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#972779 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 07 May 2019 - 09:21 AM

Yep, a lot of people just want to pretend the ending and new stuff don't exist outside of bad fanfiction.


While her slobbering fans may be loud online, I doubt most of them these days would risk getting outed as a NHer in real life now that they know they're truly the minority among the fan base.

As I said, the loudest voices on the internet do not always reflect reality. In fact, it's usually the opposite (hence why the need to be so loud)


This kind of reminds me recently of what happened with Captain Marvel. It was a big trend to bash on both the character and Brie Larson herself over a statement that was well-intentioned at worst. These fools were convinced CM was going to bomb big time, claiming "SJWs can't afford movie tickets" (based on WHAT?). Everywhere you searched on youtube, a video would pop up talking about how CM would be a disaster and Brie would ruin the MCU.


And next thing you know, the movie makes a billion dollars (I think it's STILL in the Top 5, even with Endgame already out), and Alita Battle Angel doesn't do so hot despite them pushing it (that is not a black mark on ABA, mind you. It just goes to show that just because a loud group pushes for something doesn't mean it reflects what the public at large is into).


And these fools still won't leave both the character and BL alone...kind of like how NHers would bash Sakura to kingdom come and gloss over her good points. Whatever legitimate criticism there is gets lost in the sheer lunacy of it all.

#972683 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 34

Posted by KClaws_2 on 30 April 2019 - 09:53 AM

So some people commented on. Why they aren't having Naruto train Salad, and instead having Nail be trained by him?


Well, the primary reason is to increase the "tragedy" when Nail finally kills him. The second reason is that Nail is "their" character. As such, they are more interested in writing his story; then they are writing any of the characters they got from Kishimoto. Look at that interview when they mention they wanted to keep the manga short. One of the things they said was, they were pretty much obligated to have Bolt in the story; since he is the main character, and they can't really do anything with him because his character has already been laid out by Kishi before they got him. So, to be entirely honest they aren't interested in writing for any of Kishimoto's characters, even the main character of their manga, and want to focus on their own characters' story-lines. For example, this chapter was largely told from Nail's perspective...actually. So, have a lot of these chapters since he appeared. Also their was his introductory fight where they had Konohamaru gushing about his skills being so great that he was fighting on another level compared to the team. With that knowledge in mind, why would they do anything more then what is required with Salad? Look they made her Sakura 2.0 -Sakura with all the complaints fans had addressed- as well as helped set up the next pairing war (because isn't that what made Naruto so successful?) So, beyond that what else do they need to do with her? The hokage dream is a hold over from Kishi again; so they'll do it or not if they feel like it.

That right there is not a good sign. So no other character except Nail is going to evolve, because they don't want to mess with the characters Kishi already created. Like Kishi didn't do that already :zaru:


If they wanted to continue Naruto as a franchise but were faced with this obstacle, they should have focused on a different team in another region, just saying it's part of the World of Naruto or something like that. That way they would be in a much better position to tell a decent story, but they're stuck in a corner and now the antagonists gets all the attention...again :facepalm:


And in the process make Naruto even more of a kitten than we claim he is.

#972666 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 29 April 2019 - 10:04 AM

Ever since the rivalry thing has been brought up again, I can't help but think of this scenario in mind for canon.


Basically it involves Hinata trying to get Naruto in the mood, and for whatever reason he's not interested. So, she gets on the phone (with no one on) pretending to be having phone sex and talking kitten about her husband, which gets him mad and causes him to yell into the phone, declaring "You watch me, while I (BLEEP) my wife! That will show you not to mess with me!" and perhaps a very awkward night of rough sex follows.


Yeah, I'll see myself out now.

#972625 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 27 April 2019 - 10:03 AM



For Naruto X Hinata to happen they had to


  1. Kill of a popular character in order to give them a moment. Despite this, they later established that Naruto never talked to Hinata for a couple of years afterwards.
  2. (Should have been 1 but I'm lazy right now) Have Hinata make a bold declaration of her love during the invasion of Konoha. She puts the entire village in danger with this act, one Kishi himself said was suicidal, because she views Naruto as a proud failure. SHE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN HIM, AND WANTED TO CONFESS BEFORE HE DIED. This gets ignored for the rest of the story, while The Last says Naruto (in an OOC moment) did not understand the difference between romantic love and his love of ramen.
  3. Various retcons and Hinata shilling in an attempt to convince people she was that good.
  4. Retcons to give an origin to her crush, as well as disregarding canon.
  5. Rewrite Hinata's character into being a scary mother,
  6. Needed a kid to "bolt" them together
  7. Rewrite Naruto's long-standing crush as him just trying to win something in regards to his rivalry with Sasuke. Why he fixated on Sakura is anyone's guess.
  8. Give Hinata big boobies in Part II to make her more appealing


1. If they had to do it that way, they should have let Neji die back in Part 1 and have Naruto and Hinata slowly bond over that loss. Instead they chose the worst possible time and skipped the bonding part altogether. Worse, they don't have them talk for years. THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT!?

2. The confession was lame since the two never spent time together prior to that, so it just comes off as plain foolish on Hinata's part. People who don't put on their shipping goggles would think that by love she just meant I have a crush on you

3. Hinata being a great ninja? Where are the wins? Why didn't Kishimoto show this. She can eat more ramen than Naruto? First, I don't see how that's relevant. Second, how is that supposed to even be appealing when others criticized Naruto's diet? And third, did Kishimoto EVER state this?

4. I thought the manga explained it well enough. Hinata watched him, got the crush. And didn't that Analyzer girl that used to be here admit the directors didn't realize Naruto couldn't do clones back then?

5. Which just makes me ask "What was the problem with Sakura again?"

6. It would be sweet if the word they chose didn't sound like something was done against their will and painful to boot. 

7. Ironically this also implies he's not suited for Hinata, because if he was such a kitten to go after girls (or one) to piss off a rival (who ironically was never interested in any of them), it means he just sees them as tools to use to "own" other people. I think others have mentioned how Naruto only loved Hinata because he found a new rival with Toneri

8. This I never understood. In the manga, Hinata was always covered up very well. Even back when Sakura healed her after the failfession, they weren't especially big. As far as anime goes, she's average (and she can't stand up to the Fairy Tail girls). It did nothing to offset those eyes for me. 

The anime on the other hand REALLY went overboard with this. They certainly made Hinata a fanservice icon, which shows that her fans really have nothing but self-insert lust for her. Back in the early seasons of Shippuden, they would give Sakura some curves, but now they're determined to keep Sakura flat as a board and Hinata that classic hourglass busty figure that probably doesn't exist in real life. When you compare some of Kishimoto's sketches of the two characters as adults, you can see Sakura has fairly decent curves and Hinata doesn't lead her by an especially large margin, but SP decided to take the two to opposite extremes.

#972429 Rurouni Kenshin: Final Chapter Movie

Posted by KClaws_2 on 15 April 2019 - 08:18 AM

Well where I was going with that is that apparently form the second movie flash backs show that Kenshin already had his cross shaped scar as I recall (correct me if I'm wrong) when he killed Tomoe's fiance and they did not even elaborate on who she was so that will need some a heavy retcon at least to even expand to that point

In the first, movie, they detailed how Kenshin got his first scar, and when speaking with Megumi, he said he got the second scar from that man's fiancee. 

Also, they showed Tomoe mourning her fiance's death with Kenshin looking in the background, so they clearly planned to touch on this in some form.


I think I will. It's only based on his works, he doesn't write it as far as I'm concerned. I can't read the new series cus it only reminds me of what he did, it's not a joy at all.


Anybody knows his charges?

He's probably profiting on the IP, but yeah, most of his money comes from the manga sales. And I pretty much feel the same way as you about  the Hokkaido arc. Now that his problem has come out, I can't in good conscience support him either. I'm just glad I got the whole series (prior to Hokkaido) BEFORE this news broke. 

I may look at scanalations of his newest work, but that's it. 


I don't know his exact charges, but he was caught with a chunk of kiddie porn that I'm surprised wasn't found out sooner. And since the conviction rate in Japan is roughly 99%, he pretty much had no hope of getting off. He could have been sentenced to either a year in prison, or paying 200k USD, which he did the later

#972428 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 15 April 2019 - 08:07 AM

Much like how kishi sets up character stuff for the supporting cast and it goes nowhere save shikamaru, I mean did any of the supporting cast do anything to impact the story, Ino didnt, choji didn't, Kiba didn't, shino didn't, hinata sure as kitten didn't, tenten didn't, Lee didn't, neji didn't, tsunade didn't, none of them did anything of use which as sad , I mean temari is a fave of mine and she didn't do anything after beating tayuya in part 1.

Kishi could not keep his focus and character arcs were all over the place. I don't think it's as bad as Kubo, who felt he had to give EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER a fight, but he made a plot-driven story that would have been better served with less characters and therefore less baggage. If only he had focused on Team 7 and given arcs involving side characters, a lot could have been salvaged from this mess.

#972274 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 08 April 2019 - 10:17 AM

You know, there's a little something I noticed among the major sites that address the shipping (Screen Rant, IGN, ANN). While many of these places support NH and claim NS was not going to happen under any circumstance, most of them do not support SS.


The main thing many of these sites say regarding Naruto's "changing" feelings and why NH was the correct choice was because Sakura was never going to get over Sasuke. Okay. But then when talking about SS, they complain about how it is toxic and doesn't make sense. Some will even outright say Sakura should have gotten with Lee.


Like, what? So, you're arguing Naruto goes with Hinata instead of Sakura because the later wouldn't change her feelings. Okay, fair enough. But when you're disappointed Sakura DOES indeed stick with Sasuke, that argument holds no water. Naruto got with Hinata BECAUSE Sakura got with Sasuke. If she fell out of love with Sasuke, Naruto would have definitely pursued her. Why else do you think he called her his girlfriend in front of Minato? 


Now, in theory, you COULD make a story where Sakura falls out of love with Sasuke but doesn't return Naruto's feelings either. But now that has to be addressed. You have to answer "WELL WHY NOT" to NS. YOU REALLY HAVE TO MAKE SAKURA explain it now. Just because she no longer loves Sasuke doesn't mean she has to love Naruto that way (a perfectly reasonable thing to say). Maybe she realized she's gay for women. Maybe she and Lee were spending time together during the timeskip that eventually blossomed into love. SOMETHING.
You also can't rightfully criticize Sakura for staying her fan girl self when that was necessary to make the "prize" ship happen. I'm sorry, but that was the only way NH could ever happen. It could have done well with this, provided Sasuke and Sakura's relationship wasn't as toxic as it is in canon, and if Naruto spent SOME time with Hinata. But it doesn't. We know WHY it happened; it just happened in the laziest and most insulting way possible. You can clearly see the SS family is dysfunctional, and the way Kishimoto wrote this portion of the story, he implies Naruto only married Hinata in an attempt to fill the void left by Team 7.


Sorry Pro-Enders. But there is no way out of this. The only way to have NH IS for SS to exist. If anything, SS is the more important of the two ships, because it's pathos is not directly linked to NH, but NH relies on SS being a thing to make the relationship even possible.

#972273 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 08 April 2019 - 09:56 AM

Considering the elders, being students of Tobirama, knew about the "Curse of Hatred" the Uchiha have, coupled with the Uchiha Clan's complete rebuff of any attempts at settling things peacefully through Hiruzen and others, the elders really didn't have much choice. Either...

A.) Give the Uchiha what they want and hand complete control of Konoha to them, which was out of the question.

B.) Do nothing and risk civil war; something that the village couldn't afford, especially so soon after Kurama's attack and the loss of Minato and such.

C.) Eliminate the Uchiha Clan to prevent the former two.

...Kishi's attempts to make the Uchiha into total victims only shot them in the foot because it hands the elders the "perfect excuse" to eliminate them because...well...wouldn't you have done the same if you knew a Clan of powerful doujutsu wielders were predestined to turn into power-hungry, murderous psychopaths from "loving too much"? Heck, one could even make the argument that their elimination was a "mercy". Ones like Itachi, Shisui, and Mikoto seemed to be exceptions rather than the rule because of the "curse".



Uchiha is ticking time bomb , it's only a matter of time before they turn bad. They are a bunch of people that can't move on , they can't accept their loved one death and they suddenly going into "I'M GOING TO DESTROY THE WORLD" mode. Not only that they are EASILY manipulated , Obito believe in Madara too fast and "I'M GOING TO PUT EVERYONE INTO DREAM" mode , and Sasuke believe in Tobi too fast and was like :"WE ARE TAKA AND TAKA HAVE ONLY ONE GOAL , DESTROY KONOHA" mode. These people are crazy and it's dangerous , they are the source of almost all problem , even though time and time again people said that they are prodigy or natural born genius , Sasuke and Obito just believe what people told them instantly without trying to find evidence themselves. One boy goes to destroy the world after the girl he loved murdered and the other boy let's see how many times he change his goal : first to kill brother , then to destroy konoha , then to become hokage. Sasuke is soo frickin easy to manipulated he change his goal 3 times , he is aimless he has no goal or dream , he just following emotion , and adding into that he is power hungry and can't accept a dropout surpassing him. But of course looks is everything , as long as they look handsome , cool jutsus , red eye , bad boy .... these psychopaths , murderer will always have a fans that will defend and justify what they did , their fans is the same as them.






I think i'm the only one in this forum or probably in the world that hate them so much. But i'm really serious when i said these people this clan have to be exterminated , why ? In that era there is always war or battle to be fought , it's only a matter of time before someone died. If a person died in battle and that person happen to be some uchihas love one ... then that uchiha will go crazy and be like "Everyone must feel my pain" and go destroy a world or village. That's why i said they are a ticking time bomb and it's only a matter of time before they turn crazy because they "LOVE TOO MUCH".


Madara goes crazy after his brother dead

Itachi goes crazy after his best friend got killed

Obito goes insane after his crush got killed

Sasuke goes crazy after killing Itachi

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Each of them try to destroy the world after that , except for Itachi , he murder his own clan down to the last women and child (i believe there was a baby and a child the night he killed them all , even imagining it makes me wants to threw up , he is sick all of uchiha is a sick person , of course they didn't show him kill a baby or a child but it's common sense , there should be children and baby because uchiha is a big clan).

That's more than enough prove that these people are insane , psychopaths , and crazy. I could go to the detail , but i rather not.

Leave it to Kishimoto to take a plot device like genocide and try to spin it as a necessary evil (if not a good thing altogether)


That and his attempt to make the Uchiha sympathetic victims backfired spectacularly. He's essentially saying that if an Uchiha loves, and it is taken from them, they take it out on everyone. He MIGHT have been able to get away with this if the Uchiha as a clan had a fairly messed up philosophy (like if a loved one is taken from you, the whole world must PAY). But instead, he's suggesting like they are genetically PREDISPOSED to do this. He is literally robbing his characters of choice (and not just the Uchihas...but everyone).


Did Harashima even know this? NO ONE in their right mind would ally with this clan! It's bad enough to put one ticking time bomb in your village, and then some idiot suggest going with a whole clan of them!?

#972207 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 05 April 2019 - 07:55 AM

You know what I have been thinking?

I mention that Naruto and Hinata has really no development. They have interactions, but nothing really that defines actual development. Proender NH fans say there is plenty of NH development that I just don't see.

That's kind of a problem isn't it? If I have to be a hardcore shipper to see the development of my ship. I mean the kind of hardcore shipper that thinks that even a glance at each other is "development," then something is wrong.

The simple fact that a majority of the fandom still questions "how did NH become canon" or even "why did you make NH canon" kind of says that the writer was never clear enough in the story to begin with only the most hardcore of shippers would "see" anything.

I got this realization when I was discussing about Bumblebee from RWBY. All the moments they "show" me from earlier volumes to me seem more like a sisterly bonding. It is is not like Yang and Blake are blushing or feeling "love gitters" as I call them around each other. It wasn't like Yang or Blake was all shy or heated around each other nor was there any indication of any attraction. If I have to be a Bumblebee shipper to see the Bumblebee "development" then something is definitely wrong.

And NH has even less than that (FAR LESS). 


Every NH interaction lead to nowhere, the end result having one if not MANY missing links. They went crazy when Naruto cheered Hinata on, and somehow it is romantic, when various people cheered for various people. Naruto calls Hinata weird, also romantic. Logic would dictate that kills a chance of a romantic relationship, at least in the short term. Hinata looks at him from the shadows, also romantic (despite being a minor character). When he returns, her fainting is a sign of true love. Really, we're going with that stupid cliche? They're paired up during the hunt for Sasuke, and somehow this is a date. Ignoring the fact they never talk to each other nor had a moment Kishi chose to make stand out. Now they will say "Well, they were on a mission!" That kind of kills the point of that statement earlier, doesn't it? They get all up in arms over that confession, but Naruto does NOTHING to address it until 200 chapters later, and even then it's one panel. Plus immediately afterwards the NS HUG was highlighted. Then there was the handholding, but...well, on it's own I don't know what to make of it. Kishimoto confirmed that as the moment that made NH canon, but it fell flat because most of our attention is focused on Neji dying, Naruto STILL doesn't confirm any feelings for Hinata, and it was far too late to turn things around logically for them.


I don't need every interaction to be super romantic, in fact many relationships can have the two be friends and gradually or even suddenly turn to love, provided there is a solid foundation for that. NH has no foundation. It's just forced, and at the cost of everyone's potential.

