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#914642 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 04 July 2016 - 07:39 PM

I know this is kinda off topic but why is SoKai better than Naruhina? Because Sora and Kairi always had a connection. Though Kairi isn't the strongest character, that doesn't stop her from trying. In fact she saved the world by saving Sora. Has Hinata done that? In fact Sakura saved the world by saving Naruto bunches of times.

Kairi has more of a point in the story and possibly lore of the series. She's also not useless and is there for Sora namely their hearts. Better portrayed in Kingdom Hearts than the bonds nonsense Naruto wouldn't shut up about hell Fairy Tail portrays the main message of bonds better than Naruto does. Also wasn't it Sora who brought Kairi to his island there fore saving her when Radient Garden fell. Hinata did jack kitten for naruto while Sakura did a lot more than her, One of the best Sora and Kairi moment was in the first game after you beat Riku for the second time and Sora unlocks his heart and her bringing him back after Sora turned into a heartless. I'd like to that happen in Naruto were Hinata tries that and it doesn't work but Sakura does it and it works. Hope Kingdom Hearts III has Kairi be a badass like Aqua is and she's playable. Good point Kairi tries her best to help Sora, When Hinata tries to help it makes the situation worse (Pain and Neji).  

#913880 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 23 June 2016 - 01:33 PM

Sadly james this is how the world is now, I hate it just like you do I mean I really hate it that is makes me sick and wish something anything would happen to stop this the fact is like I said before there is nothing that we can do really to stop this. All we can hope is that no writer will ever do what Kishi does again.


And that in other stories that all mock Kishi's work and and crazy fans like them as well since people like that need to know that a story comes first not who gets to bang who which is what I feel like you man all they care about, its like you said in your podcast NH and SS know nothing about love why as they don't have it them self.


Now I don't have a girlfriend never have can seem to talk to them but I never do what they have done, as you said they did in the pod cast and live through Hinata and Sasuke, I am grown up enough to know this, and as for them congratulating each other over a supposed rumor that an NS fan committed suicide, well what can I say a place in hell is waiting for them, heck my health is not that good right now bet they would say the same too me.


But if they did I'll be coming back for them. never mock the dead unless they are evil kittens that should have died for what they have done and not simple anime fans.

Well say, I image you'd be like the Sorrow form MGS 3 and haunt them and show them what they've cause.

#913460 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 16 June 2016 - 05:31 PM


Hinata would still completely lack any meaningful development both individually and any development that would make her confession truly mean anything outside of, like it is now, her own selfishness. The ironic thing being that, if that confession was all it took to "accomplish her character", and that merely confessing, but not knowing Naruto's response to said confession, is "closure", it would only reinforce what we've been saying this whole time - that she never had any (good) character and what little "character" she did have was nothing but a Naruto obsession where only her feelings on the subject mattered and not Naruto's.

She may not have overstayed her welcome then, but it doesn't make what time she was there enjoyable either, lol.

Her dying wouldn't really have affected anything since Hinata barley did anything in the series to make us care for her. Also Hinata has no character outside of her big kittens and saying Naruto and being a doormat. Though if she had died she could have been used in the undead army and be used to develop Neji and her father more and Neji probably would have died or not.

#912896 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 09 June 2016 - 12:28 PM

Yeah, I'm interested in who this "Black Goku" is. And is that a Potara Earrings on the ear x_x? It's also widely believed that Future Trunks will learn to go SSj Blue (the shortened SSj God SS name) as well.

I'd like to think this a metaphor of writing were Naruto keeps getting worse and DB gets better. 

#912818 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 08 June 2016 - 12:31 PM

No...never. Sadly, my reasons are more personal than factual, but let me put them down.

1. The development is pitiful at best and Kishimoto and his studio cannot write romance to save their lives.

We see how much they butchered NH, SS, NS, and SK, and so many other relationships in the manga, why would support them making BS? Although, when it comes to pairings, all they do is make BS. (get it?) Point is, whether Bolt and Salad become a thing is probably obvious, but can it be a good pairing? Probably not. If Bolt wants to be like Sasuke, and Salad wants to be like Naruto then Bolt will never be home and Salad will be working all the time because they both can't stand their kids. So instead of one parent not wanting to be with theirs kids...it will be BOTH parents not wanting to be with their kids.

