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#716700 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 27 December 2014 - 09:38 AM

Plus he killed J, and other fodder. I'm sure that will be all retconned as well now, along with Sasuke's multiple attempted murders. Kishimoto will probably say he just wanted to "knock them out".
That man's a murder. He attempted to kill most of the main cast, tried to take over the world,tried to destroy the villiage, helped caused the largest war in the Narutouniverse, attempted to enslave the entire ninja world under his iron fist,... and he is rewarded in the end.... kitten you Kishimoto you piece of kitten.

fodder's lives don't matter as long as you have friends in high places, another positive message from Kishimoto.

#715889 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 26 December 2014 - 03:28 AM

you hit the money. there are way more fans who care about the story than the romance, so of course turning this series into a shoujo was a huge gamble like you pointed out.

I feel like they are trying to reach an international market but these markets are already oversatured. Seriously who will read Bolt's stories ? who the kitten cares execpt NH fans and even them don't give a crap they just wanted Hinata hime sama to get her sex toy. The last is just for harcore NH fans, majority of Naruto fandom were interested in the story that’s why there was less and less Narutofans in the west because the story was deteriorating and now that the manga ended most neutral Naruto fans left, they just have the remaining NH/SS fans, let's see how far it will get them it really seems to me a stupid move, only time will tell.

#715832 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 26 December 2014 - 02:27 AM

I found a good post about the ending altough I don't agree with everything there's a lot of logic behind it :
This manga and the characters have been sacrificied for the sequel, Tricksie had some great posts about it, still that’s a huge gamble to take only time will tell if that was a wise move (well from a commercial standpoint at least) or not. The thing is they could have avoided this fiasco since they had time to make things believable to connect the original manga and the sequel but they choose the worst way possible and now they are doing so much damage control. What a weird strategy, I'm really interested in how far it will get them, wiĺl the sequel be a success or are

people fed up tired and disappointed. I know that worse garbage than Naruto manages to sell but still that’s pushing things way too far, even my brother who is a casual reader and is the one who showed me Naruto (he owns 55 volumes) has given up not because he was disgusted but simply because he doesn’t care anymore it's over and the destination isn't worth investing more money in the manga that's why he won't buy the last remaining mangas and has already replaced Naruto with other mangas like hunter x hunter, and of course Berserk thanks to me (I own all the Berserk manga), even dragon ball multiverse a fanmade manga is more interesting to him than anything naruto related. Obviously they are looking for a new market to replace the old one but I'm not quite sure that’s the best strategy.

At this point I don't really care about any news concerning Naruto since I know it will be more butchering of a manga and characters I once loved that’s why I dismiss the ending and everything after it as completely unrelated to the original manga I just want to know if that was worth it. If the sequel is a success then I can't really blame Kishi SJ and SP for their choices because unfortunately this is how the world works but if the sequel is a flop then I'll be happy that sometimes it's better to let your own creativity guide your choices instead of profits and money, divine justice shall we say.

#713438 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 22 December 2014 - 10:12 PM


Throw this sh*tty face out of here.


So... we just need to gladly accept this ending? 


We need to accept the Naruto that we loved was never Kishi's work to begin with.

#713435 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 22 December 2014 - 10:06 PM

I think people here overestimate Kishimoto's writing skills the man is just that bad, I too tought that maybe Kishi did what he did for money or because people around him told him X and Y were more popular than Z but altought that played a part the truth of the matter is that was Kishi's choice. The characters before Pain Arc were multifaceted after Pain arc they were reduced to obsessed freaks (Obito, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Sasuke) for no logical reason, everything was turned upside down and criminals psychopaths mass murderers and traitors were rewarded for their behaviors, the tone has clearly changed when before we were told "Those that break the rules and regulations are scum. But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum.", well Obito and Sasuke were never ever considered scum on the contrary they were praised and excused for killing innocents and betraying their comrades. The villains became a joke, Obito Madara the Juubi Kaguya never ever felt a threat or were interesting characters compared to Pain and the Akatsuki in general, they were just uninteresting flat characters, the plot became all about destiny handed power up and hard work was a thing of the past . Is that really a coincidence that everything turned for the worst as soon as his first editor left ? What we loved about Naruto and NaruSaku was never Kishi's work, Kishi's work was NH and SS aka one sided obsessed shallow and selfish feelings.

If that wasn't for this Yahagi guy this manga would surely never be a success and I can understand Kishi want to ride and milk the franchise as much as he can because he will never have another chance to make a successful manga (execpt if he has someone that helps guide him in the right way), Kishi's talent is his ability to create a great world and great characters he just lacks the ability to develop them properly because Kishi is an awkward man with little understanding of human psychology a sexist view of women and very dubious moral values (I'm being generous here).

