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#608279 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Inferno180 on 20 October 2014 - 07:01 PM

Unfortunately it isn't. A lot of people like Hinata's innocent love/cough obsession cough towards Naruto, and Sakura's undying love/cough crush that blown out of proportion cough towards Sasuke.


It gets worse when people still at this point believe there is this underlying mystery for Sasuke and Sakura, that Sasuke is a tsundere, didn't mean to nearly kill sakura in the land of iron, or was somehow just honest and protecting her in the kagyua fight. Otherwise they believe even after sasuke put sakura in a genjutsu where he gives her the image of him killing her and calling her annoying again, that he still has hidden feelings apprently...


I know NH fans can be off with something, SS fans can take Sakura off track for anything ideal with Sasuke, but those that use Sasuke as somehow being interested or loving Sakura, oh god, just why, SS is dead, even after he said he didn't love sakura nor have a reason to nor saw why she would love him, my god, Sasuke is the main problem of SS and fans still believe he didn't mean his own clear cut direct words basically summing up the ship? Its like, when naruto said he would save sasuke, he is going to save him, not abandon him, so would you argue it there? No. For sasuke, when he said he would kill itachi, he was intent on it, and now this, after all this time, its my god, people still say Sasuke loves and cares for Sakura or just hides it? My lord, no just no, I mean saying Sasuke loves sakura at this point is like saying Sasuke doesn't want to commit his revolution right now either. Its just god no, no no no. He doesn't love her, never did, never will, never has a point, reason, obligation, meaning, or purpose for it. SS is dead, it has no reason, sense, notability, etc, its over and some SS fans still may not like it, but it is what it is, dead and over. Its never going to occur. It had 15 years to try and be something, but all it became was antagonism and everything love is not. Kishi may not have made a pairing canon, but he did outright canonically confirm SS as the dead one out of the big 3 in this entire pairing wars mess. Ironic how NS and NH can still debate and rant, but SS has no excuses, its dead and nothing can bring it back or make it offical without being an outright asspull, who am I kidding, an asspull is too light for it, SS isnt an asspull, its ripping out the entire intestinal track of the story, thats how bad it is.

#608257 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Inferno180 on 20 October 2014 - 06:22 PM

Anything new? ( other than NH comments)


Guess I should have said:


"Anything new besides any insane fandom perceptions of Hinata being pregnant, or having ultra symbolism with the scraf or some wallpaper that had snowflakes with her and otherwise anything with other fans still thinking SS could happen because they think Sasuke loves Sakura."


I mean you know, sketches, plot info, trailer, more pictures like we had of naruto and sakura in various motions and expressions? Nothing that tries to ignore the pre-established stuff in the manga like how some NH fans just try to zoom past the fact NH has many lingering issues from infrequentness and SS fans just plain try to ignore what Sasuke did and said in 693. Otherwise how any against NS try to think that the evidence, development, and hints mean nothing.

#608057 Why do people here think Hinata is selfish whereas treat Sakura as a goddess?

Posted by Inferno180 on 20 October 2014 - 01:48 PM

In my opinion I would say it like this:


Its not that Hinata is selfish, its just that Kishi otherwise made her too Naruto centric, practically 90% of her entire development seems to revolve around Naruto Naruto Naruto, without much to the other larger cast, particularly those of team 8 who she should otherwise be more reactive around.


The deal with Hinata is that, she isnt selfish in personality, its that, after a good intro arc like the chunin exams which set up a lot of potential for her, Kishi after all these years hardly followed through with it, Hinata didnt get much that she needed. Where part 1 it was good that it made sense in all she would be inspired, well she kept this going too long and even after the confession and 615, we didn't see Hinata stepping up or acting a bit more aggressive towards the enemy. The problem to many felt that, even when Neji died, he almost just slipped her mind, the problem was that she was not outright selfish, but outright too fixiated upon Naruto.


In relation to other events however, yes, this is why the "Naruto-centric-disease" of her character has made some, unhappy with her. Like you get people like her just focusing on Naruto in 573 and wanting to "hold his hand", but you get Sakura going on all the trials naruto went through, generally alone, and how she and everyone else would be there to help him. Likewise for HInata, in 615 it was Neji died, then she thinks about narutos hand, this annoyed some people. Then we got 662-663, Hinata was again worried only on Naruto but missed this event, we got Sakura however at least focused on his dream of hokage. I think the pinnacle moment though is in the genjutsu, you see Hinatas dream, well that solves that, the problem is, Hinata is too centric on Naruto and her ideal of love with him, but thats not outright making her selfish, but its just too centered on her, its like theres nothing else to make her not a satellite character, even when she has team 8 who she should have interacted with more, its a sad case of, her fixiation on naruto, as a character, this is overdone to the point it makes her almost invisible to any team 8 interactions where she should have had a bit more, unlike team 10 for instance which mainly shikamaru had the most attention, but he got with his team a lot.


Also I would say, you got the title of this thread wrong, because for the record:


-Hinata is the one you see most treated like a goddess, generally at the expense of Sakura from most fans.


-Sakura is called the selfish one (though its untrue) simply because some enjoy the part 1 sasuke fixiation and believe its still there despite how she has been considerate of naruto many times, even above herself and sasuke such as willing to throw the chunin exams or offering to feed naruto after his injury (after he told her that it felt like they were closer to reaching sasuke together).

#605127 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Inferno180 on 16 October 2014 - 09:45 PM

Rather just due to the craziness of the love subplot:


You have Naruto loving Sakura and Sakura becoming the best of friends with him, all the development and even some mutual moments where she herself is giving naruto the feelings. Yet she loves Sasuke for the most void of reasons no one can understand.


You have Hinata loving Naruto and it got some development, but its been too infrequent and Naruto still loves Sakura and sadly most fans think Hinata should be with naruto simply because she is Hinata.


Then you have SS, the absolute mess, the only pairing confirmed to not happen, yet its fans believe it will occur, even when sasuke himself outright said he has no interest in her nor could see what she saw in him, he himself being the central problem for SS, let alone the entire fact of part 2 has been practically nothing but antagonism and attempted murder and mental torture, fans still somehow think Sasuke has hidden feelings, thinking he is extra crptypic and hiding something or hiding his real feelings and that the land of iron and the 693 stuff were on different motives, not what he was outright doing or saying, my god seriously, I mean love has a limit, but SS takes the absurdity cake, to even think after all this it would be meaningful as the end pairing, its just, pure lunacy, pure and simple. Even Sasuke himself, what kishi said, is pure, he thinks what he does is right according to him, he speaks what he means, and so when he said he doesn't love Sakura, he outright means, he doesn't freaking love her and doesn't have any purpose, reason, motive, etc. Sasuke may be important on Sakuras character, even by antagonism, but Sakura is in no way even remotely important to Sasukes character.


So take your pick for the end pairing you think makes sense:


NS the one left as friendship with the most development and detailed with reasons for why it just couldn't occur with sasuke gone (457), and Sakura growing and doing more and growing closer to naruto, even having moments where she herself gave the mutual reception (450, 663 on the memories of his dream). Not to mention all the Kushina stuff that was put alongside Sakura for many hints.


