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#989616 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Phantom_999 on 24 May 2023 - 06:18 AM

Yeah canon material. Without Hinata he lost his will to live or even give a kitten about anyone. This is why viewers called him the worst scumbag, this contradictory behavior to his canon nature that had fans rooting for him in the first place

#989588 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 21 May 2023 - 12:23 PM

Oh I don’t deny that it is actually neglect post chapter 699. You’re right about that. How can he abuse Sakura when he won’t stay with her for more than a few minutes?

#989575 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 20 May 2023 - 05:06 PM

Does Sakura hurt Naruto's feelings? Does she actually do any long lasting physical damage to him? In contrast not ONLY does Sasuke damage Sakura's self esteem, he tried to kill her. There is a difference. I'm not making it up either, it was literally in the manga.

#989573 Black Clover

Posted by Phantom_999 on 20 May 2023 - 04:54 PM

I hope it puts her higher than when she was at with her Saint Valkyrie dress with Undine


#989525 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 14 May 2023 - 09:43 PM

Not only does he not concern himself with her problems, he shuts off her concern with his own, Like when they were doing the third round preliminaries for the Chuunin exam tournament, he told her what happened with Orochimaru putting the cursed seal on him is not her concern. Meaning he does not open up to her. that is already a death flag

#989490 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by Phantom_999 on 13 May 2023 - 09:09 PM


Nobody wants to admit the excessive amount of hate she received throughout the years made Sakura an extremely popular character and helped Sakura fandom to grown bigger and vocal  as ever while less controversial  and perfect characters like Hinata simply died.
 "All publicity is good publicity" as the saying goes.



Vocal hate, yes. Excessive is debatable, since It is hard to gauge the actual number of haters from comments alone. And while Sakura is popular with or without those vocal haters, the hate comments towards her did not help with Kishimoto's esteem in writing women so that is a circular problem if you know what I mean. Kishi did not bring Sakura into the forefront of the plot more because of the criticism towards her and then because he's not involving her more, the haters going even harder on her. So I don't think "all publicity is good publicity" applies here. And even if it did, he's not even doing much with her at this point anyway. Sure she was in the Sasuke spinoff but she wasn't the focal point 

#989471 Why do Sakura and Hinata's stated feelings always get preference over Nar...

Posted by Phantom_999 on 11 May 2023 - 10:08 PM

Well I never said it was a good thing   :umm: 

its largely true in the case of Naruto. Virtually all the main girls are motivated by love I'd argue that the only difference between Sakura and Hinata is that Sakura's extends a lot further. She doesn't just love Sasuke, she's not just willing to die for him alone. Sakura will sacrifice herself for almost anyone. Some random old lady she just met, Naruto...  Actually--when we really boil Naruto down, the entire main cast is motivated by some form of love. 


Did he though? Sure, Obito loved Rin GREATLY but it didn't change her own feelings and then she died. If we're talking about how the two of them went off to the after life together, how do we know that's what really happened and not just Obito's dying brain dreaming it up? 

Maybe I'm being cynical but in light of the ending, how can I not be? 

I don't think he had a heart for this outcome either but its still what we got, regardless of all the romantic parallels he built up. 


Oh don't mind me, that comment wasn't directed at you. I meant just in general, the double standards of it. It's fine to subjugate the women to that mentality but not the men it seems. But yeah I understand the reasoning, I'm just saying it is rather hypocritical and again sexist if anyone was to abide by that reasoning and then flip it around saying women are not defined by being mothers and home makers 

#989460 Why do Sakura and Hinata's stated feelings always get preference over Nar...

Posted by Phantom_999 on 11 May 2023 - 01:35 AM

Simple reason; Hinata and Sakura are women, therefore their feelings are given more weight. 

It'd be wrong and CREEPY of Naruto to force his feelings on Sakura but its okay for her to do so to Sasuke and for Hinata to stalk Naruto because by and large, the two genders have different rules. It sucks but that does seem to be the case. 


YEAAAAH, notice how sexist that is? :zaru:  :banana: the women are defined by their romantic relationships, that's why their feelings take precedence over the men's 

#989459 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by Phantom_999 on 11 May 2023 - 01:29 AM

Okay if I am to be completely honest, there really is nothing to fix. Sakura's character has never been the problem as I've said, it is the fans' perception of her and nothing will change someone's mind except for the person(s) themselves, when you get down to it. It wasn't that Sakura wasn't kind and caring, she wasn't kind and caring to Naruto when he needed it the most. Every negative feedback on Sakura is fully dependent on how she treated Naruto and Sasuke and that was because of their respective circumstances. Sasuke already was popular and talented as is so to have the MC's love interest as one of his fangirls when said MC was an ostracized social pariah and an orphan on top of it is what her haters find infinitely more unforgiveable. As I've said, I've recently been watching and reading these manga on YouTube or from the manga sites about how the mc is being treated like garbage by this snooty arrogant and selfish girl or woman and gets dumped/divorced if they are dating/married and rejected if they are not already a couple but miraculously before or after the breakup or rejection he finds this sweet compassionate and understanding girl or woman instead and they are the ones that lift the MCs' spirits and they become a couple. Then usually something terrible happens to the ex/former crush and they come trying to take back the MC but the MC tells them off and keeps to their new, wonderful and better girlfriends/ wives. I imagine that is what Sakura's most extreme haters REALLY wanted to happen to her too, judging from the comments I see with those types of stories. BUUT that didn't even happen in "The Last", I'm just saying.


