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Toy Ninja

Member Since 11 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2018 01:32 PM

#935298 Naruto Episode 500

Posted by Toy Ninja on 24 March 2017 - 03:07 AM

I read the whole Naruto manga in high school and read other Naruto stuff, but only ever watched a bit of the anime. I thought that I would check out this episode though.


Umm wow.. those congratulation videos.. one was from the narutoverse equivalent of Shirō Ishii.

It only gets worse when you consider that Konohamaru was the one to film the message. Orochimaru did murder his grandfather.

This is the guy who when he first appeared in the series was wearing the flayed face of a 14 year old like a mask.

Yamato being there is also awkward, considering he was a human test subject of Orochimaru’s in an experiment that killed like 59 Konohana infants.


I’m surprised Tsunade actually agreed to be part of this after Naruto’s scumbaggery in “Lightning in the Icy Sky” helped lead to her stepping down as Hokage. She didn’t say anything in the video which makes sense.. she probably couldn’t bring herself to.


At the wedding it was a nice touch how they had Sakura standing around looking depressed and envious… 0___0

Sasuke is off somewhere because of his atonement (doing whatever he chooses while doing absolutely nothing that could actually be considered atoning)

You could argue that Sasuke isn’t there because the villagers aren’t ok with him being around. And that makes sense.. because he’s basically a traitor, a murderer, and a terrorist. Except it stops making sense when you realize the villagers are ok with Orochimaru hanging around. (His message was filmed in the village.)  

So Sasuke sends a letter with only one word – I was thinking about it, and you know it reminded me of that scene at the beginning of Evangelion. Gendo sends his abandoned son a letter with a single word of his written on it. When you see the letter, the paper had been scrunched up, torn to pieces, and then taped back together again by the poor kid. In that series it was recognized how cold and callous sending a message like that is… but in this series Sakura treats the message like a confirmation of loving support – all joking aside Sakura seriously needs help. She needs to see a therapist or something.

#934899 Kishimoto's Official Team Konohamaru Poster. Boruto has Byakugan/Chakra Mode

Posted by Toy Ninja on 20 March 2017 - 02:11 AM

Kishi's forgotten the fundamental reason the manga was a success, and that was a feeling for the underdog and hoping for him to succeed. That Poster just shows a bunch of elites that have inherited all their parents skills, and with a history nobody cares for.


Naruto starts off being about an underdog working hard to achieve his dreams. By the end of the series though, it’s about someone who’s the reincarnation of a godlike being. Because of this unique heritage, a ghost gives him (otherwise unachievable) powers, which allows him to defeat the biggest threats in the series.

#934683 Politics discussion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 18 March 2017 - 12:41 PM

I know this guy is just a troll. Not even a good troll. But, for laughs, let’s take a look at some of the stuff he’s said.

Setto Kaiba linked a page on NASA’s site in order to argue against climate change.. He says recent studies show the ice caps are getting bigger. Yet he links only a single page about a single region. NASA is completely unambiguous in its position that recent climate change is real, global, anomalous, and human caused. The 2015 NASA article Setto linked is about relative mass gains in parts of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. This doesn't contradict global warming at all. The same author, Maria-José Viñas, has written more recently about the record lows of Arctic sea ice. Just this month she wrote an articlefor NASA. Literally the first sentence states that the earth has been warming over the past several decades. Cherry picking and misconstruing evidence alert!


Setto Kaiba also attempted to explain away the demonstrable increase in regional temperatures by saying “that probably because” the nearest star has been cooling. This is stated as a fact, with the only supporting evidence being a story in a newspaper. That story is drawn from a research presentation by mathematician named Valentina Zharkova.. that isn’t even published work. The actual paper Zharkova wrote is purely about a fall in the number of sunspots. It’s not even about total solar irradiance. Let alone the effects which that could theoretically have on the earth’s climate. It’s also worth noting that the Express ran with its own laughable conclusion without actually consulting a single climate scientist. Confirmation bias and scientific illiteracy alert!


“They've been trying to call for Climate change for years, constantly putting down dates for when some major catastrophe was supposed to happen,”

Who’s they? Do you mean every member of ever academy of science on the planet? Virtually every single active climate scientist? Conspiracy ideation alert!


Those youtube videos are just embarrassing.

