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#761065 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Advaith on 18 February 2015 - 08:20 PM

If u merely say the word NaruSaku in youtube then people will storm out of nowhere for war.

#759866 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Advaith on 16 February 2015 - 06:09 PM

i followed this series, but i definitely stop being emotionally invested in this kitten fest that's been going on for years now.



I dropped this manga long ago once and returned only to see ns.When i returned any emotion/whatever i had with the story disappeared coz i knew what happened back then and what would happen so the only emotion left was ns.


Anyway after my hiatus i am better now,the only reason i'm angry is because if i had listened to myself then i could have avoided this in the first place.

#759649 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Advaith on 16 February 2015 - 07:25 AM

Because of a retarded author and retarded fans everything was destroyed.

#756677 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Advaith on 10 February 2015 - 12:15 PM

I think they were forced to promote NH because it was end-game, but I believe that if they had a choice it would be NaruSaku as the end pairing. I blame Kishimoto entirely for how it all turned out. So I do disagree with the rest here who are putting all the blame on the company as if they manipulated Kishi into choosing the pairings that he chose. It doesn't add up to how they were before-hand, which was preferring NS.

Kishi is the one responsible for all of this even when he sold out because it is his final word that decides things.Whether SP forced him or not does not come under them being responsible,it is kishi's doing as only he can say the final word forced or not.So for me the fault is first kishi's and second is SP.


And don't make me start on SP,at the least bit this movie had to take several months to create and when did the last hardcore ns filler come,a month or so before this ending,what did they think they were doing while finishing a nh project at hand and creating a touching ns filler at the same time nearing the end.They were clearly playing with us,not wanting to loose audience and make NS fans in japan buy tickets.


As for ur other post,what u wrote is entirely based on what that man said,u know he said other jack kitten contradicting everything he said in the past and even the present,his interviews after the ending was sensless kittenfest.Did u read what he said ? and u are basing an analysis of one of those comments he starting saying after the ending which again in the next interview contradicted himself with another. 


But i agree with one thing,the first and only blame is kishi only after him comes SP.I do not blame SP along with kishi in the first place becoz this is not their work,it is kishi's,no matter what he is the author,he allowed them sellout or not.

#742610 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by Advaith on 26 January 2015 - 05:32 PM

lol can't wait to watch the movie so I can finally discuss how sh*tty the last shoujo is.

Hey,shoujo has it's own decency,it will be an insult to shoujo to call this kitten a shoujo.

#741446 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 25 January 2015 - 11:41 PM

Yeah my sister said she saw a Sasusaku shipper on tumblr telling us all to kill ourselves. It was so bad they kittening DELETED it. I'd like to see SawyerMage and Forneverworld defend NS fans there the self-righteous hypocritical bastards.

We've been receiving tons of "shoot urself","kill urself","hang urself",death threats,harassment and many more from NH  and SS fans. i didn't see any self-righteous people defending or even addressing them and sawyer,what all did he do to us.He even made a video trashing us even after getting his BS ending.He depressed us further and now he says he felt hurt that people on tumblr generalize him as a white male despite the fact that he is hispanic (?) and has seen a lot of hardships himself ? ***********.

#741357 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 25 January 2015 - 10:30 PM

You got it!

They are pedo

#740921 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 25 January 2015 - 05:08 PM

What reason does Kurama have to hate Hinata? I don't think he really cares about pairings one way or the other.

I know we all hate NH, but you have to be reasonable as well lol. There's been nothing to support that he hates or dislikes either Hinata or Sakura.

Reasonable ???


We were reasonable,we were patient,we were true readers,we were loyal,we put our faith in them,we stood by logic and truth,we stood by morals,messages,characters,bonds,emotions,a mother's love,a father's love,sacrifices,we stood by selfless love,development,we invested years reading this,our emotions and money,we endured all the insults and harassments from others,we were good and what did we get ? what happened in the end ?

#738824 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 23 January 2015 - 05:09 PM




Both of these posts are great! And I agree completely.


AHK, you're right, Naruto was never allowed to express himself. Not once. He just had to take all this crap hand he was dealt in life, and keep on smiling. And I know he was a fiesty, brawling little kid, but that's not what I mean. Naruto took all of his orphan years, all of that rejection and hardship, and then his crappy relationship with Sasuke and then Obito, yet he never once got good and angry. Not even at Sakura. It's like he always had to be the hero. The only time he shows his frustration was in the ramen stand when someone asked his autograph. And then, getting mad at an anonymous guy, is about like yelling at othe driverrs from your car! It accomplishes nothing! It was the only way he could be angry, but not actually have to be responsible for directing it at anyone!! I would have liked to have seen him grapple with his own anger and disappointment and come out on top. I would have liked to see him emotionally develop farther than just the waterfall of truth (which was really only written to resolve that ramen stand scene).