Nh the infrequent once every 50 chapters one, even when Hinata has not been re confronted with the stuff of her confession or neji dying, did naruto change and if people can find a justifiable reason beyond her having large boobs or loving naruto, I don't see why this infrequent flawed one should have a chance to be canon. Hell give me a reason for why her dream with naruto from the genjutsu should come true and others like Lee and Ino should be ignored.


Or SS, the mess, the everything love shouldn't be, the antagonism in its finest, the one where people act crazy and say Sasuke has a deeper meaning and really loves her from the attempted killings and mental torture, and calling her annoying all the time.


I know kishi is had questionable writing from time to time, but seriously, if SS were to go canon, even after 693, thats just the stupidest love subplot ever, I mean really really stupid, like beyond 4th grader fanfiction stupid, I mean, its just been so negative, its been so empty, its been even spoken by sasuke himself he doesnt like her nor see what she sees in him, any fan can see Sakura has a positive relationship with naruto and not sasuke and yet why would people predict or even think this would happen? SS doesnt compute but fans going into fandumb will still try to make a case out of it.


I mean kishi has had strange points in his writing, but seriously, I don't see any love, from any other fictional series or based off some cultural basis even from japans history to merit some absurd love where it was so hostile and negative for a long time, it turns to this. No, love is a complicated emotion, it can be used many ways in a fictional series, but even then it has a limit to when its absurd, its stupid, and its just downright a failure as the theme of love. Love is not negativity, its not threats and attempted killings, love is positive, mutual, and beneficial, its about caring for others. Naruto and Sakura care for each other, Sakura cares for Sasuke, but Sasuke gives no kitten to Sakura and doens't care. He cares about naruto for the fact of the conflicts and similarities, but he gives no crap about Sakura, and seriously, fans still believe he likes her and just acts like he doesn't?


God, nothing can make SS believable or reasonable, its dead and I don't know why people still insistently believe it will occur, even when sasuke himself said he doesn't care....


I mean Sakura cried over finding out naruto loved her and how she impacted him from Sai, she tried to make up for it and got development for it and in the war arc in chapters like 630, 645, and 663, hell even obito attributed about her wanting to help naruto in 685, and dont get me started on the Kushina stuff, but god, Sasuke, he gave no kitten, spent no time about his bad actions on her, hell he apologized to Karin, even then, you can make a more legimeate case of why she loves him, but not Sakura, theres no reason for it, if the reader cannot understand, its so void of any reason, its so negative, even after this event or the movie, there is no way Sasuke could ever be made believable to love Sakura, there is nothing for SS, its dead and to me, its just a shocker people dont get this through their heads, if its empty for the longest time, for any potential canidate for a subplot, like a romance subplot, it has to be built, and this one is not built, its broken, its been decontrusted. Kishi may not have a canon pairing for the manga, maybe the movie, but to me and most others, he has succeeded in convincing most that there is one pairing to never work and that is SS. Out of all the pairings, ironically in the love subplot, kishi confirmed that SS is the one to NEVER HAVE A VALID OR GOOD REASON TO BE CANON.

#604732 Chapter 696

Posted by Inferno180 on 16 October 2014 - 10:33 AM


#600322 When did Sakura lose interest in wanting to be with Sasuke?

Posted by Inferno180 on 10 October 2014 - 07:41 PM

I'd say, rather around the time between the aftermath of the pain events and seeing what he had become in the land of iron.


She saw how she impacted naruto and what the promise did while her old feelings for sasuke and knowing he was part of the akatskui were a driving conflict.


While it still wouldn't be an easy thing to see when she only wanted to get him back more for the purpose of team 7 as a whole, not herself like originally, I would say its fallen more in line with well how Naruto came to impact her and the stuff she did in the war that revolved around him like  in 573 to not let him do it alone, the speech in 630, 662-663, that type of thing.


Well you know one thing though, she smiles around naruto and cries around sasuke. Kinda shows a difference of who she is happy around and who is not nice around her.

#599418 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Inferno180 on 09 October 2014 - 06:08 PM

Only proof I need is in the pudding, or the pages (of the manga) for NS to be canon.


Its basically, even with 693, you need to look at it like this:


even if sakura is still loving sasuke, this doesn't answer how she feels about naruto, and yet we have seen all these moments with her and naruto, despite according to the fandom that NS is just friendship or platonic, then why the heck are Naruto and Sakura getting the moments any reasonable pairing should have while Hinata is just left out and Sasuke just being an all around kitten?


Even then, SS fans saying that "everything built up to SS" I am sorry, but what exactly was built? Antagonism? Strife? Anger, frustration, and saddness from Sakura is what it seems if anything.


I mean you all know how people say "NS is friendship" or "Platonic" or "A red herring" so then, what the hell does this make SS? Is SS supposed to be love or somehow "mutual" because there is nothing mutual about attempted killings or unleashing a cruel mind strike on someone just pleading to come back and turn back before doing anything evil.


No really, if NS is just friendship, it still has SS beaten, because SS isn't even friendship, its just antagonism, strife, and saddness. Its not love, its everything love is not, its the most negative pairing imaginable in the series, and its just, well for SS fans thinking this somehow works for the story as it has been written, well, things are not going to go this way.


I mean really, how the heck was 693 positive for SS? I know people were upset with Sakura or Kishis choice of how he did Sakura, but even then, can anyone even think of anything positive for SS in that one instance? Because Sakura still loves Sasuke? Thats really the reason to suspect that SS would go canon? Can't every other pairing claim this?


What about the fact of:


-Sakura being angry/frustrated aside from being sad on sasukes choice?


-Sasuke's action of again calling sakura annoying and putting her in a genjutsu?


-Sasuke kittening on Sakura's feelings and saying outright, "he has no interest in her, no reason to love her, and cannot see why she loves him" seriously, sasuke himself asked the best question all non-SS fans have questioned for years, just why does she love him? It certainly has not gotten better over the story, its just sunk lower and lower, while her relation with naruto got better.


-Did they forget that even Kakashi said her actions were based on just wanting to save him from darkness like Naruto has been for so long? This was Sakuras only way to her at least in a way to try and attempt this.


-Did Naruto's promise mean nothing? This certainly says NS stuff is around, hell this event didn't even impact NS and yet why are SS fans just glossing over this?


Its like again, this stuff is not hard, its not complicated, its like the land of iron, sasuke full out attempted to kill sakura at that event, in this one, he outright says he doesn't love her, so now are people again trying to say that this isn't what it is? That its somehow got a "hidden meaning?" No thats just the kind of thing thats too far out there, in fact if this was true, this makes things even more complicated than the whole "Sakura loves Sasuke yet Cares for Naruto but why does she have all the important scenes with naruto, even those that are normally intended for two who may become a couple, even then why the hints like kushina? I don't see why this stuff would go on Sakura if she is related to Kushina, unless there is a reason for all of this, perhaps a foreshadow?


I mean did 685 solve anything? No but some fans apparently think it did, and that this somehow still works despite what sasuke just did. So apparently, a love subplot would be fulfilled, by not a pairing with a long gradual and slowly built mutual relationship with plenty of hints, dynamics, and inference, but rather one that has just served no purpose but antagonism, been void of anything positive, had no reason for years that the fans, and even the fillers couldnt expand upon, had the other "no love needed" character even say he doesn't get or want it, done so much negative to the one who loves him (leave her, attempted killings, mental torment of him killing her), had said other character (sakura) constantly be in conflict with this for reasons, we again, do not fully understand, been upset with every bad deed this guy has done, and yet she herself has a good relationship with the hero but they are just going to be friends right? Because apparently sasuke is sasuke, even when he doesn't even matter in the love subplot, he still gets by with nothing, so being a jerk or otherwise SS occurs because Sakura "either simply loved him or just hoped" and then Sasuke gets all warm and fuzzy and his heart grows like the Grinch's spontaneously. All this negativity just doesn't matter right? Sasuke gets a free pass like always, even when it doesn't make a difference to him.


So apparently Sasuke can get away with anything, even just being a jerk to destory the world and start a revolution, outright claim to want to kill naruto, the kage, and Sakura should still side and love him in the end like it was nothing? That this all should merit the fruits of a love borne relationship after so much negativity?






Because looking at it, there is no way this makes sense, not now, not in the end of the manga, not in the movie, even with the timeskip. There is no excuse for SS now. Its dead.


Hell want to know something funny, you don't even need NS and NH in the story at all, and SS as it is, would still be anything but love. Even if you ignored all the NS and NH stuff, SS on its own would still do absolutely nothing, it wouldn't work at all.



Fans can act like SS is still there, that this will again apparently just "blow over and do nothing" but it wont cut it like that anymore, to me and most others, SS is nothing but hot air, full of nothingness. Even those chanting that NS was somehow impacted, nothing from this even impacted NS, that stuff is still there, if it wasn't impacted then its still in effect.


Even with the part when Minato left, some people said that it was proof 631 was "a joke" or "naruto was put on the spot" but even if that was true, well this certainly doesn't help NH or SS now does it? Hinata never met Minato, it doesn't change who Kushina was likenend too in the past, and it certainly doesn't change Kushinas own history which is just too similar to Sakura regardless. The fact is, we still got kushinas foreshadow and she still was attributed to Sakura, in both past with minato, attitude, early relationships, and directly from Minato himself.


At this point, nothing helps SS, even if something was argued against another pairing, SS has nothing and I mean nothing, because if "because Sakura loves Sasuke" is still the only reason, then they are out of ammo, cause any pairing can throw the same shots back at them. NH is out of moves too, the manga is ending, naruto is intent on the promise, he still loves sakura, 615 was their make or break moment and well, it broke. And even like SS, the movie trying to use the timeskip as an excuse is just an asspull.


For what its worth, all that unanswered NS stuff is still there, it has a reason that its not entirely impossible to suspect a final NS moment for the manga and otherwise expect it to be canon in the movie, but as far as the manga itself is for the finale right now, NH is done and SS is dead. NH may get a resolution in the movie, but NS is still the only acceptable one. SS can only be friendship for any positive future, but for all purposes, its dead, we don't know why sakura loved him so long, and because its been so void of any reason or positivity, its dead, you cannot build something big out of something that had nothing positive to begin with for so long, espcially when its been an antagonism factor that we have questioned for so long without even an notion of a reason. If SS has no reasons and even with Sasuke saying what he said in 693, well there you go, SS is dead.


I mean hell, just imagine if Sakura loved Sasuke for what she thought was the "kinder side" she met in chapter 3, just imagine for a second if she came to love him more for what naruto did so long ago, thinking that she had a place in his heart, and then just imagine the freakout of fans if she discovered it was Naruto who was the kinder sasuke at the time, the one who liked her imperfections, it would be a full circle deal. I mean she cares for him, but it would be a revelation to her for why she always asked why he always locked her out and never gave her that warm reception from the start of the manga, because that sasuke never truly existed, that ideal sasuke, all along was naruto. I mean this is wishful thinking, but if it did happen in the movie, it would be the mother of all meltdowns for those against NS.

#598723 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Inferno180 on 09 October 2014 - 12:53 AM

How about looking at it like this?


A real debate topic:


Throughout the years, in the pairing debates, NH and SS fans have constantly said NS wouldn't happen, yet as the manga went on, ironically, its like these arguements against NS fell flat out. Not the simpleton ones like Sakura caring nothing for Naruto or Naruto giving up on Sakura or the promise, I mean the ones that just fell out over time that had reason at one point but then just died.


I mean like:


437, Hinata confesses, but nothing save a small remembrance was made since then, otherwise no confrontation has occured with this and afterwards Sakura hugged Naruto and we even got a reason for why NS just couldnt happen (aside from the land of iron events that Sakura couldnt just force herself to love Naruto but she still grew from this and came to support him).


469, many said Naruto was over Sakura and would move towards Hinata, yet this never happened and Hinata had no moments of growing with him nor naruto getting with her more often. Had the war had them together for a bit, this could have changed for NHs benefit but it didn't.


504, we got kushinas foreshadow, people claimed NS was dead yet why have narutos mother say find a girl like her and hint NS if it was truely dead? Hinata had nothing in common with Kushina (save being kidnapped by the cloud and thats not something to brag about) Hell, even the backstory and the similar looking down upon minato and hating her hair, that was enough to say who she was like, I mean even then, look what happened later on with the infamous 631, look at RtN, look at Ultimate Ninja storm revolution, even with these 2 non-canon deals, can anyone honestly say Hinata is like Kushina at this point? Kushina sure seems to have the similar tsundere, smash stuff with her fists in comical fashion just like Sakura (and to other degrees Tsunade) but hell, its just that past releationship.


540, people said Sakura is always stuck on Sasuke and loves him regardless, yet she came to distrust him and was antagoniszed by it, hell she was angry at him too. No matter how one looks at it, she cares for him and wants to save him, but the aspect of love, this is not, love is supposed to be good, not antagonistic or negative like this, seriously, if there are SS fans who ship this because of how it is, I would seriously want to know what other antagonsitic void of anything positive ships they would follow if this one was so much the same. Hell its basic math, everything positive with her is with naruto, everything negative, whenever sasuke causes crap. Hell ever since 635 came, this was a notion of SS breaking apart, now after 693, its the only pairing to get closure, but closure as never gonna happen in any reasonable way now, SS died here.


Then came 615, NH fans chanted for 3 weeks through, yet who would have guessed this was the last real NH moment of the manga? Naruto sure didn't focus on Hinata at all after this, yet nejis death has preoccupied his mind. And then came the chapter that broke the internet and shut down narutofourms and base for a good while. But yeah, the following broken logic and discontent of other pairing fans was funnier than the reaction of naruto, sakura, and minato in this short string giving proof that sakura and kushina were paralleled. If people tried to dodge this as being in sync with 504, well its them ignoring something that may be obvious.


