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#479529 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ALESSE on 30 June 2013 - 10:24 PM

I most likely see sasusaku dying in the next volume to be honest. It's the fact that anything that is there is that sakura loves sasuke. That's all they have had from pre shippuden up to now. Even when sasuke is back there is still negative development towards this couple. I think kishi is now going to fully try and end SasuSaku, I don't see that continuing much further. As for narusaku, I see it being confirmed at the end of the war by kishi. I don't see why he would stretch it out much longer. The next volume we should most likely by the end of it get to naruto vs sasuke fight hopefully. Interesting to see what would happen there.

Same here, I also see sasusaku being done and over with in the next volume or two most likely. And I see another narusaku moment that ll pretty much, not confirm narusaku but make it redundantly obvious. Here hoping for the event by this years end.

#479513 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ALESSE on 30 June 2013 - 06:43 PM

I dunno, but im gonna have to disagree with you on the whole hinata and her fanservice and her being the most one to occur.
Shikamaru is the one that has appeared the most, and ino has had more scenes than hinata, the asuma arc, the one in the war, with her father and her whole rivalry and friendship with sakura.
Hinata hasn't had many scenes or "fanservice". Simply because she's just not important, so i dunno where you got "hinatas big fanbase in japan" Oh and if your talking about the west, kishi only focuses on HIS fanbase. 
Plus, i'd say personally that the number of sakura lovers and sakura haters (aka hinata lovers) are pretty even.
Edit: I believe it was chp 532, and yeah i agree with ya, whens the new databook, artbook, and poll gonna be? C'mon kishi :rawr:

Yeah true, don't think he or the publishers rally care about the western fan base much. Honestly how many of us buy the English Shonne jump here. All of us western fans, well the vast majority of us that have been following this manga for years that feel were improtant, haven't spent a single penny on anything manga related. I read a while ago that foriegn volume sales represent less that 7 percent of total revenue of sales. I've bought maybe what a 9 volumes of a few different mangas through out my life. The vast majority of money comes from tv syndication rights, movies and apparel sales. Than the fiscal comic sales the weekly Shonnen jump is number one.

And still I don't think a fan base really affects what the author does or doesn't do with his story. It's like most stories the romance aspect of it is kept mum till the end.

Great post btw

#475685 Naruto 634

Posted by ALESSE on 12 June 2013 - 04:47 PM

Ok, I feel like I'm close to convinced that Sasuke is turning heel. The more I read it, the more I see why this chapter was created this way. When Naruto flashbacked that talk with Yamato, I feel like Kishi did it because this is the last time we will see them as a team, but now....well, it's time to see the truth.

Oh yeah. Same here. We called it from the time he said, "we join the fray" there should be an interesting twist happening soon. I have no Idea what his agenda is sending orchimaru, to tsunade. But I do see him doing something drastic, and turn heel too. And I think Sakura realizes this. But i do see the the juubi Transforming one more time and i do see sasuke aligning him self with madara. i think he Will play a Part in defeating Madara just so he can take the lead in this Plan of there.
It's gotten really interesting god why do these chapters have to be so short Nd why do we weeks have to last so Long gahhh. -____-.

#472423 Naruto 632

Posted by ALESSE on 04 June 2013 - 02:48 AM

Don't feel sorry for me, Don! Like you said, God nudged me in the right direction and now I can be happy. :D  Plus, the experience helped me grow into the person that I am today. Without all of that drama and heartache, I wouldn't have known what kind of person I wanted to be with. I'd still be really naiive and I probably wouldn't have been as interested in Naruto, (I started reading the series seriously to take my mind off of things.) Everything happens for a reason. :wink:
Bolded: I think she has been thinking seriously about her relationship with Sasuke since the Summit arc. I mean, we have chapter 540 which shows that she's at least recognized that Sasuke is a different person now than what she thought he was. But, as you said, I'm sure her thoughts are being withheld from us purposely.
Yeah, I can't completely relate to Sakura because our situations have some differences, but I think the point still stands. Sometimes it can take a long time to get over your feelings for someone else, no matter how badly they mistreat you. It depends on how strong your love for the other party is and how far you're willing to go for them.
I'm sure there are many people that have been through similar experiences, whether they actually dated the other person, or had a long-lasting crush that they couldn't get over. I have a friend that had a crush on someone for six years straight. He had no real interest in her, but he liked to lead her on a lot. (At one point, he asked her to date him because one of his friends dared him to...  :down: ) But regardless of all of that, she stood by him loyally the whole time.

Alright I'm becoming a consistent poster Lolz.

Anywayz. Great post slex. YOu hit the nail right on the head with the last few. I can totally relate with you I was in a similar situation like urs only not that long. But it was a girl. I'm a guy. I was awesome going out with this hot girl and def was elating. But didn't last cause she did me wrong. It made me a better person. I understand my self alot better. And think I'm alot stronger due to it. Take better care of myself and treat others better aswell.

With the naruto thing. It does make sense that kishi is purposely avoiding addressing those feeling just yet. I mean I had a hunch that's that's why kishi also avoided a narusaku interaction for so long. I mean look at it. Once Sakura was back in the picture. It's been narusaku interaction hint moment comedy parallel one after another. And it's only gonna continue. We've been on the ship for nearly 15 years.
So what's another 2-3. It's been looking more and more in hour favor. I think the tough parts are almost done. We just gotta be patient.

Again, I always enjoyed your work slex. U, j cass, chatte, and striderC are my faves. I lurked here alot for the past 2 years just never got to posting.

#469340 Naruto 632

Posted by ALESSE on 29 May 2013 - 03:14 PM

Long time lurker here the last time I was on was during that whole 615 issue.but I am on every week reading. Heck this time I didn't even login as I'm doing this over my phone.

People relax. This whole chapter was about Sakura and her catching up with naruto. As for the blush I don't think it was a blush. Look carefully at the left cheek. Doesn't hat look more so like her increased emphasis on the eyelining. That's just me. And then look at the other panels she's got both cheeks scratched alil. You only see the right one and the other side is just the eye lining. But that's just me. Don't freak out. She was just elated cause she knows she's badass and everyone's impressed and that sasuke was the first to show up. Heck I actually see a narusaku. Moment. Naruto re-reaffirming his love by letting alil bit of jealous insecurity Oooz out. And then look again she's totally focused on him. She teases him about the hokage thing and tell him or them that this time we ll do it together(back to back)
But that's just me. And this does set up the fore head scene. Cause I say s*** is gonna hit the fan and things are gonna start looking bad for the alliance agains soon.