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#836580 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Catra on 03 June 2015 - 12:26 PM


#835768 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 01 June 2015 - 10:47 PM

gosh i hate sakura bashing. instead how bout some DEVELOPMENT? XD i mean, why not some positive instead of just tearing her to pieces and leaving her to rot in the corner?

#835695 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Catra on 01 June 2015 - 07:12 PM

spoony's review of ultima 9 is the perfect representation on how i felt for the ending/the last

#835501 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Catra on 01 June 2015 - 05:24 PM

>says he hates people who lie to themselves

>lies about his childhood academy days

#834546 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Catra on 31 May 2015 - 12:33 PM

the ending and the last destroyed all of naruto for me to the point i can't even look back at part 1 anymore without thinking "this doesn't mean anything." many, MANY scenes don't lead to anywhere.


to me, chapter 450 was as good an ending as any. just a few tweaks here and there like


sasuke dies with itachi,

tobi was never madara,

taka never existed

Bee kills kisame but he faints in the process, then zetsu's brings him in, konan then kills zetsu as he no longer had any use for him.



cuz in 450, everyone loves him now. he got the girl in the end which was the icing on the cake. as for danzo and root, pein kills them

#834532 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 31 May 2015 - 12:24 PM

would have been AWESOME if they did a manga gaiden on Naruto Musasabi (the gutsy ninja) or anime special or w/e. just so we can see more of that naruto than the one we got in canon

#833496 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Catra on 30 May 2015 - 10:30 AM

i lol when NH thinks everyone's just mad cuz of pairings when they themselves only like it because of pairings XD so entertaining

#833487 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 30 May 2015 - 09:31 AM

notice how there's like...a HANDFUL of good episodes at most out of 400 some episodes of shippuuden? i doubt people will come back to this mess 10-15 years from now. part 1, maybe but not shippuuden XD

#833459 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Catra on 30 May 2015 - 05:20 AM

someone should edit vice's sig


hashirama = naruto


tobirama: sakura


madara = hinata


the mcdonalds = naruto's heart

#833436 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 30 May 2015 - 03:43 AM

only the most desperate of NH fans gobbled up the last and that ending, only to say "haha we won!" its the equivalent of this



#832829 Naruto Shippuden episode 414

Posted by Catra on 29 May 2015 - 02:21 AM

as expected, the cpr and juubi transformation scenes handled by the anime got no emotion out of me due to

lackluster animation
meh artstyle
TERRIBAD choice of music (seriously they couldn't even get THAT right?!)
rush pacing

not surprised honestly. then again knowing what happened in the manga...well, goodbye anime. you were lame as soon as your filler saga started after the sound five arc. shippuuden is a cluster of a mess with many, MANY errors from pacing, to artstyle, to music choice when you have so many other good ones to choose from, and fillers being squeezed in between so tight you can see the stress marks. this is one series I'm gladly never looking back at again.

#829882 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 25 May 2015 - 05:46 AM

there are some characters i still like and respect.














and they're all (except gaara) dead. why? cuz they had satisfying conclusions to them. neji and chouji should have died at the end of part 1. poor kiba though, he's the yamcha of the group (thoughI liked yamcha, can't ignore what the writer did to him) i liked madara and itachi to an extent. as well as kisame (that dude was respectful)


so i dislike/don't care for all the characters, from the grown up rookies to the kids, to the old senseis. well except maybe mirai...

#829328 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 24 May 2015 - 03:28 AM

Minato coming back was fanservice I liked.


In this case...I wouldn't have minded so much if SS and NH had simply happened. I would have been a little PO'd because the fanwars and the smug attitudes from them, the idea of "losing" because of that. But aside from that. Pairings weren't essential to a good ending. I just hate how the pairing fan service took over the entire series and robbed us of a good conclusion. It wouldn't be any better if NS had been the one to do that.

yeah, though Minato was heavily held back by PiS (not noticing naruto after the extraction, getting punked by Black zetsu, tripping, losing both arms),


the fact that peace was so forcly shoved in our mouths as the main goal for our heroes after nagato's introduction and then suddenly being glossed over as a "lets just beat the bad guy by teaming up, then we'll suddenly maintain peace!" just doesn't cut it for me as "believable". the ame orpahns are rolling in their graves. what happened to the rain village after konan's death? and last I checked, the sand, rock and mist villages were having a pretty bad economy. where's orochimaru and taka? why are they still training kids to be ninja's in peace time? what do ninja's do now? surely D and C ranked missions won't pay most of the bills and you don't need to be a ninja to babysit or hunt wild animals. was the hyuuga changed? seems the elders got away with the uchiha stuff by keeping it swept under the rug and died happily. don't get me started on the modernization of buildings and technology. oh and this has absolutely nothing to do with pairings so...


all we got were pairing babies and an advertisement for part 3 and the last. both of which are desperate cash grabs. the last didn't answer ANY of these questions nor did it make me like Naruhina or hinata at all, the designs were garabe (well except maybe sakura's winter outfit...i just find her fur neck collar to be too cute! >w<) naruto looked like a butt hole with that short hair to match his new personality, the villain was more pathetic than obito if thats even possible, oui...


like many people have said, its probably a good thing NS wasn't involved with this tripe of a "conclusion" with no questions answered or were withheld just to stretch this cash cow longer than it needed to be.

#829251 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Catra on 23 May 2015 - 09:36 PM

when i first started watching naruto all i cared about was naruto and his demon fox. didn't give the romance a second thought and saw it as a child thing. then I eventually started reading the manga around the time the sai arc was going, and noticed that naruto and sakura got closer. thats when I started shipping them, after the 4 tails incedent. Then the moments kept coming. It felt mutual, seeing these two together either bickering, agreeing, arguing, making eachother smile, laugh, simply being there for one another, it was colorful.


There's a reason why people liked say, han solo and leia together for example. they always bickered with one another. it felt human and real. I bet I wasn't the only one who's stomach/heart flipped when sakura gave naruto CPR and NOT when she pumped his heart manually ;) don't get me started how good it felt when sakura was the one to hug naruto after his return from the Pain fight.


Road to ninja was also a nice stand alone movie imo. so what if the AU rookie 9 weren't fleshed out enough? it wasn't about them in the first place XD


as for sakura's confession, people give that moment so much flack but the way i saw it, it was both the truth and a lie. yes she loved naruto, but no she couldn't simply get over sasuke in less than a day. but she still tried to carry out what had to be done. I laugh how people honestly bought her "I'll come with you sasuke!" when it was just an act to get close enough to stab him with a sasori poisoned kunai. "oh a little kunai?!" yeah a kunai. Even hashirama himself almost killed himself with one before madara stopped him =/ this isn't dbz logic where the stronger you are, your skin, bones and organs are as tough as diamons. simple yet effective tactic, though i would have LOVED to see sakura and sasuke fight eachother. oh well. you could almost hear the "ching" sound effect from that kunai making contact with sasuke's invisible plot shield. XD


so there you have it. I love Narusaku because they worked off eachother. gave it more flavor. it had so many moments that it convinced me enough to ship it or be convinced it would happen. sure sakura hit naruto but 1.) its japan's weird cliche of gag comedy, 2.) sometimes naruto diserved it. 3.) he's a-ok in the next panel.