I've no doubt in my mind that really is the case, because developing Sakura as a character did not solve the issue and it never did as long as She still has Sasuke on her mind. Have more fight scenes? She is better treated than many other females in the series when it comes to action scenes, lets not pretend. Who else can claim to have won against an Akatsuki member when they were only a chuunin and a teenager at that? Emotional strength? She has  shown that time and again throughout the series, being one of Naruto's emotional pillars and arguably the significant of all of them, and extends her kindness to strangers (children particularly), yet she gets no credit for it. But all Hinata does is stutter "N-Naruto-kun!", and they CALL THAT emotional support. Character development? She went from a normal girl with the "typical girl problem" of trying to get her crush's attention to a strong and capable kunoichi that could cure a then-believed incurable poison and again, fought one of the most dangerous criminals in the world. Again, it means nothing to her haters because she is not the sweet patient childhood friend with the "cute puppy love feelings" for Naruto in their youth. "HOW DARE SHE!?" says her nay-sayers and again nothing with "writing Sakura better" was changing their minds until after Naruto married Hinata. Notice that? 


Now that is not to say Sakura is not popular because contrary to the negative feedback she is very popular and loved as a character I'm just saying that if you did not like her character from the start and are rabid in how much of a B* you think she, is well writing better things for her character probably won't change your mind. I've noticed it for the longest time

#989362 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 03 May 2023 - 05:22 PM

It's not wrong to ship or appreciate SS. But to say that Sakura is a worthwhile character only because she is married to Sasuke, or that theyre a good couple because they are popular is just straight up disingenuous.
Again I'm not complaining about Sasuke and Sakura being a canon couple more than I'm spitting on the CIRCUMSTANCES of them being a couple, more so "the lack of". If there was genuine bonding that was not one sided moments form Sakura's end which were not up for debate, interpretation or speculation, I wouldn't even have a problem with them. And just writing this is giving me a headache, so I'll just leave it at that. 

#989309 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 27 April 2023 - 08:39 PM

Right. And does Sasuke show any changes to mitigate that neglect? Again. "Sorry means nothing without change." Sure, Sasuke said sorry to Sakura in near the end of Naruto's run but he's still as indifferent to her as ever and his behavior has not changed regarding her from part I. That is what I also have issue with.

#989303 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 27 April 2023 - 05:19 PM

All I'll say on it is that Sakura IS NOT A GOOD CHARACTER WHEN she interacts with Sasuke. She either turns off her her brain and becomes a bimbo like fan girl or she becomes a sobbing mess on how he left. It is not what her character is about and the worst of her always comes out when she interacts with the so called "love of her life". that is why I don't support it, and notice that I'm not even bringing up the times where she was almost killed by him. All of this negativity show a a toxic domestic relationship that I can never get behind and never will.


What's that, Sasuke stops another man from getting touchy and molest-y with Sakura and makes/buys a ring for her to show she's married? BIG WHOOP... does buying expensive gifts for your partner after you've physically and emotionally abused them NEGATE THAT ABUSE. I don't think so. It reminds me of one of my old high school sociology text books showing an image that perfectly demonstrates this. A rich looking woman is wearing a beautiful blues dress and and is adorned with a pearl necklace, a diamond ring and a high brand bracelet all of which her husband bought for her but is also covered in bruises and other injuries inflicted by the husband. So I ask, in the same vein, Does Sasuke doing those things in the Sasuke retsuden manga negate the fact that that he verbally abused Sakura in the past and almost killed her twice? Does it negate the fact that they are married but he's never home and Sakura is still a struggling single mother? I once asked my mom that if a husband and wife are married but then the husband leaves and is never home for over a decade and leaves no money at all for the wife to raise their child does that sound like the husband loves the wife, and she said definitely not. What does that say I wonder?


This also reminds me of a quote that I consider to be universally true. Sorry means nothing without change

#989276 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 25 April 2023 - 05:53 AM

The short hair is just awful to look at. That's all I'm saying.

#989270 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 23 April 2023 - 04:23 PM

Ditto. I rather no NS at all than a NS canon done badly or at the expense of the story. Naruto could divorce Hinata and marry Sakura at this point I wouldn't give a kitten's shake about it. They've wasted my time, and I'm done wasting my money on this franchise. Even a reboot would not get me back into it at this point because that is only admitting that they effed up and are desperately money grubbing and I want no part of it.

#989150 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 29 March 2023 - 06:45 PM

Its like they don't even read the manga. Or respect the canon, that was established long before they ever made this anime adaptation. Oh wait, THEY DON'T.