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Member Since 04 Jun 2014
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#988088 Sakura in the New Manga.

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 01 December 2022 - 02:06 PM

Itachi's eye line is true dark circle and tired expression
They already have that eyes lines in Gaiden

she looks stressed as hell either way. Just like Naruto be looking.

#988062 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 27 November 2022 - 07:21 AM

stopped watching Pokemon after Johto. I wanted AshXMisty. Hoping she would show back up but she didnt. If she ever does, Ill start back looking at it.

#988043 Sakura in the New Manga.

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 26 November 2022 - 03:16 AM

kitten SS. How is this kitten even being defended??? Because Sakura is in her Medical setting? Sounds like an excuse to praise SS in disguise to me. Like I said, this aint even the real Sakura in my opinion, so I hope her and Sasuke goes into enemy territory and get nuked.

#988016 Sakura in the New Manga.

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 23 November 2022 - 03:21 AM

Not worth it I don't want to see sakura with sasuke in a romantic sense at all

exactly!!! I don't want to see that kitten. Far as I'm concerned, that ain't even the real Sakura. So, they could take this Sakura's head and shove it up Sasuke's ass and take Sasuke's head and shove it up that other dude who is in the room's ass, and take his head shove it up the guard's ass.

#988010 Announcement coming in Jump Fiesta 2022

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 21 November 2022 - 10:52 PM

a game that includes the NH ending? And that negates all development? Nawl, thats a no for me. They could take that game and shove it up they ass.

#988007 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 21 November 2022 - 07:39 PM

Either way, I love SonicXAmys slow progression from CD All the way to now. Work of art.

#987895 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 1

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 23 October 2022 - 03:05 AM

elite garbage. Cream of the crop garbage.

#987608 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 08 August 2022 - 03:07 AM

I would have loved to see that actually. Obito going after Sakura and Naruto going berserk over it. Would have been a nice was to tie in them getting together.

#987152 Confession (Formally Known as My Final Message To Everyone)

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 29 May 2022 - 03:22 PM

Jesus are we a goddamn cult? If you dont mind him shipping NH, then quit what exactly?

Half of the forum are no longer shippers, they stay because they know people here. I will always ship NS. Theyre no longer fans of the series. They quit long ago. If you want to quit because someone else does, then that is your weakness, not Luckys. For that reason you come across as if you got no backbone at all, and you blame it on him.

Lucky told me on DM that he still wished to be part of the community, but that he titled this the final message because he thought wed kick him out.

I agree that those comments were not cool, the condradictiond and odd overdose of NH posts. I understand and that offended me too, but was it so bad a genuine apology is not enough? The experiment was quite weird, but it was meant to attract NH shippers I think, not us.

I mean, he has apologized a few times and then went right back to doing it again. Twitter wasnt the only place.

If thats what he wants to do(ship NH) thats him. I could care less about that. Just the bashing if he does it again that will get to me.

#987138 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 28 May 2022 - 03:47 PM

so, if Naruto didnt understand love then, how did he all of a sudden understand love when it came to Hinata?

#987104 Confession (Formally Known as My Final Message To Everyone)

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 25 May 2022 - 05:13 AM

might as well had been a double agent this whole time like Analyzer with the way you talking kitten on Twitter now. Attacking NS posts and kitten like you wasnt just here a couple days ago. Attacking folk who been with you all this time in favor of NH. Using them same punkass arguments thats been debunked millions of times. Cant even say Im surprised to be honest.

Oh and on side note. kitten NH.

#986798 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 68

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 06 April 2022 - 01:24 PM

Naruto- wait? Hinatas dead?!

Shikamaru- Yes.

Naruto- WHEW! I thought it would NEVER happen. Time to go find Sakura-Chan!

Shikamaru- .

#986712 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 18 March 2022 - 11:42 PM

since I consider yall like my family and I know she checks this site every so often. Would appreciate it if yall could help me wish my beautiful wife a Happy Birthday. I know its a little late.

#986570 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 01 March 2022 - 01:24 PM

I personally cant see how yall could intentionally try to read a NH or SS fic, lol.

My heart hurts just from glancing at the title of one.

#986523 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 25 February 2022 - 02:42 PM

There are two type of people that really hated Sakura/supported nH people with chips on their shoulders, and very lazy people.
The ones with Chips on their shoulders basically resented the fact that they had to work for something and may still not receive it. In other words, they made friends with a girl they wanted to have sex with, but they acted like a "nice guy" (instead of trying something like ask her out on a date) just hanged around her expecting her to have sex with them at some point. She doesn't because she see them as a friend, and then she is a friendzoning slut. "What that slut didn't instantly fall in love with him!? How dare that slut! He should go with the perfect woman Hinata."
The lazy one are lazy in all regards (physically, emotionally, morally, and intellectually) looking for the quickest easiest solution no matter the results. "I don't understand. Why is Naruto trying to make Sakura fall in love with him instead of going with Hinata who is already in love with him?"

I agree with this. I never understood why people feel like you shouldnt have to work for what you want. They just think a girl should just automatically love you in the first second and if not, f*** them. Thats not how it works. If you love a girl, pursue them and put in the work. Show them they are worth all of your time and devotion. That was basically Naruto for Sakura.