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#973966 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 05 August 2019 - 02:17 PM


And in Orihime's case, she actually developed and wasn't just defined by her feelings for Ichigo, but her kind and sweet nature, even if she also was a good bit flighty. It never made sense to me in the slightest why Hinata became so damn popular outside of people who just felt sorry for her in spite of the fact if you remove her from the story, it basically could be the same more or less, outside of the awful ending ruining everything.


In Bleach's case, the only reason people hate the ending feels like it's because of their pairing not being canon, even if you need to pay attention to see that there's hints to Ichigo and Orihime getting together like there is with Rukia and Renji. Plus here's the other thing; if Ichigo did end up with Rukia, we're talking about the fact he'd have to possibly give up being human by going to Soul Society to be with her, and that isn't who Ichigo is. He's always valued his humanity, and the fact too even as close as he and Rukia were, I don't see for them what I saw with Ichigo and Orihime at times.

Inoue always try her hardest to be at Ichigo side, fighting together with him. She know her limit , she know that she is weak , but she try her hardest to train and she NEVER EVER jump into battle because she knows that she only become a burden for Ichigo.


Hinata was like :



And she only jump in when Naruto is about to die. She like seeing Naruto suffer from behind a tree because , for her Naruto is just like an actor in a hero movie. She likes to see him die try and triumph.

#973932 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 03 August 2019 - 02:37 AM

I still believe NS will happen. Eventually.


#973751 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 26 July 2019 - 01:22 AM

I believe so.

Which mean they wrote a scene where Sakura lied asking Naruto out on a date just so Hinata can be on the date with them. Worse still, Hinata AGREED to it as I think Hinata colluded.

Every time they write these "scenes" that seem cute, are actually disturbing.

Imagine if guys did this.
"Hey dude, I am going to ask the girl you like out even though she is in love with me, so you can have a chance to swoop in and be the hero that takes her."

That is extremely underhanded. HInata should have been like "Nah, fam, I want him to notice me legitimately." It means that Hinata doesn't care whether Naruto actually loves her as long as she is with him. He could be miserable and she would not care because "I got what I want."

Another difference....Naruto actually cared about Sakura's happiness even if she was not with him.



The thing is guys even if that happened her fan or fanatics wouldn't care they would still see her as a goddess that was created to save poor Naruto, again it's why I have grown to kittening hate Hinata.

Remember when something happen to Naruto shoulder and Hinata pop it's back ?





I remember that day , her fans got orgasm and cry in tearful joy (especially this is just few chapter after the famous hand holding in 615) .... and at the same time they bash Sakura like crazy saying shes useless , we don't need her , etc. Edit : The anime also exaggerate this scene , in this panel we see that nothing special or no word exchange between those two , but in the anime they make Naruto say thank you to Hinata before he throw the rasenshuriken.

#973505 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 14 July 2019 - 10:35 AM

I already decided that for me looking at SS or Sasuke images is the same as crossing a black cat in the middle of the night , it's a sign of bad omen.










Whenever i see or heard or remember about SS , it always give painful , sadness , and despair feelings. It always make me question : "Where the F is our humanity goes?"


I have a strong feeling they will kiss in this cursed chapter/anime ... F-my life ...

#973479 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by Yyubie on 12 July 2019 - 03:08 AM



Just analyzing what I'm seeing is all I'm doing, and sharing the shipping side of things cause I know some people would be curious along with the story aspect to some degree.



Plus  I already said that if things go south, immediate jump no questions asked. 


That and I'm willing to give Kishi a chance in terms of his writing after what's it been now like 5 years or so. 

I never / didn't mean to extinguish your spirit , i'm really glad we have someone willing to be ... kind of test subject , like you and bail. I don't wanna read any of kishi's work or boruto related stuff , i just want to join the fun of laughing at how stupid their story (Boruto) is.


Bold : Well ... if things go south in chapter 695-ish / nearing the end of the story , and by that time you already too deep and hooked / love the story , isn't that repeating the same mistake ? . I mean obviously if i were Kishi and i know i'm F-ed big time with Naruto , the first phase of my plan is to lick (NS = japanese) fan that already leave , i'm gonna make it look's like i learn my mistake. And voila ... he succeeded! at least one soul he got back! :lmao:

#973414 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 06 July 2019 - 03:42 AM

Sounds like a fake plot , in disguise i bet all of this funds will go to dying Boruto manga. Boruto manga and anime is dying and they don't have anymore faith and funds to continue and about to get axed , but :



Investor/Shuesha/whatever : Let me see / hear the future story / script you have then.

Ikemoto : (Hand over the script) ... (doing presentation) : I'm going to introduce more unique character and better villains , a spaceship , alien war , intergalactic civilization , card tournament , ninja in space theme , bla bla bla ....

Investor : (Facepalm) ... this meeting is over.

Ikemoto : BUT!?!?!

Investor : I said it's DONE! (Walk out of the room and close the door).

Ikemoto : Piece of sh ...

Kodachi : (Whisper) .. How about we open a fund raise event , we just gonna say buy all the Naruto manga volume. But in secret we use all the funds to continue Boruto.

