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#932066 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow1275 on 10 February 2017 - 04:32 AM

A minute or two at most in the movie timecode but in the actual movie I don't know, also bad new the next episode of shippuden is the one we ns fans have been dreeding it's the nh wedding prepare for alot of kittening pain.

Lol that's not naruto, That's that new Shoujo called the Hinata Power Hour. Where weeaboos across the NH nation (Population: 12) imagine that they're Naruto pounding Hinata and her floppy fun bags.


The best part is half of them don't even know what they're talking about. Most Naruto fans these days are kids. In fact when I played Naruto online I remember one of the kids there named Kirito didn't even know that Sakura and Naruto lips met. He said that, "Hinata was Naruto's first love." Then I showed him chapter 3 and it was like his whole mind was blown up before him.


That's how bad it's gotten. When new fans think it's a romance manga and don't even know that it was really an action/adventure manga.

#932017 new kishimoto interview 2017

Posted by Shadow1275 on 09 February 2017 - 07:23 AM


Well that would be stupid, Kishi should know by now he has the power in that relationship, whatever we might think about the end, there is no denying that in the last two decades he is the one who has generated the most profit for SJW. He is a bankable commodity, any of the other publishing houses would kill for his signature. SJW know they need a new story from him son, just look at the current line up they have and there is nothing there that can have the same global presence of Naruto. They have manga like My Hero Academia  and Haikyu that can have similar appeal in Japan but on the International front, will Academia stand out in the market with the likes of Batman, Spiderman etc and Haikyu is volleyball, so that's going to be a tough sell.


Just look at the current manga, it started off as a manga from a new mangaka, but from the interview you can tell they are not focusing on the mangaka responsible for the manga, but making it appear it's Kishi' has a bigger role in the manga's creation than he does.


If I was to take a guess Kishi's answer towards the final ending was an answer to pander to the NH fanbase, he's been led to believe that the west love NH and Sakura is universally hated by us. So his answer seems geared towards that assumption, giving the answer he believes will get him the most likes on Facebook.

Past profit doesn't matter, Naruto is finished and everybody knows that it was in decline, especially nosediving after the ending. Kishi honestly doesn't gaf about NH.


Think about it, he gave it less than 20 panels in a 700 chapter manga, then there was the, "You say Hinata, Hinata" interview, made her trip over a rock, and wasn't even involved in The Last which was an SP project.


He really doesn't gaf about them, my guess is that he hates them. We all know that he doesn't really care about Boruto either, you said it yourself. They're making him seem like he's more involved. NH has always been more of SP and his editors' interest. In fact, my guess is they advised him to go forward with NH, SS, and the ten other nonsense pairings bc they realized that most of the actual money and sales from Naruto was from pairings fans.


For kittens sake just go back to any Road to Ninja speculation thread, any Sawyer or Forneverloved video, any Naruto forum, blog, tumblr, etc.


Ppl only complain about the lack of pairing moments given to their ship or boast about how one ship got trashed on or etc.


It's really no wonder this series soured to garbage when everybody is most concerned with who got the pairing moment of the week. Imo I don't even think Hinata should have been a love interest for Naruto, even in part one a semi intelligent person without needing the Sharingan could see that she was just really out of place and displaced a lot of characters. Part 2 as well. Her Pain speech was emotional and well done but it just seemed so out of place and.... dumb.

#931612 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow1275 on 03 February 2017 - 05:56 PM

 Kubo and oda will always be better than kishi. Even though kubo was rushed towards the end with more time ichiruki could have happened. At least oda has his story planned out to the letter so one can mess with it and I think one piece has tighter continuity than both bleach and Naruto together expect for fairy tail.

Kubo was the exact opposite of Kishi, Kishi turned into a yes man for the higher ups and editors after he fought them for so long and went through a couple. Kubo refused to bow down to the higher ups. If you notice, Ichigo used to be front and center on a lot of SJ's stuff, but later on he slowly fell out of focus. Tbf there were other reasons for this, but Kubo wasn't really making any friends at SJ's upper management that's for sure.

