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#798814 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 11 April 2015 - 04:20 AM

Minato sacrificed everything important to him (his own life, his wife's life, the innocents of his son who had a demon placed in him, and the life that he and his wife wanted to have with their child) so he could save his country/village.
Naruto gambled on the freedom of the entire known world's population, that he was strong enough to "stop" Sasuke so long as he didn't have to kill him.
Minato gave up everything just so his people had a chance to live their lives in liberty and peace. Naruto gambled with the lives of every known person on the planet so long as he didn't have to kill his precious Sasuke.
As you said Naruto should have been even better then his father.... but he wasn't. Naruto came from two heroes who lived their lives heroically and unafraid, well Naruto would have rather died dooming the rest of mankind to constant slavery if it meet Sasuke could live. Canon Naruto is not a hero like his parents were. He selfishly put his own desires over the good of mankind, and risked the lives of everyone just so Sasuke could be "saved". What a joke.

Hey I loved the interview you made where insecure Kishi talks about his wife and her ex-bf. Could you write more of those? :lmao: :lmao:

#796843 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 07 April 2015 - 11:33 AM

What's the purpose of Himawari? To teach the readers that even ugly people can gain happiness?

#796835 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 07 April 2015 - 10:37 AM

If a single interview is enough to cause a kitten, I wouldn't even want to imagine what'll happen once the new series and the movie comes out. Especially, when they're gonna have huge advertisements on the streets :zaru:

#796652 Describe the Naruto series in "two words"

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 11:47 PM

Uchiha Sasuke

#796632 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 11:04 PM

I want the SS fans calling me a fake translator to apologize since THEY translated exactly like mine :(

And how are NH fans taking the interview?

#796213 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 02:54 PM

After 700 chapters, after the LAST, after marrying Naruto, after having kids, Hinata is STILL NOT the most important woman in Naruto's life :lmao:

What she marry for?

I guess you can say they went too deep that they can't love each other.

I don't know if I don't understand your English or the concept behind it. :headscratch:

#795891 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 07:54 AM

I'm kind of surprised with Chie's logical thought process.

How does one make a connection from Sakura being like the girl 'Naruto's mother was talking about to get together with' to someone who Naruto asks advices if he has fights with his wife, which they won't.

Chie: Kushina told Naruto to find a girl like her which is Sakura
Chie: therefore Naruto will ask for Sakura's marriage counsel

Lol. Wut?

#795773 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 03:05 AM

Apparently, even though I was born in Japan and lived in Japan and spoke Japanese all my life, my Japanese is worse than the SS fangirls who never lived in Japan, spoke Japanese and whose only connection in Japan comes from a ten year old manga :zaru:

So what about that thread btw? The one they claimed they're right?

Which one? You mean the Japanese SS thread? They're not angry at all. Why would they be?

#795736 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 02:41 AM

I just realized something. I know a lot of us has been claiming that Sakura is a housewife since we see her cleaning her house in the epilogue. But if she is a housewife, then who is providing income for her and Sarada? Sasuke isn't associated with the village outside of his family and he most likely isn't an official ninja there since he appears to spend most of his time traveling.

Who cares? The villages money is Hokage's property. Naruto probably gives them :zaru:
See how Kakashi used the village money to give missions to shinobi assassins to buy a present for the NH wedding?

kitten logic.

#795669 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 02:00 AM

Is that interview come from weekly shonen jump?

Nakamura: This may be off-topic but in the story of family love, I love Minato and Kushina's story the most!
Takeuchi: Yes me too!
Nakamura: Kushina told Naruto to "find a woman like me", but the only woman like Kushina around Naruto is Sakura.
Sugiyama: Both Sakura and Kushina are the strong one in the relationship (laughs)
Nakamura: That's why if Naruto and Hinata will fight, Naruto will soon go to Sakura's place asking what he should do
Takeuchi: And then Sakura will tell him, "You don't understand a girls feelings!"
Nakamura: Yes yes!
Takeuchi: But if that's the case there is no place for Hinata......
Nakamura: Well, Sakura's bond with Naruto must be more stronger than that of lovers/husband and wife. Besides, Hinata is good friends with Sakura too
Takeuchi: Yes if they fight even Hinata will go to Sakura's place
Nakamura: So I think in the end Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are like a big family
Takeuchi: that's weird. Where's Sasuke then?
Sugiyama: Well, Sasuke is always traveling around the world. Even his daughter says to him "Cho Shannaro!" He doesn't have much power in the family.

