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Member Since 15 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2015 05:26 PM

#513626 Naruto 663

Posted by Ausakura on 06 February 2014 - 02:06 AM

James S Cassidy is the type of fan that an writer wants as a friend. 

#513450 Naruto 663

Posted by Ausakura on 05 February 2014 - 04:24 PM

About pairingology (?) we can call this phenomenom as "The Spiralling Arc Syndrome". Spiralling because of Naruto, and for a Spiral being a form that begins in one point, goes on circles and ends in other distant point.

It occurs when a pairing lead the beginning of an arc with smooth and gentle acts, but another one wich directly contradicts the first one gives the closure with impactful gestures.



Chuunin Exam Arc. Hinata loses to Neji, Naruto promises to avenge her over her blood. Then, Sakura got hostage'd by Gaara and Naruto saves her unlocking all his power.


Pain Arc. Hinata confess her love to Naruto and makes him unlock his hatred. In the end, Sakura hugs Naruto thanking him, making Hinata's confession pass unnoticed.


War Arc. Hinata raises Naruto's selfsteem just right when he was losing it and gains an chakra cloak. Then, Sakura is the one who's right aside Naruto when he's dying, giving him all support she can gives, presenting us with the first hetero labial touch in the manga.


I should study pairing as a profession.  :zaru:

#513374 Naruto 663

Posted by Ausakura on 05 February 2014 - 01:30 PM

No it doesn't. :hm:

At least Sakura got in touch with Naruto's inside... In the mouth and in the heart...  :fu: Naruto's inside... Now they're more intimate than ever... Sakura touched Naruto's lips... Naruto's body... Inside of Naruto... With her hands and lips... The touch of inside of her mouth with Naruto's... Sexy... To do the babies is just a matter of time and space... Tasty... Huuuum you touch my tralala...  :fu:


Now I will be the one who's not going to downplay anything.

Someone tells me any character in fiction who have given an CPR to other close character and those two didn't have an romantic relationship afterwards. Just tell me. In fiction, nothing happens out of the blue or for no reason, unless the writer wants to buy time.


But WATAF*!!!!  :jawdrop:

What the hell have happenned to Madara?! How is he beatable now?! 

And he's heading towards Kakashi?! Kakashi is with Minato, so... 

Awww, Kishi, you say that you don't even know how to beat Madara and you do this?


The Mugen Tsukuyomi will happen, guys! Iniciate the countdown!

#512861 663 SPOILERS

Posted by Ausakura on 04 February 2014 - 06:09 PM

What would suck the most is if the chapter is disappointing do to the hype we're kinda giving it  :sweatdrop:

That's why I don't enter in hype if something conclusive didn't happen yet. ( ͡° _ ͡°)

#511190 Naruto 662

Posted by Ausakura on 23 January 2014 - 02:22 AM

I gave Hinata a pillow. Now try making fun of her! :D

Pillow-kun so big... And warm... Makes me feel safe...

#511176 Naruto 662

Posted by Ausakura on 23 January 2014 - 01:36 AM

So... No comments about the "possibility" of Sakura giving Naruto a CPR...?  :umm:

#511018 Naruto 662

Posted by Ausakura on 22 January 2014 - 04:03 PM

So... Mangastream's translation for Hinata "Nii-san... Please protect Naruto" is "Brother... Asked me to protect Naruto".


If it's the right translation, it has a total different meaning and no doubt it can be a foreshadowing to a future event. If that's so, a 90% of chance of that occuring. 

But who asked Hinata to protect Naruto and when this happenned?

I can't remember anyone saying "Hinata, protect him."

#497821 Naruto 649

Posted by Ausakura on 02 October 2013 - 06:34 PM

Having Shikamaru alive makes me think that Neji have really gone forever. 

Well, to make everyone revives after this war would be a real disaster for the plot. I think that's the way things should go on...

It was unnecessary already to make Shikamaru survive. Now if everyone comes back... Death would be more meaningless than it is now in NARUTO.


Altought Naruto and Sakura form an mature looking couple (in the idea, for its development, its history and etc), this manga have a lot of infantile and silly factors when it comes to the romantical area. It just doesn't make sense to point Hinata every time with the same line to let her be alone in the end. It's ok to point her like this if it's a comical scene, after all, her love for Naruto makes part of her character, but after all that things, why she still is so... Linear? It would be interesting to see her thinking in other things but Naruto. Why the author insist in maintain her character the same without significant development? After all, this is war, the so called climax. The minds of the characters should've changed, especially when it comes to priorities! After much I've seen, I don't think Kishimoto is taking this seriously... If he is, I'm not geting good thoughts. Naruto and Sakura didn't showed up much significant things to add to them as lovers, I'm only seeing their friendship building even more. On the other side, I'm seeing that "someone" wants with all her capacity of thinking to be with "someone" at the end.

In the story we have characters with immature and intense feelings, as for Obito with Rin (besides that all Uchihas has some emotional issues), Sakura and Ino with Sasuke, Lee with Sakura, Hinata with Naruto... The only mature feelings that I've seen explored in this manga so far was Naruto's feelings for Sakura and all of Tsunade's involvements. But after seeing all of this sloppy writing, this poor character development, yo-yo action, jokes and addendas in the wrong atmosphere... What is Kishimoto thinking? What are his plans for NARUTO? Is he thinking about the story? About the fans? About all he have written until now? Sometimes I think I'm only seeing good content in NARUTO because I want to see it, thinking beyond the obvious. Maybe it was never his intention to write a good development between the main characters and NARUTO consists in characters with ordinary personalities from cartoons for children.

I may be exagerating, but, c'mon... This is War!!! "I want to be at Naruto-kun's side too"?!?!?! What this have to do with a super sized apocaliptical plant almost puting all of them to sleep?! This is off-limits!! And considering that everyone's thoughts has been passed to everyone in the battlefield, her desire will be passed too?

I miss the heaven and earth bridge arc...