, be happy about it read some one shot, may be this gonna give you more development about your paring

Oh I don't watch Boruto, all I do now is look at fan art of NaruSaku read Naruto stories on fanfiction since people their do a far better job and the guy who is doing his own version on the last as well on DA which we all know about.


I mean I watch better Anime now and better show like Walking Dead Game of Thrones Doctor who and so on, but I agree on what they have done with the manga to me it should have just ended this is all just to make money Boruto is nothing more nothing else really.


I mean I would rather watch the new episode of Sun and Moon with Brock and Misty as you know what they still stay the same why do you ask.




No Ash as stupid as he is would never do that he might not know what love is right now or is confused by it, but I know and as do many other fans now all too well Ash would never pretend to like a girl cause of a rival.

#948812 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 13 September 2017 - 10:53 PM

Who cares really I know like many I'm happy that tomorrow Ash will see Brock and Misty again, say what you like about Ash but he does not use women like Naruto did.


I know I ma hoping for a pokeshipping moments.


But here is something which is bigger Pokemon or Naruto.

#948722 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 12 September 2017 - 01:21 PM

In a month it will be three years.


Yep. They will barely progress pass the gaiden by that point but they won't be near the final graduation exam so they can still have academy filler, and the manga is a NeverEnding prologue. 


The barely existing plot that they have is just copying the Naruto/Sasuke conflict with Bolt & Nail. I won't consider the manga to be passed it prologue until Nail kills Naruto.


That's because Kishimoto had one chapter to tell a story, and didn't need to extend it. Kishimoto is good at tell an initial story but is terrible at having it continue to have effect after its over (follow through on story lines); especially with his editors after Yahagi. With the gaiden and the Boruto movie both told the same plot well enough about dealing with their daddy issues and finding a role model/father figure in another man. The only difference is no one likes Bolt.  Most characters after their little story is done basically live in the background. The only really important characters were Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, (in the anime and after the ending Hinata,) and Shikamaru. Though granted it could be argued that Iruka (the three or four times he is in the story), Might Guy(because of being Kakashi's rival), Lee (in part one), Killer Bee (in the war arc), and Gaara (whenever he is around) were also important secondary characters.


Also you have that tea/apple juice thing where if he needs to change his characters to fit his plot he will do so:

 Sasuke's story ended once he killed Itachi. He should have went on to find peace with him self by himself, but that removed the final Naruto/Sasuke fight Kishimoto wanted. So he remained an avenger till Naruto beat him then went on his redemption quest.

  Sakura lost her story of getting over Sasuke, finding her own strength and falling in love in with Naruto, when Kishimoto heard she wasn't very popular. That was over.

  Naruto's quest to become hokage was sidetracked by the hunt for Sasuke in part two, then he got sick of writing Naruto and agree to let Hinata have the ending if he could end the manga.

Yeah I agree I mean Kishi is just bad as he listens to his fans in a bad way while you look at writers like Toliken and George R.R Martin have done a lot of world buliding the latter of which got letters from fans who wanted to know more of the past and how some things happened which made George R.R Martin did so as he wanted to be a better writer and show this, he does not care what they say about characters, he is telling a story and knows how their growth is going and how it will end and more as well.


Millions of Game of Thrones fans are feeling sadness, outrage, and, sure, some perverse excitement after watching Sunday’s episode titled “The Rains of Castamere.” But for Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin, such reactions to “The Red Wedding” are nothing new. Martin has been receiving exclamatory emails about the disastrous Tully-Frey union for more than a decade, ever since he published his Song of Ice and Fire saga’s third novel, A Storm of Swords. Below, the author reveals why Robb had to die, gives his reaction to upset readers and spills the scene’s horrifying real-life inspiration.


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How early in the process of writing the book series did you know you were gonna kill off Robb and Catelyn?


GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: I knew it almost from the beginning. Not the first day, but very soon. I’ve said in many interviews that I like my fiction to be unpredictable. I like there to be considerable suspense. I killed Ned in the first book and it shocked a lot of people. I killed Ned because everybody thinks he’s the hero and that, sure, he’s going to get into trouble, but then he’ll somehow get out of it. The next predictable thing is to think his eldest son is going to rise up and avenge his father. And everybody is going to expect that. So immediately [killing Robb] became the next thing I had to do.


Its why the guy is a better writer than Kishi.

#948717 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by The Doctor forever on 12 September 2017 - 01:02 PM


I thought Masashi said in an old interview that he personally picked Studio Pierrot because they had done an anime movie he liked.

If so why not toei animation or studio ghibli as both are well more known, true with the latter they do films but Masashi was a fan of DB so why not have the same people who done DB, I mean look how many fillers DB did just one the Garlic Jr Saga the rest just made fights longer or had more training.


Its why I wish that Toei did Naruto as they would not have done what SP did.

#948608 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by The Doctor forever on 11 September 2017 - 09:53 AM

Yeah but unfortunately the problem was the anime team, they were the ones that painted a different picture.

They were the ones that exaggerated Hinata's moments from the manga and gave her so many more in the fillers, and her fans took that and in return exaggerated them even more.

Honestly I wish SP never got their hands on Naruto.

There are many many that would have done it better than SP we all know what SP do after all below are the list of other anime studios that would have done Naruto better.


toei animation


studio ghibli


the studio that does Pokemon


They are two I know of the most I know that there is many more out there but we know that all would have do it better and not have tones of fillers all on one girl. And if they did have fillers then it would either be about Naruto Sakura or Sasuke and just them.

#948036 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 04 September 2017 - 11:08 PM

A man known for only making a spin off (which most people never heard of) of other people work has an inflated ego who would have thought?


I know I never heard of it and that's the thing its easy to do a spin off as he does not have to do world building, now I have no idea if they guy is realted to the man who did the Godfather or that, but still...


Its why I love Tolkien's mythical world or Middle Earth which Evil100 got me into and I just love that world its why Tolkien is known as the creator or father of making a good world of fantasy.


Now I am not saying the dude is a bad guy I bet he is a nice person but making a spin off is in now way as good as making something that you did all on your own its why Tolkien, C.S Lewis, J.K Rowling and George R.R Martin all made their very own worlds.

#947969 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 04 September 2017 - 10:46 AM


"Irregardless is a word commonly used in place of regardless or irrespective, which has caused controversy since the early twentieth century, though the word appeared in print as early as 1795. Most dictionaries list it as nonstandard or incorrect usage, and recommend that "regardless" should be used instead."
So in another attempt to sound smarter then us. She also once again comes off as a smug elites idiot that thinks she smarter then she actually is.


Well, Evil100 did some digging as Analyzer said she was taught by the writer who did the Godfather and his name is Mario Puzo, here is the thing he died on July 2, 1999 and in now way was he a teacher the very same year that Naruto started and there is no way that she could be in her 40's or even older.


So she has been lying man to us saying she was taught by him when she was not, since he passed away long before Naruto ended, and if you look back she does use  the whole. "I was taught by the writer who did the Godfather."

#947795 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 02 September 2017 - 12:46 AM

You know this may not be Team4star but I still found this funny.


#947719 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 31 August 2017 - 07:58 PM

Wait, let me get this straight, so essentially for you: 
If abandoning your own daughter and wife for 12 years = abuse then punching someone for acting stupid/perverted = the same kind of abuse ??  

I litterally don't know how do you, how can you... just, what kind of logic are you using to reach this conclusions?

Its why Evil100 knows what he is talking about when both he and his own mother his sister and two older brothers an abuse victim both brothers who are not fans of anime or manga all know what they are talking about as they all saw it first hand after all, and just because of the whole enermy part she keeps using as well is old and dumb as well most of his famile mainly his grandfathers both fought in World War 2, no women and I mean none will not just keep loving Sasuke.