Then came 662, everyone thought Hinata would help Naruto by loving him and Sakura would just rush to Sasuke like the stuff from 635 didn't matter, well Sakura went to help Naruto and Karin (at least attempted and worried over) Sasuke. Then came the biggest dual gut buster to the NH fandom I could ever think of, HInata missing out and Sakura getting a moment with naruto, not the CPR but the memories of his dream and wanting him to become hokage, seriously, this is the type of scene an intended couple would get, the heroine not giving up on the hero and showing the important stuff. Really looking back, I see 663 as the opposite of 693, where 693 was SS shattering, this one, 663, was showing how much Naruto had come to impact Sakura, to the point she wanted his dream to come true, you don't see this with Hinata or any other girl now do you?


Then came 685, people said SS would come, well 693 answered that and now SS is well, nothing. And to add a case of double irony, in that same chapter, the promise that everyone said Naruto abandoned or gave up on, well he was still very much on it, and so now we have the promise, take that with 457, aka this means most likely Naruto is still intent and again, still in love with Sakura. So much for 631 being a "joke"


Then as a special case, people in 691 said that the sakura-kushina deal didn't matter since naruto didn't answer, and yet trying to say this, just completely backfires on any NH/SS fans trying to break it, because this doesn't change what we saw before with anything Sakura-Kushina related, Minato met no other girl but Sakura and compared her to Kushina, and even then, this still wouldnt help or bloster anything for NH and SS. It was even a case in which NS fans could legeimately argue that Sakura being there and the promise unfulfilled is why he couldnt tell Minato, and even then, again people are expecting naruto to not succeed with Sakura if he has the promise and his reason from 457 still? It boggles me to this day why people cheer for naruto to succeed in everything expect sakura... and even then it may just be saved to be revealed in the movie or just, again, not the right time since the final fight was to start.


Look at it all, you see this arguments from the past shot down one after another, NS has made a case for itself to why it should be the considered pairing, even then this late, in the final chapters or the movie this can be addressed and bring everything forward. Really to me, NH and SS are out of moves, NH is dead in the dirt and SS is just no longer alive or believable. If you ask me, again, we won this, the reasons are still there, the notions are still there, the possibility for it still exists in the end of the manga and the movie if it should be revealed there. This is why I believe the pairing wars are in a checkmate now and just need to be revealed. Even if NS somehow didn't go canon after this, well least we had the best run and SS died for all reasons so now, its just an asspull.


But yeah, I think we have this, you never know, it could be in our favor after 693 as said before. But as I see it, we have the high ground and SS was KO'd and NH is still moving through the mud. So now its just a matter of waiting for the right time if NS should come.

#597965 Chapter 695

Posted by Inferno180 on 08 October 2014 - 12:16 PM

Okay so for what its worth,


This chapter, for all its action, its fine and looks nice.


Guess the only real thing I would say though is just that, for how this is being done, unless the fight is going to be one or 2 more chapters, well then this was the "big event" we had been seeing for years and well its just anticlimatic at this point given the limited space.


Plotwise, it can be fulfilled, but action wise its still shorter than we expected.


Also theres just that deal of, well I don't see how this manga would just end on a reasonable note if we didn't see a resolution before the last. It seems that if our last glimpse of Sakura was from sasuke being an ass and everyone else in the genjutsu, while kakashi is just stuck waiting like the rest of us, until we see the movie, it really seems that this wouldn't fulfill what it should.


Theres no doubt that the movie should be canon now, but at this point, I can only imagine that this fight would be a setup for the movie, because I don't see how in a movie full of resolution they would have anyone else but sasuke as the antagonist.


I mean again, before mangas end, I expect to see the following:


-The genjutsu released


-Sakura out of the her own genjutsu from sasuke


-A victory scene/ensemble cast moment.


-Sasuke either back or till next time we finish this (but helps release the genjutsu)


And then the things I am hopeful for:


One last NS moment for the ending in the manga or possibly naruto fulfilling his promise.


Other than that, depending on what we have left to see, if this fight really really was that short, I am hoping that either the anime extends this so we get the action we need to have had if kishi had kept the series running longer or the movie gives the fight we must see. Otherwise if it was this short than hopefully the remaining dialouge just goes to work, impacts sasuke in someway, then the genjutsu is released and either he goes back to the leaf with naruto or vows to fight again setting the stage for the movie.


Because to me, again it seems strange that we just got this final new plot element of revolution revealed and with sasuke this powerful and intent on being a necessary evil, according to him, that it would be one moment "Naruto I will kill you, the kages, the tailed beasts, and all who oppose me" one moment and then 4 or so chapters later, in the final 10 of the series by all means, he goes, "Oh I guess despite our differences, I'll return to the leaf with you and abandon this revolution"


Frankly to me, the movie may have been done in part because of this limited space. Guess its more than likely at this point that the manga ending won't be the major conclusion, but that would be saved for the movie. Really at this point I am just expecting the following to be most likely to occur:


-Sasuke leaves but helps break the genjutsu before he does. Real final fight is in the movie.


-Victory scene after the war, helps end the manga.


- Hopefully, a final NS scene, because even this late, I wouldnt want Sakuras final scene in the manga to have been being subjected to sasuke's assholery.


Just by the manga itself, it seems like a lot is going to be left unresolved and at this point, the movie would need to cover it all. For anything, it seems like both the main naruto vs sasuke fight and the love subplot could possibly be resolved there. I mean again, even with this NS stuff still around, it would have to be used in some point either in the final chapters after this short battle or possibly the movie? Eh we just need to wait and see, but at this point, as I said, the manga ending is not that climatic at this point, mainly in the length of action, had there been more time, or kishi had about 20 more weeks, this would be much better.


But for what time remains, naruto as a whole has been a good series but kinda fizzed out at the end with the shortend fight we just saw, unless it goes on for another chapter, then really this should be a setup for the final events in the movie, otherwise I hope the anime expands this fight. And again, as a NS fan, as unlikely as it seems for something to happen, I still just say, that whole deal with just not getting to see sakura or kakashi again after sasuke being a jerk, just doesn't seem fitting for an end. I mean won't we get to see everyone else one last time before the manga concludes?


As such, I hope at this point, the manga ending is a setup for the movie to end everything. I still believe in NS due to all the stuff that came forward over the manga and past year since 631, I still believe that it will be used in some way for some moment for the final chapters or in the movie, even naruto still loving sakura and intent on the promise is enough for me.


But again, if this fight has 1 more chapter or is done now, let the anime expand it, hopefully it continues and is much bigger in the last, let chapters 697, 98, and 99 be the ending, resolution, setup for the last.


All I know is, I hope to see a fitting conclusion in all of this and just want to see team 7 one more time. Yes we still may get a NS moment, you never know. I mean we did get that surprising NS moment early this year with 663, we had obito reflect on kakashis words of helping naruto when he stumbed and tell this to sakura (even though she didn't know) and we have naruto still loving and intent on his promise to sakura (right in the same chapter that struck down SS).


So yeah lets enjoy what remains, keep our eyes on the last, and enjoy NS regardless.

