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#586974 Chapter 693

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 25 September 2014 - 10:43 AM

oooh . my bad i didnt see the /  . :twitch: . lol . thats a relief . thanks .  :thumb:

No problem.




Hopefully Sakura wakes up from the genjutsu and goes to where Naruto and Sasuke. And just for once, I want Sakura to lent out her frustrations on Sasuke. One clean hook or uppercut or anything to his face. That would be so satisfying to see.

#586924 Chapter 693

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 25 September 2014 - 10:15 AM

Keep losing respect? Just how much respect did you have for him in the first place?

It's just infuriating to me. I really liked the majority of Part 1 of the manga and this whole situation with Sasuke in Part II is just very frustrating. I'm still hoping Sakura wakes up from the genjutsu and decides to help Naruto in the fight though. I just think this whole prophecy fight is so stupid and the whole reincarnation stuff should've never happen.

#586910 Chapter 693

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 25 September 2014 - 10:09 AM

I still can't believe how Kishi treated Sakura in this chapter. I keep losing more and more respect for him.

#584679 What would your reaction be if...

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 20 September 2014 - 08:44 AM

I'll be fine with it. What is there to be so disappointed about anyway? Its not as if Naruto's dream is being taken away from him forever.

Naruto WILL be the Hokage one day, just a few months/years later that's all. 


And tbf, I don't think Naruto is at the required maturity level to lead a village on his own. Give him time to mature and groom him to the role. 

I'll be fine with Kakashi being Hokage as well but *- ZerΩ -* is asking if Kakashi ended up as Hokage by the end of the manga. Now that is something that would be so frustrating and disappointing on so many levels. If we never see Naruto becoming Hokage in the manga then what was the point of this whole series? That's his number one goal and for us, the readers, to not be able to witness that after so many years would be absolutely heartbreaking.

#582689 How does the Naruto and Sakura baby look like ?/

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 17 September 2014 - 10:22 AM

Here's the female



Here's my little head-canon for her: Main inspiration was her having long hair, like part 1 Sakura, and Kushina. Has Sakura's eyes and dresses in red like her mother, orange and black like her dad. Also wears gloves like her mom and she has her father's outgoing personality and her mother's outstanding chakra control. She does get in trouble a lot due to her prankster lifestyle that she inherited from her father so she gets scolded a lot by Sakura. She's not good at her studies like her father but like him, she is someone who excels using shadow clones, transformations, and other jutsus that can outwit any type of opponent. Her dream is that she wants to be Hokage like her dad and surpass all the other Hokage. 


And here's the male



My head-canon for him: He's very intelligent like his mother. He also has perfect chakra control like Sakura, so has no problem with performing medical jutsus and other techniques that require that kind of control. He is insecure about his hair color though (like how Sakura was/is insecure about her forehead) because he doesn't think it's manly enough and does get teased about it from his peers. He also keeps to himself a lot so he develops an Inner persona like his mother. He does like the color orange like his dad and ramen (the dreaded Naruto genes :lol: ) and has his mother's temper :chuckle:  ,so he's not very patient with his Dad when he does something to embarrass him. While he is proud of his parents and their accomplishments, he does not want to be remember as the child of the two greatest ninja to have ever lived, but wants to be acknowledged and respected by everyone for his own accomplishments.


Man this was hard to do.  :sweat:  I never really done anything like this, so it was very fun to imagine how Naruto and Sakura's child might look like and act. 

#570129 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 27 August 2014 - 11:19 PM

I wonder when NS becomes canon will the NH and SS fandom make a petition to demand for Kishi to change the pairing? I'm pretty sure this will happen they will demand for NH and SS to happen no matter what.

But isn't NH and SS only popular in the west? I don't think Kishimoto really cares what the fans' opnions are here in the west, since he hardly connects with the global Naruto fanbase.

#566115 Chapter 689

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 20 August 2014 - 06:03 AM

Chapter 4 Callback

#566064 NaruSaku Fic Recommendations

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 20 August 2014 - 04:28 AM

I highly recommend this story if you love AUs. Even if you don't, this is still fantastically written NaruSaku fanfic and I'm surprised this story hasn't gotten enough strong support on FFN.
Title: Konoha's Old West Ballad


Rated: M

Summary:After an unsuccessful train robbery Naruto Uzumaki is left with a partner he would rather not have. Sakura Haruno on the other hand gets the wish she was longing for, just not the way she imagined.

Warnings: Violence (it is a Western by the way)


Please give this a read. We really need to support the authors that are willing to write great stories.

#561661 What is the saddest anime you've ever seen?

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 12 August 2014 - 02:44 AM

Without spoiling anything, there was one moment in Clannad: After Story that really brought me to tears and everytime I see it I get the same reaction.

#552998 NaruSaku dead or???

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 26 July 2014 - 07:29 AM

NS has been endgame since 504

If Naruto doesnt end up with Sakura then both Kushin and Minato giving their blessing would have been ointless. Though Kishi did forever kind of screw over NS by having Sasuke attempt to kill Sakura

Coincidentally, I was just reading 504 earlier this day and have to absolutely agree with you. That moment there along with the numerous amount of moments Kishi has drawn of Naruto and Sakura throughout the manga (the bench scene, POAL, the hug, CPR and any many others) has to be something that can never be ignored. Don't forget that Kishi loves to use flashbacks and when the time comes for him to set up NS, he will absolutely remind everyone of their development with these scenes. 

#552161 Naruto 686

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 24 July 2014 - 12:46 PM

I just think I need to post this for anybody here who were upset at this chapter's color cover and last chapter's final page. As you all know Kishi has a habit of trolling the pairings and the fans and I think he does enjoy doing it. Of course, I don't think he does it out of malice but that he's just a genuine prankster(just like Naruto lol). I'm going to repost this quote from someone who wrote this in 2012 who perfectly summed up the endgame for Kishi when it comes to NS becoming the end pairing. I know some of you guys don't need to hear this as you guys already understand what's going on with Kishi's tactics but I want to repost for the people who need a reminder of what he's trying to do.

Narrative Feint

Also props to whoever wrote this. I've seen this written piece on facebook and the NaruSaku Debate Thread on this site before. So I apologize for not knowing who wrote this great analysis.

#552052 NaruSaku Fic Recommendations

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 24 July 2014 - 05:54 AM


Just read this today and I have to say this is a pretty good read. I really like the interactions between Naruto and Sakura and it has a pretty good premise. So far, the story focuses on Naruto who seems to be suffering from early symptoms of PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and has become distant to his team and friends. I really like it so far and really hope more people get to read this story and support the author with feedback.

#550870 Naruto 686

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 23 July 2014 - 07:52 AM

thought for sure Sakura was going to be stabbed!


What was all that about Naruto ending in october? Is that true?

I don't think that was confirmed. What's only confirmed is that the next movie is the last movie. Maybe the Naruto manga is ending early 2015 since the movie will be out December 6.