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#587707 What's with Sakura?

Posted by Inferno180 on 25 September 2014 - 05:08 PM

Or maybe people here are just overreacting...


I mean again, to me, it seems like most of you concerned with this are too caught up in the current situation rather than looking back.


Can SS even be feasible at this point, I mean seriously? This chapter if anything just shut it down, it has no way of making a reasonable comeback. At this point SS could only occur for the most moronic of reasons and that would be "because she hoped" or "suffered for her love" and frankly, you all should see how stupid that is by now. SS is outright nailed, burning, and sinking, its most likely on its way to the slag heap at this point.


Otherwise, how the hell did any of this kill or harm NS? Just because of what sakura said? Its not like she is somehow stopped progressing in what she has done with Naruto. Isn't the fact that the promise itself still standing there is enough to say NS just got a bigger notion today? The promise still standing along with the fact, we know from 457, that naruto felt he couldnt confess to sakura, so if that promise is still there, than surely naruto still has feelings for sakura which means he wants to complete this and fulfill her happiness and then get his shot at confessing to her.


And seriously, even more to the point, how can anyone expect NH? Its been such a loose-disjointed mess, how the heck can you even expect it when Sakura has gotten the moments with Naruto and not Hinata? Why Sakura in all the important stuff with Naruto? again even that kushina foreshadow!


My god guys, this is stuff that has come before but Sakura isn't somehow gridlocked in loving sasuke, her feelings with naruto have changed ever since the start, they are still changing, so what about sasuke to her now? I can tell you ITS STILL CHANGING!


I mean come on guys, Sasuke summed up SS in a nutshell today "I have no interest in her and frankly I cannot see what she sees in me." Seriously, this is literally the most direct thing in reference to a forth wall fan view I have ever seen in the series, Sasuke himself questioned this and said he doesn't like her. If this doesn't prove the mess that SS is, than I don't know what will.


Fans getting antsy over what Sakura said, well did you ever perhaps try to think about the other story elements and what could come after this for her after such an event? Is it impossible to some other NS fans here that perhaps Sakura could come to realize she has feelings for naruto? To me, the people complaining today are a mix of those just caught in the moment, trolls from other sites, or just may have forgotten the larger picture, because look at the larger picture and get ideas about why is it naruto and sakura in most scenes together, why is it sakura hinted like kushina, why is SS such a mess and NH so infrequent, why are you expecting on of those? NH? Don't make me laugh, it has plenty of its own problems at this point and even then, Hinata herself is just the epitome of the convenient fodder pairing character who would love Naruto just because she always has, thats not interesting at all, thats just weak, its the easy way out. NS has development, it has dynamics, it has good and bad moments that make it the only fully acceptable pairing. If people are really scared about this, maybe you should relax for a few chapters, you ever think about how this could impact Sakura? She could get a new reaction out of this. Something with Naruto and her could come out of this, but hey, panic and fret for all I care. If you truely think NS died or was impacted this chapter, thats your problem, it wasn't hurt at all, frankly, the fact nothing happened with naruto and sakura's relationship caused any damage or pro stuff for it, rather naruto just restated his promise and if that wasn't a notion of NS, I don't know what would be.


But hey, act like the majority of the fandom, panic and fret like the NH fandom did in 631 last year. Let the SS fans fret and act around this mess now. Frankly I see SS has died and is at the point of no return, there is just no reason or sense for it when even sasuke literally described it himself. Its not love, its antagonism. And perhaps Sakura will move past this antagonism.

#587248 Chapter 693

Posted by Inferno180 on 25 September 2014 - 01:20 PM

Well guys I think the important thing isn't to argue over the tense, just look at the logic of the story:

Can SS happen after all this? Is there a reason for any of it too occur? Is it acceptable after being presented with so much antagonism and strife as some inner struggle with sakura? No, to just have SS come and be Sasuke all happy again and sakura happy merely cause she hoped, yeah that's an asspull, makes all the issues just referred to as "a bad time in their relationship"

Let me also say this:

Is Kishi done with Sakura's character? No! While she is out for now, there will be a point in future chapters where she comes back to reflect on this, maybe it will be sooner or later but the point is, sakura has been changing throughout this story in regards to both naruto and Sasuke, this trait has for the longest time been one if her biggest mental traits, loving Sasuke despite his dark actions. Does this mean SS will occur? No! Does it mean at this point that ns is somehow not able to occur? Not at all!

This still changes nothing in regards to narusaku and really it amazes me people still tend to forget kushinas foreshadow saying to find a girl like her and we only have sakura fitting that still to this point.

Sakura's wouldn't fall out of love with Sasuke all at once, it would have to be a gradual process. In 675, even today, the outlook of her love having decreased/decreasing still makes more sense when you think about it like that rather than by past or present tenses. Hell it still makes sense she wants to save him for the same reasons naruto did, but in her case this was all she was able to do and met with the same results in that she couldn't impact him.

Am i annoyed with SS? Yes. I believe it's like a cockroach or stubborn cancer that just won't die, but there is still nothing saying sakura is somehow iron locked into this and unable to change, and yet this is exactly how SS fans think, why are some people here making a deal about it?

Sakura continues to change between them and it's not like it's impossible that she wouldn't come to love naruto. I mean for gods sake naruto and sakura already have the relationship that's not only the closest but one of those that could really just occur when one of them realizes how important they are to the other.

