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#679576 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 30 November 2014 - 08:38 AM

For those still thinking about seeing the movie:





#679298 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 29 November 2014 - 11:51 PM

I'm sure people in the ninja world would care more about Neji's death than Hinata's death.

#678596 The Kushina Contest

Posted by Elicit on 29 November 2014 - 12:24 PM

Wtf son it's not the same girl.

#677751 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 28 November 2014 - 10:14 PM

This is horrible


Absolute BS


That ointment scene is terrible,what is this.


Who the hell came up with this garbage movie.They should kill themselves.


Another handhold,this movie is getting more and more worse.


Horrible BS movie.







It's not even about NH.


Any moron that would base a final movie for a long-running shonen series on romance doesn't deserve to live in this world. 

#673560 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 25 November 2014 - 11:24 AM

I mean... Naruto liking Sakura because she likes Sasuke? No justifying that.

#668857 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 22 November 2014 - 03:02 PM

Basically, the movie is trying to say that he couldn't ever be in love with Sakura because Hinata was always there for him. It's like some kind of pathetic NH fanfiction.

#668834 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 22 November 2014 - 02:41 PM

I don't understand the outrage you guys have with seeing anything NH. Anything that comes out for it just goes to show how awful and pathetic the pairing is.

#666587 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 20 November 2014 - 05:04 PM

kittening lol'd.


Yeah, NaruSaku was there people. Keep shipping this pairing. He was on a fence about kittening on both SS and NH and much of our logic was sane and rational.


It's just that Kishimoto is a terrible writer. No other mangaka would choose those pairings.

#664912 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 19 November 2014 - 12:48 AM

Has someone posted it here yet?
As you will know there will be a kidnapping with Toneri’s target, Hinata Hyuuga.
The reason for so on his obsession would be to create an offspring of the Hyuga Clan in an attempt to restore the Ōtsutsuki Clan.
In the movie we will witness how Naruto would leave his love for Sakura behind and start to develop for Hinata when she is kidnapped. There will be a certain portion of the movie where he will feel jealousy and the need to protect her as well.
At the end of the movie there will be a relapse of a year and a half, where we will see Naruto and Hinata’s wedding with the other couples that were seen in the last chapter of the manga.”
It continues on to say later …
“The second point of the movie is the “death of one’s love” and the resurrection of another.
(This is a symbolism in Japan, for those who are a tad confused with this statement)
One of Toneri’s jutsus is the ability to absorb chakra from other people, as so he absorbs the powers of 六道仙人(Rikudō Sennin) from both Naruto and Sasuke, defeating them both easily.
When Hinata comes to their rescue alone, Toneri becomes obsessed with Hinata, without mentioning that she is of the Hyuuga Clan.
Toneri would then explain his plan to restore the Ōtsutsuki Clan and the chakra which can only be used by them, who label themselves as the “Protectors of Chakra”(or "Guardians", whatever it is since it has several meaning).
It then goes on to say that Hinata rejects Toneri because of her unquestionable love for Naruto, which has led to Toneri developing an intense hatred for Naruto and resulting in him using a monstrous form. There will be some point throughout the movie will Hinata will apparently lose her memory.

''The Last:‪#‎Naruto‬ The Movie 

Saw it on FB, don't know if it's true, but it does matches with the information we got so far and at this point who cares, right? I'm so NOT going to watch this movie!

I actually want to believe this crap because it's hilarious. Naruto doesn't even develop any serious feelings for Hinata until two years after the war arc. He has to leave his love for Sakura behind because Kishimoto has to force the silver medal on him.

#664271 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Elicit on 18 November 2014 - 07:34 AM

Like I said there is better female characters than Hinata.Kairi from Kingdom HeartsKimberly from Power RangersKatara from AvatarKorraKim PossibleDo I dare say Bella Swan?

Best thing you can do is compare Hinata to several other "moe" characters. You'll find that she's really just a disgrace.