#972162 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 03 April 2019 - 07:51 AM

Recently came across a reddit topic that was pretty funny.


It had an old picture from one of the Naruto OVAs where all characters were lined up, and the text claimed this was the line to sign a petition to save Naruto's legacy by cancelling Boruto.


The text went something like this:

Boruto: What's this?
"This is the line to sign the petition to cancel Boruto"

Boruto: I-Is that my dad in the back!?


The comments weren't speaking very favorably of Boruto either. One said he dropped Boruto after episode 25, and asked if it was worth getting back into. One responded "Only if you have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do".


Yeah, it seems even pro-enders are getting fed up with arcs that lead to nowhere.

#971954 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 33

Posted by KClaws_2 on 22 March 2019 - 08:40 AM

Well, Naruto has never really been the most varied when it came to techniques.


More reason to love Dante. Swords, guns, gauntlets, boxes that turn into anything, sticks that change shape, exploding lances, an electric guitar that turns into a scythe, motorcycles that turn into saws...


And even a god damn hat with MJ moves.


Whatever happened to that rule saying you must master a thousand techniques to become Hokage?

#971847 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 17 March 2019 - 07:31 AM

The issue isn't that Sakura was weak (although many fanatics latch onto that). Rather, she was MISUSED.


It's kind of like giving a gun to someone who has never handled firearms in their life (which I fall into). Send them into a firefight, chances are good they're not going to be very efficient, and that's putting it nicely. The problem isn't the weapon, it's the user.


That's the case with Sakura: She DOES have great potential, but because of reasons, Kishi didn't know what to do with her and instead of actually trying to improve how she was used he just gave up on her.

#971531 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 28 February 2019 - 08:29 AM




#971463 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 25 February 2019 - 07:38 AM

I remember watching a Dragonball clip where the crew met adult Goku for the first time, one saying Naruto ripped this clip off. :facepalm:


Granted, I guess the guy was saying that in a negative way, but why? Why is everyone comparing Bulma and Goku to Naruto and Sakura? They're nothing alike! Bulma just commented Goku looked handsome, but the crew never teased her having feelings for him or pull some stupid parallels to imply she was a perfect match for him. Cause that's what they did with Sakura. On top of that, Goku never had romantic feelings for anyone ( he didn't even really seem to have feelings for Chi-Chi on screen). Naruto repeatedly expressed his feelings for Sakura, and SP tried to make him like Goku to justify him getting with HInata instead. Didn't work for a lot of people. 


But why does Naruto have to be compared to anything? Good or bad, it should be able to stand on it's own! The more these people say "Naruto was inspired by this series and redid this scene", the more they actually hurt it's integrity (if it had any). You never hear this about other series; all of those had inspirations from other stories, but were able to do enough things with originality to help it stand out.

#971284 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by KClaws_2 on 16 February 2019 - 09:09 AM

Downloaded the DMC 5 demo, and so far it's pretty enjoyable. New mechanics take getting used to, but still plays well once you know how to use it.

It's just one mission, and you can't upgrade or buy things, but it's rather cathartic if you had a bad day. Definitely not a bad deal for free.


Since the Sarada outfit controversy is going on again, I'll just say my piece on it. Yes, loli is a thing in Japan, but there is usually some sort of context to it. Like maybe the kid finds themselves in these adult situations/wants to be an adult, or it is simply the art style of the author. In Boruto, Sarada's outfit just seems completely out of place; there's no reason for her to have it, it serves no purpose in combat, and it's completely different from what came before. While Naruto has had it's share of attractive girls, they were all dressed up relatively sensibly (including Tsunade, which is saying a lot). I wouldn't really bat an eye if we were treated to a few fanservice shots in the original series (naked in the hotsprings, close ups of cleavage, etc), but this is such a radical change (among other things). Plus, with Loli characters from what I've seen (even in echii series), there was at least SOME subtlety in their sexualization.

It just comes off as poor taste. Yeah, that's entirely subjective, but maybe if they aged her up to at least 15 it would come off as slightly less creepy. It's really telling when not even the anime wants to adapt this

Apparently Foreverworld is having some form of mental breakdown. From what I hear, he is going around demanding people have sex with him.


Just for the record; no, I'm not looking into anymore detail beyond that. The two times I had listened to one of his videos has made is enough. I don't need to find a video or images of him asking for sex.

Isn't Forneverworld married?