#596791 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Inferno180 on 07 October 2014 - 12:29 AM

If I should say anything though, with only 5 chapters left,


NH is out of moves and well, there is no major point left to go back to her, and as of recently, SS is dead, so does this mean checkmate for NS to win? I mean there can be a NS tidbit if we see one last bit with Sakura.

#596379 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by Inferno180 on 06 October 2014 - 12:48 PM

Unless these chapters are like 2 or 3 times as long, I don't know what to expect.

Though in the line if the pairing stuff, for anything as it went, there is no way SS can even be considered after the recent stomping it took, even moreso just due to the movie, using the timeskip as an excuse for building it is just really really bad considering the whole voidness and lack of actual content this pairing has had the whole time. Rather this isn't love, again it's antagonism.

The other with nh well, it's still again, infrequent and just a shattered mess, even hinata getting thrown into the genjutsu doesn't help anything and well yeah that ns stuff is still going around, even the find a girl like Kushina, this is literally just an easy conventional answer right there. It's not development if they just decided to use the timeskip as an excuse.

As for narusaku, even if the manga went open ended, it still makes a difference between what we as an audience actually saw and well had been hinted and inferences several times and like kushinas foreshadow hanging on sakura, the same has been just plain with her development towards naruto and well there's no question this is the biggest onscreen paring to occur, while the other 2 had been well a real mess and not as frequently occurring, narusaku is the only one that makes any dependable direct resolution.

I mean if the manga ends on it's own note, then if everything is open ended by the manga, then well you can still make ns the reasonable and believes me one at this point.

Though what comes in the movie is another deal and it's just that, if this is the last time Kishi is doing anything for the story, if naruto has more adventures beyond this and Kishi still didn't resolve anything, well now I would say this is where things get stupid. Because if SP was to be running the future anime/movies after all this, there's nothing stopping them from pulling bullcrap with hinata and Sasuke (well more than Kishi did with Sasuke). I mean it would be a similar situation to like how DBZ only had vegeta and Bulma because well, or trunks, time space laws, etc despite everything that had been seen and known with Yamaha before, but this is a bad comparison, a better one would be well yes if like zuko and katara went together in avatar, even though the writers highly never showed much for it, the case in this one is, again, after a manga running for years out if all the ones we got, a timeskip for a new movie makes no excuses for what came before. In the manga we have even seen a foreshadow for an end pairing, aka from Kushina it's been seen 3 times, and we got it only focusing in sakura to this point.

SS is not love, it's antagonism and has no content, this one is not even believable after the mauling in 693, a timeskip fixes nothing especially since all that negativity and conflict exists and there was never anything good or mutual with it the majority of the time, a timeskip still gives it no content or development, SS is just a sorry mess of an excuse.

Nh is still alive and reasonable but with many problems, but it would be occurring for all the wrong reasons, I mean even as far as the manga is concerned naruto still loves sakura and is still intent in his promise to her. The base point of this one is, even with all her moments with naruto, she has only been friends with him, naruto and sakura still had the most time and scenes if importance or ones that otherwise intended pairings would have like 450 and 663. This one is still basically well, yeah simply because hinata loves him and well it's to me, not enough to merit this.

Ns though,yeah it's still the reasonable one, the only logical one by all means, and ns fans would have a reason to be upset if this actually changed because well, what kind if love subplot would this be after all the stuff we have seen, focused in narusaku, just got sidelined for something else that didn't have the merits (nh) or something that was an absolute mess (SS). I mean this is the pairing that started out as hate and became the best boy girl relationship in the series, hell even the heroes parents had a similar early interaction and dynamics, the fact if the ns stuff not coming together is still something i would find hard to believe. I would totally be upset if kishi or especially SP actually just took the easy way out with nh or gave Sasuke a free pass to something he never even mattered in, to me, naruto succeeding in everything but the girl he loved, it's like a giant middle finger, it's just a sense of the hero manages to even bring his troubled "friend" back from the brink after all this and yet still cannot get with the girl he loves?

Yeah part of what I see in ns having reason to go canon is just because if naruto himself, he is going to fulfill his goals, he will become hokage, so why the hell are many fans cheering for him yet saying he should get with a different girl? Yeah that's a big error to me, it's naruto gets all his goals done like Sasuke, and hokage, and yes, confessing and ending with sakura.

To me, part of me being a ns fan, even with only 5 chapters and the movie left, even this late when it seems like nothing will be resolved, to me, this stuff has to be resolved because of everything that has occurred, especially over this year. I mean again, most of the pairing stuff, it's no doubt narusaku is still the big picture one, the one with the most reason and acceptability, and I just hope like you guys it's fulfilled in the end. Not something to be sidelined simply because Kishi didn't follow through or because SP thought hinata was better, and hell there is no excuse for SS, it's a mess, an honest to god mess, it has no right to even live anymore, to me SS is still a cancer that just needs to die.

Well let's hope these chapters get the fight done and hopefully throw in some more narusaku stuff. Things may turn out for us in the end, and otherwise the movie may make narusaku canon, it's still the only reasonable one and no timeskip excuse is needed to use it.

#588635 Chapter 693

Posted by Inferno180 on 26 September 2014 - 02:44 AM

Really despite this mess as people made, I can honestly give you a simple solution:


We know SS is pretty much otherwise been proven just incapable and unacceptable to the story at this point, even when sasuke goes out saying its practically a good question in itself. I still say this is the chapter of no return for SS, because seriously at this point would people still expect sakura to just be the same? I don't expect her to be the same like this throughout the whole story, that just doesn't solve anything and yes this goes in line with the next thing I will say:


All that NS stuff is still there, it wasn't impacted, it hasn't come to full effect. This ordeal today didn't impact or show how she feels about naruto now did it? No, and that itself has been a constant question in the series, even then any fan can ask why does sakura have the better relationship with naruto yet not love him? What is kishi even doing in this case with stuff like today?


Really all I can say is, what is "shocking" for now will be made into sense later on, for all purposes this could be the start of something we would actually like, who knows this deal could lead to NS for all we know as unlikely as it may seem.


But again, as long as those NS development and hints have still been around and untouched by all these events, it hasn't been effected or harmed in the least, hell that whole deal of the promise to me says that naruto is still intent on the promise, still loving sakura, and still unable to confess to her.


At this point this chapter otherwise proved that SS is just antagonism, just plain clear cut antagonism on Sakura and this could have been the setup for her to overcome it as lackluster as some may see it.


We have had chapters like this before, I mean just a few weeks ago with kagyua people were dissapointed by what Sakura did but in all honesty, I was expecting that some event in the future would be confrontive with sakura in regards to sasuke and likewise, the deal of NS going canon over SS, long long ago I said it would take some event, some gradual progress.


That gradual progress of her towards naruto already exists, its just not fully answered, but the deal with sasuke, to move away, this may be the start of it.


People constantly think sakura is just love locked on sasuke, that is impossible for her to change. Well the oldest/heaviest mental traits tend to be the longest to change and for one case, Sakura loving Sasuke would be part of that gradual progress and if NS is to go canon, this may just be the climax for her confrontation with sasuke, that after all the antagonism, this is more or less the high point of it and some of sakuras resolution would be coming to terms with herself on this stuff. Hey its not the best but if it helps her become a complete character, to overcome this idealism love she had then thats all I say is needed.


