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#972026 Politics discussion

Posted by RedFaction on 26 March 2019 - 09:03 PM


I don't think Trump will pass medicare for all, given his misinformed tweet about that one time uk citizens were protesting against privatisation of the NHS. Claiming they were protesting for it, when they were protesting against the The Tories and the heath secretary Jeremy Hunt's privatisation and cuts to the NHS.


By the for those who have not heard the EU Parliment has passed the controversial article 13 law that will effect memes on the internet everywhere https://www.bbc.co.u...nology-47708144

He won't. That's one of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2016 and won't be in 2020.

#971998 Politics discussion

Posted by RedFaction on 26 March 2019 - 02:08 AM


Out of curiosity do you support medicare for all and free tuition fees? 

Yes, yes I do and I'm not a socialist (which is workers seizing the means of production), but I am absolutely in favor of the government providing healthcare to all people. As Trump said there are literally people dying in the streets and that is the best way to mitigate that. Also, as it stands with the highly competitive and global job market 4 year tuition free college is the best way to ensure our citizens stay competitive with the rest of the world.

#971991 Politics discussion

Posted by RedFaction on 25 March 2019 - 08:30 PM

And with the closing of the "Russia investigation" Trump emerges victorious after two years of complete BS from the left. Is it to anyone's surprise, really? There had never been any evidence to support the claims of Trump colluding with Russia from the very beginning. This was a total waste of the taxpayer's money, and I want that kitten back. The only thing I've learned in the past two years about the Democrats is that they are the biggest freaking hypocritical losers in the Western world.


They called Trump a threat to Democracy when he ran for the presidency, yet what do we see them doing?


Favoring illegal immigrants over U.S citizens and putting the needs of THEM before US!


Trying to do away with the electoral college.


Trying to lower the voting age.


Constantly coming up with random ass pulls to smear the president.


Claiming he is not the president of the U.S and that he didn't win legitimately. 


Rioting in the streets and attacking Trump supporters just because they're Trump supporters.


Pulling the race card and sexist card on a daily basis even though there has never been any proof of Trump being a racist, but there's plenty to support that he isn't. 


Oh, Trump is going to have fun with this when 20/20 rolls around. Still trying to find a single person who had an issue with Trump before he ran against Hillary, yet nobody seems to be able to list a single bad thing about him before he ran for office. SMH


Now, let's focus on an actual criminal who really DID work with Russia in the past by selling 20% of our uranium and deleting 30,000 emails. 

Hillary is never going to prison and neither is Trump. They're both too powerful and wealthy for anything to ever happen to them. The sooner we all accept that the better.


I would rather focus on how idiotic the right's non-stop culture war is and is a total distraction from real issues facing Americans like health care and education.

#960557 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 20

Posted by RedFaction on 23 January 2018 - 08:02 AM

A hoverboard that uses chakra to float. I'm shocked we haven't seen it already.

What we really need is a DeLorean that uses chakra to time travel to change the ending and erase Boruto from existence.

#953531 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by RedFaction on 30 October 2017 - 04:40 PM

...That's kind of sad.

Sasuke was a villain for most of the story. Bad things should happen to the villain.

#935075 Politics discussion

Posted by RedFaction on 22 March 2017 - 01:05 AM

You know, for all the smack talking the left does on President Trump, I've never read about a president doing stuff like this within his first year.









So keep on saying what you want to say, liberals. No president has ever done this before. Not that it matters. At this rate, it's going to be a loooooong eight years for you guys. 

Trump is so incompetent and corrupt it's unlikely he's going to last 4 years. Even if he did last 8 years there are going to be huge losses for republicans in congress, so fine with me.

#931386 new kishimoto interview 2017

Posted by RedFaction on 01 February 2017 - 02:43 AM

To me it seems like he is only saying this stuff to please the pro-ending fans that still buy Naruto merchandise. They figure it's fine to throw us under the bus, because most of us do not buy anything Naruto related anymore.


This doesn't really bother me that much anymore, it's the same crap we've been hearing from him since the manga ended. Nothing is ever going to change and I don't expect it to. There's not really anything we can do about it.

#931002 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 26 January 2017 - 08:08 PM

I'm shipping Luffy x Reiju now.


Luffy will marry the best pink hair girl, unlike loser Naruto.

#928938 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 22 December 2016 - 12:26 AM

As in the ones that's dont ship what you ship?

No, both LuNa and SaNa seem to always be at each other's throats for whatever reason. I'm not sure why, maybe you can tell me why?


Look, I'll be the first to admit that SaNa is a crack ship, and LuNa is probably looking stronger than ever. It's a shame that both sides try to fight over something as simple as a pairing.

#927332 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 29 November 2016 - 02:34 PM

Well Oda can ship LuNa if he wants, but I'm still going to ship Sanami regardless of what he thinks. I still ship Naruto and Sakura after everything that happened with that series.


But unlike with Naruto's EOS ships, I can live with LuNa being one of the EOS ships in One Piece.

#925156 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 02 November 2016 - 10:02 PM

I have really mixed feelings about these last two chapters.


This chapter in particular was really bad for Sanji x Nami I completely admit that, but all that aside I'm just confused why Sanji is acting the way he is now. Just in this past arc he has said Luffy will become the pirate king, he will not be marrying pudding, and he will join back up with the crew. Now though he has seemingly done a complete 180 on all of that.


I personally don't like it, but there's a chance pudding could end up joining the crew now because Luffy hinted at this earlier in the arc. I think that would change the crew dynamic way too much, and Sanji would never be the same again.

#923318 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 12 October 2016 - 06:28 AM

Why are we even having this discussion?


Zoro x Robin will never ever happen because Franky is the one Robin will end up with.


So, Zoro's only option is Tashigi. They are made for each other.

#921375 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 22 September 2016 - 09:16 PM

Mad Tashigi going to play a bigger part in the final war than Nami. :th_yeah:

He's also mad that Vivi is coming. :hehehe:

#921169 Avatar the last airbender controversial story/pairing disscussion

Posted by RedFaction on 19 September 2016 - 02:32 AM

I was pretty young when the series was running (10-13), so I didn't even know there was a shipping war going on. I never even thought Zutara was a thing.


When the series ended I thought Kaang was the best way to end it, and that still hasn't changed.

#920752 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by RedFaction on 13 September 2016 - 04:19 PM

So, I saw this earlier on Pixiv, but then I saw someone had posted it on tumblr. AskNami (Nami RP blog) just got a new follower. :hehehe:




Also, don't forget to buy yourselves a fanta, everybody.



They just look so great together :wub:


And here are the spoilers for Chapter 839