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#820725 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 11 May 2015 - 07:02 AM

Who here still keeps up with the anime? Not me.


I haven't truly kept up since after Jiraiya vs, Pein. I did check back in to see how Naruto vs. Pein would look and got that whole eyeful of QUALITY animation (outside of SP's precious Hinata-sama, probably who they spent their entire episode budget on animating every little detail along with that extended "rescue attempt" by her that never originally existed before). Otherwise, I haven't watched a single episode since.

#820677 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 11 May 2015 - 02:53 AM

The problem I have is that, all too often, I see people try to justify Hinata jumping in by trying to make it out that all the other characters suddenly just became cold and heartless (or at least Sakura), not even wanting to try to do anything to help Naruto. Really? None of Naruto's other friends or comrades weren't just wanting to go rushing in there to help when they saw Naruto having trouble? If I recall, Shikamaru himself was cursing his own inability to do anything due to his injuries, but there's also the fact that they themselves knew there was nothing that they could realistically do that could help. This was a battle between two powerhouses that they had no hope of keeping up with (and they already experienced Pein's power firsthand). They knew that if they tried to rush in to help Naruto, it would've have been pointless, result in people dying in vain (and wasting the efforts of ones like Tsunade and Sakura who were trying to keep people alive), and not change the situation for the better. Naruto was the only one who stood a chance.


So, it makes little sense that Hinata would go rushing in due to any sort of belief that she could actually beat Pein or improve the situation at all. That only leaves her confession as the only reason she did so (and her admittance to being "selfish" only supports that reason). If anything, Hinata herself proved exactly why it was foolhardy to rush in like that. Not only did it do nothing to improve the situation, but it actually greatly worsened the situation with the way Naruto then exploded into a rage and nearly released Kurama from the seal, nearly leading to Konoha's, and who knows how much else's, destruction were it not for convenient Minato seal hax. And people tend to (choose to) continuously overlook the type of person Naruto was at the time - he saw everyone in the whole village as his precious people. It would not have mattered if it were Hinata who got "killed", or if it were Sakura, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Sai, Lee, Ino, Chouji, Neji, Tenten, Konohamaru, Gai, Kurenai, or even just a random, nameless villager, Naruto would have reacted the same way in that situation. Someone else died trying to protect him and he was "too weak" to prevent it from happening and he hates that sort of situation. It's why he skipped out early on Sage Training and initial Kurama chakra training; as soon as he heard there were people who, in his mind, were fighting and possibly dying just to protect him (which makes him selfish in ways too), he just has to go to make sure they don't and to do it all himself.

Basically, unless you look at everything through the rosiest tinted lens' you can find, there's no real way to make Hinata's "intervention" look like a good thing (at least in terms of the canon manga, ignoring the completely anime original SP expansion of the scene). It either makes her look very dumb for actually thinking she alone could improve the situation, or very selfish by only doing so to make a deathbed style confession.

#820670 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 11 May 2015 - 02:24 AM

Did he really say that? Does anyone have a link to that?

It was during the weeks after Chapter 700 and not long after The Last came out, IIRC.

In one interview, when asked about the planning for the ending, he said it was planned only three months prior to the ending.

The very next week, another interview came out with a similar question asked, but this time, Kishi said that the ending was planned since the very beginning (which goes completely against not only what he said the previous week, but in a number of data books and other things he said over the years) and, IIRC, had all that stuff about the NS parallels being "red herrings" and that the fans must have "misread" things, which, even to this day, still pisses us off and killed any future and trust that he had as a mangaka (outside of extremist NH/SS fans) since he basically is trying to pass blame for the hatred of the ending from himself, for not being able to come up with anything himself and just giving into whatever later editors and Studio Pierrot wanted, onto the very people that were truly responsible for keeping him and the franchise afloat - us, the majority of actual fans of the story in its entirety.

#820576 Politics discussion

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 10 May 2015 - 10:13 PM

Republicans have been moving further and further right wing ever since Reagan to the point where even Nixon or Reagan himself would appear "too liberal" for them, and to where anything even moderately left wing is "extreme left". It's gotten to the point where...