The deal is, narusaku is still fine, it hasn't been impacted in any negative way. But look at all the crap that has befallen SS this year, attempting to cut through sakura to take Madara down, abandoning her to fall in the lava, Sasuke calling her useless, and now this? Seriously there is no reasonable way this can be salvaged now.

If anything this was the harsh moment of truth for sakura, if anything now, this would be the moment to have her change or reflect upon herself, I mean again she didn't know things would come to this but as they have, she wanted things to go back to what they once were but after what Sasuke did to her, it was the same, that it can never go back to what it once was.

Honestly, if people here are losing faith in ns, I would say again, how did this chapter impact it? Sasuke just proved today to be the biggest issue to SS and wouldn't you be more excited for the fact the promise is proven to still be back, you know doesn't this mean 457 is still around too?

It's funny how many people expect that naruto just gets sasuke back and says here sakura I'm going to hinata now. No really that's what nh and SS fans expect in a nutshell.

Wouldn't it be I don't know, more reasonable to suspect that naruto brings Sasuke back but instead of focusing on Sasuke, sakura focuses on naruto because of everything after all that promise?

All I know is, after reading the stuff to this point, there are a few trolls mixed in, some people are upset with sakura, others annoyed she loved Sasuke as long as she has but seriously, after seeing how rotten SS has become, there's no way it can be reasonable or justified.

Narusaku is still around and able to occur, really this may just be the time she reflects on herself and moves past Sasuke, she doesn't need to hate him, but hey she is still changing in regards to both naruto and Sasuke and something tells me that unfinished stuff with naruto will become something else.

But today we learned SS just got the biggest beating of it's life and the promise is still around this is the only narusaku deal in here, but again we also know that promise has the element of 457 on it, and naruto still loves sakura so you can bet your ass he will confess at a later point.

#586901 Chapter 693

Posted by Inferno180 on 25 September 2014 - 10:04 AM

Oh my lord, just wow that part with sakura was such a heavy toll on her.

God just dear lord, if last week with the notion of killing naruto and the 5 kage was a sign of trouble for SS, this week was the direct sniper bullet to the fabric that had SS on life support.

Just god, that scene, after sakura wanted to believe he would have done better coming back, he was evil as ever and just really threatened to kill her and cast a genjutsu on her, just wow.

Sasuke is the pinnacle of being an kitten, but hey to admit himself he doesn't even like her, there's no getting around this.

SS is done, it cannot recover from this, there is no point in this now, it's beyond all sense and serves no purpose. Love in this series has been rather lackluster for most reasons, but after even a stunt like this, there is no reason for SS at all at this point.

While this wasn't a ns chapter, it was defiantly an anti SS one, literally the biggest, I mean how can SS fans even argue beyond this point now, Sasuke has remained the biggest issue for them and now there is no excuse around his hidden feelings nor naruto still having that promise to her. Hell if that promise is still going on, I am sure that stuff from 457 is around too.

Guess we can say 2 things,

SS got the biggest blow ever. Naruto still keeping the promise is a means that well, look at 457, if that promise is still up than perhaps that reason he can it confess to sakura is around too?

Just wow poor sakura. Luckly she is alive but god, now naruto had a reason to kick sasukes ass. If the coming chapters have anything, maybe sakura will reflect on stuff... Who knows what may occur, I mean none if us saw this coming, but some event was bound to happen similar to it.

#585131 Naruto Storm Revolution

Posted by Inferno180 on 21 September 2014 - 02:24 AM

Okay so i just played through the mecha naruto storyline.


When I unlocked this (I did the ninja escapades and rank D stuff first in the tournament) I was prepped to need to swallow some dumb non-canon stuff with Hinata. I went in knowing the good thing was that this was purely non-canon. And what I saw though, its not that it wasn't as bad as I thought nor the fact they did throw some small NS stuff in like ino asking if sakura was jealous, it was the fact of just how utterly nonsensical is was, the fact that this entire non-canon story, it was more ridiculous than the anime mecha naruto stuff if you could believe it. Let me tell you:


-I cracked up with Mecha-Naruto's falling for Hinata deal, that was just absurd and creepy.


- The fact the big pairing of this non-canon storyline was not NH but rather MNH, that just made me laugh more! Naruto was just common friendly to everyone naruto to hinata. Nothing special happened.


-The fact of that they just throw Hinata in with much of Naruto's fights, though its like they tried to encourage you to use her, I didn't use her once the entire storyline! I only used her in that preliminary fight, thats all, but for all other fights, i didn't even use her or the ultimate jutsu, maybe I just grew tired of seeing that overplastered stuff from 615 that still has done nothing but yeah I never used an ultimate with her around nor even call her for support. Its funny when you look at the manga and just how much they threw this hand holding moment around, it just further convinces me that NH is all showboating, no actual important content, because when they threw this on a cover, an opening, ending, and as a special in the game, it still does freaking nothing to help NH in the important aspects considering what else has occured with naruto and sakura for development over the longer period of the manga which actually matters!


- I just started cracking up when Naruto and Hinata were stopped by Mei, Ohnoki, Ay, and Mifune just to stop mecha naruto, thats where I cracked up... Hinata fighting any kage... oh dear god this was funny, it was even funnier to consider how lousy the portrayl of the tournament was, I mean this is a non-canon side story, but how the hell did Hinata get to the finals even when Mecha naruto was in naruto's body, I am very sure we saw Madara there in the crowd of those ready to fight, I mean, come on thats just a funny joke in itself...