#663555 Who's the heroine? Sakura or Hinata?

Posted by Elicit on 17 November 2014 - 03:51 PM

Hinata?Heroine?She's a PAIRING FODDER in this manga.

Heroine is Sakura.But she's treated badly even as a heroine.


You may think it's Sakura, but the heroine is Hinata. Kishi's assistant said that he heard Kishi say that Sakura isn't the heroine.

#661233 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 15 November 2014 - 12:11 AM

I bet if I watch the movie and by the end of it. I might love NH.

There's a 95% chance you wouldn't.

#660607 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Elicit on 14 November 2014 - 09:44 AM



Start from page 18


QUOTE (Slextrem @ Jan 7 2013, 05:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I stumbled upon a post on Tumblr and thought I would share it~ This sums up what I believe is happening right now with all of the Hinata focus going on in the chapters. 

"I’m not sure if I said this before, but I’ll say it anyway, Kishi is trying to fool the readers. He’s doing what I like to call a narrative feint. I’ve seen it before in other manga. The writer spends the majority of the story hinting at one main pairing. But at one point, usually during the second half of the story, the writer begins to add evidence that they’re instead going to pair the main character with another love interest instead. Sometimes even going as far as actually having them get involved romantically, which Kishi is not likely to do since that bit usually only happens in the romance genre, where the pairings are the main focus. In the end the author always hooks up the pairing which they had been most strongly foreshadowing throughout the entirety of the story. Almost always the main guy and main girl. In this case Naruto and Sakura.

Narrative feints are not restricted to romance. Kishi already did it with Tobi. He gradually hinted at Tobi being Obito. Suddenly he made everyone think that Tobi was really Madara, or someone other then Obito. And through it all he kept adding hints that pointed towards Tobi=Obito. And in the end that’s exactly what happened. He’s doing the same thing with his main pairing.

Usually, I find these feints to be very unsubtle ways of trying to add a twist to a story. That or the author just likes the troll their fans. Either way, people keep falling for them.

I’ve got to hand it to Kishi though. I wasn’t sure how it would happen, but he managed to make Hinata’s prediction in chapter 573 come true. But don’t forget, Sakura also had a prediction in that chapter. I notice in moments like in 573, mangas and anime usually give the person who is most important to the main character the last word. Sakura had the last word in 573. Meaning, now that Hinata has had her moment, Sakura’s moment is next and it will be more significant.

Hinata’s words on the last panel of 615 do worry me though. They could be taken as a hint that she is going to die. There are two reasons why I don’t want this to happen. First, I’ve always liked her character. I hope that someday she eventually does rise up to succeed her father. And second, if she dies, when NaruSaku happens then a bunch of NaruHina fans will simply claim that if Hinata hadn’t died then Naruto would have gotten together with her instead. And we will literally never hear the end of it.

And I’ll close this with what I have been saying the whole time, NaruSaku is inevitable. It is the most heavily and obviously hinted outcome in the manga. More so then anything else. Practically written in stone. It is simply too late for Kishi to pair Naruto with anyone else, without making it look like sloppy writing. And Kishi is is consistent with the outcomes of his foreshadowing. Don’t fall for the feint.


Why would this even be the case? In the epilogue there are already SS/NH kids and the movie is about how both of those pairings happened.

#659630 There's people here that are making this website look bad.

Posted by Elicit on 13 November 2014 - 11:47 AM

I've heard stories from other websites that these famous petitions of wanting to ban Naruto came from members of our website and our own speculation of what happened with these pairings is being treated as fact all across tumblr. Anybody that would go so low to do such a thing or would spread unconfirmed information should get banned. Keep all that outrage to yourself and at the very least, stop treating a fictional couple so seriously to the point of ruining things for others.

#657343 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Elicit on 11 November 2014 - 05:52 PM

You would have to be mentally challenged and not give a kitten about your work to even do these things.