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#965717 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 07 June 2018 - 01:08 PM

I also find it hypocritical that SP were so "outraged" over how Sarada's manga outfit, which made her look like fetish fuel and tried to change it, while they've been drooling over Hinata since she was 12 (even producing an episode with her dancing naked behind a waterfall). God, I want to punch these people in the face. :cuss:

They are hypocritical. Honestly I think they don't care for Sarada at all, just a romantic interest for Boruto so they don't want to sexualize her. They got what they want with Hinata, now they are trying to appease everyone else now. Stupid for them though because it is way too late.

#965492 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by griff142 on 29 May 2018 - 06:41 PM

Now imagine Sakura in the same issues. She would probably pull both by the ear, set them down, and tell them to work it out and if they refuse to, she would probably stand there cracking her knuckles.
God, I hate the Boruto story. Seriously, this kitten should not even exist in the first place.

It's clearly obvious Sakura is the only one who can break through their stubbornness and Naruto's obviousness to have the situation solved and rectified. She would actually put her kids first over Naruto's inconvenience. Honestly what good parent says that about their kids? Sakura isn't afraid to get her hands dirty to solve family issues unlike Hinata who is only worried about Naruto.

#965486 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by griff142 on 29 May 2018 - 01:59 PM

We've been over this, Hinata is so devoted to Naruto she doesn't care about anyone else. Not Kiba losing, not her teacher raising a child by herself, not her cousin dying, not the enslaved branch family, not her sister having her eyes removed, no one. She even admits that while she understands her son is upset at Naruto, she doesn't talk to Naruto about it because "she doesn't want to bother him with a minor issue." And let's not forget how she couldn't move to save her own daughter during the attack, but just ups and leaves her kids to go save Naruto-kun. She doesn't even acknowledge how strong Naruto has become if she believes she will be an asset to the fight when he's in freaking god mode.

I'm sorry Hinata I didn't know dealing with your son's emotional needs was such a "minor issue". No wonder this kid is misbehaving. He has two clueless parents that don't know what they are doing or even care. I heard that he even cheated in the chunin exams and to me that shows he has a very murky moral compass that he follows and that is not good. The old Naruto would never do that or allow his son to do that. Which shows he isn't there to show his kids what is right and wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if the kid does fall to the dark and I wouldn't hate him for it because it clearly his parent's fault to allow it to happen.

#965484 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 29 May 2018 - 01:11 PM

I am not really much of a shipper generally. I would normally view something like that as just a missed opportunity that would have made the story better, not something that makes the story pathetic. But Naruto is an exception to this. Everything about it is wrong. There is nothing good about it. No aspect of it was done well, and the entire IP is just kittening worthless as a result.
I could never say the same thing about Bleach or Harry Potter or whatever. The story wasn't about that. It's fine. Naruto isn't fine, and it never will be.

The main reason for that is because part of Naruto's development is his feelings for Sakura. His two goals in his life were becoming Hokage and marrying the girl of his dreams, which was clearly Sakura. Kishi may suck with romance but he made sure their bond was a big factor in the plot of the story, which says alot right there. Sakura was a huge factor in who Naruto was and having Naruto fufill his promise to Sakura shows how much he cared for her. Kishi screwed up then since romance did play a huge part at the end. That is why we are very mad and disappointed. Once you destroyed the NS development then the rest of the development collapsed as well and the plot could no longer hold itself up. That explains why nothing makes sense anymore and why everything contradicts itself.

#965265 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 21 May 2018 - 06:45 PM

Yes all logic left Naruto in the end. But it doesn't change that the logic was there before. If we take everything said by Kishi, Shueisha and Studio Pierrot at face value post chapter 700 just because Naruto spat on its own logic, then, well there would not be anything to be enraged about, now would there? It is infuriating to what Naruto has become BECAUSE it betrayed it's logic, themes, story and relationships after 15 years and 700 chapters worth of development. Why did Naruto's relationships with all of his loved ones  which are Iruka, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, Tsunade, etc. get obliterated  in "Hinata's Wildest Fantasy Fulfilled: the Movie" just to make what (imaginary) feelings Hinata worshiper fanatics ASSUME he had for Hinata look like "true love" by comparison? :hm: Why is Naruto's motto "never give up" yet he gave up on trying to save the world because his "sexy, boing boing doll" of a future wife rejected his love confession?