#931610 new kishimoto interview 2017

Posted by Shadow1275 on 03 February 2017 - 05:44 PM

It's easy to tell that he's full of bullcrap with this love triangle thing


Hinata has less than 40 panels in the series




Even Twilight's crap romance has a whole book or movie dedicated to that crappy team edward team jason bull






And I don't even think Sasgay and Suckura have over thirty panels dedicated to their romance, Hinata and Naruto have LESS THAN TEN, FIFTEEN AT MOST.


But NaruSaku has hundreds of panels that could be considered shipping moments, HUNDREDS


The bottom line is that Kishi is telling a very different tale than his own story that he drew tells. And considering the lack of thought and development for all of the canon couples it's clear that the decision was to milk the series for all it's worth. But considering the incredible lack of Naruto lately compared to DBZ, everybody, even the most hardcore pro ending fans know deep down in their darkest hidden places that this series is dead and it's never coming back.

#924381 Naruto Shippuden Episode 480

Posted by Shadow1275 on 24 October 2016 - 08:15 PM

Okay just starting the topic and linking the episode. Not watching or doing any symnopsis.




anyone else up for it?



You know if you're curious about what happens in a episode, might as well just watch it yourself


Go ahead and watch the bomb yourself ;P

#923422 Naruto Shippuden episode 478

Posted by Shadow1275 on 13 October 2016 - 02:04 PM

God, that moment is so stupid. Not just the part Sakura part, but Sasuke leaving the village in the first place.

The entire plot of this story was Naruto chasing after him and now that he (well not really he) accomplished that, Sasuke leaves again, but this time Naruto just lets him.

Why couldn't he just let him go ages ago?


I wish Sasuke was never created. Horrible and dull character that just makes everyone around him look pathetic and stupid.

Guys it's ok, I found Sasgay:




Wait.... nevermind there he goes again

#923061 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Shadow1275 on 09 October 2016 - 05:21 AM

lol Jackpot


#922951 Naruto Shippuden episodes 476-477

Posted by Shadow1275 on 07 October 2016 - 11:55 PM

Looks like it will be sasusaku episode


Joking aside it seems like it will be split into two sections with one focus on Sasuke and Itachi and something unknown for Sakura. If not, whatever, SuckuSucku tends to destroy itself anyways no matter what moments they get.

#922214 Naruto Shippuden episodes 476-477

Posted by Shadow1275 on 01 October 2016 - 06:39 PM

Well that is all Naruto will ever think about really the whole world could be burning and Sakura could be dying and Naruto would not care just as long as Sasuke is there standing next to him but then again we have to remember this is Kishi and he cares nothing for anyone else but the Uchiha.

A fair point imo. I didn't hate the Sauce until 693, I thought he was a great villain and his fall to darkness was excellent. But the one thing I do hate is how everyone wants to suck him off. There's just no other way to put it. He gets away with anything and everything and is always getting complimented or rewarded with powerups or sympathy. 


And he just wrecks everyone's characters when he comes on screen



Karin? Turns into a crazy fangirl


Suckura? Forgets all character development and turns into thirsty fan girl


Kakashi? Forgets mentor role and plays abusive matchmaker


Naruto? Forgets 698 pages of development and turns into genocide denier thirsty fan girl.

#922213 Are You A Naruto Fan Or A NaruSaku Fan

Posted by Shadow1275 on 01 October 2016 - 06:30 PM

than your not a true fan of NARUTO.  

Sigh. What is even a "True Fan" of Naruto really? Or perhaps the real question you should ask is what is Naruto as a series and what does it represent? When the series began was it about fighting and Jutsu and never giving up, acceptance and helping your friends? And if so at the end was it about the same? Or was it about pairings where the last movie was about a dumb scarf and whether Nardo likes Suckura or Hinakittens? Does the ending respect the source material or does it flat out forget it with retcons and technology?


and if not. If the main hero has given up on his goals of getting his girl, changing the hyuga, supporting his friends, surpassing his mentors and rivals, has been given his powers based on inheritance rather than hard work, if he tells his best friend to ignore the Uchiha massacre/genocide, and he flat out ignores Orochimaru stealing bodies than ask yourself this:



Is the series still about what made Naruto Naruto?


