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#542778 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 02 July 2014 - 03:53 AM

Agreed 100% XD

Literally the best ending ever in the history of the world.

Lol, I'm laughing for real. I want to see a parody where this happens now.

Lol I would love to see it! Calling it now, Minato is the best dancer, he can moonwalk on banana peels.

Completely hilarious! I would love to see this happen!!!

Every NS shippers dream, complete with Naruto style dance dance revolution.

Glad y'all thought it was funny XD

#542767 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 02 July 2014 - 02:27 AM

Dear Kishi,

I don't care what you do regarding Kaguya and the war, I don't care how the war ends, I don't care how Naruto beats her. I wouldn't care if Naruto beat her by busting out the Macarena mid battle and she jumps in and they giggle like schoolgirls and come to a truce because of their new found dancing interests. Hell, Team 7, the Edo Hokages, Obito, Kaguya, BZ and Hamura could all do the Thriller to conclude the war and I would be fine. But please, PLEASE, have Naruto and Sakura start making out afterwards in front of one of those IT pod things as the IT is getting released, and just so happen to have Hinata come out of the pod that they're making out in front of. It would literally make my day if it happened. To see Hinata's dream go down the drain would have me skipping like a 5 year old. That's all I'm asking.

#542447 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 30 June 2014 - 09:27 PM

I can't wait. I still think Miami is on his radar. And ESPN is reportedly claiming that Lebron wants a max contract, which would make no sense considering that he wants to add major pieces to the roster. Riley is up to something.

Yeah, I still think Miami is his number one, you can't rely on anything you hear until contracts are inked.

So then what do you guys want her to say?

Something along the lines of "Naruto, take me now, I want to have your children!" would be nice for a change.

#542015 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 28 June 2014 - 05:03 AM

I'm so inexperienced with anime. The first anime I ever watched was when I was 5 and that was Inuyasha. I loved that series so much when I was little, I even shipped InuKag and loved almost all the characters. But that was way back and by the time I finished the first part of that series, I still had no idea what animes were or shippings or shipping wars or nothing. XD Of course now, looking back on it, I detect flaws with the series I didn't really notice when I was little and honestly wish I criticized when it was airing, but it's still my childhood. I loved that series for years and I still do.
But I never really got behind any other anime. I'm one of the few who has actually never watched Sailor Moon or even DBZ when it was still new. :sweatdrop:  I'm not that good at watching multiple animes at the same time. It's either I totally love and am into one or I'm not watching anime at all. After my Inuyasha phase, I found Naruto. I started watching the English dub of Part 2 on TV when I was 7 and then retraced back to Part 1. I've been shipping NaruSaku and following Naruto ever since.
I really want to watch more anime, but the most I've done so far is watch all of DBZ including movies and GT (that one's just mandatory  :P), 42 episodes of Ranma 1/2, 40 episodes of Hetalia, 8 episodes of Ouran High School Club, and 3 episodes of Bleach. I've also watched a few episodes of Pokémon, but the second I realized they kept replacing the main heroine and Ash never ages, I just gave up on it and never looked back.
I'd quite like to watch Attack on Titan from what I've heard about it and even Fairy Tail, FMA, Blue Exorcist, and Yu Yu Hakusho, but I haven't watched any unfortunately. I've read a few volumes of Tokyo Mew Mew too, but not all of it.
I sometimes worry that it'll take for Naruto to end for me to even watch/read another full anime or manga. I don't want that to happen really. :sweat:

One Piece is a must, it is simply fantastic. If you're gonna watch FMA, make sure it's FMA Brotherhood. Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail and Bleach are also great. Judging by your username, you might like Sword Art Online. It is also great!

#541948 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 27 June 2014 - 08:12 PM

There's nothing that implies she still thinks she does, it adds to the confusion when she thought she was over Sasuke during the LOI arc just for the characters to bring up that she still loves him, she may or may not refer to him as the someone else (which implies that had he not been evil Sakura would likely choose him over Naruto) and then later this is what makes her love become platonic, that's part of my problem there's no transition it's strictly jumpcuts to different feelings.
At this point i'm going to be slightly dissapointed when NS becomes canon because she won't be choosing Naruto over Sasuke, it gives more of the impression that she would choose Sasuke but he's a criminal and crazy so instead she goes for Naruto....actually she even says this. I love NS but it annoys me how difficult it is to not see Naruto as a silver medal. It's not Sakura making the decision of who she wants to be with herself, it's basically outside elements making Sasuke unappealing to her so she picks the other person she loves.

You have to wait until you see how Naruto and Sakura end up together before you can make the judgement on the silver medal thing though.

To me Sakura's...situation?...is like opening your eyes underwater. When your eyes are open under water, the water distorts what you see and makes everything you see blurry and unclear. However, when you get out of the water, everything becomes clear again.

Sakura is much the same. Sasuke has blurred her vision and confused her sight, much like the water does. His actions have blurred him to her, as well as blurred the people in her periphery. What matters though, is not the blurred vision, it's the vision that she sees at the end. She has just taken her head out of the water so to speak, and she was able to see Sasuke while he wasn't blurry. He turned out to be the one that doesn't care about her in the least. Now the only thing left for her to do is look at Naruto, while he isn't blurry. If she comes to the conclusion that it is Naruto that has all the qualities that she wants, and she recognizes how much he has done for her, as well as how much he means to her, and wants to reciprocate that, then there is no sliver medal conflict. But that won't come until later.

#540438 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 25 June 2014 - 02:36 AM

That't the point I was making when she cares little for Sasuke's goals and endeavors. She doesn' know what true love is. She's too young to understand that what she had or has for Sasuke is nothing but a silly crush. Her knowing that Sasuke wanted to revenge his clan by killing Itachi made her guilty when she used that as an offer as for him to take her with him. She acted out of desperation because she knew the boy she fancies was going to leave Konoha, which he did anyways.

As you can see, I was speaking on Sakura's behalf. Not Sasuke's. Rather if restoring the Uchiha Clan meant as a procreation or not is no importance. It's essential to know if Sakura wants to help him achieve to build the uchiha clan like she wants Naruto to become Hokage.

Like  I said  similiar to Syn, it's not how he wants to restore the uchiha Clan. it's about Sakura's willingness and commitment to help Sasuke achieve his dreams. Does she want to help him at all? Just take read the expression off her face when she'd asked Sasuke why he wants to become Hokage.

What she wants is T7 to be happy together. She has never said anything about the Uchiha and it's restoration. As far as the Hokage goes, she supports Naruto over Sasuke. Her monologue in 663 made that clear.

#540400 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 25 June 2014 - 01:19 AM

OMG. Found this piece of gold on tumblr:

#540357 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 25 June 2014 - 12:10 AM

Didnt wasnt stated that the honor of the uchiha clan was intact?No one views the uchiha's as traitors since no one know about the truth so there's no honor to restore, i think he implied on the tone of settling down and start his clan once again.That doesnt mean he wants to be with Sakura it means he wants to setup a harem!

Their honor was destroyed at the hands of Itachi when one of their own murdered the entire clan, that's what Sasuke thought. The entire Itachi pursuit was about restoring his clan, it had nothing to do with procreation. By hunting down and killing Itachi, Sasuke would gain vengeance and restore his clan by regaining it's honor. Nothing to do with sexual connotations.

#540339 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 24 June 2014 - 11:19 PM

Wade and Bosh must follow suit. I feel if one of them opts in then the possibility of Lebron leaving is high.

Unless they opt in and agree to restructure. I don't think for a second Lebron leaves south beach, the only team that would have a chance is Chicago.

One of Sasuke's goals to restore his clan. That was during the Team 7 introduction in chapter 3 and 4 chapters ago through Kakashi's flash backs.

You do realize that by "restoring his clan" Sasuke was talking about the honor of his clan? There was nothing remotely sexual involved with that. In fact he said that he wanted to restore honor to his clan multiple times.


#540147 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 24 June 2014 - 02:20 AM

I find this video really good:



I especially love the quote at the beginning:
"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second"


And then, if you're looking for an argument to support NS:



I found this video excellent. Sorry if you've already seen these  :D

#539886 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 22 June 2014 - 05:51 PM


Lol, I definitely don't want to incur Sakura's wrath or anything. I wouldn't stand a chance. I mean just a sisterly/sympathetic hug, he's just a cute little kid there and he looks so sad.  :umm: Nothing for Sakura to get jealous over, lol.