2. Bolt and Salad are horrible characters.

I know some people here like Salad, but honestly look how they treated her so far. She once used to call out the BS her parents told her only for her to accept and forgive them without ANY answers whatsoever. Like all of a sudden, all those lies don't matter. Really? Salad only redeeming quality was reduced immediately down to nothing because all this studio has been doing is hand waving every problem away for cheap drama.

Not even gonna talk about Bolt. You know already.

3. Because they expect us to accept it as the "replacement" for SNS and NS.

You know this is what they are going to do. I know this is what they are gonna do. "Well, Naruto and Sakura didn;t get together, but their kids did...that's the same right? You should be happy?" No....no, it is not the same.

4. Because love is extremely cliche and asspulled in this story now.

When we read romance stories, we read it for the journey. Not where they went, but how they got there. Not the case for Naruto. All the love was asspulled and cliched into existence. There was no journey, there was only Zuul them making excuses saying "We'll explain it later." They don't want to show romance blossoming over time...they want to just put people together and make weakass explanations as to why it happened. Not even good explanations. Just excuse as to why they can't write it.

5. No one cares anymore.

Chances are, no one cares about romance in this story. Not even the characters themselves. They will just grow up miserable, bad parents, and horrible people. There is nothing to be gained from any of it. There is no love, only a necessity to reproduce. This is why they call it a "settlement." You don;t like where you are, but you try to work with what you got despite how horrible it is. That is basically what it is all is.

Call judge Judy because this is a case for divorce court.

6. I am forever holding a grudge against Kishimoto, Kishimoto related products, and Naruto itself.

This is a series that should burn and all the people who "praise" this series should go with it. Naruto is trash. I hate to say it, but it is. Whatever was good about the series has been destroyed for the sake of perverted otakus who cared more about fake anime kittens than actual human emotion. These are the people who probably suffer from stockholm syndrome believing in a world that doesn't want them thinking it loves them more than anything. They are masochists and sadist who enjoy punishment and seeing good people suffer. I have no sympathy for them.

Well say James, really who does care about this series anymore. That's no surprise there since all Kishi and SP can do this rehash and ripoff better stories and not come up with something original, like Orochimaru's transference is just a ripoff of Apocalypse switching bodies and the change happens right after it's done turning the body into Apocalypse and last til the hosts body dies were Orochimaru's only lasts three years.  

#912181 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 31 May 2016 - 10:05 PM

seriously these pro enders need to really rewatch and pay attention to all the old school anime like dragon ball, yu yu hahusho, and inuyasha, anyone who seriously can't tell keikoxyusuke, goku/chichi, bulma/vegeta, and inuyashaxkagome are carbon copies of the relationship naruto and sakura have are missing brain cells.....

Yes and those were done better are beloved and iconic as Naruto and Sakura especially keikoxyusuke over the series mainly in the dark tournament and three kings arc. I have a feeling proenders also ship those couples to and are NH and SS fans. Seriously Pro-enders wouldn't know a good and strong female lead if it kittenwhipped them in the eye to quote Spoony's FFX-2 review. It's like how the Critic compare the 1950's animated Cinderella and the 2015 live action version of Cinderella is like comparing Sakura to Hinata. Were I find Sakura is like the 1950's version with her character were we see what she goes through and how she deals with her flaws. and Hinata is the 2015 verison of the character were we don't know that much of the character and see little

#910576 Captain America - Civil War

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 10 May 2016 - 02:22 AM


Currently putting down my thoughts on FB. Will edit with a copy/paste them if I ever finish, lol.


Captain America: Civil War...wow...where do I begin?

Well, I can start by saying that the hugely positive reviews don't give it justice at all. If you REALLY want to truly experience what the reviews were saying, you really need to watch it. This film is really what Batman v. Superman WANTED to be but failed at completely.

Whereas Batman v. Superman was really ONLY about the fighting in general and not a whole lot of substance behind it like there should have been, quite a bit of the fighting in Civil War wasn't solely primal excitement, but also still having funny moments and also even PAINFUL to watch even because we stood alongside most of these characters (obviously, Spider-Man and Black Panther are newcomers, but we still get introduced to them and get a little time to know their characters, to which I can proudly say that neither disappoint), saw them grow and develop in each of their standalone films (for those who had them anyway) and the prior Avengers film, seeing them get molded by those events and so you're not surprised at all at these general events taking place the way they did.

Not only did characters make it clear about how they felt about the Sokovia Accords documents that would place The Avengers under a UN supervising committee, but even as they fight, you feel the emotions behind each blow, and you know this is NOT truly what anybody wants, but because Steve nor Tony, in another one of their similarities that makes their fighting so emotional, are not willing to stop in their beliefs, it really leaves no other option BUT to fight until there's no one left of the opposition standing in their way. And what makes it harder is that both sides are both right AND wrong in different ways with their beliefs. You can see the good and bad points in their views.

