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milan kyuubi

Member Since 23 Dec 2009
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#642680 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by milan kyuubi on 06 November 2014 - 07:26 AM

I doubt this one's true. After all, Sasuke is still a wanderer after 2 years, no idea why he would be back after a few months


Many reasons!


For me as long as none of those support the spoilers I am happy. I';ll even go for open ending. And treat the movies as filler! :)

#639377 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by milan kyuubi on 05 November 2014 - 08:12 PM

We were too invested. 


If all this carp turns out it's real.


It's a good lessen to never again get myself emotionaly tied to any fictional parings.

#639203 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by milan kyuubi on 05 November 2014 - 07:41 PM

I still have some tiny hope that this spoiler are fake. Ore are based on IT or something like that! So against my better judgement I will wait for the chapters!


This feals like the worst fanfic I ever read! And I read some very very bad ones. A part of me can't believe Kishi did this. Because honestly it contradicts everything he himself wrote in the manga!

#627897 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by milan kyuubi on 03 November 2014 - 03:05 PM

NS will happen! Have faith guys! :D



#624445 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by milan kyuubi on 01 November 2014 - 09:36 AM

You guys are hopless! So one little tease by a trailer. And you forgot 698 chapters of Manga?!


Relax! There is not even a 0,000000001 chance that Naruto will give up on Sakura. And go for Hinata.


If you can't shake off your fear. Then take some free time to relax. I am currently on Doctor Who season 3. :D No spoilers please! First time watching it! :D

#622455 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by milan kyuubi on 31 October 2014 - 11:48 AM

I can't wait for next week! :D NS finally canon! I think sasuke will become the ultimate NS fan! ;)


People, it will all be alright. Don't make me repeat that so often. 


This! Here is some adviece!


1. Stay away from NH/SS based sites/forums/threads! it will only make doubt and worry!

2. Do not pay that much importance to this stupid "hints"

3. Remember we have the manga on our side.

#606432 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by milan kyuubi on 18 October 2014 - 03:49 PM

Lol.That pregnant memes...I saw them on tumblr too.


Lol! :D I made the one in the spoiler! :sweat:

#606422 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by milan kyuubi on 18 October 2014 - 03:38 PM

:D :D :D




On the topic! Is there anything new?


Am I the only one thinking that Sauske will only make a short cameo. Like in the movie Bonds! And the rookies will not play any important role. That is beside Naruto and Sakura! :D The stars of the movie! :)

#597877 Chapter 695

Posted by milan kyuubi on 08 October 2014 - 10:59 AM






be careful. mangapanda twisted the sentence here...


actually the one who said "you are my and only friend..." was sasuke in the flashback while Naruto yelled "LIKE THE HELL I WILL IGNORE THAT!!!" Seen on the raw page... lol mangapanda crap even this week sighh

It could be! Also it was Naruto who was saying that! Check the pic posted above!

#597862 Chapter 695

Posted by milan kyuubi on 08 October 2014 - 10:45 AM


#532684 Naruto 678

Posted by milan kyuubi on 28 May 2014 - 12:41 PM

Just wanted to post this! :D


#525070 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 28 April 2014 - 02:23 PM

To me it's only a matter of time before NS is canon. Will it happen in the next chapter? Or on the final one? I don't know. But I am 100& ceratin it will happen. I am this sure because of their devolpment. And the fact that amongst Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata. They all reamain the same on their views/goals. That is except Sakura. Who is the only char who showed hints of returning said feelings back.

Just for LOLZ

#522358 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 11 April 2014 - 06:39 AM

Apperently Naruto is the reincarnation SOSP. Even tho it's said he is Ashura's reaincarnation.

Also Hinata is the reincarnation of Kaguya.


And all of this is based on haircuts. So naruhina will happen.


Don't believe me? See for yourself...





#512109 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 28 January 2014 - 06:13 PM

My prediction on what will happen next... :sweat:


#496899 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 28 September 2013 - 01:57 PM

For me I am 100% sure NS is going to hapen. It's been over 600+ chapters, and Naruto still loves Sakura. I am sure Kishi isn't going to end his manga with his hero being depresesed and giving up. Espicialy giving up, since Naruto never does that.


On another note you should ignore the other fandom/s. Even when NS becomes canon. They are still going to call it bs.


I mean read this...


I agree kenodman that NS really trolled by mangapanda in 631. Even in Naruto Viz forum, 631 is never considered as serious moment.


It's pointless to have any discussion with them. And this is not me bashing the other fandom. It's me stating the simple truth. Even after ns is canon we'll still see a 1000+ theories on why it didn't/couldn't/shouldn't etc etc hapen.


I mean they still believe 631 was a joke. I am sure that even if Kishi shoves epilogue with Naruto and Sakura married with children. They still would deny it.


For me NS becoming canon would actully be the first time my ship won. :) I used/still ship Dramione (Draco and Hermione (Harry Potter)) and Zuko/Katara (Avatar). :D Now I can still give reaasons on why this ships should have had hapened. But even if I think the romance in HP was/is bs. I still acepted it and moved on. I have my fanfictions when I get bored from canon :D


This is what will hapen to the 50% of fandom when ns becomes canon. As for the otehr 50%... see the post above, or simple go to MangaFox right now and you'll see :D