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#982908 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 54

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 21 January 2021 - 01:53 AM

And for those of you interested a possibly interesting story. In Dragon ball Super the new villains (some chrono trigger looking fellow) is from a race Bardock wiped out, out for revenge. Apparently the universe don't know Freeza is back and believe the meteor lie.


Also Beerus reveals that ultra instinct is an angel's power up technique it is not a god of destruction's one and he taunts Vegeta to steal it from him.

Never really seen DB, but I remember playing game of it on PS2, fun fighting it was. I wonder why people hate it's GT continuation.


Also press X to doubt that Nardo will push the daisies. Thanks for summary as always!

#982725 Black Clover

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 07 January 2021 - 12:04 AM

Of course! Are you enjoying it?

Actually I am, I remember reading it back when only raw of ch.1 was out, since beggining people started calling it rip off of Naruto, because of how similar ch.1 was to Naruto's.

Either way I was happy with a similar start because if anything it was a new chance for a right message to be voiced. I've read it in ongoing with up till the end of elf arc, than started letting it gather like 10 chapter than read them in one go.

I like mc, I like Yami, Noel isn't half bad. Fire lady is my favorit female character in this. I also prefer dynamics betwen Asta and Yuno to Deku and Bakugo, if compare those 2 "new" main tittles of Jump. Asta and Yuno actually felt like friends and Yuno is once in blue moon "cool" achtype that isn't ass to anybody, while Deku and Bakugo 95% of time is bully and it's victim kind of "friendship", this new arc on Black Clever is ptetty good it's even somewhat slower with it's pace than the usual crazy pace that author writes in.

This isn't even first work of author that I follow, if I remember correctly, his previous work was "hungry joker" that ended abruptly, but it had good concepts and plots in my opinion.

#982658 The Random Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 02 January 2021 - 02:43 PM

Hello there  :wave:

Happy New Year to all of people in here!

#982202 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 08 December 2020 - 01:03 AM

 Despite how toxic SasuSaku is, it's not THAT boring thanks to Sakura.mostly.

What is NOT boring in SS? If what it was basicly fangirl Sakura jumping around Sasuke with a ._. face. But then in a 699 he poked her forehead and they had a child...

#982149 Is Sakura special?

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 06 December 2020 - 01:26 AM

Just a reminder that you don't have to kitten on somebody to bring someone else up. Lee did outstandingly for a boy who lacked most needed part to become shinobi. On other hand I totally agree on topic. Sadly Sakura and most females in Naruto sufferend from becoming housewifes, even the very special totally special hime-sama Hinata.

Poor writing is to blame.

#981991 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 28 November 2020 - 12:44 PM

NS would be amazing but Naruto had shallow feelings for Sakura so its moot.

Eh, if a 12 y.o. is already mautre enough to put feeling of other person before his own, I can't say that they are shallow.

On other hand hipocrasy of Kishimoto is ridiculous, saying that Naruto was only trying to get Sakura because of Sasuke, when the only reason Sakura went for Sasuke was because Ino had fallen for him first, so he was "cool guy" of their class.  :hoppingmad:

#981979 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 28 November 2020 - 02:59 AM

Though I already know, that unlike Jiraiya, Naruto would have succeeded in getting her a lot sooner.

Well, Jiraiya did succed, he just didn't live long enought to make it happend :/

Even Junko says at some point in the interviews for the last that she imagined Naruto would be going to travel around the world, like Jiraiya.
Which is a mini shade at the whole Hinata thing.
Because indeed, if it were be for Sakura to remain with Sasuke (althought that is contrieved as hell), it would've been in character for him to just travel the world since ya know, there's a lot out there.
OR Sakura Hokage and him and Sasuke travel the world to truly change the system.
They have Sakura in Konoha as Hokage, Naruto does the light work as her representative, while Sasuke deals with the darkest aspects of this.
And then bam, the perfect balance, all Team 7 works for a better world.
While Hinata and Neji work for a better clan.
And then bam, no shipping involved, all happy endings imo.

That is actually a pretty in-depth understanding of how character she played for years, was written in his core, he was in no way a great ruler or strategist, more of a Jiraiya type, vagabond who gets answer by alot of errors. I do think him becoming Hokaga was a culmination point to a story, like just declaring disbandment of Konoha and ninja system as militray structure, forming armies of adults, not kids to be raised to eventually die. Shortly after he'd leave his position of Hokage as not necessary and travel around world, that is actually something I can see.
On other part is I can't see any valid reason for Sasuke escaping story unharmed in any major way, it baffles me how a person who is a murdered not only by circumstances, but by choice too, a terrorist on top of that ended up in same way as literal "savior" who single handedly turned tides of war. What Sasuke lost? His arm? What he gained? Most powerful HAX eyes, wife and family? What is it different from Naruto? Number of kids? Thats no way to reward a person who strived for revenge despite having several chances to step away from hatred.

#981928 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 25 November 2020 - 08:54 AM

I'd say don't hold your horses guys.


I don't think he ever wants to get his hands dirty with pairing drama so I think he'll avoid it at all costs.