-The stuff and lesson naruto brought to mecha naruto wasn't bad but my god I was just cracking up at some of the absurdity of this I mean this story could have been something reasonable but oh my god, I am still laughing over just how many logic rules this breaks, its non-canon but it felt like an over serious episode of SD without rock lee!


-At the end where naruto mentions tenten could build mecha naruto a new body? So she is an engineer or tech expert now? Hot damn! Tenten and Kankuro should team up to make a huge mecha themselves! Who knew tenten could do this!


I just, god, you can make more of a reasonable story out of the ninja world tournament yourself with everyone in character more than this one!


The fact that its non-canon isn't a problem, I mean there have been plenty of enjoyable non-canon Naruto deals, I mean this is sadly, the first real story Hinata even had a major role in for the first time in several years and its not that its non-canon, its that its just absurd! I mean she had a good role in the chunin exams but everything else has been minimal and well by manga terms she has been very infrequent and just poorly made, otherwise she was around more in fillers and while some things were decent for her there (not counting the horrid creation of ep 166) this was just, god, this is just, like even for other non-canon stuff, they just make her sidelined to naruto and still she didn't really get much beyond just saying play nice you too to naruto and mecha naruto. I mean she was there in the story, but the fact of her trying to go against the kage or mifune or somehow make it to the end of the tournament herself to fight what would be naruto, even when others like madara were present, it was just too funny to believe, I mean Sakura and shikamaru didn't even enter the tournament in this story, but didn't the kage say they would enter too? Oh god I know this story is supposed to be simplistic, but when you see this things around, its too funny, I didn't even use her save for one battle and that was all, I never did an ultimate or called her for support no matter how much the game tried to encourage me.


Seriously, I was laughing at the absurdity, its not that how out of canon it was, its just how much it tried to do, not for the moral of what naruto tried to teach mecha naruto, but rather just how funny it was upon itself. Hinata's role isn't what many thought it would be, she didn't do much but say play nice and I know that naruto is not the real naruto, other than that it was just funny to see this is what she was in and when this story had so much extra stuff like the other jinchurki and madara around to fight in the tournament and somehow the finals are naruto and hinata (then mecha naruto due to the plan and the fact they just accepted mecha naruto who was naruto at the time, to fight in her place) overly simple and for the sake of the story as a nessessity? Yes, but it was just too funny because I am sorry but I cannot stop laughing, the fact I saw Madara and Obito standing there, ready to fight, I am sorry but I had to stop playing for 20 minutes due to how much this story was making me laugh at its broken logic of what occured, I mean if they only had other village characters standing around, that would have been good, if it was still despite being a non-canon story, given a sense of a reasonable setting, even though it is taking place after the non-canon UNS3 ending, I wouldn't have minded, small details like this are not critical but I just couldn't take the story seriously after seeing those guys there and somehow hinata being in the finals and god it was too funny.


The only canon parts of UNSR are the ninja escapdes, the main tournament mode is good too, but as I said, you can make a more reasonable better story yourself rather than  what has occurred here, I mean I can imagine the story of naruto and teaming up with sakura, sai, shikamaru, ino, etc for the tournament as more reasonable than what happened here.


I mean non-canon naruto stuff can be enjoyable, I mean even we enjoyed road to ninja for all the alternate universe stuff, but at least that was based upon canon events and from kishi himself, all kishi did here was create mecha naruto, the writing was done by these other guys, and the fact that they gave hinata such a role with these out of bounds elements in the background of the story, god I was not paying attention to the stuff they were saying as much!


As a fan in naruto in general, when Sakura played second to naruto, at least it was involving and made sense and in one way, it showed they had a close relationship that was capable of being more than mere friendship at some parts, but this one with hinata in the mecha naruto story, oh god, it didn't go anywhere and its like, it was more MNH than NH than anything, even in a non-canon story where hinata gets time with naruto, it seems NH doesn't get much else but just friendship and support.


At this point, now I am done with this side story and can continue as I need, honestly, Hinata isn't that good a character in the game and now I can get on with it and ignore her for the rest of the game. Now I can have team 7 (minus Sasuke) go through the tournament, if I need any uchiha, I'll take Shisui, least he is a good cool non-hate filled uchiha.

#584065 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Inferno180 on 19 September 2014 - 03:15 PM

Its really just a matter of time though until we see how NS could go canon, I mean just in a nutshell:


NH is the easy one because its just right there, its literally right there, just waiting as an easy answer, it doesn't need anything but doing this would just be dumb and weak, its like, kishi had the chance, he had plenty of chances, and for a character who always tried hard to achieve his dreams, doesn't it seem contradictory to just have something come for him regardless of development and screentime? I know heroes should get a break, but even this needs reasons beyond Hinata just loving him, I mean its the lesser of 2 evils, I would rather this occur than SS, but even then, its still a big toxic result to the story. I mean its now the final battle, and naruto still loves sakura, and people dont see this as a problem, when sakura herself is still also changing in regards to naruto and sasuke? One of the major reasons I dislike NH is because its just too simple and convinent, the other, its the fan perception of Hinata and her importance when she isn't the most major, given her big moments could have gone somewhere, but to even where naruto has not given a return notion to her by either the hand holding (rather nejis death took precidence here) nor the confession from pain, only remembering that she did defend him, that is it, and frankly, if we got so much hints and development on NS at this point, even with sakura getting many more roles with naruto (the hug, reviving him, meeting minato) hinata should have had if we were to believe she was the intented love interest, then yeah I would give it more credit but no this is why even now, it may not even be necessary to fulfill this event, kishi would leave the confession unaddressed from hinata and still end the manga with NS with no real harm, even this would be more acceptable than madara using sussano with no eyes or the laws of the naruto verse being rewritten every 3 chapters in battle. At this point, there is no major even purpose for NH beyond just closure if you ask me, its too late to build so it should just get concluded and thats it, NS is still the big picture pairing at this point.