Seriously, after today I had a mix of fun seeing SS just at the point of no return, at this point, even with what sasuke said, there is just no point, no way in hell SS could even be acceptable, not after all this, espcially not today.


But I also had a mix of seeing well, people too over-reactive to this stuff.


Now everyone is going "get the raws, get the right translation" when I just again say hold your horses, wait till you see the events unfold, this is the start of something, sakura will be impacted in someway by this after getting out of the genjutsu, and well yeah if that NS stuff is still around and it hasn't been impacted in anyway, how the hell did NS "die?" I mean for gods sake, naruto mentioned the promise within this same chapter, isn't that one of the key factors to our pairing? Isn't that part of the heart of NS?


Guys guys guys...


Most of you would disagree with me upon this stuff but I say again:


-raws wont hold all the answers, we need to see the events unfold themselves, context means one thing, actions mean a whole lot of another. Because just imagine, what if this really is the end of SS, really, what if this is the 3rd times the charm deal where Sakura tried to speak to sasuke and got over it after this time? We honestly just need to wait and see what happens for one thing, another is that, we have a lot of insurance in the form of all that lingering NS elements, it was untouched today, just cause sakura acted the way she did and just cause naruto didn't act out more on this doesn't mean NS is dead or that their relationship was impacted.


Geez, I cannot believe I am saying this but, this is the first time I am just going to take a break from this site.


I come back every couple of hours, everyone is still in a panic and discussing "kishi butchering things again" or "This was a confusing chapter" or 'Wait is NS dead?" or "We need the raws!"


I honestly have to say a few things:


'Again kishi isn't "messing around" this stuff is planned freaking weeks, god damn freaking weeks in advance, he is not trolling, this was intended weeks ahead of time.


The manga is not going to end by december 6th, seriously, there are still a few plot elements to address these events are not all capable of being finished within just 10 or so mere chapters. It will go a bit longer. I mean this is going to be the "big finale battle" of the manga, so would you expect it to last only 10 chapters or so? I am honestly finding it hard to believe it would be only 10 chapters.


Sakuras development isn't done, she is still changing in regards to both of them.


Everytime a "shocker" occurs, it could be the start of something. Remember how 615 looked like the end for us? That was the chance NH could have become bigger? Well it didn't. Doesn't it stand to reason that Sakura could get beyond Sasuke at anypoint? That she could move towards naruto? What law of the naruto universe says she cannot move on? Seriously, this is exactly the same kind of BS counter productive to character development that exactly made SS hard to believe in the first place. For all we know this event could be the end of that Sakura crying over Sasuke. Even I find it hard to believe that kishi, after writing a big manga for 15 years, would just have kept this stagnated trait that serves no purpose at this point on a character, on his heroine for crying out loud. This chapter today otherwise to me proved SS is nothing but antagonism, just not acceptable or believable.


-We have seen worst and honestly, there is no pleasing the fandom at this point, as some Sakura haters always have reasons to hate her, really this isn't any cataclysmic event, I mean in an ironic twist, doesn't it say that in one way, we should be happy sasuke is the ass he is for even outright saying he has no reason to love her and just act as the single biggest issue to SS?


-People have said kishis writing has gone downhill at this point so many times, well when exactly was the downhill part? I still see ups and downs throughout the war, ten tails, and genjutsu arc and some of it is good, some is bad to me, but thats the deal, I have my own opinion as a fan of this series.


-I honestly hate how some people go only by raws, that now the japanese words are the biggest evidence to context, while the manga is of course the only acceptable evidence, there is also reason in needing to remember that there is evidence in both

1. The evidence that is still in effect, aka the NS stuff like the development and the hints which were not touched upon in any negative way this chapter, if nothing NS related occured, then how the hell could it be impacted? All I saw today was nothing but harm upon SS.

2. There is evidence in story structure, seriously, can anyone tell me, depsite the writing issues and oddities at times, that NH or SS still makes sense beyond NS? NH is infrequent and at this point it would only happen simply because she loves him depsite all these issues for it that say NS has a better chance to occur. And no SS as said before, after today, has no chance, has no reason, has no purpose, no rational, no acceptablity.


I don't like going by just raws. This is a manga with plenty of visual clues and panels and story structure logic as well for one to interpret what is capable of occuring and what is incapable of occuring and at this point, it still simply can be said that NS has the best chance, NH the second best, but SS no reason at all. I don't go by just words, I go by the elements we are given, the pictures, the inference of what could come, the development that remains untouched at times until it comes back, if its not occuring then it cannot be impacted for a time.


The deal of the NS development is that, it didn't happen this chapter, then it didnt get impacted or effected. As far as I am concerned nothing impacted naruto and sakuras relationship this chapter. And I still see plenty of reason for it.


I don't run on just raws because even if it is okay, she still loves him, does this change anything for SS? No, and likewise it would still not change anything for NS in any negative way. No matter the translation, it doesn't take a genius to figure out Sasuke doesn't love sakura, mocked her, and naruto is still intent on his promise to her. Aka Naruto still loves Sakura as she still has this antagonistic love for Sasuke. But again, we have also had this constant deal of sakura changing and it still remains in effect.


I am sorry guys but I cannot stand this negativity, I'm going rogue for a while. Honestly the one thing I could never expect from a day we got a chapter saying just plain how much of an antagonistic mess that SS is, the very chapter just outright showing its not acceptable, reasonable, or even essential to the story. The one just showing how bad it is. Much of our fandom on this site goes insecure.


I have seen stuff like this before, but honestly, now even a guy who has a high integrity for this site and the fellow fans, yeah now I am finally out on this for a bit. Maybe the negativity has finally gotten to me, maybe I am just sick of how some others always go "the story is spiraling out of control, kishi is insane, etc.


Yeah, I have my opinions but after seeing today, really all I can say is if its that much an issue, than calm down, wait to see what happens, it may get better it may not. Again for all we know Sakura could get over sasuke at last after today's event.


I mean let me give you guys a quick history lesson out here:


I remember back last year when Sasuke decided to protect the village, everyone thought sasuke was a good guy or naruto failed and hashirama succeeded in convincing sasuke to return to the village basically, did he turn good though? No, we got hints for this stuff ever since 635, and look now, its still naruto there ready to face sasuke and end this. People honestly thought for a time this fight wouldnt happen, but again, fans like me said, it was an enemy of my enemy type deal, even then, we got moments we enjoyed after 615 "made NH canon" and look what has happened since then, NH has not gone anywhere, its literally just a dream right now, SS got hammered again and again with negativity, and NS just got more events and important moments and hints, I mean we know the hint is still around after it came up 3 weeks ago, so how the heck is this somehow a dark sign for us today? Guys guys guys, I frankly am just strained out on just seeing so much panicking and depression... some thought 685 would bring SS stuff and today if anything proved that was not the case at all. Today was as negative as SS could ever get and if SS fans think they won, this is literally like trying to claim victory when your own base is been conquered and ruined to the ground. Again for all we know this is just the start of something else, it could go in a way that benefits us.