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.

6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries,and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

....quite scary how they praise things related to, and fit each point perfectly. A number of Democrats also fall under these points as collaborators.

#820361 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 10 May 2015 - 05:07 AM

Some dumbass on a Naruto forum said Naruto was better than Harry Potter because it focused on "romantic love" and all these bullsh*t crushes while HP focused on boring "family love".  This kitten obviously doesn't love his family or have any depth to him other than wanting p*ssy or staring at Hinata's t*ts.  YA'LL HEAR THAT!??  This kitten says Naruto is better than Harry Potter BECAUSE of all the horrible unrequited crushes and trashy love triangles!!  Now, HP isn't perfect but only an idiot would think that Naruto is better!!!  Naruto is one of the trashiest lamest animes I've ever seen and nothing can compare to that monstrosity.  I think that lame weeboo was just mad that HP is a far more successful franchise than Naruto will ever be and that one Harry Potter movie made more money than the entire sh*tty Nardo franchise combined.  

Not to mention the fact that J.K. Rowling at least admitted that, in hindsight, putting Harry with Ginny wasn't the best idea and, if she could go back and just redo all of that, she could.

Kishi will probably take the "NH was planned since the beginning (even though I said last week that the ending was only planned 3 months before)!" to his grave.

#820307 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 10 May 2015 - 03:05 AM

Maybe someone should keep track of the amount of anime viewership for the CPR episode and then the next episode, just to see how much the numbers rise for the CPR episode and then just plummet. XD

#819660 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 09 May 2015 - 03:30 AM


This. Though in the end it probably will be their kid, I just know that it'll have BS reasoning behind it.


I've seen some people say that there's no record of her birth because Sasuke wanted to "protect her" or some crap like that but enrolling her in a ninja academy and having her strut around the uchiha symbol on her clothing (which will probably be why she might get attacked/kidnapped in upcoming chapters) is the exact opposite of protecting her lmao. 


Either way this ends there's no way out for Sakura (R.I.P) while Sasuke can only be excused if he has no idea the child exists. Hilarious.  :lmao:

It's almost as if Sakura's stuck in the genjutsu Sasuke put her under when he stabbed her. Too bad it's the reality. :cry:


All this nonsense happened because he catered to the louder fanbase and is now trying to milk this series for everything its worth. I wonder how Ki$hi still has any respect among the fanbase.  :down:

Lmao xD


Even if Sarada turns out to be Karin's daughter, watch there be some BS reason for why she was left with Sakura and not Karin, and then we're gonna get the whole "It doesn't matter! I raised you since you were a baby, so as far as anyone is concerned I am your mother and you're MY daughter!" and end it all disgustingly sweet.

It's also pretty obvious that Kishi and SP are trying to "balance" Sakura and Hinata now; making Sakura prettier (at least in other art) because they still seem to be under the impression that the entire fandom is comprised of nothing but mindless otakus who only need a pretty face and/or big breasts to be happy, and possibly trying to give her Hinata's fainting quirk for...reasons...while stealing much of Sakura's childhood background and giving it to Hinata just to make her seem more "fleshed out". Pfft.



lol what did Hinata hate about herself in the movie? Why did they bully her? For her eyes?

Yeah, just because of her eyes...exactly like how Sakura was bullied for her forehead before she was saved by Ino...as mentioned, not original at all and just stealing what was originally Sakura's and handing it to Hinata to make her seem more "fleshed out".

Problem is, even if it were to be done earlier in the manga, it would make no sense why Hinata would be bullied, which is why it's called out as even more BS by the logical fandom.

First of all, she's from the Hyuga Clan. One of the most powerful and respected Clans in all of Konoha. I'm sure even children are taught stuff like that and to make sure you don't antagonize such people.

Second of all, she's the daughter of the Clan Head. A person who, if he wanted, could possibly make the life of any civilian miserable with a word. Even more reason not to try to bully Hinata.

Third of all, where was any sort of bodyguard? Wouldn't there have been one around to drive off anyone who would even start to bully Hinata for any reason?

#819142 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 08 May 2015 - 06:34 AM

Ahh you make me blush. xD Has it been that long? I feel like I've been gone only a couple of days lol. It's nice to see you and the forum still active!! :grouphug:  Guess some good did come out of this gaiden ^^

It really does paint Naruto in a horrible light, doesn't it? I still can't believe this is happening. In 700, Bolt was outright neglected by Naruto, causing him to act out in order to grab his attention. Now in this gaiden, Naruto sends a clone to play with Bolt. Even with the Naruto clone, Shikamaru straight up binds Bolt and tells him to "stop giving the hokage more work to do because he's busy". "Busy". It's a clone ffs. Like you said, they're in times of peace where one of the biggest workloads would have to be the paperwork. Geez, it's not like Naruto holds a responsibility to take care/spend time with his child. No don't be silly. :zaru: Where the hell is Hinata in all this by the way? Passive as usual I guess. :lmao:


Anyways, I completely agree. Especially with the clone vs. real body argument. I really don't know why the real Naruto wouldn't spend time with his son. He has the resources to do so. There's no excuses. Absolutely none. Similar to how Sasuke, who has a confirmed cellphone as well access to messenger hawks, has no excuse as to why he couldn't call his family over the past, you know, 12 years (assuming that he does know Sarada exists, of course).


Bolded: I feel like you just summarized part 4 of Naruto  :twitch:


There's also the fact that...

1.) Hiruzen was able to make time to personally mingle with the villagers and spend some quality time with Naruto and he was an old man who had already had to go through the stress of being Hokage through 1 1/2 wars (given Tobirama made him Hokage in the middle of a war before he went to his death) before, and now dealing with the politics again. Not only that, but he also had to go through two of his three students abandoning Konoha (and not able to bring himself to kill one who would then go on to commit countless atrocities), had to deal with Minato's death and retaking the Hokage mantle and calming and restoring the village from Kurama's attack, currently had his own strained relationship with his own son (and grandson a little), had to deal with the Hyuga kidnapping incident with Kumo, had no choice but to give approval to the massacre of one of Konoha's strongest clans, and currently had to do what he could to protect Naruto AND Sasuke as best he could from both foreign and domestic threats while also trying not to show favoritism to either.

2.) The village (and the world in general) is generally far more peaceful today than it was when Hiruzen and Minato were Hokage simply because, when they were Kage, while there was times of "peace", it was more of a Cold War-style "peace" where no one knew when a match would be lit and war would be re-ignited again due to the constant suspicion and hatred between various villages, especially at Konoha. Naruto doesn't even have any of that to worry about because they're all essentially one big system now that gets along with one another.

So being "too busy" is a completely BS excuse, especially when it concerns his own son. It's not like he's being made to give Boruto any free passes or easy shortcuts or anything. Just training and quality time with the one who's supposed to be his father. The fact that Shikamaru says it (he groups himself with Naruto as "busy people") when he himself is right there in person, walking around and being with his own son, only makes things look worse towards Naruto. They don't show even a small panel that would actually indicate that Naruto is so "busy" like that (they could've shown him meeting diplomats from another village, having some council meeting, or something, but then again, that would've required Shikamaru's presence too, as his adviser), and in this chapter, it's nothing but paperwork which, again, he could've easily used the Kage Bunshin to do while he himself could personally train Boruto.

I doubt Naruto still knows anything about truly being Hokage today.

It's why I kept saying to those who kept hoping Naruto would become Hokage after the war that the only part of being Hokage that Naruto (and Sasuke) fulfilled was pure brute power, but nothing else (maybe charisma, but meh). He and Sasuke were both far from mentally mature enough to handle such a position. I could've seen it happen maybe ten or more years down the line, after he developed a wider array of skills and actually learned what else being Hokage entailed (all he had was his own idealized version because of only being exposed to Hiruzen's kinder side, never having been truly exposed to any of the darkness such a position also held). Otherwise, Naruto and Sasuke were both individuals who, at the time, were far too emotional, quick to judge, stubborn as hell, easy to manipulate, very biased and quite extreme in their thinking, all things I, if I were a citizen of Konoha, would not want in a leader because such a leader would quickly be reduced to a figurehead by those who knew how to play the political game (like we saw happen at times with Tsunade from Homura, Koharu, and Danzo....which reminds me that they are yet another unresolved issue...whether Homura and Koharu, given Danzo's dead, were made to answer for their role in the Uchiha Massacre and who knows what other dirty deals they made behind the scenes).

This is why, as mentioned many times now, it would've been best if Naruto and Sasuke had joined forces; they would've helped balance each other out from their opposite extreme thinking, with Naruto keeping Sasuke from things that are too controlling, violent, etc. and Sasuke keeping Naruto from being too naive, idealistic, etc.

#818246 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 07 May 2015 - 04:22 AM


In terms of all that discussion...

With Sasuke and Itachi, even "Madara"/Obito told Sasuke in the aftermath that if Itachi was actually serious about killing him, then he could have done so instantly whenever he chose. That's how big the difference still was between them; that even with all the extra power Sasuke had and Itachi being on the verge of death from his illness and being 99% blind, Itachi was still able to easily keep pace with him, pushing him bit by bit until he was desperate enough for Orochimaru to emerge so Itachi could seal him and get rid of the Curse Seal.

And we also can't forget that Hebi!Sasuke still had to fall back on the Curse Seal LV2 against Deidara alone and even then, Sasuke still required that convenience and asspull just to barely escape and survive (and he still lost his wings), and Deidara is one of the weaker Akatsuki members when compared to the likes of Kakuzu, Kisame, Itachi, Nagato and such. The only one who is probably weaker is Hidan, but he has his immortality via Jashinism to make up for it all.

#817913 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 06 May 2015 - 08:10 PM



You know what u can have her sasuke lmfaoooooo


Which reminds me, Kishi is coming to NYCC, if there are any locals like myself…..maybe i shud go and just ask him why!?!?!?!?! But tbh idc anymore

I dunno if I'd feel safe going and asking unless I was sure otherwise since, from what I hear, the extremist NH fandom is largely western (hence the love for boobs, submissive stay-at-home "back in the kitchen" women, more flashy, nonsensical action as opposed to actual plot and character development, etc. XP ) and why Kishi/SP screwed things up so badly; trying to win a completely different group rather than their own fans at home.

Of course, not to say all of the fandom here in the US or the west in general are like that, but still...seems to be a pretty common mindset, sadly.

#816739 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 05 May 2015 - 02:57 AM

In other words... one could only dream that this is the collapse of the rivaling ships. Lord know everyone on the planet hates NaruHina except NaruHina fans

Even the logical NH fans hate the ending and Gaiden. Of course, they don't hate the pairing itself, but they do hate the way it turned out the way it did; shallow, empty, forced, and I'm sure there are those who DO hope it fails in the way the story is going now.

It's only the extremists, who only care about the pairing being canon and them being together no matter the cost to everyone and everything else, that still actually love it.

#816239 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 04 May 2015 - 07:28 AM

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I saw potential in all ships when it came to the main pairings in Part 1. NaruSaku, NaruHina, and SasuSaku.  when I first started I saw what was going on and said okay let's see where it goes from here. Oddly enough I was kinda like Sasuke you should pay attention to Sakura she's trying to do whatever it takes to be with you, and at the same time I was like Sakura focus on Naruto (which thankfully she did from the chunin exams-forward till Kishi messed up).  Thankfully my hopes in SS died with early Part 2 and more so with the introduction of Karin and in a very odd way I was like so this the dark side version of NaruSaku that's what I dubbed SasuKarin initially. The two pairings that I really truly believed where gonna be canon especially with 662 and 663 like you don't just throw that in an say yeah change of plan when it already's apart of the established story. 

