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Member Since 14 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2016 03:07 AM

#553602 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Swagkura on 28 July 2014 - 12:31 AM

You guys, what if Naruto and Sakura are actually together in this :omfg:

#553465 What happens to Sai?

Posted by Swagkura on 27 July 2014 - 04:30 PM

I'm sure he'll still be apart of team 7. Sasuke's gonna come back, no doubt about that, but I don't think that'll leave Sai without a place on the team. He and Yamato are kinda core members now, no matter how much Kishi puts them on the sideline :sweat:

#553325 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Swagkura on 27 July 2014 - 04:18 AM

She's the Queen. How could Naruto NOT love her  :wub:


#552387 Naruto 686

Posted by Swagkura on 24 July 2014 - 08:34 PM

Hey! I found a new parallel! Kakashi and Sasuke stay safe from trouble due to them not giving a damn and Obito and Naruto takes the stab!....sigh.


I think this is the best parallel. Only difference, one succeeded, and the other one almost did. So much love between these two...  :down:

#551379 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Swagkura on 23 July 2014 - 04:14 PM

I'm sure she can :) and I can't wait to see how the other characters will look and who they might end up with ^_^

Same for me. I just want to see if all of them are gonna get a more mature, militant look like Naruto has. They would be even more cooler than they are now :happy:

#551354 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Swagkura on 23 July 2014 - 03:56 PM

His short hair reminds me of Obito ^_^
This might mean that Sakura grows out her hair :D Long haired Sakura is a plus ^_^

Yes! I've been wanting Sakura to grow her hair long again. Don't get me wrong, I love the short hair, and I know it was a turning point for her character, but I'm pretty sure she's completely capable of being able to fight with that kinda hair at this point in the manga now.

#551327 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Swagkura on 23 July 2014 - 03:43 PM

I don't know you guys, I like the new look. It makes him look less goofy and more serious, a lot more mature. The short hair isn't that bad to me, but it is pretty different from what I thought he would look like when he gets older :D

#550594 Naruto 685

Posted by Swagkura on 23 July 2014 - 06:57 AM

It's real.

The apocalypse is coming.

#550560 Naruto 685

Posted by Swagkura on 23 July 2014 - 06:48 AM

He looks pretty awesome to me  :D

#548386 Doesn't it sorta scare you guys?

Posted by Swagkura on 17 July 2014 - 11:44 PM

I'm definitely not scared. I have confidence that Narusaku will happen. What would of been the point of everythings that happened so far? The hug, the confession, Naruto saving Sakura from Sasuke, the numerous parallels, and the CPR. If Kishi had wanted any other pairing to happen, he wouldn't have put so many hints into this one relationship. We just have to keep faith in our pairing :D

#548375 Why do you like NaruSaku?

Posted by Swagkura on 17 July 2014 - 11:17 PM

I like Narusaku because they can totally be themselves around each other. They don't have to hide who they really are when their together.

#547382 SasuHina Appreciation Thread

Posted by Swagkura on 16 July 2014 - 02:30 AM

I don't know why, but I actually do like this pairing, lol. They look really cute together ^_^

#547331 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Swagkura on 16 July 2014 - 12:55 AM

Smh, I though Forneverworld was a lot smarter. He talks as if SS is confirmed just because Sasuke caught her. Not just him tho, you many people thinking its confirmed...because sasuke caught her...Ok

I saw his review too... I couldn't have been any more annoyed. I don't get why he keeps acting like the second Sasuke shows Sakura any kind of attention that she's just gonna forget all about what Naruto has done for her. His perception just confuses me greatly.

#547282 Yo!

Posted by Swagkura on 15 July 2014 - 11:33 PM

Hey, everybody! I just wanted to say that I'm glad that I've finally found a place that supports both Sakura and Narusaku. I use to really be into Naruhina and Sasusaku, since those two were the regular shipping norms over here in the Western fandom.

Anyways, the more I kept on reading Naruto, the more I couldn't deny the bond that Naruto and Sakura have. Stronger than any relationship Naruto and Hinata have, or any kind of attachment Sasuke and Sakura apparently have. I couldn't stop shipping them after that. All in all, I'm happy that I can be apart of group as strong and friendly as this one :)