All again I say is, I don't rely on the raws, I take the other past elements, the stuff still in effect, the story logic, the idea of what can occur, not just going on the context. I take more of a whole deal thing for my predictions and speculation on future chapters rather than just go "oh kishi sucks and is bringing everything to kitten for the story" No because its easy to see how much of a mess he could bring with SS, NH, or Sakura still loving Sasuke like nothing changed or mattered, its easy to see the mess this is, but I don't like to envision this, because I honestly would find this hard after such a long story for it to be like this didn't matter in the start or end in some way. Like if she never learned something then it would be dumb and the love subplot would be a complete failure, even for NS being the only acceptable resolution for it at this point, but for what its worth, even I doubt kishi would go off the deep end as much as some hope, the very fears some people and other NS fans have is the same as the insane thoughts and hopes that SS and NH fans have that just make the entirety of SS, NH, and Sakura never changing even harder to believe than Naruto and sasuke not having their final fight. I mean come on, kishi is not the best writer, but I doubt he is going to be that bad, because any reader could tell what a mess the other 2 pairings are and that Sakura, herself, even she has to change in some regard towards sasuke rather than just suffer in antagonism or just smile after the storm has passed simply because she hoped. I mean naruto and sasuke changed, surely she will too, maybe its taking effect now or it will take longer, but at this point, I have said all I could.


I'm outta here for a while.


For anyone that has agreed with me or took the time to see my posts, thank you for the comments. I have my opinions and views but for what its worth, just to make you happy remember,


-we still have the lead

-our pairing is fine

-ours is the only one acceptable for any means to ending the love subplot


take a breather from naruto if you are concerned, me I feel fine, nothing changed in regards to NS today, just a deathblow to SS.


and finally:




I may see you guys in 5 days or so, because guess its time I took my break from this site after today. Hope those of you concerned in anyway from today feel better in the coming week. See you guys around.

#588032 Chapter 693

Posted by Inferno180 on 25 September 2014 - 07:52 PM

Well I'm a bit upset not at the chapter nor at sakura or naruto but for how some people are overreacting, if you honestly believe ns lost just because if what occurred with sakura and Sasuke, I don't know what to tell you at this point. If anything SS is dead for good, has no purpose, reason, or redemption. But also if naruto going on Sakura's promise was not a notion of narusaku indont know what is, add to the fact that sakura is still changing in regards to both of them and this current event could just be a part of another event in the future with her, possibly leading to narusaku.

This event will impact her and when she comes back it's not bound to say the same, the process of building ns wouldn't be instant, it's been and still is a long gradual process, same with the declining stuff on loving Sasuke.

Sakura didn't regress or become wasted, this would occur if she actually still had these feelings in the end and if basically naruto couldn't fulfill his promise to her, like nothing was learned. She would be wasted if she still has these views and didn't grow out if learning it. Sakura's development is still intact, and yet she is still changing in regards to both naruto and Sasuke. For a chapter like this today, it didn't kill ns because naruto didn't act out nor did it harm ns because he didn't respond, rather there was a positive element just from his notion in the promise and yelling at Sasuke for doing the genjutsu on sakura. All the stuff of ns from before, it's still there and intact, this was the antagonism event for sakura when it came to sasuke, so perhaps soon there could be something with her thoughts on naruto? You never know what will happen, but even as today occurred, narusaku is still fine and still alive and well and the only pairing reasonable enough to go canon.

SS is dead, nh is in limbo, narusaku is fine.

Think what you want, but to me, everything is still fine, sakura is just in a gradual process of still changing. To me, the stuff of 675 was that her love had still decreased and it's still decreasing because even by the story, it's just logical by that, SS has no reasonable or believable purpose so in one sense yes I see it as sakura is still changing in regards to both of them. The other it's because SS just doesn't fit the story or even be allowed, perhaps it may finally be ending because SS is not love, it's antagonism and sakura may finally overcome this. You never know but also just due to the narusaku stuff from before, there is plenty of sense in the development and hints that naruto and sakura could end up together, it's not about just one moment, that's how nh and SS try to work but where they ultimately fail.

Narusaku works as an entirety and a journey, a gradual long process that turned from sakura being annoyed with naruto to where it is now with naruto still loving her and her caring as much as she has shown in other events, like the 663 stuff. Again she has these good moments with naruto, but only antagonism on Sasuke? Narusaku is the only acceptable pairing in my opinion and the only one that still makes sense at this point. I don't see Sakura's character ruined or destroyed, she isn't love locked on Sasuke, she changed from hating naruto to coming to support and care for him as she has shown before around 663 and 685 (from obitos words though she didn't understand) then she could come to love naruto and only be friends with Sasuke, getting over her love for him. It's to impossible but to see even some of fellow ns fans act like that, kinda disheartening but again, in see nothing wrong with this chapter, it was bound to have some confrontation upon sakura and well this end of SS could start the canonization of narusaku as many may not believe,

Narusaku is fine and it's still around, nothing impacted or changed it. While naruto and Sasuke will fight, there will be something on the side for sakura and Kakashi. And for sakura, it could just be some reflection or reaction from what Sasuke did and make her think about somethings, things we may have not seen before. Maybe even hagoromo would give her insight in something before leaving. Sakura wouldn't suddenly fall for naruto the progenitor feelings to loving him are there, and it makes sense they could become something to her. Sakura has returned more than mere friendship to naruto at times and this is what ns has over the other pairings along with the development, hints, and so on.

All that narusaku stuff from before is still around and in effect. It won't just vanish and I believe it will lead to a point that we hope occurs making ns canon.

So view this chapter as you want, I feel fine about things, nothing happened to narusaku, I am just happy over the SS sinking and that naruto is still following the promise even after these events, he still loves her and you never know, sakura may soon love naruto.

#587840 What's with Sakura?

Posted by Inferno180 on 25 September 2014 - 05:58 PM

You know you could be right actually


Because I am right, this is common sense, sakura experienced a shocking event, from sasuke, so this will impact her and its entirely plasuable this deal will impact her and possibly cause a shift that may just be in our favor. Sakura is still changing towards both of them, her feelings for naruto are not entirely said to be what they are so that is still a question, how much does she care for him? This question has gone around so much, its funny that its still been unanswered but thats what it is, she is still changing in regards to them both and for naruto, it may just be something else in the end. Besides, look back a few chapters, there is a lot more saying what can come for NS. Not NH due to it being absent and not SS most of all after today. NS still has all the elements to go canon, for all we know, this is just another step there. One end can be another beginning, so SS end could be the time Sakura finally starts to turn towards Naruto in some event looking at herself or reflecting upon herself who she wants to be okay, etc, by some other means, hell maybe even hagoromo will tell her something she gets impacted by and turns to naruto, there are thousands of ways this could occur and for Sakura, well its entirely possible she could turn to naruto.


Also thank you grave,

#587799 Chapter 693

Posted by Inferno180 on 25 September 2014 - 05:41 PM

I am just sitting here and again saying basically:


Everyone is too caught up in the moment, ever look a few steps back to think that perhaps sakura is still changing in regards to them both?