I loved Naruto, it had everything. Cool fights with strategy, a colorful cast of characters, and even a mc who won my respect even though I hated him at first. And he won it by never giving up.


So before you pass a generalized Judgment on what a true Naruto fan is why don't you go back for a second and glance through the major chapters of part 1. Take a close look and think about their meaning. Than glance through part 2 and do the same. Then look at this new Boruto series and movie and ask yourself the question:


Is this still Naruto?

#921461 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Shadow1275 on 24 September 2016 - 01:53 AM

Yeah, they stood around that one area for a long time. It only felt war-ish in the first phase of Tobi/Madara/Juubi vs. Ninja Alliance because of deaths though heavily rushed. After that, well, it was going back to all-stars feel, rather than acually have a purpose. Sure, we got that standing Naruto panel and what not, by after that, with very few exceptions, it was just dragging.

What also hurts is that they keep using the tension of winning multiple times that it worn out and thus, I left feeling if there's anything that's going to tell me that it is over. In fact, it sort of have no bang conclusion. Just them waking up from a wonderful dream. The tension was killed off from the first use, it wasn't going to satisfy anyone significantly.

You can argue that it does hurt that it has literally two men against over 1000 and it has no standoff of "Holy crap! The bloodshed is real!" It just bored a lot of audience and I can see why. I was still fixated to see a redemption down the road, hence the positivity, but yeah, I was like Ned Flander. Sometimes, we can break character.

The villains just felt like they weren't that threatening either. Like think about it:Madara, Tobi, Kaguya, and ten tails were hyped up to essentially be gods among shinobi, and yet the only person to die was Neji.


Even all the Kage survived..... somehow.


Oh wait I forgot, the more characters that die, the less characters that can be paired off bc shoujo :bash:  :bash:  :bash:  :bash:  :bash:



Reminds me of Star Wars really. Vader was such a good villain bc he killed Kenobi, and defeated Luke physically then crushed him emotionally. Kylo Ren though? Not even close. He throws tantrums and gets bit ch slapped by super girl in the very first movie.

#921427 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Shadow1275 on 23 September 2016 - 06:26 PM

When Naruto from action-shonen manga turn into soap opera, and now breast size competition .... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

After Pain really it started to turn into a Shoujo. Ppl became less concerned with how Naruto would change the system and more interested in who would bang who. Even us NS fans were guilty of this, Sakura's character for example had a lot of issues but many ppl thought her getting over Sasgay and being with Naruto would redeem her.



Tbh I think most fans after pain and later Obito "The coolest guy"  just quit on the story ever making sense and focused on the pairings. Especially after the character assassination that was 693. 

#921382 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Shadow1275 on 22 September 2016 - 11:44 PM

she was never flat chested in the anime either, chest bindings, all they did in the anime was mess up her outfit and make her more violent and hit naruto more often. also since you keep bringing up the flat chest excuse that proves how much of a pervert you are, perverts like you are why naruto went to crap....

Perhaps but goddang dat butt though






:smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:  :smexy:

#921346 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by Shadow1275 on 22 September 2016 - 02:12 AM

I love long hair Sakura. Especially as long as this. Is there other NS pictures with her hair like that?




More than a few actually.

#921069 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Shadow1275 on 17 September 2016 - 04:39 PM

What would you say was Kate Higgins best performance?

I'd say her confessions. Both the first Sasusaku confession and the NaruSaku confession are very well done and full of emotion. I liked her a lot when she shouted naruto during the pain arc. Her worst performance has to be 699 in UNS4, just kind of dull for the forehead poke moment(Which is fine by me)