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#952147 What would be your Next Generations: Beginning?

Posted by Wubbzy on 17 October 2017 - 04:18 PM

I wouldn't want to start it from the next generation as in their kids.

I think I would have rather seen Naruto and Sakura and maybe Sasuke (would be kinda funny), take on a genin team. I think that would have been more interesting and would have. Had fresh faces compared to the genin team now that is of course a bit of a replica of the old rookie 9.

This would have given the chance to see someone else with different abilities as main protagonist. Which is something I would have preferred. It would have also given us the chance to see Naruto in a leadership role and make the orders/show us how he becomes Hokage.

#952146 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Wubbzy on 17 October 2017 - 04:12 PM

For Shina, I would adore the idea of him taking after Sakura. I feel like he would excel more in his studies. I would love for him to go into ANBU, or even become a medical ninja like his mama! That would honestly be the best. I could see him watching a medical team go in and save a precious teammate or lil sister's life and then want to do that too. I feel like he would want to go that path. He knows his dads moves of course but as a medical ninja would use other tactics/strategies to be most effective.

The daughter, yes would be more like Naruto. I'm not entirely sure for hers without being an exact copy of Naruto's moves. Although it'd be cool if Sakura taught her how to control her chakra well enough to have incredible strength like her mama. I would have to give hers more thought hehe.

#952078 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Wubbzy on 16 October 2017 - 09:12 PM


My personal favorite picture!  :D




Still wish Naruto had his longer hair, but it's still some heartwarming art!

Haha, yes! This picture exemplifies exactly how I picture them in my mind for the most part! What an amazing fanart! ^^ 


And I agree, the short hair does not suit Naruto well. He would have been better off with longer hair as an adult. 

#951998 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Wubbzy on 16 October 2017 - 03:48 AM

Gah I love this discussion about the potential NaruSaku family! *___*

Okay, so in terms of family, kids specifically, it depends for me. Sometimes I can picture their first child being a little girl, but I also love them having a little boy like Shina (who I do see being more like Minato, with Sakura's smarts, but Naruto's looks). I could see him, instead of wanting to be hokage, he would want to take a different approach and go into something like Anbu.

Either way, I always see the girl acting like Naruto more, and being a daddy's girl haha. I see Naruto spoiling her cause he won't be able to say no or like wouldnt seeing the problem with things she'd ask. I see Sakura being more the one who would keep them on task and get her to do stuff like her studies etc.

I can see Naruto similar, only I feel like he wouldn't be that tired from his work. I feel like Naruto would still try to make an effort with his kids. If he did have rough patches at work, I feel like Sakura would be a little more involved too since she was the apprentice to Tsunade so I think she would have more of a role, especially when we look how Tsunade ran the hospital for the most part and was Hokage. So I think Sakura taking care of the hospital and Naruto of course being Hokage would be ideal and make things run much more smoothly. This makes the most sense to me.

But yeah. Those are my thoughts.

#951995 Wubbzy's Doodles

Posted by Wubbzy on 16 October 2017 - 03:34 AM

I like the emotions in the faces and the faces in general! That smiling Sakura melts my heart.

Thank you so much! ;____;

That means so much to hear that!

#948675 Bojack Horseman

Posted by Wubbzy on 12 September 2017 - 12:06 AM

I finished watching it all on Saturday, and that last scene made it all worth it. I was tearing up, it feeling so relatable and gah, such a great, humorous, slice of life story! ;___; ♡

#946745 Game of Thrones: Season 4

Posted by Wubbzy on 19 August 2017 - 09:22 AM

Leaked Episode 6 Spoilers, Please don't read if you haven't watched!

#946614 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Wubbzy on 18 August 2017 - 01:50 AM

Too bad Naruto didn't have much of a leadership role throughout the manga. I think it would have been good for his character to be the leader of a group (not even his own group of genin, like just going on a mission with Naruto calling the shots). It would have really helped us see why he would make a good Hokage and help him improve for when he did become hokage.

#946116 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Wubbzy on 13 August 2017 - 12:12 AM


The reason why I like NaruSaku is because most of the other romantic relationships are bland and boring.

NaruSaku feels more passionate to me. Their chemistry feels more natural and we get to see them hanging out and being great allies and friends first. They are great together, and their interactions scream fun.

#944149 Rick and Morty

Posted by Wubbzy on 28 July 2017 - 07:28 AM

Anyone here watch Rick and Morty?


Also, if you do, are you as hyped for season 3, as much as I am? 


New season starting this Sunday!!! 


I'm soooo excited! :)

#943725 How Do You Get Past Writer's Block?

Posted by Wubbzy on 23 July 2017 - 04:42 AM

Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate all of your responses! I am going to try to use all of your suggestions! I'm going to try outlining the fica I haven't yet, and I'm planning to go play basketball again so I can clear my mind too! Hopefully that helps haha. I'll most likely be going through everyones suggestions if these don't work.

Especially the not starting a new story advice. I admit I have been extremely guilty of this recently. I will stop and focus on my chaptered fics so hopefully they can get finished sooner or later haha.

Thanks again everyone!

I'm going through the exact same thing  :pinch:

Yeah, it's a real bummer. :/ I'm going to be busy really soon so I wanted to write while I had the free time, but alas, it has not been my week haha.

#943547 Sitcom characters that remind you of NS

Posted by Wubbzy on 22 July 2017 - 07:01 AM

Okay, this is EXACTLY, the thread I was looking for! 


Because I have a suggestion! 


If Naruto and Sakura got together, I feel they would have a similar dynamic like Phil and Claire from Modern Family. I was watching some old episodes again, and I saw them and they just SCREAMED the Naruto-Sakura comedic, fun, loving relationship! I feel like if they did get together, they would be like them! xD


Haha, it is perfect for me! 

#941618 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by Wubbzy on 13 June 2017 - 09:34 PM

Kyaaa, okay, I updated my story, Different Life, with chapter 6! ^^ I hope you guys like it (I'm such a bad updater lol)! https://www.fanficti.../Different-Life


I also have a oneshot I wrote, dealing with the end of Road to Ninja! X) Hope you guys like this one too! https://www.fanficti.../1/Mothers-Will


Hopefully I can post up more of my NaruSaku fics (a lot of them long oneshots) I'm working on sooner or later (if I ever get them done)! X) 

#941160 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by Wubbzy on 02 June 2017 - 11:21 PM

Okay, so I kinda made my first NaruSaku AMV (emphasis on first lol). It was just for fun. xD But yeah, I hope you guys like it! :) 


#940761 Wubbzy's Doodles

Posted by Wubbzy on 25 May 2017 - 02:21 PM

Looks way better than ANYTHING Kishi has drawn for years. Good job!

hahahha, aww, thank you so much, very nice of you to say! :)