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#963260 If the ending/series were to be redone...how?

Posted by winter-serenade on 19 March 2018 - 12:50 PM

Where do I start? Well, to scratch the surface, make Kakashi a better teacher. Tone down Sakura’s cruelty, even if by a little bit. Don’t touch the Zabuza and Haku arc, at least don’t do any major changes. Have Sarutobi actively doing something. Let Sakura keep her long hair (just a personal preference, I really like her with long hair), change EVERYTHING involving Obito, change the shinobi system in the series finale. Give Shino more screen time, keep the “hard work beats talent” mantra alive instead of this prophecy kitten.

There’s a lot of things to change, although some are worthy of keeping.

#963080 On a scale of 1-10 rate the Anime you're currently watching

Posted by winter-serenade on 14 March 2018 - 11:52 PM

Ajin 10/10

I read the manga cause I didn’t like the 3D thing they did in the anime, but it’s just such an amazing series. The main character is unique, and I love me some horror manga. The villain is so amazing and badass, I just love it. Character development for the main character is spot on, and the other character backstories are really interesting.

#963050 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 14 March 2018 - 12:21 PM

She did, in all honesty. The first part of the exam had her prioritize Naruto’s dream of becoming Hokage over Sasuke's goal to get revenge. It's pretty self-explanatory.

#963027 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by winter-serenade on 14 March 2018 - 01:41 AM

KClaws_2@ of course the series is separated in two canons. 90% of the anime is nothing but filler since the Boruto manga is a monthly manga. Pierot doesn't have a choice but to pull fillers out of their asses for a weekly series.

Wasn’t the Naruto anime infamous for its filler? Like, a lot of people hated the fillers because they were pointless, boring, and had no plot. What makes SP think they’ll start being successful?

#963026 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 14 March 2018 - 01:38 AM

Well, as people say, first impressions are the most important. She didn’t leave a good first impression on many, so they just stuck with their original opinions. A Youtuber I like once said that Sakura sucked and was hated solely because of her status as the main character. I don’t agree with the former, but the latter is actually quite understandable.

#963020 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 13 March 2018 - 10:54 PM

Exactly. To compare Hinata to Sakura, take each one out of the plot and see how much it changes.
With Hinata gone, very very very little changes. Some plot points don't happen the same, but the major arcs stay the same.
With Sakura gone, everything changes. Literally everything. Naruto does not set his sights on her, he doesn't work to impress her, he doesn't flip out to save her. And this is just in the first story arc. You couldn't have Naruto, the manga, without Sakura.
The only people who think Hinata is important are her fans. But she's not, she barely makes a difference in the hero's life. It's a fact.

Actually, Naruto isnt even alive without Sakura as early as the Forest of Death arc. During the encounter with Orochimaru, after he put the seal on him, Naruto was unconscious. He was high in the trees and was falling to the ground. He wouldve died had Sakura not thrown a kunai to stick his jacket to a tree.

Debatably he dies during the Zabuza arc. Either the Demon brothers or Zabuza attacks them, and Sakuras reflexes are fast enough to save him from most likely getting his head chopped clean off. Oh, but Sakura is useless...

#963003 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 13 March 2018 - 06:41 PM

It just makes me so sad for Sakura's character. She's so OOC now. She gets neglected for years and years, but then acts like a squealing fangirl when he comes home once in a blue moon. That's not real love at all. If you were to tell me Sasuke was cheating on her with Karin who has Sarada and then forced Sakura to raise his love child, I would not be surprised.


Lol, it's not even once in a blue moon. Blue moons happen every three years or so, and there are going to be 2 this year. It's pathetic when even an idiom can't match up with his utter neglect. No. It's not ridiculous or pathetic. It's sad. So sad I might even laugh because of how hopeless it is. Haven't felt this way in a while.

#962997 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 13 March 2018 - 05:52 PM


Yeah, and in Goku's case with Goten, I'm guessing he didn't even know that Chi-Chi was pregnant before the Cell Games began, even with the intimate time with her he'd have had before the battle began, even when he sacrificed himself, so there's that for him.


It just shows too how Goku and Vegeta are a BAJILLION times the fathers that Naruto and Sasuke turned out thanks to this mess of an ending in Naruto.


Yup, and like I said before, Goku was dead. He couldn't just roam as a soul in the world of the living. Bojack and Broly were desperate times, which call for desperate measures. Besides, he took the chance of being able to come to Earth for 24 hours. 


Sasuke was not bound by anything. And if he was, he couldn't visit once? There are 4380 days in 12 years, if we're not taking leap days into account. Sasuke couldn't visit even once in all those days? It's so ridiculous. He doesn't even write to Sakura. Not once. It's utterly ridiculous.

#962993 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 13 March 2018 - 04:41 PM

Paragus is probably going too far. He was using his son to serve his own revenge against the Vegetas. And he then tried to abandon him on a doomed planet. There's really no evidence that he even cared for Broly. And Broly was the one who saved his life by creating a shield so that they could travel through space. He would've died otherwise. Hell, he would have died if King Veg didn't try to kill them. Broly would've just escaped on his own without him. So he didn't help Broly at all. I would say that he's worse than Sasuke.


