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Member Since 10 Aug 2014
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#560681 What do you think of this ending?

Posted by Khaleesi on 10 August 2014 - 03:37 AM

If i were Kishimoto i'd do this: Following the line and everything that he said if Sasuke has some "love feelings" toward anyone it would be Sakura, but now she's not happy with it and she can't acept it. She will think that finally her childhood's dream has come true but she's not happy about it and then start thinking about Naruto. I think this is the best way to tell her, him and the world that she no longer feels romantic feelings toward him. At first it was superficial, but they were on the same team and create a bond. That's why she couldn't kill him back then. And now, when at first Naruto was for her just annoying, is everything for her. I mean NaruSaku is faaar more deep, intense and real, because they act like they are when are around each other. Naruto will always worry for his comrades, but you can't compare them with Sakura or Sasuke. I like NaruSaku because this is not just "ohhh, i see you and i want you to go on a date with me because you are pretty/handsome and then marry and live forever happy" it's yeah, Naruto had a crush on Sakura when they were kids. Yeah, Sakura didn't take him seriously. Now it's now just about his crush and her keeping him away. It's about adding a strong friendship and trusting each other. Naruto knew that Sakura's feelings won't be solved until she talks with Sasuke and he didn't want to force her anymore. Naruto not saying out loud that he loves Sakura means maturation. 

Theeen i when she talks with Sasuke realises that she's thinking about Naruto. And I actually won't  like if they become couple on 3 seconds, i'd like them to tell their feelings to each other and start dating. And it would be really nice if Sakura says: "Naruto,...i think you should talk with Hinata about it, she were always looking at you. I'd talk with Lee-san." Then, for Hinata and Naruto, something sentimental, and him thanking her for everything. On the other side, Lee and Sakura more humorous.