Lol alright, but you had better be careful, one false move and you'll wake up surrounded by flying cars and robots  :chuckle:

Off topic but which do you prefer?

Long hair Sakura or short hair?


I've always found Hyuuga design rather boring. Even 10 10 as a more interesting design.


I like how she looks now, but I wouldn't mind her looking like this later on:




That picture is just too cute!!!!!!  :wibble:

#539691 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 22 June 2014 - 12:36 AM

Crap, I completely forgot about that outfit. Nami takes this when I think about it. I like Yorouchi more because she's a bit muscular, but still retains those curves that'll knock any guy out.
Slow day indeed. Wish it was Tuesday night.

Yep. I'm in the prime of my youth, I can't help it z6HbtNE.png.
Jiraiya really did have a nice build. I wouldn't blame Tsunade if she just completely forget about Dan and pay a visit to the J-man's hotel room.


Nami knows how to dress to kill lol

Tsunade didn't need to visit his hotel, she was literally about to feast on him if he had come back from pain. Poor Jiraiya, was about to get laid by the girl of his dreams and then he snuffed it.

He has an average design, nothing special. Sasuke and Itachi are the best looking ones in the series in my humble opinion. ( despite Sasuke's awful personality, he's still very hot)

Whhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttt? Did you just use Lord Minato's name in the same sentence as the word average while referring to the mans looks? Do the laws of physics not apply to you? How is this possible?

Must I go get the pic of Mr. Lady Killer himself rocking that pink apron?

Speaking of personalities, I like Naruto's best. 
Question: Who is the best looking female in Naruto? I say Sakura, not because I'm her stan, it's because I REALLY think she's beautiful... she's got killer eyes and dat pink hair!!! :umm:

I have shard time picking between her, Tsunade, Kushina, and Konan, but I'd give Sakura the nod. I've always liked green eyes.

#539374 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 20 June 2014 - 04:50 PM

My impression is that most Hinata fans like Sakura. But we don't like Hinata. Even on this page, she is already our laughing stock. :ermm:


It's an unfair judgement to say that people don't like Sakura because they like Hinata. 
I'm also against the idea that a female character has to be hated due to her comparison to another female character.

It's unfair to a certain extent, but only if you're generalizing. Most people that I've come across that are Hinata fans hate Sakura because of the whole love thing. The ones that I come across hate Sakura because she over shadows Hinata in every aspect, especially in the one aspect of which Hinata was created (pairing). Most, but not all.

#539348 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 20 June 2014 - 03:28 PM

What RS wrote is probably something about all connecting and understand one another and working together for achieving peace after all that is his Ninshu .
But also Didn't Madara said that what was written on the tablet was "If Two Opposite Forces/Powers Work Together There Would Be Peace/Happiness" the thing is this could also be interpreted as "If Senju and Uciha Work Together/Cooperate with one another not steal and combine that power into One" .
This is why i disagree that this chapter puts out the blame of  the  Uciha's and makes them "victims" even if they were "manipulated" , I mean how stupid/idiotic/retarded do you have to be to believe that this is the way to achieve peace or that putting all people under IT is the answer ?
For crying out loud even Naruto who we all can agree is not the brightest when it comes to deciphering things knows that this is complete and utter bullsh** and this is not peace but dictatorship . In the end the Uciha's chose to go this way even if it's the wrong one but they are to kittening stupid to realize this this chap IMO only made them look like the most stupidest/idiotic clan ever also its not like Indra wasn't all about power and trying to go that way even before BZ "tempted him" BZ only gave him another option and the fool took it and believed in it .
Also what about the Izanagi/Izanami thing were it was said that they were killing each other just to gain a spare eye so they can use that jutsu over and over and this has nothing to do with what was written on that tablet by BZ about the IT , not to mention that they go berserk when they loose someone they love . Itachi was right when he said that they are power hungry idiots that can't see past their clan and he did the right thing by erasing them .
All in All what i'm trying to say is that this in no way paints them as "the victims" or exclude them from anything even if they know that going this way is wrong they still accepted it and chose to go with "Peace Trough Power" this just paints them as insane/unstable and borderline stupid/idiots  its their fault that they choose this way the "Peace Trough Power Way" and it doesn't erase their "curse of hatred" .
Sorry about this LAP i just needed to vent for a bit from all this confusion that people made :sweatdrop: , still the Uciha's are unstable idiots and they are better of dead or put in some mental institution since there is no cure for their insanity and idiocy that is their nature  :glare:

But even so 4life even if the text said that by doing the IT everyone would be saved (of course this means taking people's free will and subdue them to this ) how stupid do you have to be to believe in those words ? That's just ridiculous . And if not for Madara there would have been someone else going this way . Even if BZ didn't alter the Tablet and didn't put the IT way there he would have went with the "Peace trough Power " option anyway , after all this was what Indra was originally doing even before the RS wrote that Tablet and the reason why he lost the battle of leadership .

I couldn't agree more. The Uchiha made all the choices on their own, the only people they can blame for their trouble is themselves. They decided to put faith in a tablet rather then the world around them, and decided to try to use force to obtain power.

To me it's the same as when people try to excuse Sasuke's actions because he was Indra's reincarnation or (regarding his actions at the bridge) because he was immersed in the Uchihas curse of hatred or was mentally unstable. He made all of the choices he did on his own, he is accountable for his actions. No excuses.

#539259 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by AHK on 20 June 2014 - 04:24 AM

You know what frustrates me about Naruto?
He has absolutely no confidence with Sakura. Sure, he's pretty straightforward when it comes to supporting her or showing concern for her, but when it comes to sensitive topics like his feelings for her or what she feels for him,  his confidence just melts away. When I see fanfics of Naruto trying to win over Sakura and being bold with his affection after Sasuke left, I can't help thinking how OCC it is for him and it bothers me because it shouldn't be like that.
Think about it. Naruto is always holding back with Sakura; he's never seriously straightforward about how much he loves or cares for her. Naruto doesn't have any problem flirting with her, but he never does anything with it. He just keeps it light and unserious; no wonder why Sakura didn't know he loved her. He just withholds himself and withholds himself to the point where it's ironically more likely for Sakura to make a serious move on their relationship than Naruto.
I understand why Naruto's like this. It's because of how much affection he saw Sakura show towards Sasuke in Part 1. Naruto's never going to give up on Sakura, but it seems to me he developed insecurities post-PoaL about Sakura reciprocating. He can't see past how much she loved Sasuke and he can't truly see how close he is actually getting Sakura. All he sees is her love for Sasuke.
It frustrates me so much that Naruto puts himself through things like that when he's over-exaggerating everything and misinterpreting Sakura's feelings. He makes it harder on himself than he has to. It's so painful to watch Naruto hold back on his love for Sakura because he thinks she loves Sasuke when it's so obvious that things are changing between them.
I just, for once, want Naruto to take a chance, get out of his shell, and actually be more confident with her. He wouldn't get a negative result like he apparently seems to think. It'd be so great to see Naruto genuinely comfortable showing how much he loves Sakura without thinking he shouldn't because she loves Sasuke. It's so ironic how Naruto's feelings for Sakura are supposed to be obvious, yet he never does anything with it; it's always been Sakura so far.
I say this not just because of NS, but as fan of Naruto in general. Seeing Naruto realize how deeply Sakura cares for him and not try to hold back his feelings so much would be extremely rewarding.
It'd just be nice to see him stop torturing himself.

I know what you mean. It frustrates me a little bit too. But at the same time, he's probably just scared to say anything. Think of how miserable she is because of Sasuke. With Naruto's character traits, it's not hard to see him feeling that her misery, and all of her tears are his fault in a way, because he failed to bring Sasuke back the one time that she put all of her cards on him. Thus his statement to Sai "how could I, I couldn't even keep my promise".

Also, there might be some lingering insecurity of possibly changing the nature of their relationship. Say for instance Sakura says no? What then?

Not only the above, but as you said, he does acknowledge the fact that she does(did) love Sasuke. Naruto isn't one to force himself upon her. He's the type of guy that if she's happy, he's happy, even if he isn't the picture. What he wants most is her to be happy, hence the reason behind the POAL.

I definitely think that he says something after the war, if he hasn't already (Kishi, please show the wake up scene ASAP, please and thank you).