But while there was definitely a lot of emotion (the twist behind Zemo is definitely not what I expected), in true Marvel fashion, there is still plenty of lighthearted, more goofy and funny moments to keep things balanced (including Stan Lee's obligatory cameo, lol) as opposed to Batman v. Superman being pretty much 99.9% dark and humorless grit.

The movie, as with each MCU film has, also ends with consequences for their actions and doesn't try to end things on a bright and happy note. Things ended BADLY for The Avengers and now we'll have to see how they will be able to fight together again with the final pair of Avengers movies.

Definitely one of the best MCU films, if not best comic book movie I've ever seen. Go out and see this film, and if necessary, watch every MCU film starting with the first Iron Man movie before seeing Civil War. You will not regret it.


 I saw the movie on Saturday and it was better than Winter Soldier which was hard to do but they did it.

Steve and Bucky were great together and I know I'm beating a dead horse with this but Steve and Bucky are better and more believable friends than Naruto and Sasuke and the movie actually makes you feel sorry for Bucky. I'm glad it didn't go the route the comics did with Steve dying and Spidy causing One More Day, though Spidy and Black Panther were some of the best things in the movie and Black Panther wanted revenge on Zemo but didn't let it consume him unlike Sasuke.

I  wish that Batman v Superman was what Civil War was. The movie did a good job at showing both sides of the argument. There was more joy and hope in Civil War than Batman v Superman showing why Marvel is better at movies. This is the best Captain America movie out of the three. Plus the fight between Tony and Steve was tragic and better than any of Naruto and Sasuke's fights. 

#906122 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 29 March 2016 - 10:26 PM

Statement: One of the main reason why people still adore Naruto a lot is because they came from the time where it was once new or special to their younger self; therefore, it made it hard to dislike or even in the middle ground. Because of it, they will shoehorn in there and praise it as it is.

Agree or disagree?

Not everything you grew up with will still be good years down the line The Nostalgia Critic is proof of that. I look back on Naruto and I'm pissed off at seeing the arcs I like not mean anything anymore cause of the last. It's like Linkara and Cry for Justice and how that ruined his favorite era of the Titans.  

#906121 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 29 March 2016 - 10:23 PM

I agree. It may be a new way to endure if the fan service is the level of Fairy Tail, but out of it, I get something decent for once, nothing regressing or contradicting. So I am willing to accept it. But imagine the combo of Kishi's writing and fan service level of Mashima. That would be something to behold...

I say Mashima is better at writing characters and developing them just look at Erza, well written and hot as hell and she's not useless unlike that kittening princess Hinata who is the worse character ever.

#904607 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 09 March 2016 - 12:34 AM

I think E-rod aka the blockbuster buster said it best in his fan4stic review Hinata is a F.R.I (Forced Romantic Interest.)

Yes that is what Hinata is and she will be nothing else. Also I just watched the final fight of Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 and my god it is such a ripoff of the Snake and Liquid Ocelot fight from MGS4 only a 1,000 times worse and done badly with little payoff or setup for it and it seemed pointless unlike the Snake/Ocelot fight which is one of the greatest final bosses ever and give finaley to the characters over the whole series but more so Snake and Ocelot. Also Snake and Ocelot better rivals than Naruto and Sasuke.  

#904602 what do you guys think about storm 4 ?

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 09 March 2016 - 12:23 AM

Naruto fandom at the ending in a nutshell

That was my reaction at the ending and after watching the last.

#904031 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 02 March 2016 - 02:20 AM

Statement: In hindsight, Sasuke/Sai Arc was practically a meaningless arc for Team 7.

Agree or disagree?

Agree kind the only good part was the stuff with Naruto and Sakura at the bridge.

#903617 My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 27 February 2016 - 02:34 PM

How many other characters are the same and yet the writer/author sticks to their guns? No matter the pressure. No matter the time. This is what Oda said. While he also gets pressured by fans to do something, he tells then "This is my story and while I appreciate your love for my series...I have to do it my way." Whether he makes it work or not, that is what I have to respect.

