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#767242 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by questdrivencollie on 28 February 2015 - 08:09 AM

40 years from now:

Person: Are you over the Naruto ending yet?

Us: Never!

#766961 Naruto Shippuden episode 401

Posted by questdrivencollie on 27 February 2015 - 09:03 PM

Not sure how mnay more of these I may do honestly I just heard form chatte that Sakura isn't going to be one of the new sannin replaced by kakashi of all people

Seriously?? Guess the themes really don't matter anymore, it's just a popularity contest now.

#763807 In my pants:Movies

Posted by questdrivencollie on 22 February 2015 - 09:40 PM

Catching Fire in my pants

#759518 The Off-Topic Thread

Posted by questdrivencollie on 16 February 2015 - 02:05 AM

I actually saw some 50 Shades of Grey merch in the mall yesterday. Once I noticed I was like "What the crap?" And walked away really fast.

#755272 The Off-Topic Thread

Posted by questdrivencollie on 08 February 2015 - 08:56 AM

Yeah, the stuff they play on the radio anyway.
The world is complicated...
We get attached to people...some questions there aren't any complete answers for. =/

#754882 Dogs VS Cats

Posted by questdrivencollie on 07 February 2015 - 09:55 PM

I've heard of cats living into their twenties and one person told me her cat was 30.


Most of our cats left too soon. One got run over, another we had to put in the shelter along with our dog because we had to move to an apartment, one died young from liver failure, others we found and loved we couldn't keep because of my stepdad's allergies. And then I have my current cat.


Got him as a kitten, knew his mother. She belonged to some people renting from us, but she was rather neglected and handled roughly by their six year old. She ran off to live with my neighbor (can't blame her), got pregnant somewhere along the way. My neighbors raised her kittens, we ended up keeping one. So, I have tons of baby pictures. <3 <3 <3 He's almost two now, hope he lives a long, long time.

#753467 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by questdrivencollie on 05 February 2015 - 01:18 PM

People are too willing to blame others instead of thinking about their own actions. "Let me correct you idiots" as opposed to "let me think how my actions will affect this". Aggressive response to fandom infighting is not helpful and will only further fuel said infighting.

#751882 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by questdrivencollie on 03 February 2015 - 06:21 PM

The more I meet people the more I prefer the company of my pets and the solitude of my home. (Not entirely serious.)

#740285 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by questdrivencollie on 25 January 2015 - 01:25 AM

A picture of me from a few years ago that I actually like:



BTW, this picture LIES. I don't normally look like this good.



#735793 My Blog

Posted by questdrivencollie on 19 January 2015 - 05:05 AM

Tumblr is full of drama llamas. People who stroll the anti tags looking for something to rage at are a perfect example. (If they don't want to see anti, what are they doing browsing the anti tags?) And I can't say I have a favorable impression of the Naruto fandom in general, either...way, way too many people who can't accept that not everyone will share their opinion.

Though, you can always block people and avoid tags on tumblr, too. Plus you should be safe on your blog thread here, if nowhere else. So I do hope that you'll at least come back here.

#733036 Most tear-jerking moments in manga and anime

Posted by questdrivencollie on 15 January 2015 - 01:56 PM

Clannad After Story. It's hard to seriously make me cry, but that'll do it. First you fall in love with the characters, then you suffer when they suffer and you cry when they cry.


Crona's fate in Soul Eater...okay, I was super attached to Crona. Crona just...brought out the "let me hug you and love you and protect you forever" in me, and it tore me apart what happened to him (or her).


Angel Beats, particularly the part about Yuri's family. The entire thing was almost the same sort of feelsy as Clannad, though.


*thinks of others, and this post will be edited accordingly*

#732885 So when did Kishi really decide to switch to NH?

Posted by questdrivencollie on 15 January 2015 - 05:33 AM

Stupid Hinata got Sakura's spot. She had to end up with that trash Sasuke. It makes me so mad!!!! NH only happened because readers didn't like Sakura. P*sses me off.

I don't disagree, but I wouldn't have been happy with simply an NS version of this ending. I was a fan of the plot, too.

And yeah, Sakura and Sasuke...I don't get what's even appealing about that pairing. :|

#732870 So when did Kishi really decide to switch to NH?

Posted by questdrivencollie on 15 January 2015 - 05:05 AM

I mainly hate that it took over the entire plot and the ending. Like, I expected an endgame pairing. But I didn't expect the entire plot to be centered around it or change things for it's sake, especially since the story had never centered around shipping.

#729904 Despair

Posted by questdrivencollie on 11 January 2015 - 09:48 PM

I'll be honest I've moved on from Naruto. I still like the story and I still ship NS and I still blog some NS and Shinachiku fanart on tumblr, but largely I've moved on. I'm into another ongoing manga now, and it's author seems to be better at character development and plot than Kishi appears to have ever been. (And I'm not even one of the Kishi critics. I like to think I give him credit where it's due.)


But I haven't moved on from this site. It's not as active as it used to be, and that makes me a little sad. We talked about more than Naruto and this forum has been fun. I don't intend to stop coming here unless it gets truly inactive.

A few threads are still very active.

#727385 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by questdrivencollie on 08 January 2015 - 06:38 PM

I love this ending: