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#636940 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 05 November 2014 - 01:49 PM

So. basically for Naruto x Sakura:

- Logic

- 15 years of development

- Huge amoutn of hints

And its all going down to this? meh.

#632754 Naruto Databook IV [Manga Spoilers]

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 04 November 2014 - 10:28 PM

You don't. It's completely impossible by this point in the manga, lmao :zaru:

If it was/will be an a**pull then my quote is "Wait for it, wait for it, it will be legend...wait for it...dary LEGENDARY!"

#632607 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 04 November 2014 - 09:47 PM

Honestly, What reason does he have to poke her forehead? LOOL Even if he does I doubt it will be romantic.

Cause of Itachi poke Sakura, lets just forget that Sasuke stated that Naruto IS like Itachi in last chapterd, han, who cares? LoL

#632598 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 04 November 2014 - 09:45 PM

I cannot believe you guys still think Sasuke of all people will poke Sakura's forehead. Come on people! He may apologize but that's going to far.

And its in NS site, yeah, not surprised that NS fans a at the hype.

#631344 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 04 November 2014 - 01:58 PM

I think the manga is open ending 

Kishimomo himself stated in won't be.

#631177 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 04 November 2014 - 12:56 PM



#628204 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 03 November 2014 - 06:31 PM

I just can't laugh harder, how come that this thread keep on repeting itself on and on.

#628139 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 03 November 2014 - 05:58 PM

hinata's outfit seems like a combination of karin and sakura...i would have never thought they would make 20 year old hinata look this way and i dont like it..she should had remained more conservative...theres no need for hinata to make herself stand out through a revealing outfit when she has that angelic face and kind personality that does the job ..a girl standing out through her personality and natural beauty rather than with revealing clothes makes her look more sympathetic and pure


#628103 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 03 November 2014 - 05:28 PM

Aren't you doing the same with this talk ?  You people are all using DB if NS doesn't end up which is ridiculous and you are only provoking anti talk  in here. 


You say if Naruto doesn't confess then he's a pussy  that's hate talk right here  and its no different then the talk  you guys are doing about Sakura .  Let me make this simple if NS doesn't happen then its both their fault but mostly Kishimoto for being a sh*tty writer its simple as that .


Also I hate how you people are trying to justify the characters if who ends up with who it ridiculous  and here is why .


1. Sakura ending up with Sasuke or still having feelings is bad  it goes against the character the both of them but mostly Sakura  after all the kitten  there is no excuse for it bad writing of the worst kind.


2.NH exactly the same as SS  destroys both of characters mostly Naruto do I even need to mention at this point why ?

 NS is the only think that makes sens  and goes with what is written as well that it doesn't make the characters suffer in development .


Now I'll politely  ask you all to stop with this anti talk bc its utter kitten and does no good to anybody  it mind boggles me why did this even started in the first place  :facepalm: .


#627883 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 03 November 2014 - 02:56 PM

Knowing the situation, just wait for another someone, who will come with tumblr/tweeter post about NH information, and its another 10+ pages to proof that is false and another 30+ to say why movie is not about NH, :ermm:  

#627832 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 03 November 2014 - 01:15 PM

Another circle of "what if..." here. Let's just go with logic and facts:


NaruSaku in manga:

- Huge amount of development (from chapter 3 in part 1 to Naruto's answer to Minato about Sakura's status to him)

- Naruto's statement to Sai about his feelings for Sakura  and POAL to deal with.

- Sakura's change of heart through part 2, noticeable to many other characters (Yamato, Kakashi)

- Massive parallels with Minato x Kushina and Naruto x Sakura


NaruHina in manga:

- None of moments as development from both sides (only Hinata's)

- They barely talked to each other in whole manga.

- None of parallels to anyone


NaruSaku in RtN:

- Naruto and Sakura - main characters to plot.

- Plenty of parallels to another MinaKushi

- Kishi involved


NaruHina in RtN:

- Is there been any scene where Naruto and Hinata where 1x1?  :lulz:


Some facts that Kishimoto said by himself:

- He wanted to make Sakura more of a heroine.

- He wanted to draw Naruto as father

- He wanted to end manga with conclusive ending


Problems/Questions to NS becoming canon:

- Sakura's final change of heart from Sasuke to Naruto.

- When exactly and how will it happen?


Problems to NH becoming canon:

- 90% of this post


Problems of "The Last" movie:

- Reason for 2 years timeskip?

- Some fillerish flashback about child Naruto x Hinata

- SP try hard force for a Hinata as heroine (not really a problem, its just triggering some people with "NH is canon!!!" thing)

- Almost none information about what happend to almost all characters during this 2 years (especially Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke)

- Position of this movie in whole timeline of story. (?)


If NS become canon to a main story:

Fair enough to a character that are involved to it.

Not contradict to a logical ending/main story telling.

Pretty big development in almost 700


If NH become canon to a main story:

Not fair to one of involved charactert in this pair.

Break main logic of a Hero's character.

Makes a lot of story moments - illogical.

Contradict the general logic of whole story.

None of development in canon story.


Open questions:

- Will Kishimoto end manga with conclusive end?

- Will Kishimoto end this whole pairing subplot?


So if you can read this and still tell me about 50/50 to NH becoming canon, and don't tell my WHY exactly, then you are just some horrible horrible person  :argh:  or just troll  :pimp:

#627036 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 02 November 2014 - 11:21 PM

Just gonna copy and paste this here: Yes, which was interpreted the wrong way by many Naruto fans. Lots of fans believed she meant find someone who shares the same temper as her, which points at Sakura (Since really that is the only thing they have in common. Seriously that's it. Don't believe me, read the manga again. And Naruto is exactly like his mother personality wise, as stated by Kakashi, Tsunade, etc. in the manga. So to Narusaku fans it would literally be KushinaxKushina, in terms of going by their logic.) What Kushina really must have meant, must have been: Find someone like me who loves you, as I do. Her motherly advice was something that any mother in her place would have said. It was just motherly advice, that's all it was. She wasn't telling him go after Sakura or Hinata. She doesn't even know who they are. So finding someone like his mother is irrelevant to both NaruHina and Narusaku. Still looking back at Kushina's and Minato's past has a very eerie resemblance to how Naruto treated Hinata when they were children. Like Minato, Hinata stalked Naruto, watched him from afar when they were kids, and secretly cheered him on. Just like Minato, Hinata didn't regard her life, when she jumped in to save Naruto against Pain. Minato saved Kushina when she really needed saving as well. Both of them are quiet, and keep to themselves, Kushina and Naruto are loud and obnoxious. The parallels don't stop there: Kushina was changed by Minato and began liking her red hair, Naruto changed Hinata, and she  began liking herself more, and gained more confidence through his bright cheery personality and guidance. Why would Kishimoto, go through the trouble of matching these two couples and share some similarities between them if he never intended NaruHina from the start? Using a parallel to support one pairing against the other, isn't a good idea, because it really doesn't matter to what Naruto wants for himself. Eat your vegetables, and respect your teachers, Naruto does the complete opposite to what his parents wished him to do. Going by Narusaku logic: He would actually obey his mother go with the girl who shares one thing in common with her. Naruto has been in love with Sakura all of his life. He can't change his romantic feelings. (Erm, the manga says otherwise) (Sakura doesn't even support Narusaku)  That is completely ludicrous, in the end Naruto will choose whom he will be happy with, and it doesn't matter what his parents wished for in him. They will be happy with his choice no matter which girl he chooses. The Last Naruto movie points towards Hinata, the girl the author intended Naruto to be with throughout the manga, because he focused so much attention on this beautiful pairing, and has backed up a lot of development supporting them all this time. (Manga wise, not Anime which is filled to the brim with pointless fillers including the RTN movie) It's no surprise to me that Naruto will choose Hinata and finally see that she's been there for him all this time. His heart will finally understand what it means to finally find something that he wants to protect and always keep safe. Hinata will do her part and continue to support him and cheer him on. Her personality will balance his out, just like Minato was to Kushina. They will finally be together after everything they have suffered and fought for, then start to find their own happiness within each other. 
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I'm actually debating with NH fans. Lmao I'm done now. There's like a hoard of them. The paragraph above was one of the posts I've replied to. Isn't it comical. MINATO=HINATA. :hehehe

Someone really going to be hit by the pain train, when its all done.

#624876 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 01 November 2014 - 05:26 PM

Guys, been watching this thread from beggining, the are two main problems about you worries:

NH fans that a just trying their best of luck, just to get trolled.

You guys, forgetting such things as:

- Manga plot - the is plenty of NS content (cause... you know, Kishi was aiming for that).

- Logic - c'mon everybody, just for what purpose would Kishimoto change something such important at the end as Naruto's pairing ? There is no point in that. Money, you say, ok for 15 years shonen manga top 1 in the world and top 2 in Japan, with a HUGE load of all merchandise, one film is a point in breaking main character? You bet.

I didn't worried when watched trailer, but than, read comments, and it was like "NH is canon!" and all that sh~

Just try to dig some information, and all I get - just fans going crazy. Come on, people  :mellow: