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#589270 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 26 September 2014 - 04:48 PM


She's not in love with Sasuke. She's forcing herself to love him at this point, because she wants the good side of him back desperately. She really should've learned by now that that wasn't going to work. What she felt for Naruto is real, but it seems like she doesn't understand what love is. She could easily be lying.

Well but in this chapter she cleary said she was in love with him. Guess what would happen if sasuke turns good now. Do you really think she would give kitten about naruto? Now after she confessed again to sasuke in front of naruto even tho sai told her how much it hurt naruto?? 1 chapter to turn sakura in a hearthless kitten nothing more

#589111 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 26 September 2014 - 02:44 PM


Sakura will come back. There's no way Kishi's gonna let her development go to waste that quickly. Sakura's still an important character, and she will stand up for herself. Not just NaruSaku fans want this - everyone wants and knows Sakura has to step up her game - and she will.

How is she supposed to come back in the mybe last 10 chapters? Shes sttill in love with sasuke now after 700 chapters and now suddenly she realizes its different after all the development that got to waste till now? Thats just asspulling again from its finest.



How is it "silver medal" "2nd choice" or whatever you wanna call it when Sakura, for example, realizes that she can handle the loss of Sasuke, but not Naruto? 


I don't understand you guys ... 

She just confessed to sasuke again in front of naruto and she knows naruto loves her shes just like: kitten you feelings naruto im trying to get sasuke to be with me 4ever. How is it possible for her to change now? Again, after 700 chapter pure NS development shes not able to do it but now after 2 she will finally come to her sense? pls.....


Fact is she doesnt kittening want naruto and if she wants him now its nothing more than an asspuill and will automaticaly make him 2nd place. I mean what is naruto supposed to think now? 

#589041 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 26 September 2014 - 02:01 PM

You guys need to stop letting yesterday's chapter get to your heads I know you didn't like it yesterday but you can't let that chapter ruin the rest of your week all we have to do is have faith in Kishi and if you been lost faith in Kishi then I don't know what to tell you.

Kishi wrecked it he cant repiar the dmg hes done this chapter. Thats it.

#589028 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 26 September 2014 - 01:52 PM


Wait, what? Why? "I can't have Sasuke so I'll take Naruto?" - Do you really think Sakura is that kind of girl? 


It's not goann happen like that. No way. 

Either that or no NS at all. Theres no way around that now, kishi screwed it.

#527610 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 11 May 2014 - 01:08 PM


Im deutschen Forum wird gesagt, sollte man verzichten, weil NaruSaku Kishimoto ist ein NH-Fan. 
NH-Fans neigen dazu, das erste Bild von Hinata als Naruto ist in den Hintergrund. 
Das sagt alles, und wir sollten endlich aufzugeben. 
NH-Fans sind so stur einfach nur dumm 
Sehen Sie sich diese Seite mal an 
Nur wenn Sie lustig sind 


Das hört sich stark nach google translator an.

#523318 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 18 April 2014 - 05:57 AM

Personally I think Kishimoto is a good author.I wouldn't be able to write Naruto,let alone think of the ideas.People shouldn't be bashing,but as long as they're expressing their opinion politely it should be fine.There are other NaruSaku threads but this is the only major debate thread.So if people debate then it can't really be helped.Besides as for the Sakura issue,I would rather discuss her development before we discuss their development.She can't have the title of the best kunoichi without having more screentime focused on just her not both her and Naruto.Since season 1 of Shippuden she hasn't had many independant scenes.

I for one never really had any kind of problem with her character but thats a different story.
Its okay if they express their opinions politely but whats happening here is stacking negativ opinions onto negativ opinions until we have the negativity train and i dont think that this needs to happen inside this thread. But well i will stop discussing this now, in the end people wont stop with this negativity anyway.

#522698 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 14 April 2014 - 11:54 AM

What kind of evidence you have to "proof" that it wont happen or NS will happen in the end.First of all, Sakura was compared to Kushina's mom however Naruto also was compared to his mother by Minato, and even Karin who started using her jutsus.Three characters paralleled to Kushina.Kishi abused of parallels so much that i dont take it seriously anymore. Mangas/Anime that ends on open development doesnt mean that the author needs to stop developing a certain pairing.Baka to Test ends up with an open ending despite the author developed the Minami/Akihisa.Also NS lacks something to be canon, which is acknowledgement and then being more open, both Naruto and Sakura lied to each other and they have things to talk about the summit and other issues(Naruto's feelings).Sakura had two scenarion where she could realized her true feelings which is what a lot of people believe but after the summit and Naruto on his deathbed does she really is in love with Naruto and needs to realize it, or she just doesnt love him and might fall in love with him after a certain event.And if this event doesnt happen because of Naruto who might distance from Sakura after bringing Sasuke back because he strongly believes she loves him and doesnt want to get hurt.A remember Obito who was paralleled to Naruto who wanted to be kage and said he wouldnot worry about woman anymore after reaching this position.I simply dont know man, it's just that Kishi has closed many doors to NS and Sasuke being an ridiculous obstacle.

