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Sakamaki Izayoi

Member Since 09 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2015 07:27 PM

#568539 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 August 2014 - 08:47 PM

He isn't really a developed character. His actions don't make sense most of the times and his goals change from left to right.

As for people hating him, I blame Kishi. If he didn't force this vomit inducing bromance the hate would've been less intense. But no, you have Sasuke do kitten here and there, and Naruto is waiting and ready to forgive him with open arms like the love sick puppy he is. People would rather wish Sasuke to die in comparison than having this whole manga centered around him, an unattractive guy the reader can't sympathize with.

I agree to a certain extent, he's a well developed character up to a certain point, the fact is Kishimoto thought with this development was enough to turn him into the final villain and the main obstacle to no just Naruto's dream to be hokage but also the main goal of the conflicts of the ninja world.
Sasuke's development doesnt justify his role on the manga, and the consequence was the exageratted focus on Naruto and Sasuke relationship to make the final fight something greatly antecipated on the manga.

And to conclude it also affects Naruto, he doesnt have a consistent development on the conflict of the ninja world, he simply moves with the plot with new enemies crossing his path, he didnt had a clear objective like Sasuke, whie it focused on the bromance it damaged both main characters.
I think both were well developed to a certain extent but it's not enough consistent with the roles they both received on the war arc.

#566606 Chapter 689

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 20 August 2014 - 07:49 PM

concentration problems? i don't know, at first black zetsu said that she doesn't wanted to use her chakra because "i wAn t iT aLL!11" 

she wasn't taking them too seriously. if she were more serious about it, then they probably couldn't have a chance. i think she's beautiful but...worst final boss ever.

oh, i remember now, do you remember when Neji said he wasn't able to distingish between white zetsus and real people? if they have the  same amount of chakra and all. Kagebunshis distribute their chakras in equal parts.

i think that more than lack of concentration is... too much confidence

Neji distinguished kage bushins from real Naruto, also most important she has rinnegan and obviously the chakra of the god like Naruto she can also have the same sensor abilities as him or even further.
But she's not even using "limbo" the jutsu Madara used, neither is using any abilities of the rinnegan aside from the ninjutsu absorption.
I hate when the final boss is a guy supposed to have pratically every jutsu and limits himself to two or three techniques it really pisses me off.

#566452 Chapter 689

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 20 August 2014 - 03:40 PM

What will be achieved if Sasuke dies? The whole moral of the story will be lost.

Wait a sec this story has a moral?

#565756 Chapter 688

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 19 August 2014 - 06:20 PM

So we have no spoiler? Not even a small one?


#565183 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 18 August 2014 - 03:47 PM

As a NS shipper who doesn't ship SK, having people say SK parallels NS is an insult. I'm sure there are many people in this site who feels the same. It's as annoying as much as NH fans saying that Minato=Hinata. For NH fans, it might be legit assumption, but for me it's insulting. Same with this SK=NS kitten. You have every right to express what you think though.

Karin acting like a dog in heat right after the murder attempt=Karin not taking kitten from Sasuke? Really? If anyone is accepting of Sasuke's kitten, it's Karin.

I think Sakura is similar to Minato in way because they both share the same self depreciating trait.

#564950 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 18 August 2014 - 12:45 AM

Even to this day I can't believe Naruto said absolutely nothing about the whole destiny/reincarnation crap when he meat the Rikudou.
He just accepted it like he already knew everything from the very beginning.

I remember the butthurt on MAL when people started saying that Neji was right when he said "that people cant change it's destiny"

Naruto was destined to succeed despite being a loser and he explained it though Ashura's past by explaining because he was a loser he had to rely on his friends and got stronger.

#564486 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 16 August 2014 - 11:37 PM

Dark, I could say the same thing about Sword Art Online (which one day people will see as classical as Dragonball Z) and Evangelion (especially Evangelion), but that's your opinion is it not? You may see it as something different than others, but that doesn't mean you are correct. I don't like Dragonball Z and I completely disagree with everything you said. If you like the series that is perfectly fine, but I don't. I think the story fell extremely flat after the Frieza Saga and was just extremely pathetic with Deus Ex Machina of "let's just wish everyone back to life." There was no threat and no fear of lose at all. Even the Dragonball Abridged series cracks jokes about this all the time. Death? Pfff...Dragonballs.