The first is an interview with William Happer.. who btw is not a climate scientist. He is former head of a think tank directly funded by fossil fuel organizations including Exxon Mobil and Koch Industries. Happer is current head of a similar group, which has a clearly stated political and economic agenda (not an unbiased, authoritative, or even credible source). The board members of this group are not climate scientists. The group doesn’t produce scientific papers for peer review, or publish their “work” in any credible journal of science. Happer himself has literally been caughtusing this group to secretly funnel money, and to make paid for “research” on behalf of fossil fuel interests. Happer has written a grand total of one paper on the subject.. which isn’t peer reviewed.. and that was for an organization funded by oil and gas interests – not an academy of science. Oh and the man is also a shill for other oh-so-respectable groups like the “Competitive Enterprise Institute”.. Which denies the effects of second-hand smoke.. Seriously..


How about the guy in the next video?

Is Alex Epstein a climate scientist?.. nope. Is he a scientist of anything?.. nope. He’s a blogger.. with a B.A., Philosophy. Epstein’s a former member of “the Ayn Rand Institute,” an organization that was partly funded by Koch Foundations. Epstein is the founder of a group that is notable only for being investigated by Massachusetts Attorney General for fraud (involving Exxon Mobil). Epstein has published articles though!.. err.. in newspapers.. and err not about climate science..


So umm, does the guy doing the interviews have any credibility? ..errr no, he’s also just a blogger ..and wouldn’t you know, a died-in-the-wool right wing blogger?.. This is a guy who thinks that homosexuality is caused by childhood sexual abuse, and that mental illnesses aren’t real.



#853052 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Toy Ninja on 04 July 2015 - 12:33 PM

In that scene Sakura looks affection-starved and desperate. She looks fatigued.


All Sasuke does is scorn her romantic advances with cold indifference. This constant emotional withholding is just a continuation of the abuse which is central to their relationship.


Kishimoto's attempt to present it as comedic is just insulting.


This manga makes me sick.

#852973 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Toy Ninja on 04 July 2015 - 07:14 AM

Even Tommy Wiseau is a better writer than Kishi. 



Naruto: “hey how was work today?”

Orochimaru: “well pretty good. We got a new test subject at the lab, we'll make a lot of jutsu.”

Naruto: “what test subject?”

Orochimaru: “I cannot tell you it’s confidential.”

Naruto: “Aww common why not?”

Orochimaru: “I can’t, anyway how’s your sex life?”

#852953 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 04 July 2015 - 04:43 AM

Orochimaru still seems like the Narutoverse equivilent of Josef Mengele. The way the other characters treat him now is bizarre. Especially Naruto. I'm pressed to think of another character who personally caused as much lasting pain, death and misery as Orochimaru. Except maybe Obito "the coolest guy" Uchiha.

#852897 Evangelion Creator predicts "death of anime"

Posted by Toy Ninja on 04 July 2015 - 02:27 AM

As much as i still love the original series and EOE.. this comes across as more than a little hypocritical coming from Anno. After EOE he made it very clear that not only was he done with Eva, but that he was done with anime. After well over ten years, the guy comes back from live action film to make more money, by exploiting his 90's super robot show. The new films are embarrassingly bad and its clear he doesn’t care anymore. It’s just a created-by-committee money making project for Khara. Anno is now turning out the exact sort of work he was originally distancing himself from. To paraphrase his own words: “lazy, easily-watchable brand name entertainment.”

#852331 Hating Sakura

Posted by Toy Ninja on 03 July 2015 - 03:29 AM

That's a very good point. Sakura should have straightened it out with Sarada from the beginning, i don't know why the hell she was hesitant



Maybe years of being in an abusive/ emotionally absent relationship with Sasuke has conditioned her to be an indecisive wreck.   :zaru:     



...... :cry:

#851781 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Toy Ninja on 02 July 2015 - 11:21 AM

Wrong it was the Magical Forehead Poke of True Love  it does wonders its like Cupid's Arrow :zaru: .  



Like this? :fu:



#851702 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Toy Ninja on 02 July 2015 - 09:18 AM

Some of the other chapters were morbidly amusing but this chapter was just irritating.


Though I joked about Naruto and Sasuke killing the Shin clones.. I figured that they would either (1) spontaneously destroy themselves or (2) that they would get the same awkward treatment Orochimaru got. I retrospect I almost wish Sasuke did go nuts and start slaughtering them with Amaterasu because then at least something of significance may have happened in this Gaiden. Something which, you know, couldn’t be ignored.. something that actually has consequences.  Also it really wouldn’t be that out of character for Sasuke.     


