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Member Since 30 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2021 07:57 PM

#505260 Howling at the Moon

Posted by rikakim94 on 25 November 2013 - 01:57 PM



I find the chain to get the shiny pokemon to be frustrating.  :arg:  

#502803 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 01 November 2013 - 01:28 AM

What did they do around her birthday?


They aired an episode where team 7 and hinata was younger from part 1 they made sakura bratty child and bully to naruto and meanwhile hinata is innocent angel whos brave enough to defend her love which im sorry, but it is pretty occ back then she wasn't brave or confident to speak to naruto and fainted half of the time and she never did anything other than watch from afar until the chinun exam and years later. :ermm:

Also why did they always have to bring the bad traits of the part one days of Naruto? Can the just accept the fact sakura is changing to a better person now and support kishi's work?. oh, but making fun of the character they hate is more easier i guess.   :down:


Anyway I also remember when the studio also aired an episode where naruto and he's friend had a bbq party and the anime team again poke fun of sakura and made sulk in a corner meanwhile hinata is strong confident women that talks to her friends and enjoys the party with naruto. And there was this one episode where they had tsunade out of all people drink alcohol with hinata.  :facepalm:  :facepalm:


At this point i despise the studio for being unprofessional with there biasness i know right they try to cover up there tracks of mishandling sakura, but to me the damage has been done to lose respect for that studio. -_- However the only remaining respect i have is the recent decent quality animation they gave with madara's first appearance and naruto juubi's transformation. 


When hinata's 615 moment comes up i guarantee that its going to sugar coated as much as the anime's pein arc.   

#501828 Naruto Chess Set - The King and Queen

Posted by rikakim94 on 25 October 2013 - 09:56 PM


Somewhere between November 29th and December 16th.


why is the shipment that long? is it coming from japan?

#489717 Pokemon: The Origin

Posted by rikakim94 on 28 August 2013 - 01:20 PM

yeah, it was stated there that he has been in coma.


but does pokemon ended or not yet?


It did not end and i don't think it will ever end as long as the pokemon franchise lives the games and the pokemon anime with ash and pikachu will continue.




This video explains it all and shes one of my favorite pokemon youtuber.

#489713 Pokemon: The Origin

Posted by rikakim94 on 28 August 2013 - 12:58 PM

is it true that everything about pokemon is just Ash's dreams?


i heard it somewhere...


Thats just a theory of why ash will never complete his journey to become a pokemon master  it was made by creepypasta.




I thought the theory was interesting.  :happy:

#482146 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 19 July 2013 - 02:10 AM



A little off topic: Hey ladygt if you happen to stop by I just want to say that your legend of korra artwork was featured in a video your very very popular!



#480915 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 12 July 2013 - 12:27 AM


your sig.... Are you one of winners?? The one who was chosen by Kishimoto???  :woot:


No, it this person : http://brookabeth.deviantart.com/    :happy:


I really need to work on my art.  :sweat:

#478125 Naruto 635

Posted by rikakim94 on 22 June 2013 - 04:57 AM

Not gonna lie, Sakura looked stoned as hell in that panel LOL. But, for an instant, I felt there was something truly sad and almost pathetic about that panel. Like, why do you do this to yourself, Sakura? Is she trying to make herself believe that Sasuke has finally "seen the light" or is she planning to prepare herself for whatever stunt Sasuke tries to pull? I really hope it's the latter. All I know is, Sakura knows Sasuke hasn't come back for them, she's not happy about this, and she does not trust Sasuke.


A weird thought, but what if Sai, attempting to take the blow for Naruto and/or Sakura, gets killed by Sasuke? That would be one of the biggest slaps in their faces. A huge wake-up call. Kind of cruel, but the way Naruto and Sakura feel about Sasuke sometimes....ugh, they kind of deserve it. Don't get me wrong, I like Sai (NV's biggest NS fan), but that would be one intense situation. How would Naruto and Sakura react? How would they feel about Sasuke after having killed their comrade?


Also, Is it just me or are we about to see the final transformation of the Juubi? The shinobi all seem to be converging on the battlefield now and the battle between Kakashi and Obito seems to be nearly finished. Like the final battle to determine the fate of the world. Of course there's always the chance that the Juubi won't reach it's final form, resulting in the anticlimax. I hope Kishimoto does this right.


