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#986451 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 19 February 2022 - 03:20 PM

Im hoping Borutos death is nice and slow. And I hope he keeps surviving no matter how much he wants to die just so Nail could ask, why wont you die?! And Nail keeps finding new methods to kill him. And then finally Naruto wakes up out of this terrible dream.

#986343 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 09 February 2022 - 11:07 PM

when did he go back on that?

He literally went from advocating for Narutos feelings to Sakura-Chan and vice versa to talking about how shes only doing it because she doesnt want Sasuke to sink any lower. Also, Shizune mentioning how hes not only doing it for the promise was something as well. Like a whole 360 from what was happening in 457-459. Their dialogue in 469-470 felt like it was trying to undo all of it for some reason.

#986331 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 08 February 2022 - 05:33 AM

When Sai started going back on what he said during the confession scene, thats when I knew Kishi was being forced to do something he didnt want to do.

#986314 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 07 February 2022 - 09:11 AM

Suprised hinata getting a lot of hate and seeing other fans scrambling to defend her makes me laugh. I feel like Kishi did this scene intentionally because no matter how you spin it the words she said right after his death makes it extremely insensitive. 

😂😂😂 the excuses given as to why she said it was easily the best part.

iT wAs A tHrOwBaCk tO kArInS sTaTeMeNt aBoUt nArUtoS wArM ChAkRa AnD hOw iT kEePs hEr fEeLiNg sAfE.


#984668 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 04 July 2021 - 03:51 AM

And all this would have been solved if only he had killed Hinata off in part 1 in her fight with Neji.

I dont think Hinata has to die rather than just staying in a side characters place and continue being irrelevant to the plot. Or develop her, make her a better character, and dont sacrifice Narutos dreams for hers. Which means, no Naruto for her. Because his dream is to marry Sakura-Chan. But, she could be great in other things.

#984660 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 01 July 2021 - 10:06 PM

I only blame Kishi for giving up. I know if it was HIS ending, then things would be a lot better. Like NS happening, Naruto being becoming Hokage correctly, etc.

#983737 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 23 March 2021 - 01:49 PM

Hinata got one-shotted by accident. She is a walking ha-ha. A joke.

#983699 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 22 March 2021 - 05:55 AM

I have a question since it's been 7 years... are you over the ending yet?


#983604 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 15 March 2021 - 01:10 AM

the only "NaruHina" moment I want to see is Naruto using Hinata as a meatshield against an enemy's attack to get the feel for the villain's power

and then throwing her to the side when she can't serve the shielding purpose anymore.



Hinata can't be dynamic. She's the perfect background character. She shows up, does something typical, you react to it (usually by laughing, let's be honest here), then leaves. She doesn't have depth and can't survive being the focus for long. Just brief periods and it is easy to appreciate her in that context because again she's narrow, you know what to expect from her, and it's like "lol, of course".


Trying to take her very seriously or make her a protagonist doesn't work because no part of her is like that. She was usually played as a joke. Are there little girls who admire Hinata and want to be like her?


From a neutral fan perspective, making Sakura look like s** doesn't help with this because Sakura already looked like s***. But Sakura was never played as a JOKE.


I don't think it works well to pair the hero with a joke character. They've stopped playing Hinata as the joke but it doesn't help because she had very little to offer beyond this.

:laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

#983493 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 06 March 2021 - 04:42 AM

He gave her a half-hearted "I'm sorry", to which she responds "Sorry for what, Sasuke-kun?". 


...God, I hate being reminded of this kitten.

while poor Naruto was right there to witness the entire thing. Couldn't imagine how much how shattered Naruto's heart was throughout the entire War Arc, just watching all of this happen right in front of him.

#983447 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 55

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 02 March 2021 - 06:31 PM

I wouldnt put any stock in The Last. Especially when apparently they had Naruto use Shadow Clones at half the age that he could barely do one at, and they had him as someone who saved Hinata in a forest when we know that bull didnt happen. Far as Ive learned, the host dies, Kurama dies and vice versa.

#983395 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 25 February 2021 - 03:54 PM

what does Naruto and Sasuke accomplish though? Namely Naruto. Which dream of his did he accomplish? Did he get the woman of his dreams? Become Hokage in a respectable way? Bring peace??? Nope, and until all three happens, I cant support Naruto as a franchise. I love the character, but him not pulling through and achieving those dreams doesnt sit right with me at all, especially given what he is supposed to represent, a person who through hard work and never giving up will achieve the impossible.

1. Getting Sakura-Chan to finally look his way and ultimately marry her and have kids with her.

2. Becoming the Hokage and gaining the respect of the village.

3. Finally breaking the cycle and bringing peace to the 5 Nations.

#983305 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 19 February 2021 - 02:45 AM

He killed Kurama. So the blonde guy is nerfed and people are up in arms calling Boruto trash and suddenly claiming its not canon because of that and how it should have ended at Shippuden. These are the same people that WANTED this and it only happened because NH happeed.
Seeing Sakura with Sasuke doesn't bother me as much as seeing NH. NH just feels WRONG to me. SS feels wrong to me to but I am mostly ok with it because I like seeing Sakura as a mother  (just don't like seeing her husband.)
I'm calling it now, but years from now, when Naruto gets a re-write there will be NaruSaku. I might not be around to see it but it will happen.

I agree NS will happen eventually. But why wouldn't you be around to see it?

#983126 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 05 February 2021 - 03:24 PM

yeah. They dont see the girl in Sakura-Chan who slowly but surely falls in love with Naruto over period of time, the one who got to know the real him and started fall in love, and gain trust in accordance to that, just like real love develops.

They want the girl who just throws herself at him in Hinata instead. The one who knows literally nothing about him but his name. But only wants to leech off his energy to gain her own.

The one who he could just pick up fast in Hinata, thats who they want him with. Not the one who falls in love with him over time and gets to know the real him, and completely trusts him in Sakura-Chan.

#983101 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 02 February 2021 - 02:20 PM

Founded this on quora https://qr.ae/pNzipO

one of the answers on there is so ridiculous. I seen one that says NH and SS was foreshadowed. 😂😂😂 A dude who ignored Hinata for the whole Manga and is in love with another woman while Hinata barely shows u WHILE having dreams of confessing to Sakura-Chan somehow foreshadows NH.

The woman who clearly chose Naruto over Sasuke while actively falling in love with Naruto, putting her complete trust in him, and even taking on an obvious wife role to Naruto throughout the Manga especially in the War Arc, somehow foreshadows SS. Got to love the denial.