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#935873 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 31 March 2017 - 11:54 AM

What did she say exactly ?


Here you go:









#934028 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 11 March 2017 - 01:55 AM

Bold part .... sounds like self insert more than anything. He insert himself and dream to be the MC so he turn blind on anything else and its his choice to choose.


For me the thing that makes pairing cannon is their screentime together, their development together, parallel , hint , their moment together , basically time their spent together. Your friend disregard all of that and just because main character pairing is "Cliche" and he has weakness for nice girl .... that's just self insert.


Did he ship Natsu with Lisana ?? Natsu is homeless i don't remember he ever come to Lisana house, whenever he needs a place to stay where did he go ?? Is always to Lucy's house. Also the recent chapter where Lucy have to warm up Natsu body with her naked body i think that the same with NS CPR scene and its pretty much confirm Natsu gonna end with Lucy.


Even though NH is cannon they are weak and i believe they have zero value ... they have no color its like watching old CRT fat TV with no color ... everything about them is gray.... that's why no matter what lies they gonna use to convince / reinforce them it's not gonna work.


Nah, he personally doesn't like the idea of Natsu with anyone and is a Loke x Lucy fan.  But like all NH shippers, he fell in love with the concept of NaruHina, focused on that solely, and chooses not to see how disturbing Hinata's obsession and one-sided relationship with Naruto is. Or how dysfunctional they became as a family. Plus, he loved to inflate the most insignificant things about their scant interactions and screen time while downplaying all NaruSaku moments even before the last two chapters and The Last came out.


And I tune him out when he starts making excuses for Kishimoto to absolve any kind of criticism towards the final chapters of Naruto and Boruto.


As for character pairings, I agree with you completely. I don't care if the main hooks up with another main or side character as long as there is evident chemistry, build and attraction from both characters. None of that "Oh, this girl/boy has a crush on the main, the main should be obligated to return said-boy/girl's feelings even though their interaction - or lack thereof - have never hinted at such, or the main will look like a douchebag".  


God, I hate that load of kitten logic. 

#934003 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 10 March 2017 - 09:17 PM

Y'know, completely off-topic here but I have to rant a bit:   An online mate of mine starts discussing about Fairy Tail's upcoming finale in the manga and when the topic enters into NaLu, he claims that he "heard" Mashima was undecided about it but may give in to fan pressure to have it happen.  This kinda irked me, so I question him about his source, but he just replies that he "heard it somewhere".  Now, I've been following Mashima's interviews and like, and it comes off as absurd because Hiro has openly stated that Natsu and Lucy like each other and are the closest people in the Guild.   He came up with the name of their child, Nashi, in another interview and even encouraged the hug scene between them to be written in the first Fairy Tail movie.  Let alone the fact that he has made numerous illustrations depicting them as a couple on his Twitter pages.


I don't even have to point out how the manga makes it apparent from the beginning since Mashima does not screw around with establishing couples.


I have to laugh at the hypocrisy of this since I made similar comments to him in the past about NaruHina and its lackluster development, even providing links to the interviews that hinted that Kishimoto didn't want to go that direction but did so under duress either by editors or the fans.  He just brushes me off as an angry NaruSaku fan since he got what he wanted. 


It also doesn't help that the main reason he hates or plain doesn't like to acknowledge pairings like NaruSaku, IchiRuki, etc is because he has a general aversion against "Main lead pairings".  It doesn't matter if they are perfectly compatible or have well-developed relationship, he will dislike them on the basis that they are the mains.  That and he has a weakness to "nicer"girls, whom are usually side-characters, that he wants to hook with the main male character.


Anyway, thanks for allowing me to vent.

#933461 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 02 March 2017 - 03:58 AM

Noragami: Hiyori x Yato




Definitely one of the sweetest couples in shonen anime/manga even though it also has the potential to be one of the most tragic given the whole dilemma of Yato being an immortal God and Hiyori being a mortal. Hopefully, they can work through that.  And Yukine makes this pairing more endearing since they tend to treat him like he's their son, and the three of them do make a good family unit.

#933399 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 01 March 2017 - 11:43 AM


That is not being fair to her, that is only justifying my point. Hinata is only ever determined for "her N-Naruto-kun". I actually don't recall her being all determined when at death's door or not having any fight in her without her "Naruto-kun". Recall the Pain fight. Nagato (through Yahiko' body) stabbed her and she was left for dead on panel whereas Other characters who received fatal wounds are still up and kicking in their fights. Next I bring up everybody here's "favourite moment" for the Moe Princess, tripping over a rock, then praying for Neji's spirit to Watch over Naruto to make sure he's safe.