SS well, yeah we can simply say its the biggest mess and with what sasuke is currently doing, it is just not even slavagable at this point, I mean if Sakura still just loves sasuke to the point this would still be referred to as a bad time in their relationship, to where even the intent to kill naruto, her best friend, and her own sensei tsunade, this would just be a continued abberentive feeling on sakuras own character development if you ask me, I mean yes she can like sasuke as a friend and forgive him like naruto has, that is understandable, but the point I am making is, one thing I like from characters I follow, is that they have come to learn something in the time they have gone through their trials and for sakura, literally its not more clear that simply learning the difference between what she thought was important and what she truly knows is important, this sounds very basic and thats because it is, basically part of her development is just ironically needing to know who is more important to her like that old saying the most important things are always the ones around you, because I know it won't harm NS, but even if Sakura is still fixiated on Sasuke, even after all this, I really just wish there would be something to have well, she learned from all this, because even then, SS is just pointless, it solves nothing, it never has any reason or impact on sasuke, even if he did come back and was like in part 1 again, it would still be nothing granted to occur. SS is just a void plot element, there is nothing redeemable or fulfilling with it, like NH it would only be a half assed deal of sasuke getting better "because sakura hoped for it" and frankly, I never liked this "because they always hoped for it" deal, people can prey, have faith, believe all they want, but this means nothing unless something is done physically, something is done to invoke an action to cause that change, nothing ever gets accomplished by believing, because thats just well, a mental aspect of a deal that things will get better, the deal is, its better when faith and physical action go together to make that occurrence come, but for SS this is not the case, even with both, because as before, this still has no impact or importance on Sasuke and his character, hell even in the coming movie he looks like an outcast,  still intent on a revolution with his rinnegan. To me, there is nothing that can make this pairing acceptable, it would just be a horrendous scar for sakuras development and sasukes character, it would literally be the poo stain on the story of naruto, really, it just seems like a cancer that just needs to die off for good. Sakura can like sasuke as a friend and forgive him, it makes sense from 675 that her feelings changed and its declined from love but she wants to help him the same way naruto has, SS can go as friendship, but thats it. Because honestly, in the coming battle, she is going to support naruto, she supports his dream, she is been freaking hinted 3 times as the girl like kushina, the first 2 making this really clear with the second meeting minato being the most direct. Seriously to most people the aspect of seeing the ending as sakura once hated naruto to have coming to love him is the most paradoxing thing to them, its like the universe would impolde if that happened or it would ruin the story, at this point, part of me feels that part of sakuras ending development can only be justified if she learned something from this long mentality trait, that love is not ideal, its something that grows from one you know and come to like for a long time, for her to go through this whole journey never learning or having this change is like the biggest forgone development she could have had. I have faith that this will change, but honestly if it didn't that would be really really unusual and well, it would make me see sakura as unaccomplished, that this is something she should have experienced or gained, I mean naruto has grown up, sasuke is not playing around anymore, sakura surely should have changed too and this new conflict should do something to her, the fact naruto is marked for death should have an impact on her, the fact sasuke wants to kill tsunade as well, there has to be some way she is impacted by this in the coming chapters. Like naruto she doesn't need to give up hope on sasuke being better in the end, but honestly, I think its reasonable to say that she comes to terms with realizing the difference between ideal and real love, because honestly, its a good question in itself, how does sakura feel about naruto? She "loves" sasuke yet has spent most of her time, her mutual and positive interaction and growth has been involved with naruto and much of what she has done has also impacted naruto himself. The fact these 2 have spent so much time together, even with naruto still loving sakura after the fake confession and sakura coming to support narutos dream, to keep him alive for it to see it come, frankly, you don't see this stuff with any other pairings, this is the stuff that most would say is the material to make a believable pairing, yet most other fans would flock and say NH or SS, and thats what I find hard to believe, because all of "this" that has happened with NS, all we have seen in the manga, I would be shocked at this point if it didn't happen, even more now that the 3rd kushina foreshadow recently came. You know there will be some end result, some end pairing, and for it to only be naruto and a girl like kushina, being sakura still alone as that girl at this point, all signs still point to NS.

#583263 Destiny

Posted by Inferno180 on 18 September 2014 - 03:05 PM

Red Death dropped for me the other day and I must say this gun is pretty good against Vex and Cabal.


Not my cup of tea in the Crucible though, much rather a Shotgun or an Auto Rifle.


