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#987602 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 07 August 2022 - 09:41 AM


You know part of me always wondered why Obito when he was naruto's enemy didn't try to go after sakura to try and break him, since the team 7 similarities to his team were obvious but it was never brought up. Part of me wonders if kishimoto was originally supposed to make a situation where it looks like Sakura has supposedly "died" in a similar manner to Rin in front Naruto in went Naruto begins to feel despair, but doesn't break in the end to help make obito realize that he gave up to quickly or something. for then Sakura to turn out to be alive due to her medical justu. Or obito when good tells Sakura about himself, rin and Kakashi to her and why she is important to naruto etc and dies protecting her saving the rin of the next genration so that naruto doesn't end up like him. 


Though I assume when Studio Pierott and the editors forced their Hianata agenda they made Kishimoto drop it and her involment in the obito battle and instead made him kill Neji to have Naruto feel that despair and have Hianata "save" him from it.


I agree on what you said, Blue. Or do something like in a Superman story from years ago, "Ending Battle". In it, Superman had to deal with Manchester Black, a previous enemy who led a super team called the Elite, and Black had Clark running ragged by sending tons of supervillains after people who knew him in his regular life, and then Black came to Lois, making it look like he killed her, all because he wanted Clark to be exposed as a "fraud" just because he never believed Clark was the kind of person who really was not about killing and the like, and when Clark said he refused to kill Black, this is what was said.

Black: Lemme square this one up... while you were playing "Cowboys an' Idiots", I came into your house and KILLED your wife... AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO HIT ME?
Clark: I didn't say that. I said I'm not going to kill you. If that's what you wanted... you lose.
And leading Clark to say how vengeance is not justice. One reason it works so well is because Clark is sticking to his guns. Though what people don't see with Injustice is that when Clark killed Joker, he was wrought with guilt because he felt responsible for killing Lois and their son, as well as millions in Metropolis, but here, even if Black had made Clark feel Lois was dead, he was driven to be able to uphold his beliefs, to not cave into what Black wanted him to do, and to be the hero he is.
I can see something like that in Naruto if it was done right, instead of what the editors and Studio Pierrot and the mess we have currently just because they thought they knew better when they didn't.

#987597 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 05 August 2022 - 08:40 AM

I can't believe Horikoshi actually pulled this off for a character death. But then again...

It must be pretty big stuff for the upcoming chapter! Then again, he surprised us with Midnight/Nemuri dying a while back, so with us nearing the climax, anything goes it seems!

EDIT: Whoa, you weren't kidding, Derock! Though like Chi, I'm gonna wait to see what happens.

#987592 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 03 August 2022 - 07:29 PM

And, though I'm not pro-Uchiha anything, I can understand why they would have been pissed that the only guy from an apparently dead clan (Namikaze) gets the Kage role, while this huge clan of powerful shinobis gets passed over. 


In the case of it with the Uchiha, Tricksie, I blame some of that on Tobirama's prejudice against them since he carried on the bitterness of his father and passed it on from all the fighting with the Uchiha, while Hashirama wanted legitimate peace for them, even when Madara snapped and wanted to fight him when the Uchiha chose to side with Hashirama as the first Hokage, while he was willing to let Madara do it before he accepted his role. And that prejudice kept spreading into some others, like Homaru and Koharu, Hiruzen's comrades before he became the third Hokage. And we saw Hiruzen tried to have some peace with the Uchiha, but the bitterness they felt at the prejudice is what led Sasuke and Itachi's dad, Fugaku, to attempt a coup, being willing to use his sons as spears against the Leaf, and how Danzo was no different, sicne not only did he not believe in the Uchiha really, but he coveted their Sharingan for himself, like how one of the Ultimate Ninja Storm games showed he stole Hisui's Sharingan before he could attempt to use Kotoamatsukami to stop the coup.

#987560 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 28 July 2022 - 05:24 AM

agreed that's the big problem with kakashi. 

plus he taught naruto and sakura next to next 

pretty sure the reason there team made it that far was more luck than skill in the first half.

It's weird sakura in the start of part 2 had more training that naruto did


Yeah. Naruto's best teacher if you ask me definitely goes to Yamato, since he tried to get Naruto to think of what he really wanted in terms of power, while Kakashi tended to look down on him even as he tried to help him and in spite of KNOWING he was Minato's son, and Jiraiya emphasized too much on power for Naruto and overreliance on Kurama's chakra without giving him finesse or refining various areas to make him more balanced. Iruka is even better because he always was encouraging to Naruto when he realized some of his mistakes with him even as he wanted to help him too as best he could.

#987520 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 23 July 2022 - 09:31 AM


Or again, Kakashi tries to talk Sasuke out of his revenge, but when Shikamaru is out for Hidan's blood he no only condones it he personally helps out. Naruto is FULL of hypocrisy, the more you think about it


Yeah, and yet in the case of Shikamaru, he only wants it because he blames himself for Asuma's death when there's no way in Hell he could have guessed what Hidan was capable of. At least in Sasuke's case, his justification besides his obvious jealousy towards Itachi for the acknowledgment he got from their father and how while Sasuke admired Itachi, he hated him too, he was mad by the torture Itachi put him through to cover his tracks so Sasuke would kill him, AND also the massacre in general. All Shikamaru really had was being butt hurt his sensei died instead of just letting it go and realizing he screwed up, so he had to try to be stronger.