So this was a victory for the deathblow of SS and people are still going on that Sakura is somehow wasted or pointless?


She is still changing in regards to both Naruto and Sasuke, geez I never thought I would see some NS fans given the idea that Sakura was somehow "love gridlocked" on Sasuke, when you know as well as I do that SS is pointless and has no purpose or acceptability at this point and it otherwise is just a mess to see well, why do naruto and sakura have the best boy-girl relationship yet she only cares for Naruto? So in the end we need to accept that Sakura is always going to love Sasuke?


Ok yeah I doubt that, because if she could go from hating naruto to caring as much as she does now for him, then why are some people thinking it will all just end at friendship? I mean we got a freaking foreshadow that naruto will end up with a girl like kushina and sakura is still the only girl fitting that, did people just flat out forget this stuff?


Lets look at the situation like this:


SS is dead, even Sasuke promoted the answer to why did people even ship it in a nutshell:

"I have no interest in her and frankly I don't know what she sees in me."


Did it ever occur to those panicing that this is perhaps just one step in a bigger moment to come, perhaps a new direction for Sakura? An end to an antagonistic confrontation? Maybe she would be impacted by this and move in some new development progression after this event? Sure the battle will be with naruto and sasuke but as long as hagoromo is around, kakashi and sakura will be there on the side, I mean sakura isn't in the infinite genjutsu, she can be brought out if either kakashi or hagoromo (or herself) has the skill.


But guys, seriously, look again and ask this:


1. Was NS even hurt or given anything this chapter? No, nothing NS happened this chapter.


2. The only death this chapter was SS. We knew it was a mess for years, this was the chapter sasuke himself was able to confirm it with. Seriously, if the notion of him trying to cut through sakura to attack madara or not acting to save them from the lava was like getting kicked in the nuts and beaten by a gang on the ground, if all this stuff before in the year killed SS, this was desecrating the remains of the corpse. It is beyond dead, the very soul of SS is destroyed.


3. The only NS related deal was the promise, we said for years it made no freaking sense for him to have given it up, and honestly, I thought most of you would be happy with this notion. The fact this promise still exists also means the fact that deal of 457 still exists and he has his reasons still for loving sakura and that he cannot confess yet. Seriously, this is the deal saying we are still around. NH is still in limbo unable to act and SS is burning and losing its buoyancy and fast. If you thought 631 was bad for NH, this is the equivalent of a ship getting nailed with toropdeos, missles, water mines, and the grand finale, literally SS was nuked today and nothing will remain in the end. If nothing happens with NS for now, thats not good or bad but the notion naruto still has the promise, this deal just became a twofold problem for NH and SS because it just shattered the deal that he gave up on sakura and likewise still became an even bigger issue for NH!


4. Sakuras development is not done, she continues to change, she has been for the entire series. Remember my question for why I ship NS?


Sakura "loves" Sasuke but "cares" for Naruto, so in the entire series, why is it that Sakura gets such good times and development with naruto but only "cares" for him yet "loves" sasuke despite the antagonism? How much does Sakura "care" for naruto?


And this question still has not been answered, in the event, yes she said what she said to try and stop him from his actions but this time it had a mix of sadness and rage, its not the exact same as before.


But guys, honestly, if you are concerned, don't rely on the tense as the main issue, you need to look at the other events and from what we have seen before, to me, NS is fine, its still around, and its still the big end game one with the development and dynamics, the aspect of sakura going to naruto was going to be a long gradual one just as her getting over sasuke would be if it ever came to that (likewise she could still see him as a friend in the end) the point is, you cannot be caught just in this moment and think Sakura cares nothing for naruto, remember all that other stuff about supporting his dream? Her being like Kushina? Naruto still loving her for crying out loud even after the land of iron events? All this development didn't just vanish or go wasted, nothing exactly changed to bring up or down how she feels about naruto. For those of you worried, you are exactly sounding like those that expect NS to just be a joke or red herring and if this was true well, then kishi would be an utter failure at this point in this subplot, because NH is nothing but a convinent fodder event and SS is just antagonism, its not love, its just a joke at this point. You really think he would do that at this point? Seriously? He has written some odd stuff, but I doubt even he would go that far off the deep end.


For Sakura towards Naruto, she is still in that zone of she is best friends with him but also has gone into that something more area at times like the hug or her memories of him in 663 and wanting him to become hokage.


For all we know this could be the start of something new, perhaps did anyone pause to mention how she would be impacted by this?


I don't know about you but I am just drinking some soda, enjoying the sight of the burning ship known as SS and watching it sink into the bottom of the sea to become what it should, a pointless slag heap. Otherwise I am waiting to see what happens with Sakura next but honestly, I don't see her as love gridlocked, nothing changed with her currently with Naruto, but the point of NS has and always has been that she could turn his way and eventually come to terms with loving him, and this is still very much the case.


Did we get our answer to how does sakura truly feel or "care" about naruto? No we have not, until naruto gets to confess, I doubt we will and for the fact he still loves her and she is still changing in regards to him, thats enough in my opinion. It was ever since that yamato event, this question still has been buzzing around and remains unanswered even today, it remains unanswered because her view of him has constantly changed. Its not like sakura is doomed to love sasuke, she can change and she still is, its not the end. Not by a longshot. In fact NH is still out and SS is dead for sure, so NS just needs to wait for the right time if you ask me. Maybe some side stuff with sakura here, but for changing, yes it is entirely possible.


even then, take the past stuff and the hints, development, and try to think what can come next. Sakura can fall for naruto at any point, she already has a great relationship with him, perhaps it will change to something more in the end? I can certainly see it doing that.


The end of one thing, is the start of many others, if I am anticipating anything, I want to see how sakura was impacted by this and when naruto finally fulfills that promise, well at this point if she comes to love naruto for all the right reasons kishi could easily put on screen, it would still make perfect sense.


For anything else, I cannot convince anyone among their views, but this is just me:

-Nothing has happened to NS, rather the notion its around with the promise is our victory today.

-Sasuke killed SS for sure this time, there is no recovery nor reason or acceptability for it this time.

-Sakura's development isn't wasted or done, its still ongoing and I have said every freaking week, she is still changing in regards to them, and yes that is still going on. She very well will be impacted by this and if this is the case, after this time, this 3rd event, I am expecting a shift of some sorts, some changed outlook, some view upon herself. For all we know Sakura could come to love naruto in the next few chapters after some deep inner look event for all we know!


But until then, to me, yeah nothing has changed for NS but its still the most likely to go canon, SS died today for sure and it has no recovery. Now I have to go get ready for a raid in destiny with my friends. NS still has the lead by a longshot and all that development, screentime, dynamics, and hints with Kushina are still around, it will all lead to something, and again, for all we know, this could all lead to something for NS. Its not about the one moment, its about the whole thing that built it up together.


NH and SS are just destinations at this point but NS is a journey and everything that has come is still perfectly in line for it to go canon, so until then, keep calm and enjoy NS.