King Piccolo I'm not sure about. It's probably a tossup. Since he basically forced Piccolo to serve his own agenda. The other ones are better.


Well, I did say debatedly. I think Paragus loved Broly at one point, before his desire to take revenge on King Vegeta consumed him. Paragus was a high ranking officer if I remember, so of course he'd have great loyalty to King Vegeta. To want to defy King Vegeta for the sake of his son? He knew he would get executed, but he still did it to keep Broly alive. Paragus even stayed with him when Broly punched his eye out. During the time surrounding the movie, he was a terrible father, but at the start, when Broly was a baby to in his early teens, he was decent.


As for Demon King Piccolo, didn't Piccolo himself choose to avenge his father? And besides, meeting Goku was the bet thing that happened to him. Even unintentionally, DK Piccolo is a better father. 




At least both of these guys KNEW their children. Ah, DBZ makes me go on tangents I love it so much...



Yeah, and we saw with Vegeta too that he had his fair share of mistakes with Trunks, and he'd grown a lot too since the battle with Buu, given he admitted he had never held Trunks as a baby, and yet he was showing how to hold a baby to his son when he held Bulla after Trunks was holding her.


At least Vegeta didn't just impregnate Bulma and abandon their kid and her for 12 years. He started to care about his family much sooner than Sasuke did, apparently. 12 whole years... It baffles me even to this day.

#962969 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 12 March 2018 - 10:36 PM

On bolded: uh not really on Goku. Fans picked on him for "abandoning" Gohan. DBFZ threw shade on both ends in their dialogue.

Actually, Goku was really a better Dad during the Cell Saga. Especially during the Kamehameha battle Gohan had with Cell. Training Gohan during the Hyperbolic Time Chamber year he was supportive. and he left Earth and stayed dead just to protect everyone, including Gohan from threats because he had a point. Every threat in DBZ before that time came ONLY because of Goku. Raditz, Mecha Frieza, the androids as well.

And since the fans opinions and DBFZ isnt canon, I could bring Bojack Unbound and Broly Second Coming in by saying he literally defied the rules of the afterlife itself to save Gohan, as well as Goten during the latter movie, which is no easy feat and he could only break during desperate times.

While Goku left Earth, thus leaving Goten and Gohan for 7 years, not only was it a plausible cause, but he was bound by the rules of the after life which, as I said before, he could only break during desperate times. Sasuke was roaming around the world. He contacted Naruto, yet not Sakura or Sarada for 12 years? He wasnt bound by anything from my knowledge. Sorry for the long essay, but Im a big fan of DBZ...

So, as I was saying, Goku is a better father than Sasuke.

#962940 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 12 March 2018 - 01:29 AM

What has he done for Sakura aside from giving her a child that she has to raise by herself?

Come to think of it, I can’t think of any major turning point for her character that was solely based on Sasuke and Sasuke alone. During the forest of death scene when she cut her hair, she was thinking of Sasuke, Naruto, and Lee. When she asks to train with Tsunade, she has both Naruto and Sasuke on her mind. During the Kazekage arc when she’s trapped, she think of the promise she made to Naruto to help get Sasuke back together, thus strengthening her resolve. The list goes on.

Naruto, on the other hand... *cough* Bridge scene *cough*

#962903 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 11 March 2018 - 05:55 PM

Kishimoto said a year ago Sakura was really a side character and was really nothing special but you don't waste 15 years of development and parallels to say it didn't matter. It makes the person's credibility suffer. It is just stupid for somebody to troll for 15 years and break all the development to all the characters. Why because he said so that's why.

I think when he said that, he lost a lot of credibilty. I couldn't tell what was a lie and what was truth because of the amount of inconsistencies in his comments.

#962877 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 11 March 2018 - 03:43 PM

Honestly, when Sasuke swatted away those apples, it was so unnecessary. I get that he was angry, but he had to get physical? Another completely unnecessary thing is when he put a genjutsu on her that depicted him killing her. It’s so extra for no reason I can comprehend. The only time when SasuSaku is tolerable is during the Chunin Exam.

#962799 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by winter-serenade on 08 March 2018 - 04:52 PM


Kishimoto : Naruto loves Sakura
Pro ending fans : I don't give a s**t , Naruto marries Hinata because i like Hinata.
Kishimoto : But Naruto and Sakura have lots of development ...
Pro ending fans : Shut up , Hinata is cute , beautiful , and have big boobs and shes not a kitten like Sakura shes calm and submissive and she love Naruto , i like her!!

Well, its kind of the other around from what Ive seen.

Kishimoto: Naruto loved Hinata from the beginning.
Fans: But Naruto was shown to love Sakura on multiple occasions?
Kishimoto: That was the same love that Naruto has for ramen. He didnt know what love was. It was a silly crush.
Fans: Naruto knew Zabuza loved Haku though?
Kishimoto: Naruto never loved Sakura though. Naruto always loved Hinata. I planned NaruHina from the beginning.
Fans: Naruto thought she was a world class freak, though, but ok.

#962771 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by winter-serenade on 07 March 2018 - 11:56 AM