Its understandable of the reason why sakura and narutos characters are harshly being criticized about there obsession towards sasuke.  :sad:

The true person thats deserves the blame is kishi himself i really do not understand why he has to put sasuke above his main character and main girl even shikamaru and sai has a better reason to not trust him at all.


What im really worried about is the fact that kishi might dramatized this obsession till the point it has to harm naruto and sakuras character all together like in the summit arc.  kishi might haved worked hard to get his success as a mangaka , but reducing the quality in his work because of his favorite character sasuke just dosen't sit well with me.


Whenever i see a possible regression towards naruto and sakuras character i just don't want to ship anything anymore nor care about the story. Its more painful to see a constant regression when its about sasuke....All i can say about the next chapter is to be prepared for anything. :ermm:


As for the bolded part i hope so to.

#476653 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 16 June 2013 - 04:37 PM

As a newcomer to the world of Naruto, and having been introduced through the anime rather than the manga, I can say my experience is that there is a huge amount of misinformation and lies on the internet, as far as English websites are concerned.  For someone who has just been introduced to Naruto, the misinformation can really cloud your thinking, especially if you haven't had a chance to read through the manga yet (which I hadn't, trying now but exams keeping me down).   Thank goodness for places like this forum to educate newcomers on whats going on in a logical, factual manner.  As someone said above, why do people lie to themselves, its just really pointless.  Lol @ silly people :D


Yeah at first i just agreed with everyone what they say about sakura as time went i started to get the mind of my own. Then i started to look at different opinions of other people who wasn' t so biased about sakura and narusaku this is what changed me to become an ns fan and narusaku and to stick to this website for better reliable info. :happy:



Still that translation really has to change because it concerns Sakura as a character not the pairing as a whole. If that translation remains and NS happens Sakura will be hated for just being a pairing fodder character, and Hinata fans will be disappointed that Hinata didn't get more development " as the new heroine". If it's changed than it would help clear some things up.

Yeah thats my problem to they might view her only in negative light rather than knowing the actual truth about sakura.


I have a pretty bad feeling that this will lead to negative comparison to sakura to hinata to the the new comers  of the naruto series therefore creating more negativity and wishful thinking. 


this is from other post ^



They are just that... biased! Dunno what to say anymore, really...

Their letting their  biasness cloud their judgement from what im seeing Cause the stuff i pointed in my previous post just proves it. 


Just two major errors in that so called newly "changed" trivia.


Yeah, Sakura's page is such a mess on some very critical points of her character. Dunno how I will take it from here, for the moment I am on pause... However, I will get back to them. With one last thing. But I have to prepare very good for my last speech there.

Not to mention, really, most of them lack so much comprehensive reading that it makes me laugh, sadly. They still haven't got the thing right with Sakura's seal...

Make sure you make a good post that will have snap some senses into them....if its even possible. -_-


Dunno what to say, really... It shocked me that an admin spoke like that. Other simple users were a bit more mature, however, I expected something else from the admins...
They say that it has nothing to do, when actually it has all. People use NarutoWikia for many reasons and that was one of them.

Dunno, I am really very saddened about this...

LE: if anyone wants to see the convo, it's here: http://naruto.wikia....=0&oldid=795055

I saw the convo in your tumblr post...its just depressing the guy accused you being a sakura fan when you try to bring actual proof, but with being a biased hinata fan who just gets angry and make not so good of an argument is ok and has more better reasoning?  :confused:  


I feel really bad for you all that hard work for nothing...


It's in the nature of people to want to be right. Narutopedia is no different.


People are prideful and won't accept being wrong even if the evidence is clear that they are. Being wrong means they loose, and some people just don't have enough self esteem to acknowledge that with dignity.


 You know what your post reminds me of that character from 12 angry men he let his pride be his downfall in the end of that movie.


 I guess that admin  and some people in narutopedia remind me of that character in that movie.  :sad:


To prideful to care about the truth or flaw in the argument....

#462594 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 16 May 2013 - 09:44 PM

I did say something out of frustration to about other naruto forums and everything.

But when i looked at the much older ns debate thread i realized how much things have changed, there were more people that debated to. sad.gif

I guess when the manga quality drops people stop reading, they go aganist there own ships and people talk about how other reviewers are annoying and so on and such.

we should try to focus more on ns and whats going on in the manga. danarusakunp3.gif