Yamcha "You make it sound like death has no consequence..."
Tien: "It really doesn't. We're literally waiting to go back. Hell, this is Chouzu's second time."
Chaozu: "Next time, I get a free sundae."

Characters Charismatic and likable? Yeah, maybe for the first 5 minutes, but Goku is just a man-child or a little boy in a man body that everyone treats like Superman, yet is a terrible father and a piss poor husband to boot. The only character or characters that really stuck out to me was Future Trunks (Not kid trunks. Kid Trunks felt more like a mini-Vegeta done wrong with a messed up attitude) and Vegeta and maybe Piccolo, but soon he too fell onto the wayside of just being there. Everyone else was either too pathetic to be relevant, stood around gasping and and screaming, and/or hyped up to look important only to be brought down because of a cop-out and Goku forced to be the only one to save the day. Gohan was more powerful than SSJ3 Goku, but he lost the battle because everyone wanted Goku to fight and win. Literally the fans themselves ruined the series.

I grew up with Dragonball Z too and I even owned the whole series, but after a while when I grew up I realized that the series is not as good as I thought it was. It's not that deep of story many people hype it to be and its concept is just waaaay too simple. The world is too perfect except for the occasional outside baddie laddie comes along. Goku isn't as good of a hero as many think he is. He doesn't stop petty crime or petty accidents on a daily basis or inspire people like a real hero would. Only when the Earth is about to leveled does he get involved.

Nostalgia is both a gift and curse because it is basically rose-tinted glasses.

Don't even get me started on the Dragonball Z movies where it breaks it even more and even more crap occurs. (We are talking about anime here, not manga.)
And this is a good thing...why? People say the same thing about Transformers or some other movies and anime yet say it is bad when they did it, but Dragonball Z does it and everyone loves it? You basically just said that the plot doesn't care and "screw logic" and you think this is a good thing? Makes me wonder why you find Kirito's adventure so hard to believe and criticize it so harshly when Dragonball makes even less sense and uses a lot more Deus Ex Machina

Like I said, the only concept of the show is fighting, screaming, beams, and explosions. It is the Micheal Bay of anime.

They aren't goind to become classic, the classics of this generation are Naruto, One Piece, Bleach at some extent, Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist and then comes to some minor ones.
Sword Art Online has no charisma and memorable characters.

Characters Charismatic and likable? Yeah, maybe for the first 5 minutes, but Goku is just a man-child or a little boy in a man body that everyone treats like Superman, yet is a terrible father and a piss poor husband to boot. The only character or characters that really stuck out to me was Future Trunks (Not kid trunks. Kid Trunks felt more like a mini-Vegeta done wrong with a messed up attitude) and Vegeta and maybe Piccolo, but soon he too fell onto the wayside of just being there. Everyone else was either too pathetic to be relevant, stood around gasping and and screaming, and/or hyped up to look important only to be brought down because of a cop-out and Goku forced to be the only one to save the day. Gohan was more powerful than SSJ3 Goku, but he lost the battle because everyone wanted Goku to fight and win. Literally the fans themselves ruined the series.

I thought you were describing Naruto's character.

#563874 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 August 2014 - 09:20 PM

Even if the fillers are in favor of NS, I still hate them. Fillers are one of the reasons why I stay away from the anime.

You mean Naruto fillers i remember Saint Seiya and their fillers had the same quality as the overall story i could not even distinguish what was filler or not because it was well done.
They made things that kept in line with the story not some random mission that Naruto will never remember like they did with the anime.

#560954 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 11 August 2014 - 12:27 AM

Not really in the entire part 2 of the manga, Naruto has been constantly chasing after his lost love. The entire plot basically became "Naruto must save boyfriend" and by saving this boyfriend that doesn't really want to be saved and doesn't want to have anything to do with Naruto, but Naruto is just too stupid to actually see this, all things that Naruto wants will magically happen. Becoming Hokage, changing the Hyuuga clan, bringing peace in the world etc.