#795650 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 01:41 AM

You guys see this? It isnt confirmed yet but 2chan has gotten excited about it. Supposedly it will be confirmed true or not soon when the magazine comes out. (btw, its SS related and very irritating info.)http://aflowerwhodon...shimoto-editors

The article admits that Sakura is the only girl like Kushina.

And they say that the reason why she's not with Naruto is because her bond with Naruto is stronger than lovers/husband and wife.
:lmao: :lmao:
NH shippers gonna get mad!

And all the translations written below are WRONG :lmao:

#795645 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 01:34 AM

I don't think so, I think it's just people having different methods of dealing with this ending. For example don't take my comment from above as a serious comment, I'm just making fun of the situation.

Lol, I know you're being sarcastic. I'm talking about the people who are making up stories that didn't exist and talking as if they're truth.

Lmao, literally every time I see a post from them, it's either about how Sakura's such a b*tch, how Sasuke's forced to be with her, or them pretty much making it seem like Sasuke's way to good for her. Kakashi's just that annoying sensei to them who forces Sasuke to do things. Honestly, their ship isn't that much better to me compared to SS & NH, since Sasuke has literally stabbed Naruto once, and has tried to kill Naruto on multiple occasions just like he does with the rest of Team 7. But hey, whatever floats their boats :zaru:

They are hypocrites. They accuse NH/SS of manipulating information but they've been doing the same. The only thing I agree with them is that Sasuke doesn't need to apologize for Konoha and that's about it. They think SNS has such a strong unbreakable bond that Sasuke loves Naruto sooooo much when it was pretty much shown that in part two, Sasuke wouldn't hesitate to kill him. But I guess Sasuke trying to kill Sakura/Karin and Sasuke trying to kill Naruto has a whole lot of difference to them.

It does in the sense that NH crushed females (Sakura) mainly out of the sense of a hatred for Sakura because she was a threat to their ship, whereas people here are voicing legitimate frustrations borne out of Sakura's disgusting transformation. One side wad illegitimate, whereas one is legitimate. Honestly though, this is the Sakura Hiden thread, so the disappointment is going to be stronger here than other places. If you remember Chatte's mega-thread that focused on the Last, the only character to get consistently crushed was Naruto (for good reason) but no one seemed to mind. Only natural that this thread reflects those same sentiments as they are well deserved, only towards a different character.

As much as I remember Chatte's mega-thread had a lot of Sakura vs Naruto thing going on so the saying that Naruto was the only one getting crushed isn't all that accurate. And I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not talking about the bashing in general. The bad things of how she's so focused on Sasuke deserves bashing. I'm talking that some comments that are extreme like Sawyer's that would twist even the good things into everything bad as possible. Because hey, some people can't differentiate romance and everything else. If a female character sucks in romance she must suck at everything else.

I'm just stating my first impression of what I thought of reading the comments here. And I'm not interested in discussing about it anymore because it's just my first impression so :shrug:

#795609 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 06 April 2015 - 12:42 AM

I honestly think some NS fans after the ending has become worse than NH fans when it comes to female character bashing :shrug:
Like, are all of the comments here any better than saw7er(or whatever his name is?)

The harder you try the dumber you look :zaru:

Lol. That's exactly what's happening. I'm surprised that they don't realize how much hate they are increasing by constantly shoving down Hinata and NaruHina down our throats.

#794631 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 04 April 2015 - 08:50 AM

The sequel is using the advantage of the already established series (Naruto), by having Bolt calling him sh*tty old man, which already said that Sasuke is in the movie, so best to assume for Piccolo-Gohan dynamic. Salad gets hers, Bolt gets it from Sasuke (somehow), and T4S will get a new joke ready for their next DBZ abridged episode.
If it was a series that is fresh off new, it won't survive. It's relying on the old brand to make it success or whatever.

Lol at them trying to copy the Dragon Ball formula. Who is Sarada going to get her Piccolo figure from though? The last I checked, she loved her father dearly.

Kishi must be thinking that he can just reset and start anew with fans praising his works will instantly delete the black history called THE LAST.

#794619 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 04 April 2015 - 06:20 AM

This story is perfect canon material.
