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#492827 Naruto 646

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 11 September 2013 - 01:42 PM

Hmmm....I read most of the comments and something...doesn't feel right. A good portion of you find this plot hard to believe. A tree that bears fruit and can create gods if that fruit is eaten? Why Kishi has gone off his rocker. Nay, I say.
I am about to bring up something else that is far worse than that. People know of my relationship with this series as I have mentioned it so many times before on the podcast. One I never said was that there was another reason why I hate this series. I want to bring that up now because I think I have a point to make.
I have to bring this up because so many people have told me how great this series is and how amazingly written it is, but...from all the comments I see here...
I want to ask you this. A tree bearing fruit that when eaten by humans gives them power beyond reality in this world is too much and too out there, but....THIS?!c0fw.png
....is acceptable?
Yes, I have seen the ending....(finally)....and I have to say that it made even less sense than this does.
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase: "My will be done"

Lol, it makes me laugh that you used Gurren Lagann as a comparison. Naruto operates in a different set of rules as Gurren Lagann. It has a sense of a structured world, like ours is governed by laws of physics. Gurren Lagann is all about, as their motto goes, "kick reason and logic to the curb." Stuff happens because the main characters will it to happen and they'll not let anything, even physics and logic stand in their way. In other words, literally anything can happen in the Gurren Lagann universe if you're hot blooded enough.

This is mostly just in response to you using Gurren Lagann. I haven't really read the chapter, and since I'm in school, I won't be able to read it until 3 at the earliest. But, anyway, honestly, this is a world where people can shoot lightning, mass of energy can become sentient, and the moon is a carcass of an ancient demon of destruction. Dunno if a god producing tree is out of the realm of reality in this 'verse

#486951 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 15 August 2013 - 03:40 PM

http://blog.us.plays...nline-revealed/  GTA Online multiplayer video.  IMPRESSED!




Oddly, it won't be released the same time as the main GTAV game, but on Oct. 1.

#485678 Naruto 642

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 07 August 2013 - 01:11 PM





Seriously, that's my favorite mode, and what I consider to be Naruto's pinnacle of hard work and training without relying on the Kyuubi.  


Also, love how I could see the gears in his mind working when I saw page 10 for the first time and how confident he is about his own dreams and aspirations that he wasn't distracted by his enemy badmouthing his father.... Unlike the last few times.  

#479662 Final Fantasy XIII Part 3: Lightning Returns

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 02 July 2013 - 02:12 PM

Well, Lightning's character designed was partly influenced by Cloud until they decided to alter her.  Came a full circle now, I guess.

#478939 Naruto 636

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 26 June 2013 - 05:52 PM

My Initial thoughts:

1.) How the hell is Kakashi beating a Rinnegan user? Just....no. No. I <3 Kakashi but I don't think so...

2.) If Obito dies I'm pretty sure we lose our shot at the Rin/Sakura - Obito/Naruto parallel. It's clear as day as is but....I wanted it shoved it peoples faces. :hehehe: :hehehe: :hehehe:

3.) I feel really weird about Obito dying w.o there being any interaction with Minato. Minato is standing right THERE. Good ol Team reunion, eh? EH??


4.) It's clear now that Madara is waiting to have his bout with Hashirama before he absorbs the Juubi. However, this might not happen. This implies that Madara KNEW the Kages with be Edo'd and he KNEW Hashi would be there which all equals... = ????? Something to do with Orochimaru maybe?


1. Obito wasn't using Rinnegan during their final charge.


2. I'd really rather not USE this parallel to somehow indicate a NaruxSaku victory.  Obito is a Shadow of Naruto, what he would become if his dreams and hopes are twisted into evil.  Obito and Rin's story is a tragedy, I'd rather NaruxSaku not end up as a tragedy as well.  Plus, c'mon.... NaruxSaku should stand on its own and not rely on parallels so much.  Parallels is good as a mirror of "what could happen," and sometimes it happens the same way between the two being paralleled, but sometimes, in this case, they go different ways.


3. Who says Obito died this chapter?


4. We'll see what happens.

#477940 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 21 June 2013 - 04:14 AM

 Sorta-not really, but kinda belongs here.  

#477603 Xbox One!

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 19 June 2013 - 09:42 PM

It'd be pretty interesting to see how pre-order sales change (or maybe not) as a result of this reversal. 

#477463 Naruto 635

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 19 June 2013 - 03:43 PM

Looks like both Sakura and Shikamaru are preparing for a possible betrayal by Sasuke....  See? "Accepted easily," my ass.....  

#476941 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 18 June 2013 - 02:52 AM

http://www.playstati...ience-as-pcmac/  Elder Scrolls Online beta sign ups, up.

#476319 BBC's Sherlock

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 14 June 2013 - 03:46 PM

Why there's no Sherlock 3 yet. The Hobbit's making things difficult for Cumberbatch and Freeman

#476239 Future Kingdom Hearts Games

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 14 June 2013 - 02:01 AM

There's these things called... "Jokes," guys.....   :hm:




Although Deadpool in KH would be pretty hilarious.

#475956 E3 2013!

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 13 June 2013 - 01:59 AM

Can't we just appreciate the awesome systems coming from each corner. PS4, Xbone, and the WiiU games??  :argh:  :argh:  There's a rift here dammit!! :rawr:  :rawr:  :rawr:  LOL 

More like a rift between X1 and the other 2 consoles. XD

#475707 E3 2013!

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 12 June 2013 - 05:18 PM


Wow, how rude. He didn't have to be a jerk about it  :hm:


Lol, compare to Sony's Worldwide Studio President, Yoshida's "I apologize for the financial burden on our users, but on PS4 it’ll also provide early access to beta versions, free games and discounts like on PS3 and PS Vita...." 

#475223 Future Kingdom Hearts Games

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 12 June 2013 - 02:21 AM

Never played KH before, so I'm excited to be able to hitch a ride on the fandom with the reveal. :D

:powerglomp:   Welcome to KH

#474986 Future Kingdom Hearts Games

Posted by shadow_Uzumaki on 11 June 2013 - 04:51 AM

I squealed like a school girl, my mom looked at me like I was nuts. XD