Ikemoto : Good IDEA!!

Kodachi : (Shake hands , hug , Whisper) : Hail Hinata.

Ikemoto : (Whisper back) : Hail Hinata.

#973397 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by Yyubie on 05 July 2019 - 01:17 PM

Woah ... you posting 90% of the chapter content / panel here ? I see you already hooked and crazy about this manga already :sweat:.


Somehow i got reminded early shippuuden , from Gaara rescue arc to Tenchi Bridge arc. NS moment flood ..... maybe it's just me but , looking at all those images i can see that Kishi saying "i'm sorry" , it's written all over each pages. I'm just waiting when Sasuke and the eye power show up :lmao: I mean there's no doubt at least Sasuke like character will show up knowing Kishi's love for Sasuke.

#973387 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 05 July 2019 - 01:30 AM


does anyone ever keep up with the boruto series or is the narusaku fandom gone for good?


There are a summary for each chapter of Boruto manga , it is done by Bail o Lies. You can check them out here :



And for the bold one :




what's the next big thing that's replaced the naruto fandom?


The big thing ? You mean Kishi's next big thing or just a big thing in general ?

I heard Boku no Hero Academia and Black Clover. I avoid both of them , Black Clover is 95% copy paste of Naruto and the story is so predictable , they put Harry Potter disguise just so it won't be so revealing that it was copy pasting Naruto. Boku no Hero Academia , is good but the one thing i hate is a seed of destruction being left alive , loudmouth "I KILL YOU" spam which is : Bakugou (not gonna go into detail) , they also want to copy the Avengers , i also found double standard here , that some people complain in Naruto village raise kid into a soldier , well i think it happen in My Hero Academia too , kid being raise into a soldier but somehow anti Naruto use this as weapon against Naruto but they never talk about this very same thing about My Hero Academia. Again this is just one man opinion , i hope i did not piss off any of you fans of Black Clover and My Hero Academia.


And if you mean is Kishi's next big work , his next/new SCI-FI manga tittle Samurai 8 is already here last i check it's on chapter 5-ish. You can check here if you want to see it :




have the naruhina fans calmed down, or finally met their match?, OR are most of them done with boruto? if so, i wonder what it took for them to give up their obsession with hinata, and naruhina?


You know rabid fans never calm down , they did meet their match though. They are far from done.

They now have a new ship : Boruto x Sumire. Just a quick details , Sumire is what we call the clone of Hinata , she is the class rep in Boruto's class and we called her Hinata's clone because she looks and behave like Hinata. Their rival now is Boruto x Salad , so : BoruSumi vs BoruSara : BS vs BS : Bullsh*t vs Bullsh*t. Sometimes it's quite fun watching them killing each other , like you put two rabid animal in a cage and watch them fight to the death.




what is the most active forum/thread here now? no one seems to post in the i-blogs forums anymore, and no one posts in the random thread anymore either. did everyone give up on talking to each other unless it's about naruto/boruto? lol


Unfortunately i can't answer this , right now it's just On and Off in here. I think people still post in random thread (i personally never) like i said it's just On and Off , sometimes a lot of people post thing , sometimes .... Luigi's Mansion :lol: ... 3 day straight no one post a thing!! But i'm always here personally , don't know about everyone else.


My prediction is , at the very end there will be like 5 to 7-ish active member (including me and staff like Tricksie and Derrock). And in that time maybe Kishi's new manga the Samurai 8 already in chapter 50 to 100 and then the staff decide to change the forum name and theme to follow that and a lot of new member might be coming in because the anime adaptation boost the popularity , i think by the time it reach chapter 80 the first season of the anime will be done ? ... who knows. But right now ... yeah as you can see .... but i notice we have a lot of lurker , lot's of name but they just .... there didn't say a thing.

#973332 When did Naruto jump the shark in your opinion?

Posted by Yyubie on 28 June 2019 - 02:51 AM

I remember one moment that makes Naruto really care about Sasuke :





I mean alright ... Naruto is like an empty cup and the first person that ever fill his cup is Princess Hina-... ehm .... i mean Iruka sensei and Sasuke. So this is the second time someone willing to die for him , that's why i totally understand if he think that he is a brother. BUT ... :




After this ... it should be over. Now i'm gonna preach just a little , in my opinion people change over time , i did too. Sasuke make his choice , the only thing Naruto should IF he really care about him is too put him down. Bottom line is after this there should be no more bonds ... it's over , the problem is Naruto and Sakura fall in love with the past , they refuse to grow up and moved on. Sakura fall in love with the memories of the bench scene while Naruto fall in love with the memories of that up there when Sasuke shield him against Haku attack.


In my opinion friends don't backstab you , don't betray you , don't hurt you. If the friend did one of those thing then that's not a friend. So if people said that Naruto and Sasuke relationship is force .... i'm kind of in a fence about that , there is one moment , so at least there is something. But it should be over and done with when he attempt to kill him and Sakura. Like i said Naruto and Sakura fall in love with memories they don't understand that people change over time. And i agree with you Nostradamus , the idea of friendship here is .... idiotic , moronic , and stupid just because the THEME of the story is to NEVER GIVE UP , so in Kishi's mind you should never give up on EVERYTHING , even if it's a tumor or cancer that you should cut off ... that's why it makes me mad!