Yes, he never actually put an effort to bring peace on the world, but that's already happening on the war arc without him actually putting an effort, he's going to be hokage already despite not having the qualifications to be so just because of connections (friends) which for me is equal to corruption just like how Tsunade didnt put Sasuke on the bingo book because of Naruto and Sakura's feelings when it was one of the main rules of the village, desertors became nukenin and end of story no other shinobi had this privilege.
Worse is that akatsuki wasnt even chasing him down at first they were after Sasuke too since Sasuke was on Obito's plans, Naruto never actually wanted to save the bijuu and it's jinchuurikis at first despite they were people he could relate too, he needed to save his lost boyfriend who didnt wanted to be saved when there were people who needed his help.

#560947 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 11 August 2014 - 12:08 AM

Naruto show concern when someone in danger or dangerous situation.
Before war arc, Naruto think about sasuke like a "lover" because sasuke always in dangerous situation. From being use by orochimaru, kill by akatsuki, and becoming an akatsuki member himself to the point wrecking a kage meeting.

This is the reason why disliked that scene, he hyperventilated because his friends decided to kill Sasuke completely ignoring that Sakura(the girl he loves)was going to fight Sasuke an opponent he knew very well she had no chance on even touching him, despite having his waifu and his friends in great danger he hyperventilates because some dude that left the village 3 years ago and became a nukenin was on the bingo book.

#560936 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 10 August 2014 - 11:44 PM

Fair enough
Now, do you think she still loves him romantically?

I think she has yet to fall in love with him.
On this war arc she hasnt demonstrated that she's in love with him, Naruto's death could be a hint but Kishimoto delivered an emotionless scene on which Sakura spoke about Naruto's dream of wanting to be kage when he didnt give two fucs for like 200+ chapters, instead of focusing on herself.
It ended on the war arc, Sakura showing the same feelings that his other friends also displayed towards Naruto.
The truth is that despite shipping NS, and having the MK parallel, i still see a strong hint of an open ending.
And this Naruto's movie is most likely to follow this route but i'm not holding into this.
Even if NS happens i doubt it will be a clear conclusion of her feelings, since Kishimoto is bad writing a lot lately.

#560906 Who's prettier, Sakura or Hinata?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 10 August 2014 - 10:36 PM


Very true.  The superficiality of looks is just one of those things.  One can only hope it's not the only component of attraction, but we all know that sometimes that's all there is to it.  Looks + personality + behavior, combined, makes attraction more complicated but more... substantial.



I have to admit this surprises me.


I'm not a man, but as for my opinion on this matter....


I accept that people find Hinata cute or pretty or whatever, but she turns me off in every way.  I think she's a nice girl with good intentions, but I wouldn't be able to spend ten minutes around her.  


Hinata simply requires too much support, patience, encouragement -- and pardon the expression, hand-holding -- in order to function in even a remotely normal way.  Her lack of personal strength and independence affects my ability to see her as attractive.  She's too child-like and vulnerable, which makes it impossible for me to view her as an attractive woman/girl.  It fact, her body is so womanly compared to her personality that I find it outright creepy.  But that's me.


By contrast, Sakura's body matches her personality.  She's pretty, clever, athletic, strong, capable, independent, and tough, and yet she is still feminine.  The way I look at it, there's just no contest.


I'm not sure with that, she was never shown to be "independent and clever" she lets her emotions get the best of her in dire situations to prevent her from showing her inteligence on situations where she wants to prove herself.
And "independent" if she was really independent she would not be the type of girl who continues self deprectiating and cares about opinions of people like Sasuke.

You described a perfect heroine and this is not what Sakura is.

#560766 Who's prettier, Sakura or Hinata?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 10 August 2014 - 10:52 AM

Ino obviously.

#560418 I was just wondering will there be another Naruto video game after Naruto rev...

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 09 August 2014 - 04:04 PM

Naruto the Milk Cow.

#558932 Chapter 688

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 06 August 2014 - 11:09 PM

WTF did I just read, Kakashi couldn't use Kamui more then 3/4 times a day before this war arc and that is 2/3 days ago in Naruto time. Where did he get the stamina to use 2 MS and PS that was supose to be this chakra consuming technique.

WOW just wow.