But here is the thing. All the bull that people keep screaming of "respecting the authors decisions" or "It is HIS story, not yours," you just proved to me that these words are meaningless and are the only excuses for the pro-enders to have. They won;t admit that THEY pressured this all to happen. The Sakura hate is massive or even worse despite Kishimoto giving them EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED apparently. "We want Sakura to get with Sasuke." Which happened, but even this hasn't changed the fans outlook of her. In fact, I would dare say that making NS canon would have been a far better outcome for her and actually got rid of some of the anti-Sakura haters. Maybe not all of them, but changing even just a quarter of them would have been better than increasing the number of haters ten fold.

You can't change everyone, but an improvement is an improvement. Instead, Kishimoto made everyone take ten steps back and that is what has happened to the Naruto series. You missed that very important detail. The hate for ALL the characters has increased, not decreased despite Kishimoto giving them exactly what they wanted. Just think about that for a second. Anti-Naruto, Anti-Sasuke, Anti-Sakura, and Anti-Hinata....anti-everything has increased ten fold since the Naruto the Last movie has been released. 

"Who knew there were so many Manderin fans out there? And somehow you manged to tick ALL of them off."
-Superman comments to Iron Man 3. (justsomerandomguy)

The love for the series of Naruto is not growing, it's decreasing. The hate is increasing. Day by day the hate is increasing and the only ones who still buy into the stuff are the fans who are so radical and in such denial in their views they make up the story with their own little world. Most, if not all, didn't even see. watch, or pay attention to anything beyond Chapter 700. (Hell, I even saw posts of people so delusional they tried to convince me that Naruto confusing Hinata's love for him as the same as his love for ramen as a compliment than an insult.)

NH may be popular, but that does not mean the series is less hated. Especially when I see a good portion of western NH and SS fans say "This series sucks."

As for money making....well, then I guess Micheal Bay is one of the greatest directors of all time since he is a billion dollar industry with just the transformers movies alone. No matter how bad they are or how many people "hate him" as a director. "I make that dollor yall." -Bay on ERB.

Naruto will not be remembered for its box office hits or for it's great story. I mean, only 1 year has passed and NO ONE even remembers the real story of Naruto because we have been fed so much kitten that the real story has been lost in the garbage. The only thing people will remember Naruto for now....is the pairing wars....and that is it. Nothing else matters to the story. Will people remember the story of a boy who overcame diversity? Nope, only that the boy pity kittened a big boobed bimbo. That is all they will remember.

And the story deserves that fate.


Ugh...I hate Rei so much....I really really do,


Truer words have never been spoken, well done James well done. I've been rereading the Naruto series to go through and count up how chapters and pages Hinata has been in and on I'm only at vol 22 and finishing the Choji and Jirobo fight and staring one of the better fights Neji and Kidomaru and go through the series again and really looking through it I'm amazed at how bad the series was at times especially with UDS(Uchiha kitten sucking) were Naruto got pushed to the side and the whole and story when right to Sasuke and it is so pain to read. And Hinata is still useless and  barely in the first 27 vol and 238 chapters.


#903368 The 'Hinata' look and Naruto's popularity

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 24 February 2016 - 11:18 PM

orochimaru is monster incarnate. he makes obito aka mr issy fitty temper tantrum "idc anymore but not really. RIIIIN", the man who made tens of thousands of people and families suffer, look like some kindergartner who stole your apple juice by comparison. he's THAT guy. and he's alive and well having a nonchalant talk with the worlds worst scumbag hokage.

Hinata and Sasuke and Naruto are more of a monster than modern Patrick from SpongeBob and Freddy Krueger and that's saying something that those three are more monsters than Freddy Krueger. 

#902838 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 20 February 2016 - 02:16 PM

Yep, in the end, they love each other for who the other is; not for their looks or even the sex. Sure Wade was hellbent on revenge, but as soon as Vanessa was in the picture again, he tried to prioritize her over that vengeance in trying to rescue her over killing Ajax/Francis. Even before then, Wade tried to do what he thought would be best for HER rather than himself.


Hey, we like the same girls! XD (I also include Sui-Feng with Bleach and Kagura with Fairy Tail, though admittedly, I know little about either series, lol)

I think Sui-Feng is ok she ungrateful at times and has it bad for Yoruichi but I like her fights especially against BG9. Kagura I'm still getting into but she still a new character I don't know much about after the Grand Magic Games but I still like and hope she is shown more in the current arc.


Also you know what the difference is between them and Hinata they don't suck and can stand for themselves and are useful and don't need a man to be their whole character and never go past that which is why I like Wonderwoman so much cause she doesn't need any of that writer depending.