#973327 When did Naruto jump the shark in your opinion?

Posted by Yyubie on 28 June 2019 - 12:39 AM

That was soooooooooooooooooooo stupid.

Jesus Christ, I hate that moment so much. OMG Sasuke is evil my little heart can't take it, I'm gonna have a panic attack and faint.

Naruto went from a hero to a joke.



We all know Naruto have zero etiquette for the Sarutobi and Tsunade , calling them by their name. But seriously he just came there and said "I WANT YOU TO STOP!" ... like an order 1?. He doesn't realize hes talking to the president of another country ...




For me ... this is it , he let himself got beaten to pulp and then he beg , he bow , he kneel , and he cry ... for what ? .... FOR HIM !?!? :lmao:

For me it's like , Sasuke can defecate wherever he wants and this guy will be the one to clean it up. Naruto should change his profession from a ninja into a Sasuke personal diaper changer or Sasuke personal poop cleaner. This once again prove that this is beyond friendship or family ... it's love / gay relationship. I can understand if a mother (maybe father too) do this for her child , but friend don't do this. I want you all to think about your best / closest friends , and they about to be execute , will you do what this idiot do ? come all the way there and beg , kneel , cry for your criminal best friend ??


This manga didn't teach the word of "Responsibilities". Sasuke breaking things left and right , defecate everywhere he goes and never get punish because he has a personal maid that will do the cleaning .... Naruto and Sakura. It's amazing how some people didn't see this , the creator clearly love this character more than the main character itself. Kishi love Sasuke , and Studio Pierrot love Hinata , it's not a surprise that the ending favor both of them , they both got everything!.

#973228 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 19 June 2019 - 11:26 PM


I watch the anime until the kiss of life (CPR) , and that is in episode 414 , i stop and delete every naruto related stuff from my PC (worth about 50 gigs of space). But you can continue for Madara vs Gai (eight gate) , i heard it was pretty good. Try not get too comfy ... because if you are , before you know it , it will be the chidori of love episode ... and that is very very mind breaking to watch , at least for me.

#973221 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 19 June 2019 - 11:36 AM



Remove the tittle and i'm sure everyone would think that this is an erotic or adult manga.

#973146 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 13 June 2019 - 01:07 PM

@NaruSaku fan in Kentucky


The pain must be really deep , my utmost sympathy ... if you miss him a lot , just remember that hes in a far more better place than earth , and hes probably happy up there seeing his parents (your grandparents).


If i may add this respectfully for all of us.

That's why ... i for one never insult other people parents since i was born , i see it a lot when people fight they bring their parents as a weapon for an insult (parental insult). Especially mother , example : "Your mom is this , your momma is that". One of my friends use this a lot when he dislike someone he use this as a joke , and when hes angry at someone , hes definitely use parental insult against whoever that person is. I warn him , i told him to stop because if something happen to his parents , the pain is at least going to be double or worse , i told him the pain he caused to other people by insulting their parents is going to come back to bite him real hard , but he didn't listen. Well ... it happen to him , and he can't moved on or let go to the point he suffer a serious mental damage , attempted few suicide. Short story , hes recovering now and completely changed into a different person ... like from a wanted criminal to a priest.


I really hope , people stop using parental insult whatever the reason ... it's not right. Not only that ... i never understand why bring parents (when they are at home or at work) into a debate or as a weapon to hurt the other person feelings ... (search the entire google still no answer why people did this). Sorry for being off-topic.


And by the way i saw this in tumblr :



The one who posted this said : "Mitsuki is completely obsolete now".

#973037 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 04 June 2019 - 01:22 AM

So the word on the street is that the next arc of the animes next few epsiodes are going to be out naruto falling dangerously ill so sasuke and sakura go out to look for a cure. Its either an anime or a light novel.

Its always like this with me. Just when i think im ready to get over this kitten anime something pops up that makes me insanely angry. Naruto falls sick and shikamarus gunna imply that he might die from this diesease. And maybe this give sakura and sasuke to go out on a date???

Its such a mess. Obviously the fandom doesnt buy this excuse for naruto falling deathly ill, its such BS. Can thanos please snap SP out of existence, please? Or that none of this turns out to be true.

WUAHAHAHAHAHA ... Take a look ladies and gentlemen , they once again throw another crap at their fans face.


They run out of idea so they decide to rip off DBZ script! Goku fall sick and not even senzu bean can cure it .... WHAT a BRILLIANT IDEA!! :lmao:

And what about Kurama cahkra can heal all kinds of injury even if the host eat ramen and cup of ramen everyday ? another retcon ? :lmao:

#972479 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 18 April 2019 - 02:03 AM

Because the obsessive Karin gave up and became the bestest friends with the girl who took away her Sasuke. Karin's personality seem out of place as well.

I know right , it's impossible for a girl like Karin to gave up Sasuke just like that without zero explanation how and when and why.




When Mizukage flirt with him , that's her response. So it's extremely tough to imagine that she gave up on him.