Yeah, when I enter an anime/manga, whether it's romance-based or not, I enter with a clean slate. I don't care who ends up with who, if anyone. If someone does end up with someone, then I expect there to be consistent, mutual development that will make me believe that they truly got together (of course, it doesn't have to be a masterpiece).

When I first started getting into Naruto and saw all the crushing going on, I didn't (and still don't actually) have any OTP, picking a favorite and just sticking with it just because it was "cute" or something. I kept an open mind and watched how the characters interacted and developed and based my thoughts on those, and that's why I support NS today and denounce NH without really hating the characters/pairings themselves (I hate on Kishi, SP, and Shueisha for knowingly destroying or twisting everything that was built up). I think NH could've definitely happened believably IF things had actually developed in that direction after the Chunin Exams...but they didn't...Hinata was practically forgotten about until those last couple of panels at the end of Part 1, silently watching Naruto and Jiraiya departing. Even when they picked up Neji for the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, it was focused on the team and Neji. They didn't have Hinata come out and talk with Naruto alone or have any sort of meaningful, mutual development between them, much less Hinata "understanding" anything about Naruto's deeper feelings about things like Sasuke, and when we finally see her again after the Rescue Gaara Arc in Shippuden, it feels like her entire character was reset, but this time, they didn't bother trying to develop her into anything more than a Naruto-obsessed damsel (and far more sexualized in the anime).

The way things were heavily developed, it was more in favor of NS than NH or SS, and it's insulting to the intelligence of the fandom that Kishi and SP actually think we'll buy the "red herring" excuse, and that we "misread", as reasons why the development didn't lead in that direction. It's much like how Sora ending up with Yamato/Matt, rather than Taichi, at the end of Digimon 02 made absolutely zero sense either, because the two of them have had little to no direct, personal interaction or mutual development throughout the entire two seasons (maybe tri will offer something) that would indicate either of them liking the other as opposed to the far more obvious and forefront development between Sora and Taichi. It was so confusing that even the VAs questioned it.

#816231 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 04 May 2015 - 06:46 AM

I would rather watch "The Room" than "The Last". At least "The Room" is laughably bad whereas "The Last" is just plain stupid bad.

#813600 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 30 April 2015 - 04:10 AM

And now where't the NH response with all the "NH support" manga panels?


Oh right, they won't do it because there's barely anything there that actually shows any mutual feelings or anything.

It's also hilarious how, as James Cassidy pointed out, after all the "It's canon. Get over it. It's what Kishi wanted, so respect the author" crap at least the extremist SS lovers slung at the rest of the fandom, they are now complete hypocrites and trying to come up with any kind of excuse as to why the so-called "best pairing" is looking like complete s*** right from the get-go in Gaiden. All we need is for NH to be revealed as just as, if not more miserable and the satisfaction will be complete.

#813487 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 29 April 2015 - 09:37 PM


I would be terribly hurt.

More than I am know.

The story became something from what I don't want to see NaruSaku at the end anymore.

This story, I just want it to end. That's all.


I wanted the story I followed with passion during 15 years to end like it was supposed to be (and foreshadowed).


I'm really really hurt that it didn't.
I have already said it, but this crap Kishi is giving to us, to me, it's feels like you would ripe out of my life a person really dear to me. Naruto was giving me hope and solace.


Yeah, at this point, having Naruto and Sakura getting together would not be worth anything unless Kishi really put in a lot of hard work and meaningful development to justify it. If he simply just trashes NH/SS and just throws Sakura together with Naruto now, thinking it would quickly win back all the pissed off fans, it would only be a further insult to the characters themselves (especially Sakura, who would only look like she's just using Naruto as a rebound and emotional tool rather than truly realizing love for him, and Naruto, who would look like a bigger scumbag for simply dropping Hinata like a sack) and us, the (logical) fandom, who, as I just said, care more about solely the pairing in general, like the extremist NH/SS fans do theirs no matter the cost, and actually want it to be believable. We don't want a pairing(s) to happen at the cost of pretty much everyone and everything else in the story because then there would be no point to having the pairing happen to begin with, just like it currently is with NH/SS.