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#952796 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 23 October 2017 - 10:01 AM



Just leaving this here. Once again to illustrate a genius that we lost due to the ending.

#952775 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 23 October 2017 - 01:26 AM



I'm sorry. was I talking to you?



#952484 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 20 October 2017 - 01:48 AM



Any puke or feel like slapping Hinata on the head for this kitten?

#952399 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 19 October 2017 - 05:02 PM



:chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:





#952386 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 19 October 2017 - 03:59 PM

The fandom summed up in one image!


#952371 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 19 October 2017 - 03:10 PM


#952364 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 19 October 2017 - 02:49 PM




#952339 What would be your Next Generations: Beginning?

Posted by Shashank95 on 19 October 2017 - 09:13 AM

For me, it would have started with Sasuke's death. Let's be honest, he was way out of reach of any sort of logical redemption. We know he only survived cause Kishi is way too obsessed with Sasuke.

He was a villain, who needed to go. So for me, Sasuke stays the bad guy he was supposed to be. He goes ape-mental as usual, talks about destroying the ninja system blah blah blah. 

Naruto and Sasuke duke it out. Naruto uses TNJ. Sasuke is immune. So they end up putting holes in each other's body. *Insert over-used Sakura arrives on scene and is torn between saving Naruto and Sasuke trope*

Sasuke dies. Naruto and Sakura struggle to come to terms with it. Some dark times with them trying to overcome the mental damage caused by Sasuke's death. 

They come to terms with it after some sage advice by *insert any old veteran shinobi*

Their friendship resumes. But both Naruto and Sakura have some skeletons in their closet to deal with, as in Sakura's confession and CPR coupled with Naruto's promised confession and girlfriend comment.

Everything ends happily with Naruto becoming Hokage a few years down the line and Sakura as his wife. Ends with Naruto getting the Hokage hat and putting it on as the screen fades to black.


Throw in some Gai and Lee training montages. Lee coming to terms with his master's injuries and vowing to become a greater shinobi than Gai and goes to run around Konoha with a 1000KG  leg weight strapped to his feet.


#952111 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 17 October 2017 - 05:21 AM


The picture is great, but no fictional ending can physically stop you from continuing to make art. They should continue. 


Unlike you, some people don't like the ending which we've made clear. And LadyGT herself said that she was deeply disappointed in how the show ended and would not be making anymore Naruto fanart. She is still continuing her art but is not drawing Naruto. 

#952105 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 17 October 2017 - 02:53 AM

Haha, yes! This picture exemplifies exactly how I picture them in my mind for the most part! What an amazing fanart! ^^ 


And I agree, the short hair does not suit Naruto well. He would have been better off with longer hair as an adult. 




This is the best NS family pic ever!!

LadyGT FTW! And screw the ending for pushing such a great NS artist away from making more fanart!

#952009 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 16 October 2017 - 05:44 AM

Gah I love this discussion about the potential NaruSaku family! *___*

Okay, so in terms of family, kids specifically, it depends for me. Sometimes I can picture their first child being a little girl, but I also love them having a little boy like Shina (who I do see being more like Minato, with Sakura's smarts, but Naruto's looks). I could see him, instead of wanting to be hokage, he would want to take a different approach and go into something like Anbu.

Either way, I always see the girl acting like Naruto more, and being a daddy's girl haha. I see Naruto spoiling her cause he won't be able to say no or like wouldnt seeing the problem with things she'd ask. I see Sakura being more the one who would keep them on task and get her to do stuff like her studies etc.

I can see Naruto similar, only I feel like he wouldn't be that tired from his work. I feel like Naruto would still try to make an effort with his kids. If he did have rough patches at work, I feel like Sakura would be a little more involved too since she was the apprentice to Tsunade so I think she would have more of a role, especially when we look how Tsunade ran the hospital for the most part and was Hokage. So I think Sakura taking care of the hospital and Naruto of course being Hokage would be ideal and make things run much more smoothly. This makes the most sense to me.

But yeah. Those are my thoughts.

Still waiting on updates for your NS fics!

#951750 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 13 October 2017 - 05:08 PM


This insult isn't an argument.

Considering most of your "Argument" are just you insulting and calling us "Idiots" in your silver tongue, using fancy words. I'd say that's a great argument.

#951715 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 13 October 2017 - 06:55 AM


This is a failure on your part of not trying to see other interpretations of things. Consider a view for example that Naruto turning into Six Tails, and Pain's words used at the time "Love turning into Hate", and then the text Naruto feeling the worst feelings he has ever felt, which is specified to be because of Hinata. An implication of deeper feelings is absolutely credible. 