The last 250 chapters or more are Kishi's unaldutered work and that's why the manga became so mediocre. Don't look for conspiracies sometimes the answer is much more simple and in this case it's simply because Kishimoto is an awful writer, I'm not even sure I can him call that since he doesn't even respect basic literature tools, he's just a hack who had the chance to be well surrounded.

#712441 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 21 December 2014 - 03:28 PM

The problem with Kishi's interviews is that they change depending on the general mood. If NS was more popular than NH and SS then I am sure the outcome would be different, after all popularity seems to be key for Kishi. On the other hand Kishimoto gives the impression to be a socially awkward person so we never know, after all Hinata's and Sakura's feelings are supposed to be seen as endearing when in reality they look pathetic, shallow, forced and selfish, Hinata being happy about touching Naruto’s hand when her dead cousin's body is just lying right there or Sakura confessing her feelings and being more focused on the fact Sasuke is still a bad guy than him trying to kill her best friend and her mentor is disgusting and despicable, that’s not love by any stretch of the imagination.
Still they are so many things that contradict each other in this manga for example Kakashi refused to accept Rin's feelings after he admitted he wasn’t going to help save her and Rin seemed to understand yet Sasuke has no shame or guilt to accept Sakura even after all the crap he pulled her trough, it's as if 2 different persons wrote this.

Bottom line trying to make sense of this manga, the characters and their feelings and Kishimoto's tought process is an impossible task because everything contradict each other and the character themselves are unrelatable. Kishimoto clearly doesn’t understand basic human reactions or humans relationship, I know it's fiction but there's a limit to people's suspension of disbelief. Not only is Kishimoto out of touch with reality he is also a mediocre writer his concept of a red herring is unique, you just don't develop your red herring while completely neglecting your canon pairing, shock value isn't and will never be more important than character interactions this is a ridiculous concept and only highlights what an awful writer Kishimoto is, this is basic knowledge for any decent writer something that Kishimoto never was.

#711428 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 20 December 2014 - 03:26 PM

His charm is his innocence and pure hearth in the world that could corrupt ourselves. Agree with guts. Never I saw in manga that a character is so badass yet so human at the same time. Casca T_T.

Griffith must die.

This last chapter Rickert has shown that he has an incredible spirit, this is what makes Berserk characters so fantastic they are real relatable and their development is fantastically done, Miura knows a lot about human psychology and it shows. If you're not up to date with Berserk I advice to read the last chapters especially the last one there's a scene (the one in my avatar) which will make you love Rickert. As for Guts I don't think there's a better character in the whole history of manga the most badass character you'll ever see but at the same time so human. Miura is such a genius if only he could write a bit faster.

#711282 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 20 December 2014 - 02:11 PM

Does it really matter who Kishi says his favorite female character is ? Even though he might say he likes Sakura, actions speak louder than words. And his actions clearly prove that he doesn't give a damn about any female characters. If he really did like Sakura, he would never have let her end up with Sasuke in what is clearly a loveless marriage. 
A house-wife dusting book-shelves waiting for her husband to come home-- This the best ending that you could come up with for the strongest Kunoichi / one of the best medical ninjas and now you have the audacity to claim that she is your favorite female character..?!
Kishi, its clear that you are a dunce but don't take everyone of us to be the same. 

Kishi doesn't care about any of his characters male or female and the people at SJ and SP neither they just want to milk the Naruto franchise as much as they can and get as much as money as possible.

I think Naruto will be doing fine financially in the next years, the last has already been profitable and if you take into account that it will soon be aired in America and other various parts of the world where NH is extremely popular there's a lot of money to make. The people who made this decision arent stupid they are businessmen and know there's a huge market for their products outside of Japan on top of their local market , cheap fanservice will keep the Naruto franchise going on for some time. Of course the original story as it was has been destroyed and Kishi's credibility and integrity as a writer has been damaged but as long as the money flows they just don't care thats why I just don't believe Kishi was forced he most likely agreed as long as his bank account gets bigger. Naruto has long ceased to be simply a manga, it is now first and foremost a lucrative business and fanservice sells.

The good thing is that they are so many better fictions than Naruto out there and now that Naruto's manga credibility has been definitively lost we won't be blinded by it and can look for other more enjoyable works which conveys far better messages, ideals and values than Naruto ever did.