At most, what he'll do he'll target SasuNaru fanbase, like he did with the Boruto movie.


But NaruSaku? I don't think he'll ever return to make it happen...


Especially since the old fanbase has moved on to better things.

I mean, first ever post I had on this forum was about how we had bulletproof logic behind NS as in plot/characters/message in it. But here we are where manga did a 180 turn, and now has trash tier sequel.

So never say never, but yeah, I agree, whats done is done, fixing this franchise is a pretty big thing if you consider it, only possible way I think is ending Burito manga and treating it as GT in Dragon Ball, while changing/correcting original in some what be it retconing ch.700 or final or just changing it alltogether.

So, bottom line is miracles do happen (look at NH becoming a real thing) but not always how you want them, so becareful what you wish for.

And I'm for sure not a person to belive in any possitive way of Kishimoto's writting.

Also remember that person that suggested love triangle or even Sakura in story is long time gone, same with people in SP who were creating those blessed moments of NS.

#981718 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 17 November 2020 - 05:18 AM

I think, at least in my case, Karin knew what she was getting into and was 100% okay with it. She wouldn't let Sasuke ignore her. Sakura was quick to get depressed and sulk off. Sakura knew what she was getting into but hoped it would be better. Even now she hopes it'll get better and she's not satisfied with her 'marriage'. She just puts up with it because she's, as Kishimoto put it, addicted to Sasuke like a drug. But Karin made herself a part of his life and happened to be in a good position to do so.
I'm not going to say it's a healthy relationship by any means. I can't defend that. But I can say, with the same reasons as my last post, it would be way more happy than SS. Sasuke couldn't ditch her and his kid for 12 years if he were with Karin. They'd likely travel with him and even if he didn't want them to, Karin would probably have none of that.

Kind of like how we believe Sakura would not have put up with current Naruto's behavior of never being home and refusing to be a part of the family.
That's something I've noticed. In SS/NH, Sakura and Hinata just let their 'husbands' walk all over them brutally and without complaint. NS/SK, neither Sakura or Karin would have put up with that. I feel like Karin coming back to Sasuke despite what he did is an example of that.
Those are just my thoughts. I don't think SK is worse than SS. It's the other way around because Karin never started getting sad or depressed over Sasuke's rejection of her advances, like Sakura.

There is more to SK than meets the eye on first glance. Outside of obvious much closer relationship between them than Sasuke and Sakura. Karin was a clever story set up for ending of conflict between 2 bloodlines. She was Uzumaki and her eventually ending up with Sasuke would've lead to ending of cycle of hatred between clans of Senju/Uchiha.


Granted you can make any characters hook up as long as it's your story, which Kishimoto did with MC, that literally never saw Hinata as romantic partner untill his character was retconed into dumb imbecil who can't undestand love.


Same with Naruto and Sakura it's not about them just looking good together, it's about narrative way of plot. There was generations that didn't succed before Naruto, obvious parallels to Yahiki/Konan/Nagato, Jiraiya and Tsunade, Minato and Kushina, Obito and Rin, all of them haven't seen happy ending. Remember how Naruto wanted family and didn't want to be alone? All that to just grow up and never be at home because of work... yeah thats a quality of writting right there.

#981073 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 11 October 2020 - 04:18 AM

Hot damn I've missed those pages, and Chatte herself even visited this place!  :argh:

#976718 Final Fantasy VII remake

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 03 January 2020 - 10:20 PM

Cloti Vs Clerith Ship wars redux inc

A girl that is friend and feels romantic about Cloud vs girl who sees her previous boyfriend in a ptsd guy and clings onto him because of that.


#976567 Merry Christmas.

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 25 December 2019 - 05:32 AM

Merry Christmas yall!

#976471 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 21 December 2019 - 03:29 AM

So, apparently this arc finally ended. Apparently, Sasuke erased everyone memory...of course. Likely their is some BS about how they still remember this stuff in their hearts.

Ah, classic ticket to freedom "brainwashing"

If you want to spin it like that fine, but its more likely that it was; while Sasuke suppressed/erased the memories of the event, but he could not erase what they felt because of the event. So, Sakura feels that she should not give up on her love for Sasuke no matter what (for some reason), and Naruto feels a closeness towards Hinata (also) for some reason.

Both of which never was true in original idea, one only acted "in love" while in presence of another, second never even gave a damn about weirdo, lol

#976392 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 18 December 2019 - 04:15 AM

It takes place right after Sasuke leaves LITERALLY right after. She should not have mystic palm, she's supposed to be practicing on fish still. The whole thing is utter kitten to the highest order and a mess.


#976317 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 14 December 2019 - 01:57 AM


Yeah i know it will going that F-ing way ... why do this S-hole keep popping up in my youtube recommendation anyway ? F My life.

Ah... good times, I remember a times when Naruto was a story I was looking up/forward too, when there were actuall plotlines, when a world was a bit better place.

And few yeard down the line we got this abomination... what a nice description of how things are nowadays, lolol.