Now I bring up MY POINTS. Again the Pain fight, where she was worked up the (abeit stupid) gall to challenge Pain because her "beloved Naruto-kun was in trouble" and was only determined to fight for his sake and no one else. Do you remember a time where she would do that for any of her friends/teammates? I sure as hell don't. :shrug:  Then there is the fact that She felt she had to sacrifice herself for Naruto by jumping in the way of tree branches that are going to impale him instead of using a technique to deflect  the branches which gets Neji killed. Note that that was not even anything special, but she was willing to throw her life away for Naruto-kun. Truly the only times where she ACTS like a shinobi is when "N-Naruto-kun" is involved. Then the "oh so amazing" :roll:  part where she was inner monologuing about how she was ALWAYS standing beside her "dazzling man-candy, Naruto-kun" :sick:  to finally take down grand total of ONE Juubi clone with the 64 chakra points strikes technique. That's right she used one of the Hyuga's secret techniques to kill ONE mook fodder whereas all of the other K11 had more impressive numbers with less revered techniques. Sakura in particular, killed a whole group of the things, and Hinata's empowering moment is stating how she always took for granted how she was always standing beside her "Naruto-kun snuggle bear" :yucky:  and working up the courage to kill one Juubi clone. How awesome was that? *clap.......clap........clap...........*


So my point still stands. Hinata Hyuuga has NO backbone and NO ambition to stand against anyone or for herself or anything but her "N-Naruto-kun!!!!" Not towards her children's bratty behaviour, not for her kittened up family situation, not for Neji's memory by changing said eff-ed up family situation, and definitely not when her life is on the line as a shinobi, unless her "N-Naruto-kun" is involved. Am I wrong? :mellow:


I could bring up part 1 moments too but there is only one that everyone remembers so I don't even need to explain that one, because that is the only time where she was ever relevant.


This is the truth.  Hinata only seems to have fight in earnest when it comes to Naruto, but not when it comes to her friends, her village or even her own family. And often, her actions have dire consequences, potential or otherwise. :happy:


And we really don't need to bring up the crap she caused in the Last, do we? :pinch:

#933324 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 28 February 2017 - 11:25 AM


I repeat, Hinata never grew that backbone like she should have :zaru: Is that so new? she shows not grit for anything but "N-naruto-kun"

To be completely fair, she shows a backbone but only in short bursts and only in the most extreme of circumstances; like when she's knocking on death's door or in the process of doing so. 


And that's one of the main reasons why Naruto x Hinata is such fail.  She does not have the kind of strong, fierce and enduring personality that Sakura has to put up with Naruto's energetic personality and oppose him when he's acting particularly dense, stubborn or reckless.  Instead, she falls to line and lets him do what he wants. And that sadly extends to her son, because we know that if Sakura was Boruto's mother, Sakura would've set him straight(of course, there's no way Naruto and Sakura would have raised such a petulant punk for a son to begin with if they had hooked up, but I digress).  


I mean, again.  Naruto would sooner go to Sasuke, a man who is a worse father and parent than he, to discuss how he can connect with his son than his own wife.


Also, yes, the logic that Hinata  "deserves Naruto for her faith in him" when she mostly hid in the background is bullcrap. One: Naruto is not a goddamned object.  Secondly, by that logic, doesn't Naruto deserve to be with Sakura since he had the same belief in her and actively encouraged her throughout their friendship as well as sacrificed so much of himself to ensure her happiness?  Gotta love hypocrisy.

#932986 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 24 February 2017 - 10:40 AM

Also, Asta and Noelle from Black Clover:





It is not a "replacement" for NaruSaku, but this pairing reminds me why I fell in love with it in the first place and why continue to ship it so strongly even after Naruto's ending. Their personalities and interactions are incredibly similar to Naruto and Sakura's, and thankfully, there is no Sasuke and/or Hinata equivalent to complicate their developing relationship. 

#932405 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 17 February 2017 - 03:58 AM

#6 *dislikedislikedislikedislikedislikedislike*

*Blinks* They rate Kirito x Asuna, Edward x Winry,  and Inuyasha x Kagome lower than freakin' Naruhina?  They rate couples with actual chemistry and genuine romantic development lower than:


1)Two people that are barely above the level of acquaintances and scarcely interacted with one another for most of the series


2) A couple where the main character never betrayed an iota of interest towards the supposed "heroine" other than a companion and required several retcons in their background to make it look  even slightly plausible that they could become a couple?  A couple that is rarely seen together after they marry and are so terrible with their children that the husband  would sooner go to his *spits* "Best Friend"(who is an even worse father and parent) for parental advice over his goddamned WIFE?  Are you f*)king screwing with me?! :down:

#931621 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 03 February 2017 - 08:16 PM


It was funny how he slipped up at the NY Comic Com convention when he mentioned that Hinata is like his wife and strong, spirited woman. The in just called him out on it when he stated,"Just like Sakura." Kishi froze for several seconds  :lmao:

I still love the interview where he made the same false comparison about his wife and Hinata, and mentioned how his wife also called him out on it.  I think the only thing he's been honest about in recent interviews is when he stated that NaruHina was a pairing born of pity.

