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Paul Blowfish

Member Since 21 Aug 2014
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#598398 Percy Jackson Thread!

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 08 October 2014 - 06:43 PM

I've finished the book, and if anyone is interested, here are my thoughts on it.

The Blood of Olympis Spoilers! You have been warned

this is pretty accurate , which leaves Blood of Olympus which left me scratching my head T___T

I feel like TBO really showcases Piper's character development and Reyna's character.

#597409 Percy Jackson Thread!

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 08 October 2014 - 02:34 AM

Damn, this thread reminded me that I haven't finished the Mark of Athena which is almost 2 years overdue. Better get on to it this weekend.

You're missing out on such, AMAZINGNESS. Lol, no pressure though. Read at your pace. :D

Patience my friends, Patience. Octavian...
yea. kinda feels it for Nico, the Unheralded Champion.
Octavian? Good? Potentially? REALLY? Hmm, he really needs to take a big turn. Right now both me and Renya are on #TeamStrangleOctavian

you're 2 books behind my friend. ;p

#596844 Percy Jackson Thread!

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 07 October 2014 - 02:46 AM

I so agree with you, and understand how you feel. I'll be sure to pick it up the first thing in the morning. Don't worry I'll check through all the chapters  to see if they are true or not.

Ah, I can't wait! I'm so excited, yet so scared for the end at the same time. I'm like shaking, PJO/HOO are one of the only series that really attached to me, and it's just fkxjehsiakfbalhdkabfidvfuc.

If there is no Percy and Annabeth POVs, I WILL RAGE. Seriously. I mean, sure they got their spotlights in like, PJO and the last three books but still

#585465 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 21 September 2014 - 08:36 PM

Their parallels are in another manga while ours are in the real one. I wonder which ones are more valid...  :ermm:

Parallels should never really be used for evidence or so called "proof", but the fact that the parallel for NaruSaku is actually IN the manga from which NaruSaku is from, and NH or SS is pulling parallels from a different manga entirely, now that's uh, interesting. :/

#584746 What are you listening to?

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 20 September 2014 - 01:08 PM

Omg :3
im not alone. :D

YES. Finally! I looked though the thread and I'm like "Does anybody know what I would be talking about?" O.O But since at least somebody knows what I'm talking about, I'll go ahead!
The songs I've been listening to are:
"Break the Rules" by Charlie XCX
"Story of My Life" by One Direction
"Angel with a Shotgun" by The Cab

Yeah. :sweat:

#582550 Good K-dramas?

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 16 September 2014 - 09:03 PM

It's on this site/app called 'DramaFever' you can sign up for free!

This drama though, have you watched it? If not, you most definitely should watch it. The story takes place where this girl, a daughter of a mute maid for a prestigious family who owns a rich private high school, gets a scholarship to this very school, filled with heirs to many business companies. The story is cute, heartbreaking, and beautiful. :wub: 1trillion/5 stars for me. The series is long since over, but man is that on my re-watch list.

Also try out the Prime Minister & I! It's about this young journalist for a tabloid who tries to get dirt on most desired bachelor, the prime minister ( to be ). But as things get compromising for his image while she tries to collect information for her tabloid, the two are forced into a fake relationship for the sake of the press. 4.5/5 stars for me. :D It has I believe YoonA ( if that's how you spell her name ) from Girl's Generation as the main character, random fact. It's another cute story, something I thoroughly enjoyed watching.

#582546 Mexico: Mother Jailed for 30 Years

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 16 September 2014 - 08:55 PM

Saw this, and am mortified. That's sad and disgusting. How can you do that to your blood and flesh, your SON? For some stupid Sanatanic or whatever ritual? The whole "police found two women covered in blood covering a screaming boy" made me cringe. Those people should be sentenced for life. I send that poor boy all the best of luck, good to hear he's doing well. I can't imagine the pain of getting your eyes spooned out. >.<

#582175 What are you listening to?

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 15 September 2014 - 10:16 PM

I feel like nobody listens to the music I listen to. O.o But uh, I just listen to pop music, whatever pops up on the radio.

#582083 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 15 September 2014 - 06:36 PM

I second this! :D

I cannot wait for epic older Ino! lol. I think her design will look awesome, Kishi I'm sure will make her look pretty. :wub:

Sakura's womanhood increased for Sasuke.

Well duh.

#581782 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 15 September 2014 - 02:02 AM

I don't know if anybody brought this up, I'm sure somebody has, but, whose designs were/are you most excited about? For me, it has to be Ino. I like her character and the way everybody else looks, I expect good things from Kishi, assuming she in the movie. xD 

#581652 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 14 September 2014 - 08:37 PM

I despise those people that say Neji died for NH and that his character is ruined if NH doesn't happen. Sorry to break it to you, but Neji snuffed it for Naruto, because he is the person with the power to save the world, not because his cousin is obsessed for someone that she doesn't really know that well.

SPEAK. Like seriously, can you imagine this running through his head? "I must protect Naruto so that Hinata will not be heartbroken/will have a chance to be with him!"

#581439 best AMVs

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 14 September 2014 - 03:07 AM

Looking for this one?:

THAT IS IT. You don't even know how hard I've been looking for that. It's so awesome, and I really appreciate you bringing this to the thread. Thank you!

#581244 best AMVs

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 13 September 2014 - 07:01 PM

I don't know if anybody has put it here yet, but I remember seeing this AMAZING amv in the debate thread with the song "According to You" by Oranthi, kinda describing Sakura's relationship with Saskue and Naruto in Sakura's POV. It used manga scans, does anybody know where I can find it?

#576626 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 06 September 2014 - 04:27 PM


You really don't wanna do that... You end up with 80 raging notifications on youtube...


Meh, I actually like argueing with people. ( it's a trait in my family, I kid you not ) I say bring it on. Even though I never will be able to knock sense into them.  :wallbash:



I'm in one of those posts you might see me.


I opened up the comments in the video and the first comment/war of death I saw, I saw you and some random NH and SS people. GO TEAM NARUSAKU!  :goodjob:

#574499 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 03 September 2014 - 11:24 PM

Hi! It's kinda obvious, but I'm pretty new to this forum and I'm excited to join the discussion about NaruSaku!  :sweat: