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#972449 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 15 April 2019 - 10:34 PM

Karin is being used in Boruto to validate Sasque and Sakra’s sexual act that resulted in Salads?

Like.. for what reason she is saying things like this??




This is so stupid.. I’m so sad, Karin’s character is only used to stuff with S//S and nothing else. kitten PIERROT!!!

She deserve more than that!! I was happy with she being happy for Sasuke, but this is too much!!!!!!


Source : Tumblr

#972439 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 15 April 2019 - 06:04 PM


See, I told you. Hiashi should had taken the fall. Neji would had survived and plus would've help Hinata by merging the main and branch houses of the Hyuga together. It would had solve and fill the plot hole. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Someone in SP was talking trash about Neji and wanted him out of the picture. And we got this mess, all starting of that chapter when Neji was killed off, Hinata was about to have an "orgasm" when holding Naruto's hand and Naruto himself went to character digression once more.

I read somewhere long ago that the reason they killed Neji is : First of course sacrificial cupid to bring NH together , and Second because apparently Neji x Hinata pairing fan is pretty popular in Japan. Understandable , if they end up together it will pretty much end their clan feud / cursed about the head and slave family. It could close one of the many plot hole that still until today unresolved , but SP sadly only see the first reason which is a THREAT to them. SP only see Neji as an OBSTACLE for NH that's why they killed him.

#972393 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 14 April 2019 - 02:39 AM

Exactly. Which is why the best option in the story was to kill them all. The Uchiha needed to end.

It's only a matter of time until one of them loses a loved one whether it's a human or even a pet and then they go berserk and decide the best way to deal with such a loss is to kill everyone in the world or to enslave everyone in their dream world because they can't deal with reality.

Sasuke should've been the last of the Uchiha's, he should've died in the final battle and thus the cycle will end. Of course this doesn't fix the world's problems 100%, but at least one major one will be gone and they won't have to wait patiently until inevitably one of the Uchiha's losses it and goes all psycho.

I love you , you said it better than me.


When someone said "Don't judge people by how their looks" , trust me ... that is a sweet lie and just lips service at best.

These piece of scum still have fanatics (i believe in this forum too , especially Saske) despite the facts that they are clearly insane , why ? Because they look cool and handsome , at the end of the day it always about how they look.

#972268 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 07 April 2019 - 09:45 PM

God, I always hated that, oh they do bad things "because they love too much."

You can tell Kishi pulled that out his ass, oh wait it shouldn't come as a shock as we know how much he loves the Uchiha clan.


But we need to love the Uchiha and feel sorry for them Yyubie that's what Kishi wanted we need to feel sorry for such a misunderstood clan and love them no matter what they do.


Yeah right, Kishi is a hack writer, but it's what Kishi and Sasuke fans like to say to people.




I think i'm the only one in this forum or probably in the world that hate them so much. But i'm really serious when i said these people this clan have to be exterminated , why ? In that era there is always war or battle to be fought , it's only a matter of time before someone died. If a person died in battle and that person happen to be some uchihas love one ... then that uchiha will go crazy and be like "Everyone must feel my pain" and go destroy a world or village. That's why i said they are a ticking time bomb and it's only a matter of time before they turn crazy because they "LOVE TOO MUCH".


Madara goes crazy after his brother dead

Itachi goes crazy after his best friend got killed

Obito goes insane after his crush got killed

Sasuke goes crazy after killing Itachi

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Each of them try to destroy the world after that , except for Itachi , he murder his own clan down to the last women and child (i believe there was a baby and a child the night he killed them all , even imagining it makes me wants to threw up , he is sick all of uchiha is a sick person , of course they didn't show him kill a baby or a child but it's common sense , there should be children and baby because uchiha is a big clan).

That's more than enough prove that these people are insane , psychopaths , and crazy. I could go to the detail , but i rather not.

#972266 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 07 April 2019 - 07:42 PM

Uchiha is ticking time bomb , it's only a matter of time before they turn bad. They are a bunch of people that can't move on , they can't accept their loved one death and they suddenly going into "I'M GOING TO DESTROY THE WORLD" mode. Not only that they are EASILY manipulated , Obito believe in Madara too fast and "I'M GOING TO PUT EVERYONE INTO DREAM" mode , and Sasuke believe in Tobi too fast and was like :"WE ARE TAKA AND TAKA HAVE ONLY ONE GOAL , DESTROY KONOHA" mode. These people are crazy and it's dangerous , they are the source of almost all problem , even though time and time again people said that they are prodigy or natural born genius , Sasuke and Obito just believe what people told them instantly without trying to find evidence themselves. One boy goes to destroy the world after the girl he loved murdered and the other boy let's see how many times he change his goal : first to kill brother , then to destroy konoha , then to become hokage. Sasuke is soo frickin easy to manipulated he change his goal 3 times , he is aimless he has no goal or dream , he just following emotion , and adding into that he is power hungry and can't accept a dropout surpassing him. But of course looks is everything , as long as they look handsome , cool jutsus , red eye , bad boy .... these psychopaths , murderer will always have a fans that will defend and justify what they did , their fans is the same as them.

#972257 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 07 April 2019 - 08:10 AM


That's disturbing ... The fact that Obito will murder Kushina and her husband latter.


I F-ing hate uchihas .... they are all need to be exterminated and burn in hell.

As much as i hate Danzou , he make one right decision which is to kill them all.

#972197 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 04 April 2019 - 08:38 PM

The problem with every NS moment is , it's always happen when the other didn't notice OR there's an interruption. Like the bench scene , Sakura didn't know and the CPR , Naruto is unconscious. The hand feed after Naruto injured his hand , Sai and Kakashi interrupt it. As far as i remember the hug after pain defeated is the only legit that both party know and no interruption , but to be honest as sweet as it looks , i somehow feel like that is more like celebration than a romantic moment. I saw this sign .... danger sign back then when i watch the anime and the manga is still on kage summit arc. I wonder why their moment is always interrupt or one of them didn't notice/know ... it feel ... unfinished , as it seems like the author be like "JUST A LITTLE ... NO MORE" , maybe teasing is a correct word. I know now that's the way the author said "ENOUGH , THAT IS IT FOR NOW" , but why ??

#972090 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 30 March 2019 - 11:27 AM

Thats the thing. Then whole story is just a series of missed oppurtunities.

You mean Boruto is a missed opportunity ?


I think Boruto is a fatal/rotten mistake made by a bunch of greedy judas.

Naruto ? that is true is a series of missed opportunity , but Boruto ?? that is already wrong from the beginning they show off adult boruto stand off against kawaki on a burning ravage konoha , they think it's cool.



From what i read on google , a manga that did this usually afraid that their manga didn't sell. So they show off the future , start with a big bang of fireworks to attract customers , and then goes back to the past or calm down the pace once they think they got hook the customers. Naruto did this at first but only with narrative , "Long ago there was a nine tail demon fox bla bla bla and then the fourth hokage seal it in a baby". Black Clover also did this , there was a demon causing havoc and chaos and then first wizard king appear and defeat the demon at cost of his own life (they put this scene in EVERY episode it really makes wanna threw up, about 3-5 minute out of 20 minute excluding opening/ending and small recap wasted , i finally drop the anime). There were others , i wanna say One Punch man also did this from the first chapter until king boros or whatever that alien name came , and then suddenly Saitama become back seat , he rarely makes an appearance i don't even know that manga anymore who is the main character who is the side character. In OPM case i feel like Saitama is just a clown ... a mascot that they put in front of the gate in theme park to attract costumers to come in but once the customers are in , they won't see him anymore. Sorry bit off topic , i personally hate when shonen manga do this.

#971922 Inconsistencies/ Retcons in The Manga

Posted by Yyubie on 20 March 2019 - 10:08 PM

Naturally :




Retcon into :



#971827 Kakashi should have actually trained Sakura.

Posted by Yyubie on 16 March 2019 - 02:51 PM



So Kakashi imply that it's not ok for Naruto to kill his favorite student but it's ok for his favorite student to kill Naruto?

This is when i'm starting to really hate Kakashi , the first time i'm starting to dislike him is when he throw Naruto to Ebisu so that he can focus teaching Sasuke.

#971787 Kakashi should have actually trained Sakura.

Posted by Yyubie on 14 March 2019 - 11:16 PM



This pretty much answer it all why ...




My theory is Sakura is suppose to be a genjutsu genius in the future , that rival those uchihas. But because of favoritism and Kishi's lack of knowledge of how to develop a female heroine , it all gone to waste.

#971332 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 19 February 2019 - 04:02 AM

Boruto: Shikamaru Shinden

So apparently, in the Shikamaru Shinden light novel, Shikamaru is stressing the kitten out of, and almost tried assassinating two of the Kage during a meeting to avoid an upcoming war. He doesn’t want his kid to get dragged into another generation of kitten, and thinks he can settle things now. He might’ve been in serious trouble if he wasn’t very close personal friends with two of the other Kage that were at that meeting with all six of them when he tried to kill them.

The villages are also apparently on the verge of war, Kumo is planning to raid another nearby village and Konoha is trying to stick its neck in there to stop it since it’ll drag on to thousands of deaths. Kumo and Iwa are being a kitten about it and trying to aim for a war since they’re out of a job otherwise, and their Daimyo is telling them to go do it. Naruto doesn’t seem so good at talking things out.

What’s even more interesting to note is that there’s an interesting pattern between the novel and the first Boruto chapter/episode. It implies Naruto’s alliance crumbled and kitten hit the fan so hard that the entirety of Konoha got reduced into nothing but ruins. I do not believe Kawaki could’ve reduced Konoha into ruins by himself. I believe Konoha’s destruction was likely orchestrated by an alliance between the other nations to challenge Konoha’s hegemony, arguing Konoha is a threat because they have the most powerful Tailed Beast and is the most prestigious village (Naruto has all the Tailed Beasts in Boruto, realistically all the other villages should be plotting to sabotage Konoha), citing that they are dictating the Elemental Nations and those who disagrees will be crushed by iron fist (Naruto is the most powerful person in the world. Sasuke is the second most powerful person in the world. They both hold the keys to all the nukes in the world).

History seems to repeat itself. Nice “utopia” you got there Naruto, seems like you haven’t learned anything from Hashirama’s mistakes with what went wrong with the system. Madara was right all along. This vicious circle won’t end.


Copy paste from tumblr : http://pancakemcfluffers.tumblr.com/


#971265 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 15 February 2019 - 07:29 PM

In Naruto all you have to do is have a bad childhood and that will excuse your behavior and your actions however bad those are, and the people around you will feel sorry for you and worship you for it and they will also reward you. As long as your name is not Naruto and you do good things, because if you do, then and only then you will be punished.

That's why this anime is dangerous , especially for children. This show , trying to teach you evil logic : Do evil deed you will be rewarded , and do good things you will be punish.

#971258 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 15 February 2019 - 05:01 PM

After multiple murder attempt to Karin and Sakura and after degrading them by saying they are useless many times , it's amazing how much he got rewarded by all of this , he basically fulfill his wishes and get rewarded about revenge and resurrection of his clan just by being jerk , criminal , and a**hole.


HOW IS THIS FRICKIN POSSIBLE ???? Instead of getting punish he got reward for hurting other people!! I definitely don't want my kids to watch this garbage.

He should end up like that old man villain from Akame ga Kill!

#971230 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Yyubie on 14 February 2019 - 08:26 PM




The guy that post this in tumblr (SS fan by the way) said :


I’m done. Really, I’m so done with this studio.

Why do they just have to shove their Gary Sue down our throats? Why does Boruto - BORUTO, who never understood his father and belittled Minato’s sacrifice and Naruto’s horrible childhood- be the one to lecture Sarada- SARADA, who understood her fathers feelings despite being apart from each other after spending one single day-?!

If it had been Chocho, Shikadai or Inojin, it would be totally fine but why Boruto?

We don’t want him where he doesn’t belong, why can’t they just stick to the novels, goddammit? Instead of shoving him down our throats, why don’t they kittening focus on SasuSaku and SasuSara scenes we are all waiting for?

I’m so done with this studio.

I officially gave up, it’s not worth it anymore.

I’ll stick to the novels and fanfics, this is really ridiculous.


Source : https://fifi-uchiha....-done-with-this


There's another one






The guy who post this in tumblr (an anti SS fan) said :


Phew…I think Sakura won’t be featured in Sasuke and Sarada’s episode! The synopsis makes special mention of Kakashi but nada of Sakura! NO HAIRCUT SCENE!!!

I would think that the synopsis would at least mention Sakura considering how rabid the stans can be

Tbh I am so glad. The thought of that scene gave me anxiety and made me sick. Focus on the relationship between father and daughter, they need it.

I’m not looking forward to Sasuke attempting to bond and getting rejected but meh…


Source : https://sasukesavior...tured-in-sasuke


It seems after that last arc with Ohnoki and Mitsuki (I heard Ohnoki is dead btw) they will be returning to family drama , this time more focus to SasuSaku family. I bet they get tons of complain from SS fans because of they severely lack moments ...

NH i still can hold it , but SS makes me wants to punch my monitor.