And Narufan85, you're right, I would have liked to have seen Naruto get mad more too. Why doesn't he get mad at Sasuke for treating Sakura like crap? Why doesn't he call out Minato and Genma and the Third and all the othe people in the village who knew Minato was his father, who would have fought side by side with his mom and dad, and who would have died for them...then just left their only son to believe he's an orphan an treated like crap!?! I would have liked to have seen Naruto take to task those around him, instead of being painted as the great hero who can't get angry.

Zillion likes


See that actually pained me the most.Naruto had to suffer all this but he always was made to smile,he couldn't express his anger."Why didn't he call out Minato and Genma and the Third and all the othe people in the village who knew Minato was his father, who would have fought side by side with his mom and dad, and who would have died for them...then just left their only son to believe he's an orphan an treated like crap!?! I would have liked to have seen Naruto take to task those around him."


He just takes all this,people just don't work like that,even with fictional characters.These are humans u r talking about,after all that suffering and hardship as a orphan and all the events after that until now,u just can't not show that anger afterwards and put a smile,that is in no way human.He could never express himself,he was made as a guy with a smile who suffered and suffered and suffered and was only allowed to show the feelings of overated nakama,brother sasuke BS,his love interest,taking on others pain.


In the end after all this suffering,what did he get ? he was turned into the worst scumbag,lost everything,was made into hinata's slave,became the entire opposite of what he was in the manga except for the last two chapters,had his love he loved with his life taken away by his rival who did nothing but try to kill,torture and abuse her,became a complete and utter hated loser.


Only kishi can kitten up like this.

#738610 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 23 January 2015 - 08:08 AM

Naruto was supposed to grow up along the way and realize that Sasuke couldn't be saved.
Didn't Kishimoto himself say that he wanted to write a story about a friend who became an enemy when he wrote Naruto? How does such a story end? The enemy becomes a friend again? Freakin lame.

I don't know.


U should never bring reality into a manga,it will always end bad and ruined.U can use elements like logic and other things but don't play with reality.This is what happens when u play with reality.

#736890 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 20 January 2015 - 09:49 PM


Why is this kitten on the Shinachiku tag?

/gets gun & starts yelling in an old man voice/


What is with them ?


Why are they hell bent on following us everywhere.and coming to our space and posting their kitten ?


They want us to give up or accept NH and fall on their feet.


Why can't they mind their own kittening business and leave us alone,they got their disgusting excuse of a canon and it's BS movie.What kind of people are these ?

#734296 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 16 January 2015 - 10:37 PM

Everything feels so poor. Last chapter and this is what we get. And no point to show Naruto. It's forever peace. And this is why peace search story don't happen often. If so, you got to be real and say it's not happening. Sorry, but that's how it is.

That is why peace stories get ruined and are not preferred at all.

1-There is no answer to it

2-Only temporary measures can sustain for some time

3-Ur playing with reality

4-There is no way around this,peace is a real thing and if u make ur story about it then u have no choice but to end that it's not happening.All u can do is show some sentimental things which may or may not work for a peace for given period of short while.Even in that all won't accept those sentimental things which also has it's own limits.


Only thing u can show is a fake unrealistic peace in some sort of fantasy world which again can be only be intended for the children age group of audience .

#733571 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 16 January 2015 - 12:30 AM

Even before the ending i was planning to stop reading mangas and anime soon,not becoz of the reasons i saw coming but becoz it's boring.There is no originality anymore.Everything is the same repeated pattern,shonen has been kitten since a long,ever since dragonball most protagonists is dumb,likes to eat a lot,tooo good at heart.


That three things is repeated over and over again,it's like it made the base of manga world.Not only this but also other ideas were repeated,as i said it's a lack of new ideas and originality.


Anime has it's own versions of similar repeated patterns and suffers many other things as well.


And the most ruining thing called fanservice came up strongly in the past few years and now is currently standing with naruto.


I will say one thing SJ is almost over.Naruto went kitten long ago but it's namesake popularity along with their life line of OP kept them running.


With what naruto has done.it's only a matter of time.

#730386 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 12 January 2015 - 02:58 PM

U know what angers me most,


It is people actually supporting this kittenfest.All this kitten done to naruto and yet people support that,NH and SS fans,don't these people have a mind ?


What kind of BS fanboyism/fangirlism is this ?

#729735 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Advaith on 11 January 2015 - 04:51 PM

Happy Birthday Tricksie