#921076 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 17 September 2016 - 05:29 PM

Because I have more faith in Kondasha Comics, instead of the kitten company that is Jump.     IZUKU X OCHAKO IS THE ONLY OTHER SHIP I HAVE LEFT FROM THAT COMPANY, AND NAMI X LUFFY TO AN EXTENT!



Anyway from Kodansha comics: 




As much I want it to be Natsu x Lisanna due to their childhood, I know without a doubt its gonna be NaLu given how Hiro wrote Rave Master,: 








From Attack on Titan: Before The Fall









I know I've been saying it for a long time, but I love these two. Attack on Titan Before The FallI already love the story because it is a prequel as to what happened 70 years prior the original series. What gives the icing on the cake is the romance in the story,  theres no love triangle kitten you find in some stories, similar to NaLu it's pretty straightforward as to who's gonna be canon. Honestly, I really reminds me of Haru x Ellie from Rave Master something I haven't felt in a long time.  


Yeah,  Mashima doesn't screw around with contrivances like love triangles save for a bit of humor (i.e. Juvia's delusions about every girl wanting to get into Gray's pants, particularly Lucy).  The closest we got to a triangle was Lisanna x Natsu x Lucy, but once Lisanna noticed what was going on between Lucy and Natsu, she happily bowed out and even gave her blessing to Lucy by telling her to "take care of Natsu for me". 


As for Luffy x Nami, I have a good feeling they will be canon at the end of the manga.  Emphasis on THE END.


Oda made himself clear that he does not want to detract from the manga's themes of adventure and friendship by adding romance, but that doesn't mean that he can't leave small hints here and there.  

#916722 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by Kagomaru on 04 August 2016 - 12:03 PM

Like others have said, why would I settle for a cheap substitute for the real deal?  Also, I utterly despise Boruto and that isn't going to change in the foreseeable future.

#915985 Sasuke And Sakura Should Have Never Happened Here Are The Reasons As To Why

Posted by Kagomaru on 25 July 2016 - 03:57 PM

What honestly scares me about SasuSaku fans, specifically on Tumblr, is how they try to justify that Sasuke was only trying to push Sakura way as a twisted form of kindness, which showed how much he "loved" her.   Yeah, him attempting to kill her as a distraction so he could get a shot at Madara was, stating how he would've left her and Kakashi to die in lava, and mind-raping her was undoubtedly to her own benefit.  Then they talk about how Naruto's love is somehow abusive and selfish EVEN THOUGH HE NEVER FORCES ANYTHING ON SAKURA.   He never tries to interfere in her relationship with Sasuke or guilt her into loving him.  If that were the case, he would've leapt at the first chance when she gave him that confession of love.

#904139 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 03 March 2016 - 12:29 AM

Let's see:




Guilty Gear - Sol Badguy x Elphelt Valentine 


Bleach - Ichigo x Rukia


My Hero Academia - Izuku x Ochako


Fairy Tail - Natsu x Lucy


One Piece - Luffy x Nami


Blazblue - Ragna x Noel 


Blue Exorcist: Rin x Shiemi

#588470 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 26 September 2014 - 01:00 AM

Even if Sakura still loves Sasuke, Kakashi has suggested  a few chapters ago that the nature of that love has changed from what it was when she was a pre-teen.  I don't think Kishi would have thrown that bit of observational internal monologue in there for no reason. So yeah, I'm believing in my ship until everything is unambiguously set on the table.   If by the end of the manga, it turns out that all of those hints he's been teasing us with and all of the build-up for NaruSaku was a cruel farce,  I will accept that he is a hack at romance, walk away and not look back.  If this is just the final and most arduous stretch towards our coveted NS ending,  I will endure.  Either way, I'm going to see this manga through to its conclusion before making any premature judgments about it.

#531280 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 21 May 2014 - 11:52 PM

that's alright I stopped watching Forneverworld now. I mean I used to like Hinata but her fans and her always saying Naruto kun just did it for me.

I don't let her fanbase affect my feelings for her.   I truly like Hinata, I'm just disappointed that she never received the proper development that her character needed. It's how I feel about Orihime from Bleach.  I love the character, but not when it involves them with the main male character whom they have no chemistry with nor an existing mutual attraction.  And I hate how her fanbase goes on about how "useless" Sakura is while ignoring the fact that Hinata's success/loss ratio isn't any better.  In fact, I take that back, Sakura's defeated Sasori and as a top medic nin, has saved many people on the battlefield on-panel with her healing abilities and rescued Naruto from the brink of death.


If we want to argue on the basis of contribution in combat,  Sakura has Hinata beat there.