The same kind of hypocrisy is in many cases too in other scenarios, like how some people treated Sasuke compared to Naruto over similar stuff after the massacre when Sasuke had begun to get consumed by his anger and jealousy towards Itachi, like how Sasuke took it too far in that one flashback when Kurama was trying to convince Naruto to give up on saving Sasuke, and how Iruka only chided Naruto for how he was, rather than also scolding Sasuke for his own abrasive attitude too.

#987501 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 19 July 2022 - 02:11 AM

Oh they will ruin him big time but the true fans of Tolkiens work have spoken.

Considering what I have heard so far, I know what you mean, and shows that these creators out there trying to be different and inclusive but they just want to crap on the works of others to lift themselves up.

#987468 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 13 July 2022 - 09:32 AM


Yeah the working conditions in Japan are abysmal so it's totally understandable why we're getting so many breaks.  What matters the most is making sure everyone's health is in top priority. 


I pray there isn't anything about his health deteriorating.  


Same thing. Last thing we need is something like Mr. Horikoshi catching COVID or something else.

#987466 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 13 July 2022 - 02:07 AM

That would be quite an interesting take. 
I would probably go a little bit more than just  a love interest being what makes Naruto tic towards the evil road.... We could have it to where Iruka is the one that causes the domino effect.

Seems possible, considering how Iruka's actions towards Naruto, as he said himself, were stemming from forgetting how Naruto's actions as a kid were like his own, and how some of it alo felt like it was because Naruto was Kurama's Jinchuriki, and how Mizuki telling the truth did make Naruto almost pour out a lot of chakra in rage

#987454 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 12 July 2022 - 02:12 AM

I just lost one my cat. She was with me for 17 years. I still find myself looking for signs of her jumping up on me or waiting to be fed
condolences for all that have lost loved ones

Sometime ago, my mom had put down the last cat we had had,Lucky. Though she has gotten some bonded brothers, Doug and Finn (formerly Flynn), even if she's forgotten how much energy kittens have

#987446 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 10 July 2022 - 10:20 AM

Seeing this thread, it reminds me-- has anyone here made some One Piece OC's? My friend Kurt and I have come up with an entire crew and some adventures for them to go on.

#987434 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 06 July 2022 - 10:48 PM

Not only that, he failed in the execution as well. He gave little characterization to the villains in the first place, and no motivations to speak of. It was only when it was convenient for him to do so that he focused on the villains back story and that is only when they were about to be killed off of have the conflict finished with them at least and by then it is too late for the audience to FEEL anything, much less sympathize with them. He expects you to feel bad for a character he never focused on which again  to me, just feel cheap and force feeding it to you instead of it progressing naturally. THAT is the major flaw for his sob story writing for his villains and expecting the audience to sympathize with them, not that he was trying to make them sympathetic. He did it in a rush at a time when it was too late to make the audience feel anything.

Which is why Orochimaru was great. Even if we got a small idea of his motivation, which was being affected by his parents' deaths, he just seemed as if he despised his roots to be why he wanted to destroy the Leaf besides seeking immortality. It's a shame it got cast aside eventually, but how Orochimaru was written made him dangerous because of ambition and not pain alone, like with Obito and Nagato, or pettiness and jealousy, like Madara and Sasuke.

#987427 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 05 July 2022 - 03:20 PM

Like I said, It's essentially a story where you got shot by someone. Then you forgive them and say it wasn't their fault. Then let them SHOOT YOU again. IT. IS. POINTLESS. All of the sob stories for the villain, all of the force feeding the audience that they are not villains but victims of circumstance, all of that blaming the ninja system instead of individual choices and the whatnot and Kishi couldn't even conclude that cheap message properly about ending the era of ninjas. It was all to set up Boruto which is yet another reason this trash heap has over stayed it's welcome.

Which is very irritating in the long haul since villains CAN just be villains without needing to be sympathetic. It's why I like Thanos in the comics over how he was shown in the MCU-- he just was bat crazy and evil, wanting to impress Death that he was willing to wipe out half of life to do it as well as other actions over the years.

#987410 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 03 July 2022 - 08:21 AM

I still f***ing hate that I mean come on Retro said it best in his rise and fall of Naruto you needed a Joker or your Sidious. But no everyone is a victim.


Yeah! And I prefer the idea that I wanna use in my fanfic that Madara snapped when his brother Izuna, even when wounded fatally by Tobirama, wanted peace with the Senju clan, after realizing how too much blood was spilled by their clans, and Madara killed him and took his Sharingan for himself, becoming more and more evil. Hell, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure does that so well in just having a villain being a villain with Dio. He may have claimed to love his mother, but he was, as Speedwagon said, BORN evil considering how twisted he was to try to break Jonathan in Phantom Blood when he came to the Joestar estate, as well as his desires to become a god.

#987386 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 28 June 2022 - 04:59 PM

Yeah, somehow I can see Kishi doing that dude is not very creative at all.
But he also loves his Uchiha as well.

Which is BS and something I want to rectify in TDW,since while the Uchiha will be powerful, they won't be God tier.

#987362 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 71

Posted by Bryon_Konoha_Ninja on 26 June 2022 - 07:24 PM

I've been hearing Iris is getting a lot more love with Journeys, is that true FirstEvil?

I bet it's due to her really growing up by becoming the Unova League champ and being more confident and less wishy-washy due to her past mistakes is why Iris gets a lot more love in Journeys, along with how Axew made his dream of evolving into Haxorus a reality.