This gaiden has been an exercise in non-storytelling. The obstacles are paper tigers, the dilemmas are manufactured through horribly contrived 70’s sitcom esq misunderstanding.

No one makes any significant decisions and even if they did it wouldn’t matter because none of the problems they face are real.   


Whenever a character becomes motivated to act in a way that could infuse the story with human drama.. their motivation inexplicably fades.. and all tension/ excitement is diffused.


Chapter ends with Sarada hating Naruto and wanting to leave the village? Oh don’t worry Naruto turned out some trite platitudes and nothing came of it.   


Chapter ends with our heroes surrounded by Sharingan child soldiers who have some grand plan to “evolve?” Oh don’t worry, they got scared of Naruto and nothing came of it.  


The most insulting part was when Sarada asks Sasuke “Do you think your feelings are well and truly connected to mom?” his answer is “because we have you”…  umm no.. on its own having a child does not constitute relationship..


He still has no relationship with Sakura and you can’t say he has a relationship with her vicariously through Sarada because he doesn’t have a relationship with her either. Sasuke didn’t even know who she was when he first saw her in the gaiden..


This time when Sasuke abandons his responsibilities towards them he doesn’t even bother pretending he’s atoning for anything. He doesn’t even make the slightest effort to explain anything anymore. Is his constant emotional withholding from Sakura really meant to be taken as a running joke? Really?


oh and yeah I can really see the love in that photograph..



#849992 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Toy Ninja on 29 June 2015 - 05:44 AM

I've always kind of thought the array of powers you can get from the Sharingan is absurd compared to other kekkei genkai. Also I never liked the idea that the ms can "evolve" into a Rinnegan. That's just my opinion though.

#849635 Free!/Free!-Eternal Summer

Posted by Toy Ninja on 27 June 2015 - 09:38 AM

Here's the link: http://kissanime.com...pisode?id=96283


So, who are your favorite characters?




I like Nitori. I thought the relationship between Makoto and Haruka was interesting. Sosuke was interesting, though he was also kind of scary! Nagisa could be a little rude and pushy but i love the pouty faces he made.


#849569 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 27 June 2015 - 03:28 AM

What I don't get about Shin is if he was being cloned so much by Orochimaru, and if Orochimaru kept the cloning equipment and his DNA, then why didn’t Orochimaru have a ton of Sharingan’s available to him at the beginning of the series? I mean Orochimaru's whole deal at the beginning was that he wanted Sasuke's/Itachi's Sharingan... but why would he go to the effort if he could just make his own? Couldn’t he just make a new shin clone (complete with the Sharingan) whenever he needed to possess a new body?


Or am I missing something?.. its hard to make sense of this manga..

#848634 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Toy Ninja on 25 June 2015 - 01:13 PM

So Sasuke was out there for 12 plus years and he never discovered an army of clones in his mission? Did he find out anything at all? The only reason he picked up on these enemies is because they looked like they got tired of him not getting a clue and attacked instead.


Also if they knew that there was another enemy out there why did they not continue their training, this arc made it obvious they;ve grown weak...Also the Shin clones are not the main enemy, judging from the movie trailer, you get a Dragonball vibe in that an alien was sent to earth to conquer it for some reason.


Sasuke could have stayed at the village and things would have played out exactly the same way. As far as i can tell he didn't really do anything. Seems like it was just an excuse to avoid raising his daughter, be there for Sakura or pay child support.

#848591 Hi and stuff

Posted by Toy Ninja on 25 June 2015 - 11:32 AM

I probably should have made this intro before I started posting. -sorry!




I think I read the Naruto Manga as it came out, when I was in high school. At some point I noticed the quality of the writing took a dive. I kept reading out of habit and a need for closure I guess. The ending didn’t sit well with me for a lot of reasons. It was strange that Hinata and Naruto's relationship developed into something serious. What really bothered me though, was the relationship between Sasuke and Sakura. It seemed really sick and abusive.. the way the female characters were treated in general wasn’t great, but the way Sakura was written seemed almost spiteful.   


I’m not the sort of person who normally gets upset about this kind of moral stuff when reading light material.. guess it just bothered me since I had been reading it for so long and I didn’t really expect it to become too warped.


I don't join a lot of forums but i like this one. Im not sure why. I think i may be the humor. A lot of the comments on the bad writing have made me laugh. So at least reading Naruto has been more than just kind of depressing.


Oh and my avatar is from one of those old Godfrey Ho ninja films.