#711156 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 20 December 2014 - 12:49 PM

I think this was a mistranslation. Kishimoto said multiple times that part 2 wasn't planned as part 1 was
The only thing that was confirmed for part 2 was a rematch between naruto and sasuke at the end

Since the ending Kishi and those close to him and his business have been making statements about how all of this was planned some even going as far as saying they knew about the ending 8 years ago. There was a time when Kishi was honest and admitted he didn't know where to go but this time is past and now they have to sell at any costs the idea that this obvious asspull has been prepared since a long time ago altough in the context in the manga it doesn’t make sense even contradicting it, it's damage control to protect the future of the franchise they have to convince the fans that everything has gone the way it was always supposed to go.

#711142 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 20 December 2014 - 12:20 PM

"The entire story has been decided after the battle at the valley of end." = "if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth".
It's obvious Kishi has been making things up along the way (he himself admitted he didn't know where to take Sasuke's character during the Kage Summit arc) otherwise why the constant need to retcon established facts and the asspulls left and right, little to nothing has been planned and even the few planned things could be ignored if popularity demands it but I understand that you have to sell and justify your ending and the new generation I just don't buy it.

#711118 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 20 December 2014 - 11:30 AM

Naruto has really turned into pure fanservice, it may bring Kishi and the rest money but it doesn’t make for a good story. I just don't see the point for Sakura to get such big boobs she was fine the way she was during the manga. Oh and the characters don't look like their former self at all, it's as if they have been given an entirely new personality. This manga has been victim of its own popularity and now looks like the shadow of its former self but that’s the way things tend to go when money is involved.
Thanks for the good moments Naruto but it’s really time to let it go.

#707074 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 16 December 2014 - 09:32 AM

Is there any merit to what people on Tumblr have been discussing about a movie being set in the alternate universe where Hinata's spawn sees Naruto and Sakura together?

no offense but why would you want that ? What was interesting with NS was their journey and the final resolution, I wanted to see how everything that happened beforehand would play out like the foreshadowed Naruto confession, the forehead kiss, the bench scene , we never got any of that so them just being together would have little to no value. Besides I don't want anything from Kishi and SP they kittened up and it's too late to reverse the damage done especially with cheap fanservice.

#706035 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Awes9 on 15 December 2014 - 08:25 AM

I think they honestly knew NaruSaku was end game like CC2 was... they just added Hinata moments at first to add tension and to give NaruHina fans hope. When Kishimoto stated Naruto fell for Hinata out of pity, everything I knew was realized. Of coarse the downside is Kishimoto is constantly changing his reason interview per interview, so who knows how accurate his "current" statement is

It's SP who came to Kishi with the idea of the movie, the episode youre talking was the one where they made the comment " Sakura has matured, Naruto must be...", they were trolling us all along. It's also SP who made fun many times of Sakura's heroine status in their commercial and most likely told Kishi Hinata was more popular, they are the biggest Hinata and NHtard in the world and they are surely involved in all this fiasco. I'm almost sure if that wasnt for SP NH wouldn't be canon, they had a very bad influence on Kishi and they took advantage of his naivety or at least I think so.

#705157 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 14 December 2014 - 08:06 AM

The sad part is that it wasn’t even necessary to destroy so many characters to make NH canon, he could have made Sakura move on or end up with Lee, he could have made Naruto move on, yes that sucks and goes against Naruto’s character but it is so much better than the garbage we got and he definitively didn't need to kill Neji, it's as if he choose the worst way possible to make NH canon and destroy all he can along the way.
I'm starting to feel sorry for Kishi tough he sure isn't the best writer in the world but he seems to be a decent man and I don't think anyone deserves such hate over a manga, he gives me the impression to be easily influenced and I think that was his downfall, 15 years of writing on a daily basis must have taken its toll.

#705143 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 14 December 2014 - 07:41 AM

Sakura should be bashed for going back to her fangirling self in chapter three if there was a reason. And her blushing at him in chapter 699 made me cringe.
And regarding the part of "rivalry" she brought up, you're saying she should be bashed for speaking the truth? Naruto WAS the one who tried to flirt and date with a girl who he didn't love just to get back at Sasuke. I don't understand your logic about Sakura should be bashed for pointing out the truth. I don't understand her love for Sasuke but it was never shown that it was borne from her rivalry with Ino. If there is a manga panel showing that please give the link.

I don’t get why people accept this BS explanation when it's obviously a retcon. Scenes like the chapter 3, hospital hug, the poal or even the dialogue with Sai directly contradicts the notion that Naruto only did this because of his rivalry with Sasuke, this excuse doesn’t make any sense in the context of the manga. Let's add to that if Naruto only did that because of Sasuke why didn’t he go after every Sasuke's fangirls, it's ridiculous to accept this when in direch contradiction with manga canon.