I also hated the fact that they tried to say Hinata was always there for Naruto but eventually he forgot about her but clearly that wasn't the case when they were younger. Yes, she saw the abuse but she hid the shadows which makes the whole situation worse for her.

#965258 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 21 May 2018 - 02:02 PM

So many parallels that don't make sense.I honestly believe that up until the last chapter, NS was planned because it would not make sense otherwise.

The parallels do make sense because NS was supposed to happen at the end. The parallels and all the NS scenes point to that. Saying all the parallels are a red herring is BS and that is saying it nicely. So, what they are trying to do is completely ignore the parallels and that is why it doesn't make sense.

What really doesn't make sense is with NH fans saying MK is more of a parallel for their pairing and I laugh at the thought. Naruto may act like his mom, but Hinata does not act like Minato.

#965257 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by griff142 on 21 May 2018 - 01:35 PM

Male: Minato, Jiraiya, pre-ending Naruto.

Female: Tsunade, beginning part 2 Sakura, Kushina.

I had Minato first because he was a very talented ninja and most of all he was everything Naruto was supposed to be but Naruto was supposed to be alittle more but unfortunately the ending ruined all of that. 2nd,Jiraiya was my favorite comedic character but he could be badass when he wanted to be. Lastly Naruto before the ending had good development over the course of the manga and was slowly maturing into his father which would have been a perfect development cycle for him but like I said the ending ruined all that.

With the women they were all funny in their own right and I like to laugh. Also these women when serious could beat the crap out of you. Their toughness is one of the main reasons I like them so much. You are looking at the 3 toughest women in the entire manga and not Hinata.

#964971 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 12 May 2018 - 04:10 AM

I agree that rocci is seriously underselling Pre-Timeskip Sakura here. Sakura already found her motivation by that point to become a better ninja in general (while Hinata specifically requires Naruto to get her to do anything)and even if she didn't have her own techniques at that point in time, she's smart enough to know how properly apply her academy ninjutsu and tools as well as the fact, IIRC, she already had knowledge of the Hyuuga Gentle Fist style, so she knows to maintain a certain level of distance between herself and Hinata.  Sakura's also proven by this point just how much punishment she can withstand, as we saw with her encounter with the three Sound Nins. Furthermore, Hinata's performance was always entirely dependent on how much attention and encouragement Naruto gave her. If Naruto cheered Sakura on during this hypothetical battle, it would only serve to kill any motivation HInata would have to win.  Battle is just as much psychological as it is physical, and considering fickle Hinata's self-esteem and that there is little difference in terms of physical ability between Sakura and Hinata outside of Hinata's technique, Part 1 Sakura would have a good shot at beating her.

I totally agree and also the fact she has better will power than Hinata. This is shown by that she was able to overcome Ino's Mind Transfer jutsu and beating an Yamanaka's jutsu is not a small feat. With Part 2 Sakura it wouldn't even be a sparring match because it would only take one punch to knock Hinata out. Sakura is the female version of One Punch Man in this series. I don't care how powerful you are because if you get hit by that, good luck getting up.

#964950 Aftermath of the Ending

Posted by griff142 on 11 May 2018 - 09:54 PM

That is actually the point their relationship wasn't a shallow crush or "he's pretty, I like him" but on a different level of understanding, caring and respecting. That's why I loved it so much and still do. It's this sort of relationship you just rarely see (in real life) because people often don't want to ruin their friendship. I also think Sakura felt as if she didn't deserve Naruto, she kind of pushed Hinata towards him and also accepted Sasuke. She thinks she deserves Sasuke, and not in a good sense. That's all I can say about that in a matter of sense.