No, you dont get it, there are moments in this manga that cant be negleted such like 631. You cant add moments like this and then just act like they never happened, since they would leave plot holes just like yamatos words to sakura. Thats the reason why there wont be an open ending. The only way to make it possible is bad writing and leaving plot holes and i dont see a reason for kishi to do that.

The manga is not over yet and you dont know what is still left to come NS wise maybe a battle between naruto and sasuke. But as thing stand right now with chapters like 631, there wont be an open ending.

#522369 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 11 April 2014 - 11:33 AM

Not pairing moments at all. Its just how deep a hole kishi has dug himself in respects to sakura's train wreck of feelings. I generally feel Kishi thought he could handle doing romance, only to bite off far more then he can chew. I just can't see Kishi having enough ingenuity to create a way out of this mess of a love triangle

Those comments about an author digging himself a hole is not really valid since you dont know how the author is going to continue his story. Just because hes not showing activ pairin moments at the time doesnt mean that he made a mistake and doesnt know what to do now. He has the story in his head and is going to resolve the romance plot at the time he intended to.

#518680 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 13 March 2014 - 12:35 PM

I wont lie, i'm concerned about him leaving it an open ending in respects to pairings.

If thats so why did kishi even add moments like 631 or parallels at all? Or why did he made naruto say that he will confess as soon as he kept his promise? If you make a story open ended you dont ad stuff lile this.

#518624 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 13 March 2014 - 01:12 AM

If she was actually in love they would have been canon since the summit.


Yamato's part is true however the manga shows up diferent kinds of love, he would not be wrong about saying that she loved Naruto but however is not the romantic love which we are discussing.

Yamatos sentence supports the: sakura not realizing her feelings for naruto possibilty as well as databook 3 with:"how does she feel about naruto? she ´hasnt found an answer yet".

#518589 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 12 March 2014 - 08:44 PM

I'm torn between what will happen


one one hand logically thinking there's no way NS can't be canon because of evidence like chapters 298, 631,the databooks and Kushina's last words (forgot which chapter that was)


On the other hand realistically speaking I don't see a way NS can work out entirely, because of everything that happened in the Kage Summit arc that made everything confusing. Basically Naruto won't accept Sakura's feelings (which may or may not be fake) because she still likes Sasuke. Well all she has to do is get over her love for Sasuke, well that's all well and good except the whole finale of the Kage Summit arc showed that she can't stop loving him no matter how hard she tries and on top of that she can't exactly return Naruto's love without the possibility of it sounding like bullsh** like the fake confession and even then she has to actually prove she's over Sasuke because Naruto seems to be adamant as kitten about it and is not going to budge


The only way i can see this working out is Sakura having a love epiphany (kind of like what Winry went through in FMA albiet pretty briefly) and then somehow convince Naruto this time. yes Naruto would most likely be the one confessing here but unless Sakura proves she likes him over Sasuke its basically going to be a repeat of what happened before.

Well i would call that overthinking.

#518558 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 12 March 2014 - 05:28 PM

As soon theres a talk between naruto and obito, a talk between naruto is inevitable...just sayin.
Its also unlikely that there wont be any interaction between naruto and sakura since shes with naruto for a reason. If
nothing of the above happens the whole sakura trying to keep naruto alive and following him to the
other dimension was totaly unecessary.

#515618 Naruto 664

Posted by PhenixElite on 18 February 2014 - 03:10 PM

I still want NS to be canon at the ending, anyway the Naruto's birthday gives the hint of open pairing.
My problem is that Sakura is not appealing as a main heroine.

I dont know how narutos birthday gives any hint of open ending. Especially after 631 theres as good as no possibilty for an open ending just sayin....

#493253 Naruto 646

Posted by PhenixElite on 13 September 2013 - 10:22 AM


I've never seen the matrix saga... could you explain it to me and the comparison with Naruto, please? :umm:  (under spoiler if you want)

Actually Matrix has completly nothing compareable to naruto.

#491352 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 September 2013 - 02:17 PM

Tomato TOmato

Anyone else think Minato recebt comparison of Naruto to Kushina could give new hope to NH because they think Hinata is like minato and naruto is like Kushina

Did Kushina say find someone like your father or mother?
Answer this question and you know if NHs chances increased.