For crucible, you really need 2 consider 2 things and 2 things only:


1. Your personal class talents, like for instance, for my guy a titan defender, the ward of dawn passives, one grants extra weapon power or armor when passing through, its good in either pve or pvp, but honestly, one that is worthless in pve is when you get absolute armor but only in the ward, this is useful in pvp. Another deal is, when the ward is fired upon there is a passive that lets it generate orbs of light, this is useful in pve, but worthless in pvp because while the effect will still work, most will know that the ward cannot be broken unless the caster is killed, otherwise the thing needs to go away on its own, likewise, its also because you know they wont waste ammo, so for my case in this, I chose armor of light and the passive to make my melee barrier last longer and have more power. Another deal is grenades as well, magnetic can net me a few kills since it sticks and blows up twice, spike is worthless in pvp due to the small blast radius and fact people are always moving. So instead I use suppressor grenade, it blows only once but if anyone is caught in it, they cannot do anything but run and gun, this means they cannot use their melee special, jump, super, or any other passives while the effect is up. This is my favorite because it leaves people defenseless and its incredible. This is a small example of one thing. The other is, you need to basically figure out which melee, jump, and stat distribution works for you, more armor, speed, or recovery, any class can obtain any max, but you always have 50% of your classes prime stat, for me as a titan, this means I can always settle for a normal armor rating with higher speed and recovery.


2. You need to make sure you use weapons and armor that actually work. I mean not by the attack or defense ratings, for the sake of balance, all weapons are given the same power in their class, for instance an auto rifle with a smaller mag like at  34 will be the same in power for an auto rifle with one around 28, but those with around 50 or more will be weaker. Generally, all melee, grenade, and special cooldown effects from armor don't influence as much, strength, disipline, and intellect stats are generally scaled back in this mode for the sake of balance, though personal talents still make a difference. But for anything, dont get rid of a weapon just because of its quality, if it has good abilities, it can be a good pvp weapon if its no longer worth something in pve, the attack power makes no difference, only the ratings on its stats like impact, rate of fire, reload, etc make a difference. I myself have a blue auto rifle, its powerful, its level 20, yet its very standard and it works and its helped me against even those with epics and exotics. Its standard cause well, it has about 30 rounds, good accuracy, moderate power, great stability, little recoil, it has some effects like it gets more accurate the longer it is fired and it has increased stability as a passive.


Yet you need to be careful of some abilities, some weapons, outright suck, depending on what the game gives you, you need to check abilities and make sure they are something practical, make sure they are actually good, like what i said, my rifle had a passive that made it more accurate the longer it is fired right? Well some heavy machine guns will have this too, but they may also have little to no stabiity and high rates of fire, this is a terrible combination and just a weapon that should be scrapped. Its a complete joke, the point is, you need weapons that can actually function. What may be good for one weapon can be horse kitten on another, and some are just painfully terrible weapons designed only to be extra glimmer and weapon parts. Special mention (with fusion rifles, elements don't matter, go to town with whatever has a good charge rate you feel, only downside to fusion rifles, they cannot get headshots)


Some passives that are ideal you may seek are:

-increased reload speed

-chance of increased damage on reload

-increased accuracy as its fired (if the gun itself is accurate already)

-faster/near instant reload when clip is empty (this is amazing on an accurate heavy machine gun, I have one with a blue rarity, even some one shot clip weapons hold this, if you get lucky you may fired a rocket launcher with this stuff!)

-quicker draw speed

-reduces grenade cooldown/super cooldown on kill

-explosive rounds (on handguns and snipers a lot)

-holding extra ammo (sometimes bundled in with another passive)

-ammo regeneration (this is on an exotic shotgun i hold)

-shooting any ammo to get it back for that weapon

-gun has increased hip fire accuracy

-the bottom half of the magazine can cause more damage

-move faster while aiming this weapon


Some that are moderate would be:

-clown magazine granting larger than normal clip size

-one round in the magazine does more damage

-a precision kill gives more accuracy

-a precision kill gives you more damage

-reload faster with a specific weapon

-gun rounds can ricochet

-rocket rounds can seek targets

-rounds have a chance of over penetration nailing multiple targets (generally a default ability in all snipers though its not listed)


some to avoid are:

-taking fire while aiming this weapon makes it easier to aim (just stop here, just stop, the point of the game is to not die, so naturally, anything requiring you to take damage when fighting beats the purpose of this, just destory any weapon with this ASAP, its a waste, if you want to use it in pvp, you will die.

-gun has a chance to return ammo to a clip if it misses, (you always have primary ammo you can pick up from enemies and special weapon crates are around plenty.

-any sight that removes stats upon the weapons (take anything that you feel is good, but not too obstructive nor impactful upon the weapon stats.

-gun increases fire rate as it is fired (again a pointless one, don't get anything that goes full auto, generally you will find better weapons that grant this in a form anyways)

-increases accuracy when its fired yet the gun is very inaccurate (again, even on something like a heavy machine gun, don't use this, its a waste of heavy ammo and heavy ammo is fought over in the pvp matches, the point is to get kills with it, not waste it)

-has a chance of any of the above abilities from ideal or moderate (if you ever get this, the game is basically screwing with you, don't get anything with a chance of an ability another weapon can have occur all the time)


thats generally an outline, also take special note:


Anything i listed that could do more damage is not going to work in default modes, only buffs like from a defender or sunsinger will grant more damage, but in the iron banner these will work and likewise, the iron banner is where all your equipment matters. So an old not as good pve weapon can work in the normal cruicble, but not the iron banner.

Just try to find a setup with your talents and weapons and you will be fine, but think practically, think about it logically, there are guides out there so just think and find a playstyle that suits you.

#582886 Destiny

Posted by Inferno180 on 17 September 2014 - 07:47 PM

Well the first raid opened up today but the end game itself requires more than just grinding levels, you need armor most of all at level 20. At level 20 you get a new stat called light, light determines additional levels beyond 20. Mine right now for instance is 26 due to the gear I have. Light is given by better quality gear. You can get this by playing the strike playlists or pvp at level 20. It makes no difference but without epics, you can only attain level 24 by means of the strike playlists for the vanguard.