You can be selfish for once in your life to be happy. Naruto wanting Sakura was really the only selfish thing he desired besides being Hokage so he had a right to have her. Sakura should have seen that but she didn't for the sake of NH.

#964891 Aftermath of the Ending

Posted by griff142 on 09 May 2018 - 05:57 PM

I think Studio Pierrot needs to learn this message. They tried to make everyone happy with SasuSaku and NaruHina only to piss most, if not all, the Naruto fandom.

Part of me thinks that they don't really care that they did. They got the ending they wanted and if they got some profit from Boruto, then they are happy enough to keep going with the charade. They may regret it way down the road though because the manga/anime will never have the same passion and popularity that it once had.

#964860 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 08 May 2018 - 04:20 AM

And that's the problem because majority of the fandom was ignoring Sakura's development and thinking Hinata was near important status character where in reality of the plot, she wasn't even part of the ones who are in that level like Shikamaru.

That is what I keep saying. Her development is only a bit more than Shino's or Tenten's, but that is only because they had little to begin with it.

#964796 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by griff142 on 06 May 2018 - 04:07 PM

So was I was just surfing the web, and came across this: 

Oh my gosh, Naruto's expression is priceless. That is probably the same face we gave when Naruto ended.

#964724 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 03 May 2018 - 03:56 PM

We also can't forget to blame the NaruHina fans who helped influence stuff too and not just who we do gotta blame for all of this too, Derock. It is a massive bitter cycle that has made the ending of Naruto.

The only way to have fan input into making a series, is if the author allows the story to be open for fans to add stuff like pairings and etc. When that happens the author could do a poll on who should get with who then they could have the story they want. With Naruto though, that wasn't the case at all and other shounen manga was the same way. Kishi was making a story that was planned for years and he had a set path for the journey that he was taking us. When you force to make changes for a story that took years of planning, then the changes could contradict the main plot and also could add confusing plot points that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Naruto became a contradicting mess when those changes happened at the end and the story is forever tainted now.

#964571 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 28 April 2018 - 01:31 AM

I know what you mean, Winter, and it's true without a doubt. Hinata's biggest problem is her lack of confidence and the fact she doesn't really know ANYTHING about Naruto or what he's gone through, or what to do with herself when he isn't around. It just shows how she wasn't meant to become something more, but Kishi basically threw that into the grater because of his editors and fan pressure and Studio Pierrot rather than trusting his own story, which shows how pathetic this all is.

Yeah once the main editor retired, it felt like SP got the green light to change the story. I wouldn't be surprised all the editors thay came after were SP "approved". That is why Kishi went through a few editors until he decided to give in.

You can say opposites attract but not in this case. Boruto is a perfect example because it is showing Naruto not really caring about his family life and no one is keeping in line. He needed someone who really KNEW HIM and have enough of a strong personality to match Naruto's to scold him like a good wife would when her husband is not focused on the right priorities.

#964552 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 27 April 2018 - 12:33 PM

Well, JK Rowling did admit that Harry and Hermione probably would have made a better couple than Ron and Hermione seeing how, even in her own canon, she admits that Ron and Hermione went through marriage councelling.
Funny how, Kishimoto or Ikemoto show NH and SS going through massive amounts of turmoil, but never admitting that maybe NH and SS need marriage councelling, but JK Rowling actually shows their couples being good people to each other and such only to say that at least one of them needs councelling.

Obviously both couples need it but if this was real life some things would be said that the fandom wouldn't like. Everybody was forced into these pairings so they would vent out their frustrations that we all see in the manga. Sakura wouldn't faint when Sasuke comes back but instead beat him up for being gone so long. Honestly she would have left a long time ago if it wasn't for the poor writing. Sasuke I could easily cheating on Sakura for Karin since he is never home. Naruto seems the most miserable since he has become a workaholic. The only person I see not wanting to change in the fandom's eyes is Hinata because she would desperate to keep Naruto even though she never deserved him from the beginning.