Mainly cause no sane women would do so I mean my sister a women and my own mother call BS.

#947671 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 31 August 2017 - 10:12 AM

Well, you'll be happy to know that Boruto is bombing hard in the ratings department and its manga sales are equally dismal. The series is expected by most of us to face cancellation either this or next year.

Well that's good I mean it seems that they are all trying so hard to keep it going, so I think that by the end of next year it shall be axed, I mean if you look at DB Super its ratings are doing very well heck at one time MasakoX says they are beating the One Piece ratings more so with the whole that the start was all click bait from Kishi, first the first pages of chapter 1 of the manga and the anime just so people would watch it.

#947650 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 31 August 2017 - 12:33 AM

Out of genuine curiosity who here can't claim they have some higher education in some way shape or form? Naruto was on toonami over a decade ago now. Most of the kids that grew up watching it are adults or are on the cusp of adulthood. Also going to college is so common now days almost every adult has been to college in the US, Europe, and most of the western world. So bragging about higher education is very smug & elites, but also shows incredible ignorance. Since everyone on this site most likely has had some form of higher education at this point.


So Evil really did leave because of her...I didn't want to assume when you told me.

Yeah it was the whole SS thing that done for him, saying its not abuse when he knows first hand what abuse is like since he saw what his dad did to him Mum first hand and he hates it he hates the he has his dad's blood in him, and he thinks a part of him will become like him, add to the fact Evil100 mum his own mother said SS is bad, as he showed her all the manga he had and what Sasuke did to Sakura before they were married.


Plus he turned 30 on the 20th as well, he told me he would never treat a women the way Sasuke treated Sakura

#947623 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 30 August 2017 - 08:40 PM






Where do you get off telling anyone who disagrees not to bash, yet bashing others in almost the same breath? Talking down to users, forcing your opinions as FACT then telling anyone who refutes it that you are highly educated so perhaps they don't understand your vocabulary??


You are not a mod. And  you are not Kishimoto. Your statements are opinion only. And they are no more valid than anyone else's opinion.


No one cares who you ship. Everyone is welcome here. The only stipulation is that you respect others. But time and again you have crossed that line.


So this is your single warn. The incessant arguing with members, hijacking the thread to argue purported 'facts' that neither you nor any other member can verify, belittling them with passive digs, then ending your post with a 'but let's not bash' comment, is not acceptable here.


You can continue on at this site and post under threads so long as they relate to the topic at hand, with the understanding that posts represent your opinion only. If you don't back off with the arguing, it will result in a site ban, with the length of time tbd.

Thanks Tricks, she is the reason Evil100 a good friend left this site, being the bigger man he just walked away but I am happy you have stepped in may tell him he can come back.

#947497 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 29 August 2017 - 10:29 AM


WOW... @_@ I've seen dumb, but man, that is just... this takes the cake. Either that or you're just naive.

True I mean let's not forget what Hinata did in the Pain attack on Konoha, Hinata said she was being selfish, an act that would have gotten everyone in Konoha killed cause Pain one shot-her. And what do her fans do defend what she did while bashing the others for not doing a thing to help Naruto, but then gain you have to think of it like this, even let's say Sakura and or Ino did it the Hinata fans would just bash them for what Hinata did.


As James said said Pain should have ended her, I just hate Hinata's crazy fans as well we all know that they like to twist things around for their own liking the LAST is proof of that we it being a large retcon, and people say Kishi planned this all out no he didn't, now George RR Martin did plan his story out and he is a better writer than Kishi.


I mean again look at many NH fans who say they love Hinata more than they do Naruto, this is proof that the ending was not for Naruto but for the Hinata fans that were all in love with her.

#947458 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Doctor forever on 28 August 2017 - 10:45 PM

Weak. Try again.

lol Hinata or her crazy ass fans making her into something that she is not again this is why I love Seiko from Corpse Party more than Hinata.