So for anyone who needs to wonder how to get to the raid, this is what you must do.

So to get epic gear there are 3 things you need:

1. Play strikes or pvp to get rep with the vanguard or crucible plus crucible faction, you don't need to invest much but you can get special marks from them as well, get at least 65 and you can buy an chest, leg, or arm piece, helms are 120. You can only get 100 in a week of either, they are independent too. Vanguard marks are also earn able by daily stuff and if you complete a public event for the first time in the day. Rep is important too, for both you need to be at least rank 2 to buy stuff from any vanguard, crucible, or crucible faction merchants. Don't worry about rep, you are not given any limit for it in a week. You can get rep fastest for the vanguard with patrol missions, very short easy ones in free roam.

2. The cryparch is your best friend, get any mystery items, green, blue, and if you are lucky, purple, give them to this guy, he will decode their contents, you can get weapons, armor, or materials. Just cause you get a blue or purple encrypted item, it will not grant you that quality, blues can be green or purple, while purples can be green, blue, purple or the coveted exotic rarity. You don't need to do any specific playlists for these either, even in patrol around level 2 enemies on earth, you may still find blue or purple drops meant for your level. Whenever you rank up with the cryparch, he will send you a package of 2 random usually blue freebies to decode, rinse and repeat, you may get what you want.

3. Get lucky, this is honestly the easiest deal, just get lucky. Any end of strike or end of pvp game at level 20 will grant you some random item, sometimes it can be a rare one like material or a shader to color your armor. Other times it could be a weapon of greater quality. If you don't get lucky, play strikes or pvp, strikes are only at 5 missions (6 if you have a play station system) so repeated runs can get tiresome but the trade off is you have more chances of enemies dropping items, it's the same factor as said before, any items that enemies drop in pve situations makes no difference, a level 2 fallen dreg can drop an epic weapon for you at level 20 just like any beefed up cabal soldier in mars. Otherwise enjoy pvp, it can get enough to pass you through the time.

Finally one more deal, pick up bounties, bounties provide you with extra exp to both the vanguard and crucible, just make sure they are ones you can handle, don't worry, they don't expire. At level 20 each time you get around 10000 or so exp, you get a free item called a mote of light since you cannot level up anymore, this is a rare material for both a currency and upgrading epic gear, so no worries about finding it, you will generate it enough in time.

Until then, happy hunting, I am only level 26 because I saved my vanguard marks and got 3 armor pieces for 180 marks, so yeah I played a lot already,

#581571 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Inferno180 on 14 September 2014 - 04:20 PM

One of the deals one could infer with Sakura though is, she is yes the one we have seen the most with Naruto, in many situations, she has seen him at the start and to the end for now, she has seen him in his best and his worst (like when Jiraya died) even then she wanted to help but tsunade just told her to let Naruto be for a while.


The point is, Sakura is a character who has seen naruto the most in the majority of the story, from times when he seemed like a hopeless loser to seeing him not be what she intially thought, basically her view in part 1, as we all know, was that she was wrong at first and came to be friends with him, there was the small stuff she warmed up to him with, like the chunin exams, but then there was the big stuff like when she learned he saved her from gaara and the deal of naruto going through with the promise, despite the failure.


Sakura is kinda like the audience's window in that, she was been a point of convection that at many points in the story, kinda like how at the promise, or the deal of what sasuke became, and the hope for team 7 having a good ending, the point is that its like when things seem hopeless, as naruto has been there many times, the point with her in the story in some ways is that she lets the audience know that there is still a possible resolution for naruto's obsticles, that because she can see it too, even when it seemed like it was too far too late in many deals like the promise again, the land of iron, and naruto almost dying from extraction, sakura has been at some points, used as a means of well, hope for the audience to know that, naruto, the hero, will overcome this.


By all means, this is not something direct, what is more direct is just as a character herself, sakura has been that one that was annoyed and didn't like naruto much but at this point its nearly the pure opposite, she supports him, she is devoted to naruto so much that she even considered Obito an ally despite what he did, she supports him without a second thought. Her own development in regards to both her team, naruto, and her own abilities are what has defined her character, she found her role for the team as a medic, she changed dynamically with naruto, this relationship is still the most dynamic in the entire series, and yes got better in her own abilities. All the while, she came to learn more and more about the stuff impacting her teammates, and Sakura has always been that girl who has a good heart and could be stubborn and at times caused more unintentionally, but always meaned well in her actions. She always had a good reason for someone else, like yes naruto in the land of iron, as much as people blindly blast her still today for it, even when kishi says he felt he decipeted her as being a heroine in considering narutos situation and trying to make amends/make things better for him, it was always his feelings she had at heart. Thought she learned it was not only for the reasons she thought as others like shizune said. The promise was just one part of that whole element with why he wanted to save sasuke. Though again, Sakura came out of this shortcoming and learned to not let it all fall on naruto and she has stuck with this the whole time, not letting him do it all, this is why we got that stuff in the war from her and other stuff like the deal of her and obito saving sasukes ass when naruto couldn't.