This isn't "inventing", this is "interpreting", this is "Reading", which is perfectly valid, as that is what the Last suggests. 


Work of arts exist to be interpreted. Some interpretations are going to be more valid than others, but unfortunately your postulations that it MUST be this, or it is A): Bad Writing, or B): A Retcon, thus A, is the same risky position suggesting greater understanding of things than the Author, thus your position of "OOC" used on the Fake Confession. 


And Frankly, on the moon part, it is. They -are- breathing on the moon. That is a detail alone signaling that the moon operates on a different set of rules. That -is- establishing it. This is the other error of your arguments, you want everything "told" to you, you won't take a "shown" example, which connects in your failing of taking in other interpretations. 


That's really all I have to say in my defense of frankly, how Literature works. 






Funny how you don't seem to operate by this rule. We were shown and told that Naruto loved Sakura yet you just seem to fail to "interpret, "Critically analyze" that. Frankly, you're like that mosquito in One Punch man.

#951441 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 11 October 2017 - 02:36 PM

Plus this is not DC Marvel or Dragon ball which says why some can breath in space hell I've created a character that can breath is space only for 5 min mind you but I explain how and why this can happen.


With Superman we know why he can breath in space same with other DC characters.


The same can be said with Marvel as well as mnay either have suites or are robots that don't need air to beath or are god like Aliens.


Frieza and others in DB well with that it is harder but as MasakoX said they can have Ki around them but that too would not last long.


So ones like Naruto and the others would all die the moment they got into space, even Doctor Who knows this the 12th Doctor went blind because of it.

Frieza and DB characters have the excuse of being aliens. Naruto being able to breath on the moon is just pure kitteny. Kishi can't keep his timeline and writing in order. Dude literally doesn't keep track of what he's writing.

The show went from child soldiers using actual tactics to try and overcome experienced adult soldiers to a DBZ wannabe with the whole "Hey I got a new powerup, now I can blow a mountain to pieces" and "That's cute, I can create Moons out of the earth with my magic eye power! Fear me mortal" type kitten.

And not to mention the retarded way the Sharingan was haxed out. kittening piece of kitten ruined the whole manga. How do you go from giving faster perception (which was acceptable) to spouting fire (Acceptable with high difficulty) to creating giant armors out of thin air (Ummmm Wut?) to kittening altering reality itself (Cool story bruh. Dafaq is you smokin?!)

#951439 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 11 October 2017 - 01:58 PM


Okay, first off, this has nothing to do with commitment. You can spend tens of thousands of hours and still only produce mediocre content. 


Secondly, he did develop more than just two characters, and gave lore on more than just one clan, objectively so




I'm not sure if you know what plot hole or inconsistency mean.


For example, Toneri, Momoshiki, and Kinshiki were not mentioned because they were simply not known to the characters involved. None of these are contradictory to things, they're NEW information, to all involved. 


Second, who in the world doesn't have chakra? While not everyone is a ninja, everyone has chakra. It's not far from it's spritual asian roots in being about spritual energy. The part you mention is also solely anime (Naruto Shippuden 461) about Kaguya using Tsukiyomi early on. 


Lastly, it was established the moon was very different than our moon. Considering people lived up there before, we can concur it's a moon you can breathe on. It's also assumed Toneri missed? That can happen. 


Umm, you do not miss out on a family member when he clearly established the ootsutsuki family in the manga. Them not being known to the present world characters is one thing but Hagoromo not mentioning is a big plot hole. He basically made up a character with the Byakugan so he could bring the spotlight on Hinata. If that isn't kitten tier, inconsistent writing, not sure what is.

It has been stated in the manga that Hagoromo was the one who gave chakra to all people. Before Kaguya's defeat no one had chakra. Chakra itself came from the Shinju tree and Kaguya wanted it for herself. Your lack of knowledge in these parts makes me question your already non-existent credibility. She hated her children for actually giving chakra to the humans.

And it was shown as Naruto taking Toneri's hit head on. Nardo could barely tank Sauce's Susanoo swings head on but lo and behold, Nardo can now teleport to moon and kittening block attacks that split the moon in half. How the flippin kitten can you justify breathing on the moon? Are you really that ignorant?

I've seen kitten fanfictions with better escalation than that. So kindly stop trying to claim Kishi's work isn't full of plotholes and inconsistencies.