The best deal about Sakura, the thing that makes her a great character, its her dynamics and her flaws, yes its that dynamic primarily with how she changed in regards to naruto and coming to like him, but also in seeing sasuke was not perfect, that to be a ninja, she had to be serious and prepped for the worst, better her own abilities, get better for her team, gained convictions and determination in protecting what was important to her (her team), she grew up a lot from the love struck girl in chapter 3. And the best deal is yes, her flaws, its sakuras flaws that have made her among one of the best characters in this series. She isn't perfect, because perfect is boring hell this is why I don't care for Hinata, because if she is some simplistic and perfect, I already know what would occur with her so I would not be interested if that was the case as fans put it, but for sakura this isn't even going on the fact that she is well normal, she has a normal background but in the context of her team and how naruto, sasuke, and kakashi all lost people they cared about, this made sakura unique in that she never experienced a loss. What it did for her is that it gave her something to cherish, something to protect, it was to realize her weaknesses and rise above it, it was to do what she could for others like naruto that she couldnt before, it was to essentially mature and grow beyond what she once thought was so simple. The very fact that Sakura was the normal one but grew in regards to the stuff naruto faced is why I like her, its why many others like sakura. She was normal but became extraordinary after going through many situations and trials and frankly, at this point when she is no longer the sasuke obsessed, naruto ignoring, not very talented girl to the one who knows what sasuke has become, cares for naruto to no end and supporting him and his dream, and now wields the power her very master uses, this is a case of a great deal of a comparison for a character you see at the start and to what you see now. Sakura has changed and she has been flawed but learned from those flaws and thats why I like her. Its that very fact along with her dynamic with naruto and her abilities as a ninja that make me like her, how she got serious after seeing naruto go through the failure of getting sasuke back, that was a great moment for her. And its gone far beyond just getting sasuke back, to her, now with concerns on naruto and how much care she has gotten with him over the development, this is why I like a flawed character like sakura, she becomes better because of these flaws. Because at this point when she has become strong for her own reasons and supports narutos dream at this point aside from just being best friends (with the possibility of something more), this is a truly dynamic character.

#581247 So if there is one more story arc after the movie

Posted by Inferno180 on 13 September 2014 - 07:15 PM

Its still a deal of, at this rate, the manga will run into 2015, again I just say that the movie will cover some deals beyond it but not the resolution of the end, because it seems hard to imagine that the big fight will be only a mere 11 chapters, especially due to the week break, something should occur that doesn't give the stuff in the movie away but we see everything in the manga that at least leads to the stuff in the movie, or otherwise you see stuff in the movie but how it occurs, from the stuff in the manga.


There has to be well, something has to happen in this fight besides well, the fighting and it cannot be done within just 11 mere chapters, its hard to imagine it ending at 704 right then and there. I could see it going to 730 or so, for the falling action and everything else, there is a lot it still needs to cover, even with this fight. I mean even the genjutsu has to be released and right now its only team 7 in the focus.

#580411 What is Sakura's role in this battle?

Posted by Inferno180 on 12 September 2014 - 02:15 AM

More or less a mental aspect is her role. It's basically a confliction of the stuff from what naruto said about him and Sasuke dying if they fought again, otherwise it's also her deal on both naruto and Sasuke and what has occurred in the past up to now. Stuff from the land of iron may resurface like her impacts on naruto and what Sasuke did, and the stuff from the war too like the recent near death experience naruto had and sasukes motives. Her role isn't prime here but this will no doubt impact her. Minor ns stuff can be around there but it's not the biggest, but perhaps it's what could come afterwards. This fight is on naruto and Sasuke but the team 7 as a whole deal could bring impacts and reactions on both sakura and Kakashi, don't be suprised if we see new stuff from both of them. Sakura and Kakashi are not going to fight, I said they would get a minor indirect role of aid at best in the kagyua fight and they did when they had to get Sasuke and sakura did get a good critical hit in on kagyua but this time, it's outright not going to involve them with a com to position, unless naruto gets wounded highly, or both of them do, sakura could face that peril of who does she heal first and most likely it would be naruto. But the medic deal is the best she would get, but for punching Sasuke as much as I would want to see it, it's not that likely. The only thing that's good about this though is we know sakura lives due to the movie.

#580027 Chapter 692

Posted by Inferno180 on 11 September 2014 - 05:42 PM

If anything, the fact Sasuke is prepared to kill tsunade and gaara will impact naruto and for tsunade also on sakura.

Naruto is friends with gaara just because of the similar pasts and understands him, gaara is essentially what naruto could have been early on where obito was what naruto could have been later on.

Tsunade though is very important to both naruto and sakura. Naruto has his reasons for tsunade. He likes how she is the hokage and how she treats the village as she did. Sakura though may get hit harder by this aspect, I mean this is her mentor and sensei. Tsunade could essentially be like another maternal figure to sakura. Tsunade is the one who helps make sakura the fighter she is, of course that is important to sakura, she prides herself as being a great ninja because of being the student of a Sannin and the 5th hokage, sure sakura doesn't want to be hokage but she prides herself as studied under one as legendary as tsunade and to have her taken away is going to hurt sakura, just like naruto.

The threat if killing tsunade would hit not only naruto but most likely that may hit sakura harder.

#579381 Chapter 692

Posted by Inferno180 on 10 September 2014 - 05:19 PM

So would it be a crime to say, perhaps we can say SS is no longer redeemable without being an asspull?


Otherwise I think we just got a confirmed kill on SS today.

#579380 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Inferno180 on 10 September 2014 - 05:18 PM

Well everyone, today's events may just have given NS the means to go canon.


The genjutsu is still active and will be for god knows how many more chapters, but no Hinata, no NH can occur.


Sasuke just may have killed SS for good, because this event will impact Sakura (and kakashi) but to harm naruto, to say he will kill tsunade, who is very important to sakura, thats another deal.


Besides that, look who is present, only team 7, so by this I think NS may be entering the canonsphere in the next few months.


Out of the pairings that can occur here in these events, only NS and SS events can occur and I doubt SS stuff will occur considering what Sasuke just did, otherwise just remember sakura supports narutos dream for hokage and we got the 3 times hint of sakura as the girl like kushina and naruto still loves sakura. Something like this, so soon, if Hinata was around for a bit more, if the genjutsu was broke today and had some downtime, perhaps NH would have gotten one last chance, but now, the most important story elements are coming together, NS stuff cold occur on the side as minor as it is, and these impacts on Sakura to come, well SS has no excuses for this one, the land of iron was full of excuses, the "sasuke cares for sakuras power in 632" was bullsh**, the "he is tsundere, jealous of naruto and sakuras relationship, acting tough but honest to sakura, would have saved her, knew kakashi would react, etc, this chapter summed up SS and its absolute bullsh** at this point.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this may just have been a confirmed kill.

#578335 Chapter 691

Posted by Inferno180 on 09 September 2014 - 01:01 PM

So all in all its still basically what we said though, he has been doing everything Kushina told him, but has had trouble on some stuff like finding a girl like kushina, eating more than ramen, etc, but despite the hardships he is still intent on fulfilling them, right?


No matter if naruto knows Sakura is the girl like kushina or not though, otherwise the audience already knows or should know this for this reason at that point as well (with 457 being a reason why he also cannot fulfill this girl like her deal yet).

#578268 Chapter 691

Posted by Inferno180 on 09 September 2014 - 10:10 AM


Regarding the VIZ translation they are correct using past tense, however they were wrong in the way they translated.
"But I tried my best" would have been correct if the Japanese was 「出来るだけのことをやったんだ」. This would make the SS/NH claim that Naruto has given up on Sakura have more sense. It implies that things didn't go well but he tried his best. The way VIZ translated puts a limitations on how much Naruto could do AND show that he's satisfied with the results because he's tried his best.
The raw isn't like that. I really don't know how well I can explain in English since I haven't learn grammar but I'll try my best.
The raw did not say 「出来るだけのことをやったんだ」(I tried my best), they said 「そこそこ頑張ってたんだ」(I have tried quite alright/fairly/so-so). This is very different from ~best that is in VIZ. 「そこそこ」means fairly, so-so, a bit better than average.
The raw does not give limitations on how much he can do, nor show that he is satisfied with his results because he has done his best, unlike the VIZ version. You cannot read any implication that he has given up from the raw version.
I hope I was able to explain the difference between VIZ and raw, and how Naruto's words doesn't imply that he has given up.
Lunch break is over. Gotta go!

Well is also due to the fact that naruto never gives up despite him saying he is still trying.

Also that if this was the case that naruto had given up, well Kishi didn't exactly throw any constant or major hints for nh or SS with what he did, still a case of if he is serious about either nh or SS, he did a terrible job.

But still it makes sense that he is continuing despite the hardships, that's how it is, but the nut cases will do the same thing with 631 to try and break the meaning like the whole girlfriend issue, to butcher the grammar for their own view.

Seriously can anyone tell me what the point of the foreshadow would be if it didn't get some well you know, point across? Nothing still has been done with hinata at all yet Kishi put a lot of hints on sakura, to just end it there kinda Seems I don't know pointless?

Even when there is still nothing hinting nh or changing narutos love for sakura? Yeah there's a lot more reason in common plot logic rather than just dialogue, we need to see the events play out and currently with many hints on sakura like Kushina but none on hinata, there's a problem of either removing everything from before to make this girl like Kushina deal pointless and otherwise it doesn't aid nh at all no matter how you slice it because the foreshadow cannot change, minato is gone and never going to meet her, likewise this stuff never applied to her either, only sakura, yet to end it to be pointless is just well, a pointless waste of a hint. The audience expects a girl like Kushina right? They don't expect naruto to give up or otherwise this to be on hinata, most don't expect this yet for some fans to expect he gives up or that this event doesn't follow through at this point. Despite it coming 3 times already and never on hinata, these are the fans, the nh fans hoping for some contradictory outcome that is both character contradictive on naruto and does nothing important, it doesn't solve anything for if it was just rendered unimportant there. But hey this is the fanbase that wanted to make naruto out to be very stupid regarding girlfirend and girl who is a friend at this point they would pull any bull crap they can think if just to help their pairing despite nothing being in there. But herpa derp "hinata loves naruto and naruto got over sakura cause we said so derp derp!"

Just remember if the Kushina stuff is all on us, no question, it either matters for ns or it dies with us and is a hint to not happen, yet at this point I doubt it would be like that, given it's a hint that has taken a lot of form by now. Ns has the development to be canon, this hint is just something to say where things may go and what can happen. Yet it also helps to mention sakura is the only girl like Kushina and no other girls even come close. Also makes a difference that naruto still loves sakura and nothing has hinted nh or SS at this point.

Just remember any time we see rampet nh fans, remember their philosophy in the girlfriend stuff, that shows you what we are facing in terms of common sense from our opposing fanbases. Nothing to worry about rather to cry about that this is how they really think to the worst cases.